Guru Purnima: The Fullest Full Moon of the Year On July 11th, the Moon moves to the 15th tithi at 10:03 am CDT, which is the final phase of the waxing cycle. It is ripe and full of the Sun's light and ready to shine brightly in the night sky. This marks the beginning of the Guru Purnima festivities and provides us with an especially full and powerful Moon. Considered the "fullest full Moon of the year", Guru Purnima is a particularly auspicious time in the Vedic calendar when we honor our gurus, teachers and guides for all the wisdom and illumination they have brought to our paths. The fullness can be felt in heart, in spirit, in our emotions and minds, as our cup is the fullest of the year right now and expressed through the power of the Moon! I wish each of you a powerful and sacred Guru Purnima. May your paths continue to be illuminated by fulfillment, great wisdom, and by satya, truth. This auspicious full Moon is in Sagittarius and PurvaAshada nakshatra at 06:24 am CDT. It's a full Moon poised for change and charged with movement, flow and momentum. With Apas ruling this powerful Guru Purnima Moon, so much energy and excitement is palpable and at our disposal. Be sure to use this Moon intentionally and sacredly. What lights you up, sparks you, and inspires the passion of your spirit? What fills your vessel and illuminates your soul? This is the time to dive deep within and harvest your precious pearls; your knowing. It is a time of giving thanks and gratitude for the wisdom in your life that has smoothed you over like water does to stone; like our gurus do for our paths. Apas is purifying us and guiding us with this full Moon. She is both harsh and severe, while also being gentle and soothing. She clears, cleans and purifies and does so through the heart and emotions. Let tears flow. Whether in joy or sadness or both. Let them wash your heart lotus and clean each petal. Create moments for being present to what is, to the silence and stillness that fills our sacred spaces within and all around us. Use this as your theme for the coming waning cycle: let the water smooth your rough edges, like water does to stone. I encourage you to do a mandala creative ritual for harvesting your mind, emotions and physical experiences. Here is my Creative Ritual suggestion for Guru Purnima. And just as the full Moon expands, it begins to wane again, losing its light, drop by drop. As Moon begins to wane, Rahu and Ketu are poised for their shift into Virgo and Pisces for the next 18 months. Read all the details here. Just after Rahu and Ketu shift, Mars moves to Libra and Venus moves into Gemini. This is an unusually intense series of back to back planetary shifts. I give you more details about these intense times in my Moon Mind calendar. Need some extra guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a session with me. *Full Moon Chart Horoscopes:
*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Changes start. And they come from the heart. The channel of illumination begins to open and offers awareness when you take sacred alone time- a theme for the coming 18 months. Self care and healing also become top priorities. Relationships, enemies and bad habits continue to be a primary focus for your energies right now. It will take courage to change some of the old patterns and coping mechanisms you've been clinging to, but this next Rahu Ketu cycle is ready to kick you into high gear. Ready, set, go. Taurus: Suddenly you are making some sense out of your relationship patterns. Who you relate to and why. Looking behind the mirror in other words. You'll be using these insights plenty in the coming 18 months as you restructure your relationships- or as they restructure you. Right now, watch for bad habits and enemies that make their way into your body and environment. Watch what and who you ingest, as well as how you ingest them. Clean up toxicity. Be courageous with your heart and seek answers. Gemini: Get creative! This is a potent moment in time for you. The portals are open- wide open- and ushering in a new state of being for you. Career, home, and new opportunities are coming forth. But you must be willing to change everything- dramatically and drastically. Fears are coming to you around comforts, and your old behavior patterns are keeping you stuck. Notice where you are clinging. How desperate are you to live this one, precious life? Let go of everything you've been relying on and take a leap in a new direction. Cancer: Your heart will be lurching forward in the next two months. Are you opening? Or closing? Inviting in? Or Pushing away? As you fiddle with the gear shift a bit and find a new neutral flow, it's the dance between your mind and emotions that begins to help you find your farfigneugen. There's some new comfort in how you trust your self and your learning process. It feels good, so be courageous, creative, and persevere. Work with "yes and no" dynamics authentically in your relationships. This is a great time to consciously navigate healthy boundaries. Leo: It might feel like no traction is being made in the coming weeks. You don't know how to act, where or when to take action, or what it should look like. Courage is a bit uneven, kinda sloppy. Work with this friction between stop and start very consciously. Take it into your creative work and use this theme intentionally. There's ample creativity in your current frustrations, so use it for power and awareness not laziness. This is not a time to force outcomes though. It is a time to learn more artful and tactful ways of surrender; to sync with a new type of flow and find a new rhythm. Silence the old default patterns. Seek new answers, rhythms and foot steps and you will reap a whole new kind of result. Let your dancer out of the closet. Virgo: You are realizing what it feels like to put all your efforts, attention and focus on your self and that when you do, you gain much focus, clarity and creativity as a result. Let this be a theme for the coming 18 months. Though relationships may crumble into pieces, let go and cling only to the flow of surrender. For now, it's ok to focus on your career and finances; this will keep you on track for a while towards your goals and out of any emotional landmines. Just realize that there will be ample clean up to attend to in the coming months with heart and emotions. There's no avoiding it. Libra: Life may be feeling excruciating right now as Saturn retrogrades deeply back into your first house (your head). It's as though you are climbing deeper and deeper into the belly of the beast. (That's you. You're the beast.) As this intensity builds and climaxes near the 20th, look for parts of your self that are gripping, holding tightly, and refusing to budge. Things will begin to ease as Saturn goes direct and the wheels move in forward motion, but until then, consider this to be a very sacred time of vital deconstruction. Right now, listen more and speak less. This will be a theme for the coming 18 months of increased solitude. Scorpio: Saturn is working his magic on you right now. You're in the belly of the beast so to speak as he pushes you further and further into your 12th house of isolation. Further and further backwards, more and more inward you go, as you retrace old steps and familiar inner realms. But there are some remarkable shifts happening as you step back into the darkness of your cave. A new sense of courage and thriving surfaces in the coming months because of all your hard work. It's you that has changed, so track your progress and reap the rewards. There's more where that came from. Sagittarius: Your career is getting a lot of your focus right now and will be a source of both growth and confusion in the coming 18 months. Navigate these murky waters with ingenuity and an entrepreneurial spirit. Gain new knowledge and skills and you will get more benefits. If you keep going about things with the same old patterns, you will flail. Wherever you are resisting change, you will experience issues, so look for the rubs and the sores for guidance. Pay attention to heart and home. Listen to teachers and get advice. You are changing and so are your relationships. Get clear on who and what you want in your life. Let go of what isn't working. Capricorn: Relationships continue to offer some real learning curves. Some of it is soft, some is hard. Some feels supportive, some of it feels harsh and painful. There are relationship tangles and snarls happening right now- especially at work. It's a time to both radically listen to your needs and navigate how to show up authentically within your relationships simultaneously. Your gut will give some good advice so listen up. In the next 18 months you'll be changing what you offer, how you offer it, who you offer it to and why. Surround your self with all that you want to become and learn through osmosis. Aquarius: Teachers seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Everywhere you turn another lesson from yet another relationship. And if you're really paying attention, then you are learning a lot about your self in the process. Get ready to take depth to a whole new level. The next 18 months offer ample excavation of your depths, while helping you cut old, unnecessary patterns and behaviors. Hint: What you thought felt comfortable in the past will become no longer comfortable nor helpful. Maybe it's time to take another look at your discomfort and find a new sense of comfort with it? Pisces: Just when you thought you couldn't climb deeper into your old, dark hole, you find another level of it. You are also in the "belly of the beast" right now. Moksha is working its magic on you. But before the sparkle and shine occurs, you've still got to clear out more debris, rubble and residue. Just a few more steps to go! For now, find meaning, comfort and support in people, environments and experiences that feel trustworthy and solid. Find a life boat and climb on board- even if you have to build it your self. Need some extra guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a session with me. Get your horoscopes, transits and emotional resources all in one place. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
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