Yesterday I was in session with a dear client. We were working with her limiting beliefs, her story of scarcity. A story that is deeply rooted in her grief, sadness and loss. As we were tapping together (doing EFT) to clear this painful story, I came to a very poignant realization. The journey of grief is in fact the Bhakti path- if used as a resource for awakening and opening. Grief is inherently connected to your pain and suffering. It connects you deeply to your losses, to release and letting go. Moksha (liberation) is in fact a process of release, letting go and endings. (You can see what your relationship is with Moksha and loss, simply by looking at the 12th house in your jyotish chart. It's also the house of death and the ancestors because of its connection to transformation.) Release and letting go are natural parts of life. Nature's intelligence shares this process of release and transformation with us consistently. Particularly through the ever-changing seasons. Yet loss is one of the most challenging things you will ever face in your lifetime. Small losses or big, life changing losses, the process of letting go is not easy. Grief is a natural response to the pain of letting go, of releasing some attachment. When you choose to use your grief process for self awakening, for liberation, the journey becomes very different. Grief can become a spiritual resource- one that awakens you from deep slumber. The pain you experience during your loss will show you the places within where you have not been fully conscious. The gift of your pain is the awakening to your unconscious patterns, behaviors and choices. It is the ultimate wake up call. Most people will never use their grief as a spiritual resource. As a tool of self awakening. A way to awaken from their deepest slumbers. Using the grief journey as a path of self realization is a poignant practice. One that I am very passionate about. I've experienced (and continue to experience) the power of leaning in closer to my grief- my inner pain, darkness, shadow and suffering. Please join me for a heart-centered class to help you deepen your inner wisdom and relationship with Spirit. This process of leaning in closer- to your self and your pain- is actually a practice of devotion. Devotion to the self. Your consistent presence, the act of showing up for yourself in your pain, takes bravery, courage and willingness. Something profound begins to shift within your being with this simple, consistent act of arriving. Arriving back to the self- over and over again. This is the practice of Bhakti, heart centered devotion. Devotion of the self. Heart-centered devotion requires that you show up in these ways: - Be consistent. This is a practice which requires you return again and again. Arrive with presence. Your attention to the self is your mantra. - Non judgment. As you notice what is arriving, just honor what is. You are simply bringing your attention to the movement within your emotional body landscape, without labels or trying to change it. - Devotion. Your ability to arrive again and again with presence for your emotional body landscape, is an act of devotion. Remember that your emotional body is a powerful resource. This is also the place of your Divine Feminine wisdom. How to Deepen Your Devotion As you practice showing up for your emotional body, honor it. Be a witness, then lean in closer. What is your emotional body telling you? What is the underlying need? The gift of your emotional body is that it will always share with you a need that is either being met, or not being met. Listen closely. When you can arrive for yourself again and again with non-judgment, with openness and honoring, you can also awaken more loving kindness for yourself. It is likely you have never been mirrored this container of loving kindness during big waves of emotion. Think back to your childhood. How did your parents "manage" your temper tantrums? Your powerful emotional outbursts? This is likely the same way you are still "managing" your emotions as an adult. Through avoidance, resistance, fear, challenge or resentment. The first step to re-patterning this old conditioning is committing to arriving. Showing up is 50% of the process. Don't just commit to showing up though. How to Master the Process of Self Devotion: Can you show up for yourself without judging your emotions? Can you separate the emotional body messages from the mental body stories? Can you harvest the need underneath the emotional body message? Can you show up for yourself with more loving kindness, honoring yourself with non judgment- no matter what is arriving? Can you honor yourself for arriving, trusting that this simple act of showing up is in fact a path of devotion, a process of deepening self love? Self love requires that you show up for yourself- your whole self. The act of self love is devotional by nature. It is a process of accepting, surrendering, honoring and bringing compassion to your whole being. This is the practice of Bhakti. Heart-centered devotion requires that you honor and allow all parts of yourself. That all parts of your being make up your wholeness. This includes your pain, sorrow, darkness and illusion. Your grief. Your ability to honor your grief- as a way to open your heart and awaken your inner wisdom- is the most profound act of devotion you can give yourself. Please join me this weekend for a Bhakti centered practice. I'll be sharing potent resources to support your spiritual and emotional body awakening. This is the last chance to register! Doors are closing!
Margarita Roy
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9/11/2016 01:27:26 pm
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