Moon is Full on Thursday and begins its waning cycle for the remainder of the week. Moon passes through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and into Capricorn this week. Mercury is retrograde as well as Saturn. Be mindful of your inner and outer communication. Put new systems in place for better overall communication- with others, with your life, with your self.
Monday, June 9th Moon transits Swati nakshatra in Libra today, sandwiched between a sandhi Rahu and a retrograde, weak, Saturn. Vayu enlivens movement today. Change, movement and strong currents are invited in as a result. With the storm energy (Rudra) in Libra, the Moon may trigger strong weather, and sudden rain storms (Venus/Ketu aspect). Carry an umbrella. These storms may be internal, so expect these sudden storm clouds to arrive with thunder and lightening. They will likely pass as quickly as they arrive. Note how and when the clouds emerge as the mental body will likely stir the inner pot. With Mercury retrograde right now, it look for connections to an issue or event from the past that triggers the feelings within you. The mental and emotional bodies may brood today. Get embodied. Find movement as a resource and attend to Vayu, the wind god, and your inner winds with breath work, pranayama, yoga and body work. Use my Saturn and Pelvis MP3 workshop recording for nurturing the themes of self support and self reliance today. Tuesday, June 10th Moon continues to pass through Libra, nearing Saturn today, and moves into Vishaka nakshatra at 06:47 am CDT. Indragni and Jupiter rule the day. As Moon nears exact conjunction with Saturn (at 13:29 CDT) expect emotional intensity, a swelling of heart matters and a need for digesting and assimilating- especially in regard to relationship matters. Yesterday's stormy weather prediction resurfaces today. Bring an umbrella and tend to your emotional storms. Today, seek comfort and nourishment, support and assistance, rather than isolation and loneliness. Find ways to get your needs met with self care, self expression, and extra comforts. Use creative resources to get you out of your emotional ruts. Remember that digging up the soil is necessary before you can plant the seeds. Use my Saturn and Pelvis MP3 workshop recording for nurturing the themes of self support and self reliance today. Wednesday, June 11th Moon moves into Scorpio just after midnight at 00:12 am CDT and moves into Anuradha nakshatra at 05:55 am CDT. As Moon moves into its sign of debilitation, the brooding from the previous days takes a heightened turn towards the inner realms. This is a necessary phase in the emotional transformation process, but diligence is required so we don't get stuck in the mire for too long. Use your turmoil for cultivating more awareness and introspection and don't get lost in details- that's where the overwhelm resides. Intuition will be heightened right now, so pay attention to your first responses and instincts. Listen carefully. The intense energy of the previous days begins to break up today, a good sign that movement is occurring. Use this as momentum for personal change. Connect with a special friend for extra support and nourishment. Thursday, June 12th Moon transits Scorpio, its sign of debilitation, and moves into its final tithi (Moon phase) of its waxing cycle in the wee hours of the morning. As Moon moves into Jyeshtha nakshatra at 04:23, Indra and Mercury are enlivened for our day and our full Moon. With Mercury retrograde, the theme of re-tracing past steps and experiences is activated, so expect a sense of Deja Vu today. There are awakenings tangible so keep your eyes open and your mind open to possibility as well. Indra brings with him a certain power and need for control. Extreme sensitivity is likely today and the senses may be overwhelmed easily as a result. Take precautions and find ways to self soothe and self care so that you don't get overwhelmed. Full Moon is today at 23:10 CDT. This full Moon brings with it a power and intensity that can provoke inner change. Capitalize on this and bring intention to what you are ushering in. What strength and power are you inviting in during the next cycle? As the Moon slowly empties, how can your bring this sense of bravery, courage and strength with you? How can this super sensitivity be a powerful tool for you in the coming weeks? Have you made your full Moon mandala yet? Here are some ideas. More on the full Moon and the upcoming waning Moon cycle in my Transit Report. Friday, June 13th Moon moves to Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra today at 02:22 am CDT as the Moon enters the first tithi (Moon phase) of the waning cycle. Uproot and unravel today. Dig up the dirt and churn your internal waters. Today is a day of disruption and attuning to the Laws of Nature. Expect some chaos and calamity as part of the parcel. Prepare for sudden changes and toxic people as well as explosive situations. Some duress is possible. The savior today is creativity and creation. Get into your process and let it consume you. The mental body will be pulling you out of center and pushing you into old storm clouds. The easiest way to step out of the landmines will be to get embodied. Get out of the mind and into the body. Late in the evening turn your heart and sorrows towards devotion. Remember your gratitude. Saturday, June 14th Moon moves to Purvashada nakshatra moments after the stroke of midnight. Apas, the water goddess and Venus are enlivened today. Cut, clear, restructure, reorganize, renegotiate your relationship contracts. They have all been in flux lately. Today, let some nourishment and depth cleanse, purify and nourish your felt senses. We are all cutting out those pieces and people that don't serve as supportive and reliable. Today may offer another level of awareness with this process. Right now, we get to practice really healthy and necessary boundaries, so if there are agitations, remind your self of what needs to shift. What is in your control? What can you say no to? What additional self care tools can you offer your self- even in the toughest moments? Make sure you create time for ritual, for sweating and moving the body and for tears today. Moon moves to Uttarashada nakshatra at 21:30 CDT. Expect some new perspective on your day and a "do good" mentality to take over. Sunday, June 15th Sun moves to Gemini just after midnight and joins a retrograde Mercury and sandhi (in the gap) Jupiter here. These three planets receive gaze (drishti) from Rahu. Wisdom and mental acuity sharpen in this coming Sun cycle. Get your ducks in a row and make high level plans. Avoid self doubt and self sabotage. Instead, step into your power and rise to the tasks at hand. Use the next four weeks of Sun in Gemini to tackle mental, creative and monetary goals with power and pizazz. No slacking, but don't overwhelm yourself with too many irons in the fire. Best practice is being very calculated and concrete about your to-do list. Check things off one by one. Moon transits Uttarashada nakshatra today and moves into Capricorn at 02:51 am CDT. Vishvadeva and Sun rule today. The Vishvadevas or "all gods" are essentially the Laws of Nature, or universal principles. They remind us of ethics, respect and other people's needs, as well as the crucial parts of life like joy, time, leadership and our connection to lineage and the ancestors. Stick to dharma today and be ethical in your actions. Attract what you want in life by being. Take the necessary action steps to call in what you want. Follow your dreams. Follow your visions. Plan your week in tune with Nature. Never miss my Moon Mind Calendar. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. And if you like this post, please share it!
Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and transits Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and into Sagittarius this week.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Libra (and the planets in and connected to Libra) continues to demand our attention. Rahu, Retrograde Mars and Retrograde Saturn are all there, receiving drishti from Jupiter and Ketu. This puts three planets in backward motion in Libra. Remember that Libra is Saturn's place of exaltation, however, it is retrograde currently, which makes it debilitated. Saturn is also sandhi and at the edge of Libra (near Scorpio) which weakens it, turns it more inward, slows it down, and requests that we pause, listen and be more quiet. Read more about Saturn's dance through Libra. Mars is also nearing the edge of Libra this week, but edging back towards Virgo. Mars weakens as it goes sandhi this week and may cause "fuzzy brain" syndrome for us. Expect slower reaction times right now with communication, action steps and plans. Relationships delays and all things Venus require patience and pause as well. Read more about Mars and his movements here. We are nearing the spring sandhi "gap"- expressed during the time of Navaratri where the veil is thin and we are asked to pause, be still and sync more closely with the Divine Mothers, Nature and her wisdom. The portal is opening now. Let the slowing take over and resist the urge to force actions, outcomes and agendas. Use surrender as your modus operandi. Mercury moves from Dhanishta nakshatra to Satabisha on 3.18. He moves from a Mars ruled nakshatra to a Rahu ruled nakshatra on Tuesday (the day of Mars). Satabisha is ruled by Varuna who is connected to "unseen obstacles" as well as health calamities, judgement, punishment and the rules created by the Gods. His main objective is to keep us connected to the Laws of Nature. Mercury is mind, intelligence, communication, finances, marketing and such, so be aware of Varuna's connection to these affairs in the coming week and a half. This nakshatra change for Mercury is in keeping with the need for surrender, the continued focus on Libra (it's ruled by Rahu which is transiting Libra) and a reminder not to force actions. We may feel as though we "aren't doing enough" or need to force our hustle when things don't seem to be coming together very well. As things fall apart and crumble at this time, remember that it is a time of dismantling what is not working in your best interest. As we clear the decks, we make space for what is in fact more ideal in the long run. The coming week will show us where we need to let go. Are you continuing to cling? Force? Push? Look for your own resistance and remind your Self to surrender. Avoid over working right now. Keep mental health at the forefront. Spring "officially" begins here in the Northern hemisphere on the 20th as we celebrate the spring equinox. This coincides with Holi which happened on the 16th and 17th here in the US and leading us into Vasant Navaratri on the 31st. Use this time to plant your seed of desire for the coming year. How will your garden grow? For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. This week, we are planting gardens. It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. I still have some sessions available for April. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: This is not your time to shine. A better use of your energy is to rest and restore while Sun is in your 12th house. Take time for meditation, relaxation and rejuvenation. Re-examine relationships and what is needed to make them more doable, lasting and comfortable. The same goes for children, education and romance. Don't push, just surrender. Taurus: Communication seems to be a valid use of your efforts right now. How are you connecting? Who are you communing with? Why are you reaching out? Find a sense of purpose with your communications and upgrade your networking skills. This is more than speech. Commerce, intuition, writing, singing and the healing arts are involved as well. Heal and be healed. Start with your gut. Gemini: Creative energy soars, but not in familiar ways. You may be feeling confused about the messages coming to you, unless you are taking time to pause and listen. Intelligence, knowledge and learning are all coming at you but in very unusual and different ways. Children, romance and passion may feel off. Remember that this is not a time of pushing, but of letting go and surrender. Let go of the gas and the brakes and see if you can catch some air time. Cancer: Heart and emotions may feel all over the place. Home, land, and issues with your mother and father may feel overwhelming. Same old issues resurfacing? Confusion about where to go next? Leading with your heart and feeling vulnerable? Let the transformations have their way with you. Continue to surrender and let go of what you are clinging to. Leo: You may be feeling mixed messages with your action steps. Stop or go? Yes or no? As much attention as your third house of action and courage has been getting lately, you should be learning a few things about how to balance your efforts more effectively. Work backwards. Pause more. Listen to the physical body's needs. Sun is still in your 12th house which is a time of transformation, solitude, rooting through the past, and a need for more silence and stillness. Find new ways to meditate and transcend. Art is a great place to start. Virgo: Communicating differently is highly important right now in order to create more effective relationships. Digest and assimilate words; yours and others. Use this information to upgrade your offerings to others and spark some career support. Communication of all sorts (intuitive, energetic, monetary, mentally, and with speech) can offer you a strong creative edge right now and bring a heightened awareness to you. What are you listening to? What is your response? Download an upgrade, and rewire your hard drive. Libra: Feeling pulled in multiple directions simultaneously? Remember that less is more right now. You are digesting some very old pieces of life. These experiences can bring a heightened sense of awareness right now which may make you feel extra emotional. Consider this a "cleaning house", a "spring cleaning" of sorts, in order to move you forward on your Path more effectively. Let the purging begin: from inside out. Scorpio: This is a time of endings and losses. A time of cutting and chopping life to bits and pieces that feel more bite sized, digestible. Little pieces are easier to burn, compost, shred, let the wind carry off with its wings. It's also easier for us to hold onto the most important scraps, put them into our satchels, pack them up and ride off into the sunset with less baggage. What pieces are you keeping with you in your life? What pieces are you letting go? Don't look back. Surrender them to the wind. Sagittarius: You may be offered a chance to revisit some old gains, relationships and experiences. Weigh and measure the options before jumping in with two feet. Make sure it's not your own flattery that is saying yes. Remember, your physical, mental and emotional bodies need to be supported in order for the answer to be yes to any new projects or endeavors. Create, communicate, sing, and expand your intelligence right now. Think outside the old boxes in order to upgrade your relationships, career, and romances. Capricorn: You may be feeling wildly creative with a renewed sense of career vigor. But before you start amping your Self and your efforts back to 200%, remember that you are still in a time of grande change in directions. Your career is asking you to re-visit some of your old efforts and re-imagine them. Right now, slow and steady will help you win the long term race. Even if you feel like pushing, stop your Self. There will be plenty of time for your Capricorn ways; now is not one of them. Put your energy into working smarter not harder. Aquarius: Mental acuity or mental cravings? Mind control or mind taming? You are in a phase of Mercurial communication that can afford you some new, powerful, personal growth. Intuition, intelligence, speech and heightened creativity abound. But don't look for the old ways to bring new responses. You are stepping into uncharted territory so embrace the change and look for innovation. Pisces: It may appear to others that you are glowing. Perhaps the transformation you have been going through has given you a new golden hue. Enjoy your luster, but the inner work is far from complete. In fact, you are still in the thick of a rich purging of old goo. Start chipping away at the hardened chunks still clinging to your innards. Upgrade your tool kit for maximum shifts to take place and more mental/emotional support. Hint: you will be looking in very different places for this support. You as mother as Ma as angel near as ascended master You as gray crane standing on one leg or white egret You as hooting owl or swooping hawk You as Ma eternal now within me in new ways Now without me in unknown and sacred ways You my mother who is neither here nor there not in a form not housed in a body case Yet you whisper still and answer my prayers and sing my songs though I can't hear your voice It comes in breezes that suddenly stir and in the calls of the birds I only hear while walking in the woods desperate and alone. -Swati J. Miller Moon is waxing (shukla paksha) and transits Gemini, Cancer, Leo and into Virgo this week. Moon is in its own sign of Cancer from the 11th to the 13th.
Full Moon on 3.16 at 12:07 CDT in the first few degrees of Virgo and in Uttarphalguni Nakshatra. Because it will be high noon at its fullest point during the 15th tithi, we won't see the fullness in the sky, but will feel it internally. The night of 3.15 will be our night to view its fullness in the dark sky. Uttarphalguni is ruled by Aryaman, one of the twelve Adityas, who gives sustenance, support, health and physical strength. He is related to repaying the ancestors through family and children, things that sustain unions, contracts and marriage as well as other 12th house matters. The month of Phalguni is a time of spring which connects us to fertility, growth, abundance, colors, flowers and blossoming. Aryaman and Uttaraphalguni usher in the abundance of life. This Full Moon also marks the Holi celebration in the Vedic calendar which roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring (for the Northern Hemisphere). No matter the hemisphere you are in, both spring and fall are considered "sandhi" times of year- or in between seasons. These are sacred times, when the veil is thin, sensitivity is heightened, and in Ayurveda we attend to necessary physical rituals that help the body cleanse and purify. Holi comes at this sacred junction and is a time to "plant seeds" so to speak. It is a celebration of fertility, abundance and the awakening of Shakti within Nature. This full enlivening of Ma is celebrated during Vasant Navaratri- the nine days of Mother Divine beginning on the last day of March this year. We can consider this her "kick off" celebration however when we plant our desires and create our fruits. Let this Full Moon bring you a sense of spring and possibility. Use this week's Creative Engagement activity (below) for your cultivation process. Mercury moves into Aquarius on 3.11 at 22:43 CDT where it joins Sun there for only a few short days before Sun moves into Pisces. Mercury receives drishti from Rahu while in Aquarius (considered Rahu's own sign) as well as Jupiter, and stays in Dhanishta nakshatra for the remainder of the week. This can present some tension for Mercury as well as expansion through effort. Notice where you are pushing too much for results and see if you can back off. Sun is sandhi starting 3.12 as it moves out of Aquarius and moves into Pisces on 3.14 at 12:12 CDT. Sun is weak in degrees (sensitive) until late in the day on 3.16 but is thankfully happier in Pisces than Aquarius. Pisces is the sign where Venus (creativity, passion, artistry, the feminine) is exalted and currently Venus is receiving drishti from retrograde Mars and will get Moon drishti the 11th to 13th. This combination can enhance creativity, relationships, passion and drive. Connect and socialize on these days. Work it! But as mentioned above, also note where you may be putting your Self into overdrive. With three retrograde planets in Libra currently (Mars, Saturn and Rahu- which is always retrograde) we have increased "returns" coming to us in all ways connected to Libra. This is also a sign ruled by Venus and is associated with relationships (work and personal) as well as commerce, the marketplaces, business and creativity. The desire for Libra is a sense of balance- balance in relationships and from hard work. Desires, in general, are extra strong right now. The retrograde planets are helping us remember what isn't working as well as what is. Old relationships blowing back in and making reappearances? Patterns and behaviors rearing their ugly little heads? Discomforts and discouragement on the rise? Physical fatigue and overwhelm setting in? Pay attention and make adjustments where necessary. Retrograde Mars is moving back towards Virgo and pulling that Virgo energy into his dance which gives an extra essence of Mercury (Virgo's ruler). This can enhance communication and commerce, connections and creativity, but can also bring some confusion and mismatched action steps. Use good communication (internally and externally) at this time to express your needs and healthy boundaries. Being clear about expectations is very important right now. Be realistic about what you can actually accomplish by working backwards and mapping it out. Read more about the unusual dance of Mars until September. As per last week's post on Retrograde Saturn: Now that Saturn is retrograde, there is a greater emphasis on the physical body; a demand of sorts. A unique perspective of Jaimini jyotish dictates that when an exalted planet goes retrograde, it becomes debilitated. Saturn in Libra is considered exalted, retrograde now, and thus debilitated. He is also giving direct drishti to his sign of debilitation, Aries. The results of this will vary individually, but the overall effect will be a slowing down of systems, structure and a greater request from Saturn to focus on, well, all things Saturn. Saturn loves routine, gives prosperity with time and consistency, wants meditation, physical movement and hard work. He rules the physical structures of life (time quite literally) and within the body this means bones and muscle tissue. Until Saturn goes direct on July 20th, we may notice increased physical fatigue, depression, heightened worry, a need to focus on our physical body more directly- either through awareness or force. We will also be "re-structuring" areas of our life that involve relationships, creativity, nourishment, receptivity, vulnerability, business and commerce, contracts and obligations, boundaries and balance. Leave it to retrograde Saturn to help us re-purpose and resolve what is not working in our best interest. Remember that if there is excess pressure from his means and ways, it is likely a place we need to look for a resolution. Ask: What is working? What is not? What do I need? What needs to shift right now for greater harmony and balance? Where am I pushing too hard? What am I resisting and where am I not letting life flow? If you are curious about Saturn's movements through Libra, you can read my articles on his transits here: Part 1: Rahu and Saturn in Libra Part 2: Saturn Retrograde + the Influence of the Nakshatras For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. This week we will revisit a Full Moon activity from the archives. I still have a few sessions available for April. Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year and to make the most out of the current transits. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Here we go again You're dancing with the fire You're dancing with the Beast You're still hungry- I'll take you to the feast. Here we go again The rage is a craving The thunder is your song The power is misfortune The misery is strong Here we go again The spirals and the chaos The torment and the chains No steps to the mirror Oh! The Beast lives on. Here we go again I'm waiting with my palms I watch you burn and writhe I sing your laments Still waiting for your dawn. -Swati J. Miller Taurus: THE HOUSE OF BELONGING I awoke this morning in the gold light turning this way and that thinking for a moment it was one day like any other. But the veil had gone from my darkened heart and I thought it must have been the quiet candlelight that filled my room, it must have been the first easy rhythm with which I breathed myself to sleep, it must have been the prayer I said speaking to the otherness of the night. And I thought this is the good day you could meet your love, this is the grey day someone close to you could die. This is the day you realize how easily the thread is broken between this world and the next… -David Whyte Gemini: It doesn't interest me if there is one God or many gods. I want to know if you belong or feel abandoned. If you know despair or can see it in others. I want to know if you are prepared to live in the world with its harsh need to change you. If you can look back with firm eyes saying this is where I stand. I want to know if you know how to melt into that fierce heat of living falling toward the center of your longing. I want to know if you are willing to live, day by day, with the consequence of love and the bitter unwanted passion of your sure defeat. I have heard, in that fierce embrace, even the gods speak of God. —David Whyte Cancer: How do trees deal with injustice? They grow a branch wherever they were cut. And how do sparrows deal with grief? They open their tiny wings and swoop at anything that glistens. So why am I all cut & hungry? Because I do not know the tree that is my soul and refuse the sparrow in my heart. - from Finding Inner Courage by Mark Nepo Leo: Everyone who terrifies you is sixty-five percent water. And everyone you love is made of stardust, and I know sometimes you cannot even breathe deeply, and the night sky is no home, and you have cried yourself to sleep enough times that you are down to your last two percent, but nothing is infinite, not even loss. You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day you are going to find yourself again. - F. Butler Virgo: "Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated." -Terry Tempest Williams Libra: SWEET DARKNESS You must learn one thing. The world was made to be free in. Give up all the other worlds except the one to which you belong. Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you. -David Whyte Scorpio: The Thing Is The thing is.. to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it and everything you've held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hand, your throat filled with the silt of it. When grief sits with you, its tropical heat thickening the air, heavy as water more fit for gills than lungs; when grief weights you like your own flesh only more of it, an obesity of grief, you think, How can a body withstand this? Then you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you I will love you again. -Ellen Bass Sagittarius: Be taught now, among the trees and rocks, how the discarded is woven into shelter, learn the way things hidden and unspoken slowly proclaim their voice in the world.... Find that far inward symmetry to all outward appearances, apprentice yourself to yourself, begin to welcome back all you sent away, be a new annunciation, make yourself a door through which to be hospitable, even to the stranger in you. - David Whyte Capricorn: You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting- over and over announcing your place in the family of things. - Mary Oliver Aquarius: Praying It doesn't have to be the blue iris, it could be weeds in a vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don’t try to make them elaborate, this isn't a contest but the doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak. - Mary Oliver Pisces: What To Do In Darkness Go slowly Consent to it But don't wallow in it Know it as a place of germination And growth Remember the light Take an outstretched hand if you find one Exercise unused senses Find the path by walking it Practice trust Watch for dawn - Marilyn McEntyre Moon is waxing (Shukla Paksha) and transits Pisces, Aries, Taurus and into Gemini this week. Moon is exalted and in its mulitrikona sign of Taurus from 3.6 to 3.8.
There are three planets simultaneously in retrograde motion for the next 3 days: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Jupiter goes direct on the 6th which starts forward momentum with all things Jupiter in Gemini. We can expect a march forward this month (pun intended) that provides us with expansion and intelligence in the realms of Mercury: creativity, commerce, communication. With Jupiter still in Ardra nakshatra, ruled by Rahu, these trends come in worldly and externalized forms which a fair amount of cravings and "insatiable appetite" for change and movement. Read more about Jupiter in Gemini. This week may feel especially intense with the simultaneous retrograde motion of three major planets. We are each symbolically and literally re-shuffling our own decks. Kicking up dust. Internal winds blowing back in the unsettling past. Mental, emotional and physical bodies are feeling the return to the past. Nature and her cold, blustery temps concur. Be with what is. Don't resist. Move with these tides; let them move you. Use this time to sit with the discomfort and trust that new opportunities, options, ideas, choices, opportunities will come next. And so the cycles go. I have discussed the incredible waltz of Mars in the recent weeks and his movement in and out of Virgo and Libra. Retrograde, he is now moving back towards Virgo and re-enters on the 25th. As of right now he is pulling that Virgo energy into his dance which gives an extra essence of Mercury (Virgo's ruler). Use good communication at this time to express your needs and healthy boundaries. Being clear about expectations is very important right now. Read more about the unusual dance of Mars until September. There is a flurry of energy in Libra right now with Retrograde Mars, Rahu and now Retrograde Saturn. The Mars and Saturn energy can create a frustrating stop/start experience that can feel like grande "lurches" with forward momentum and then complete stops. This mixture combined with Rahu and Saturn here as well can heighten the frustration levels. Rahu and Saturn together create a "storm energy" associated with Rudra, a powerful storm god who is connected to weather. We have been experiencing this stormy weather within our internal landscape as well as our external landscape for months now because of their conjunction. Now that Saturn is retrograde, there is a greater emphasis on the physical body; a demand of sorts. A unique perspective of Jaimini jyotish dictates that when an exalted planet goes retrograde, it becomes debilitated. Saturn in Libra is considered exalted, retrograde now, and thus debilitated. He is also giving direct drishti to his sign of debilitation, Aries. The results of this will vary individually, but the overall effect will be a slowing down of systems, structure and a greater request from Saturn to focus on, well, all things Saturn. Saturn loves routine, gives prosperity with time and consistency, wants meditation, physical movement and hard work. He rules the physical structures of life (time quite literally) and within the body this means bones and muscle tissue. Until Saturn goes direct on July 20th, we may notice increased physical fatigue, depression, heightened worry, a need to focus on our physical body more directly- either through awareness or force. We will also be "re-structuring" areas of our life that involve relationships, creativity, nourishment, receptivity, vulnerability, business and commerce, contracts and obligations, boundaries and balance. Leave it to retrograde Saturn to help us re-purpose and resolve what is not working in our best interest. Remember that if there is excess pressure from his means and ways, it is likely a place we need to look for a resolution. Ask: What is working? What is not? What do I need? What needs to shift right now for greater harmony and balance? Where am I pushing too hard? What am I resisting and where am I not letting life flow? If you are curious about his movements through Libra, you can read my articles on his transits here: Part 1: Rahu and Saturn in Libra Part 2: Saturn Retrograde + the Influence of the Nakshatras For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. This week we will revisit an activity that has to do with "stopping and starting". I am now booking sessions for April. Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year and to make the most out of the current transits. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Your week starts with heat and intensity; a general theme for you right now. Too many irons in the fire? Pushing too hard? Being unrealistic about how much you can accomplish? Setting expectations too high? All of the above? What can you take off your plate? This is a time to re-evaluate relationships- to others and to Self. Make changes. Taurus: Get smart about your plumbing. Internal systems need a good scouring, purging and reconstruction. Old goop in the lines is clogging up your inner messaging system. Right now is a good time to cleanse (gently and in tune with Saturn), to pacify and nourish your physical body and outsmart some old, bad habits. Clean up, clean out. Gemini: Creative calamity can be fuel for creative endeavors. As the storms brew and test your intellectual strength and resolve, remember that balance is the number one priority right now. Build your empire with small, calculated actions. Make connections that fuel your creativity and bring inspiration. What do you need to thrive? What does thriving look like to you? Feel like? Pull from your depths. Cancer: The week brings some shifts to career. Insights? Or upheavals? Re-evaluate and re-visit what nourishes you. What brings support? Grounding? Stability? Structure? What makes you feel emotionally safe? What is not working right now? Use the weekend for inner work and create time for meditation. Leo: Outsmart your Self by putting in place some clear, healthy boundaries. You may find opponents lose their power over you suddenly. Voila! Your ability and courage to take charge of your actions and experiences has a direct impact on you and your well being. Get rid of what is not working by getting clear on what doesn't work for you. Virgo: Let your voice be heard. Practice by talking to your Self. Sing in the shower, make mental notes aloud, have conversations with your body parts. Get used to hearing your Self express and converse loud and proud. This is practice for cultivating a deeper relationship with your needs. Think big and let your imagination take you there. The shrinking violet days are over. Libra: Attention: Chaos and reconstruction taking place. Wrap your Self in caution tape and lay low if possible this week. Boundaries or boundless? Quiet or restfully alert? Heart throb or heart ache? Traverse your mind like a Jedi. Sift and sort while standing in one place. Find grounding through legs and feet. Practice standing on one leg. Less is more. Scorpio: Cutting losses and letting go begin with your energetic attachments. As you tally the endings in your life and all that is falling away, ground into the trust that a new structure and support system is on the other side. By cutting and releasing what needs to change, what isn't serving you, opportunity arises. Let there be space for your own greatness; greater health and wholeness that inspires magic. How much space are you allowing to open up? Sagittarius: As Jupiter begins forward momentum, you re-visit some emotional wounds and physical needs. The transits are helping you clear and clean up your depths; what is nourishing and what is not. How are you nourishing your Self? What are you ingesting? Who and what are you allowing in to nourish you? Be very direct and calculated with your needs. Keep a clean diet and clean company. Watch your mouth and speak the sweet truth. Capricorn: Moving and shaking. Shaking off dust and mental debris. Digesting old pieces, past, memories. It's ok to rest in softness, in the mild, in the gentle. Yet, career is pushing forward, forcing you to re-visit the body, your finances, and the keys to your self-reliance and self-support. Keep walking in circles. You never know what might turn up. Aquarius: Deja vu? You should be revisiting some old tendencies, memories, relationships right now. This is happening on an internal level as well as literally. What are these inner and outer landscapes telling you? How do these remote locales inform your life process and the journey of relating? Releasing? Remembering? Look through the cracks in your facade and let the light seep in. Pisces: Retreat mode continues. Whether you are living in an ashram or just pretending, the metamorphosis continues to work its magic on you. A lot of emphasis is put on the emerging butterfly and how magnificent that is. That may be, but right now you are still in the chaos of the change. The discomfort of transformation and endings. Late in the week your mental/emotional body begins to move forward. Soak in the feelings of nourishment and support at every turn. Seek stability and grounding. Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces this week. New Moon is on 3.1 at 2:00 am CST. New Moon will be in Aquarius and Satabisha nakshtatra with the Sun there as well. More on this below.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Beyond having the New Moon occur, this is an extraordinary week planetarily in several ways. Venus changes signs and moves to Capricorn, Mercury goes direct, Saturn and Mars both begin their retrograde movements and we celebrate Shivaratri all in one week! We will feel these shifts both on the inner and outer levels of life, but the experience of Shivaratri requires an extra special pull towards the inner. Use this time to stop and get silent. New Moon in Satabisha Nakshatra in the wee hours of 3.1 reminds us to pay close attention to our health, be vigilant in attending to the needs of the Self- with compassion, devotion and a certain conviction. Keep this focus on the Self, rather than projecting on others, which can lead to criticism and harsh judgments. Moon and Sun in Aquarius and Satabisha receive drishti from both Jupiter and Rahu. Though Jupiter's benevolence usually trumps all, he is currently transiting Ardra nakshatra which is ruled by Rahu. Additionally, Satabisha is ruled by Rahu and Rahu itself is currently transits Swati nakshatra- also ruled by Rahu. In other words, there's four levels of Rahu's influence on this placement. Rahu brings cravings, shadowed thinking and misconceptions. On the flip side, he can bring worldly gains, momentum and monetary wealth. The coming weeks will show themselves to be a bit of both. Pay special attention to overuse of alcohol, intoxicants and drugs, overworking, being overly competitive and excessively forceful. This is a time that can offer us what is "not best practice" in our behaviors and patterns, in order for us to correct and re-direct towards more harmonious options and choices. Look for ways to get support and needs met in more sustainable, life supporting ways. Venus moves to Capricorn on 02.25 at 23:57 CST where it joins retrograde Mercury there and also a sandhi Moon there at that same time. With the drishti of Mars on these planets, sparks fly and mental creativity is at an all time high. Use the coming weeks to shine- just don't burn your Self out!! Best practice at this time will be to follow the orders of Saturn (slow and steady wins the race and mind your routine/Self care practices), stay in tune with the Laws of Nature and ethics for best results. Act on dharmic endeavors. Make your dreams come alive with action steps. Shivaratri begins on the eve of the 26th here in the USA (13th tithi) and continues through the 14th tithi (Chaturdashi) on the 27th, followed by the culmination of the waning cycle (15th tithi) on the 28th and a climax of the New Moon during the wee hours of the 1st. This is a marking of time that is profoundly connected to inner silence and stillness. It is within the stillness (the Absolute) that all creativity and the potential for creation exists. Shiva brings this silent potential to us before the fertility of Holi (on 3.17) and the expansive growth of Mother Divine (Vasant Navaratri or the Nine Days of Mother Divine beginning on 3.31) awakens the abundance of nature within us and around us. A special New Moon, this is one that Shiva resides over; one that marks the beginning of a new cycle. He offers protection and wisdom to us and reminds us of the spectrum of life which includes both death, chaos, and change, as well as eternal freedom and enlightenment. From this "death", comes life, re-birth and new growth. There is a certain depth possible at this time that can be powerful and potent for one's personal growth. Meditation is essential at this time. Honoring Lord Shiva at your altar with prayers, offerings and chanting will bring him near. Carve out sacred time to be with him- in your silence, meditation and introspection. In addition to Shivaratri, Mercury goes direct early in the morning on the 28th. Mercury marches forward now and we may feel that momentum, however, Jupiter is still retrograde (until 3.6) and the week closes with two of the other major planets going retrograde- Saturn and Mars. Though retrograde Mercury doesn't bring the calamities most like to blame him for (Read more about Mercury Retrograde here), Saturn and Mars will offer some of their own challenges. Currently Saturn and Mars are in Libra with Rahu there as well. If you've been keeping up with the transits (or my articles), this combination is a powerful storm of sorts. All three of these planets are moving a lot this year and since they are each associated with action, together they point to big change, big momentum, big movement. Saturn goes retrograde on 3.2 and dances "backward" until 7.20. Saturn is considered exalted in Libra, however, when an exalted planet (uccha) goes retrograde, it is considered debilitated (uccha banga). Debilitated Saturn can effect our physical well being, might cause us to push too hard, overwork, over strain. There can be health issues if we don't follow his requests (Ayurvedic principles are an excellent resource for "being in tune with Saturn"). As Shiva is connected to Saturn, see if this time of Shivaratri can offer you some insights that may have otherwise been missed. You will have to turn towards the silence in order to hear them though. This is a good time to prune, cut back on the unnecessary, and look for energy leaks in your life. Get simple. To read more about this transit of Saturn, revisit my Saturn and Rahu in Libra articles. Mars and his unique movements between Virgo and Libra this year get a jump start on 3.1 as he goes retrograde. He barely entered Libra and is just over the three degree mark, yet is now starting his movement back towards Virgo. The planet of action is requesting that we re-collect ourselves and take action wisely. I discuss this odd waltz of his in my Mars article. For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. Revisit my past articles for inspiration. It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. I have two sessions still available for the end of March. I am taking a short pause this week with an intention of more listening and receiving; aspiring to cultivate a "less is more" approach with extra rest, more attention to my needs and to Saturn mixed with some very intense work. Horoscopes will resume shortly. Thank you! |
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March 2017