After the fragile full Moon in Aquarius on August 29th, Moon begins to wane. The cycle begins with a winding down, endings and releases, as Moon passes through the final half of the zodiac. Moon makes the challenging shift from water (Pisces) to fire (Aries) on September 1st, leaping across the difficult gandanta gap from endings to beginnings. A new cycle arrives! Stand in your power. Be bold and step boldly into renewal. Mark this time by declaring your intentions for the new cycle. What can you simplify, let go of, release? How can you soften in the heart and invite in more compassion- for your self and others? Can you stay in your power, even as you do so? The themes of healing, release and letting go carry us through this waning cycle. In many ways this is a time to prepare for the big transformations and changes that will occur after the new Moon. Attend to inner nourishment and clean up any pieces of your life, health, routine or schedule that have been neglected. Reduce stress, chaos and overwhelm as much as possible. Identify patterns of self sabotage and actions and behaviors that keep you stuck in mediocrity, conflict and suffering. Your critic and its fear inducing tactics will likely be at the root of it! Pay attention and work diligently on loosening its grip. As three exact conjunctions begin to release and ease apart, we feel a certain release within as well. At the beginning of the waning Moon cycle, Mars and Venus form exact conjunction as they continue to move through Cancer. Honor your heart and let the feelings flow. Mars brings cutting and precision which is painful to our softer, gentler side. Water planet Venus, can help us maintain fluidity and movement. Don't let stagnation hold you back. Try to avoid heart burn and heartache by staying in the flow. Use your body wisdom to navigate the emotional body challenges. Get embodied! Simultaneously, Mercury and Rahu's tight conjunction begins to ease up, allowing our mental body to breath and separate from shadows and illusion. Thankfully Sun and Jupiter have also separated from combustion and now issues with power and authority, father and lineage matters, also begin to clarify and purify. This process can be helpful with giving us new awareness and perspective. Let gratitude fill the new space that's been created within you. What have you learned? How are you growing? What resources are you receiving? Venus goes direct on Sunday, September 6th at 01:28 while in Cancer. For well over a month Venus's backward dance has asked us to re-evaluate relationships, money, creativity and our life force energy. The planet of relationships, creativity, and artistry, Venus is connected to all things feminine and life giving. It offers beauty, fluidity, wealth and life giving powers, most essentially, shakti. Worldly comforts and resources can increase through Venus's benevolence and help us feel more stable in material ways. As Venus continues to move through Cancer, conjunct debilitated Mars, our chest, heart and emotional body center feels the pangs. The planet of feeling, creativity, relationships and all things beautiful and worldly continues to adjust to the high demands of the heart and emotions until September 30th. With debilitated Mars in this sign as well, our heart is in for an emotional ride. The valves are opening and an influx of water, feelings, heightened emotions and all the challenges connected to sensitivity increases. Home, heart, land, vehicles, mother and all fourth house matters get amplified. How do you navigate the choppy waters? Will you sink, swim or learn to float? Can you attend to the moving tides and go with the flow? Now is an excellent time to clean up and heal issues with relationships, money, creativity and emotions. Don't fight the tidal waves, but learn to swim with the currents. Venus must now re-trace his steps back through the first part of Leo. As he moves back into Leo on September 30th, he works his way through Magha nakshatra once again- the domain of the ancestors, most notably the father. This increases our attention on power, authority and the need to pay special attention to our personal mythology connected to these themes. As Venus moves through Leo, we can expect passions to increase for relationships and connection, while strong desires may emerge simultaneously. Expect intensified strength, determination and power to materialize, while aggression and agitation may increase as well. The transit of Venus through Leo is the instigation of an unfolding theme that has been ripening within the planets. Working with power and authority dynamics is vital, especially the masculine energy within you. Notice where you are pushing, using excessive force and using an over-active drive to accomplish and succeed. Take time to contemplate the meaning of success from different angles. Your ego may feel challenged by this. How can you soften your action steps? Where can you let go and surrender more? How can you be a winner- on all levels of life? How can you meet your relationships with more compassion- both with yourself and others? This work with power dynamics is especially relevant while Venus enters back into the first portion of Leo- where Jupiter is currently. Though there continue to be small planetary shifts and changing Moon tides during this cycle, in many ways we are able to experience a certain rest and rejuvenation at this time. Use this time wisely. The coming eclipse cycle and multiple planetary shifts that will arrive in the next waxing phase will certainly test and stretch us. Take care of your needs now and get the rest and self care that will be essential for the coming cycle. The partial solar eclipse on September 13th begins a very delicate two week gap between eclipses that will need special care and intention. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now booking October sessions. Schedule a session with me. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart Aries: Hang onto your heart! As Venus and Mars intensify emotions and home matters for you, prepare to release and clear out the chambers of your heart. The intensity will be brought on by the mind, so attend to mental body stories and parts of your personal mythology that need to be released. Stand up for and support children, creativity and your passions. Get focused and aligned with your money and clean up bad spending habits. Attend to self care and don't forget to meditate! Taurus: Use courage to get empowered, focused and truly aligned with your creative powers. Let your heart and emotions guide this process. Where aren't you showing up in your life? Who and what is controlling you- at the negation of your happiness and well being? Fear and illusions of perfection will rob you of any joy and happiness you desire. Reclaim your power, find your stability within your body and ground into your inner wisdom. Gemini: Courageously invite in more nourishment, abundance and wealth. Get yourself well fed by life! Power arrives with your creativity. Trust your gifts and creative powers! Mental body shadows are keeping you from feeling your nourished and abundant life. Radically remove the old programming and align with new mental health. Continue to remove old, bad habits and clean up your diet. Let the internet be your friend as you share your passionate message with the world. Cancer: Part of you feels like you're going crazy. Part of you is! Crazy creative energy is moving through you right now and it's overpowering you. Step into your power and get focused on what truly serves you. Speak your truth, but make sure it's the sweet truth. Move toward your passions and make this your priority. Relationships may feel intense, passionate, loving and problematic all at the same time. Try to find balance with the wild extremes. Leo: Heart and home are seeking stability, use your physical body to gain support. Challenge and contraction, restriction and constriction bring pain and suffering to your emotional body. Where are you letting your power leak out and weaken? Who or what is robbing you of your inner wisdom and intuitive knowing? Take your power back! The illusion that you are "not getting your needs met" is not serving you. Release the old mental stories in order to gain deeper comfort, security and abundance. Virgo: Mental confusion and illusion are keeping you in the dark. Look directly at your shadows and keep pulling off the veils that aren't allowing you to see the light. Continue to let go and release- especially with relationship matters. Gains come with losses and losses allow new gains. Your power is fragile right now. Others may not see your strength. Let your body wisdom be the reminder of your inner wisdom and power. It has all the messages you need for reinventing yourself and helping you transform. Libra: Your career is going through some wild changes and passionate excitement. It's vital to be releasing and letting go of parts of yourself that keep you in the dark. Self sabotage and limiting beliefs will stand in the way of any success you can achieve at this time. Diligently track your mental stories, old programming and personal mythology around success, power and being seen. What's holding you back from truly standing in your power? Scorpio: Saturn continues to sit in your head, bringing his pressure, pain and discomfort. He's reminding you what you need and what you don't need. Radically resist taking on fear that others dump on you. Your power is only robbed when you let it be taken. Dissolve the mental illusions that are causing old traumas to be re-triggered. There is no authority higher than your own inner knowing, your intuition and the wisdom within you. Align with your truth and don't compromise. Sagittarius: Clean, clear and clarify your emotional body and let your suffering out of its cage. Show and share your vulnerability, darkness and pain with others. This will be the catalyst for deeper connection and more nourishment. Perfection is keeping you from fully being alive! Share your words, write and communicate in bold and powerful ways. Believe it or not your light will shine more brightly if you are truly authentic with your full human being. Capricorn: Relationships are providing you with an intense amount of growth and self development right now- mostly as a result of challenge, emotional heat and old haunts that are returning. Are you letting old pain keep you from feeling joy right now? What mental body illusions are showing up that induce your fear? It is a fear of being controlled and overpowered. Use these stories to help you unravel the programming and conditioning. The darkness is your biggest teacher right now. Let your pain guide you towards your inner truth. Aquarius: Nourishment is arriving but you aren't sure what to do with it. You mistrust it, fear it, feel it won't last. How can you be satisfied if you aren't giving gratitude for the gifts that are already arriving? The nourishment can't fully be integrated unless you start feeling every drop of it within your body. Fill your cup. Trust there is more where that came from. Seek stability within your being and trust that others are here to support you. Finding balance between power and vulnerability is key for you. Pisces: Lack of clarity in your relationships is causing pain and unnecessary suffering. The illusion of togetherness and the fear of being alone are keeping you from fully getting your needs met. What are you trying to control, manage and resist within yourself and your relationship paradigms? You are misusing your power and its beginning to take its toll. Align with your heart wisdom and listen to your feelings. They will guide you towards your truth. * All timing is Pacific time zone. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now booking October sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
This Week's Intention: Unfurl your wings and stretch them wide. Find ways to broaden and expand your reach. Moon continues to swell and wax as our inner waters amplify with the rising tides. Past the half way mark of the lunar cycle now, Moon moves into the tenth tithi (phase) on Monday. Mercury is now exalted in Virgo, conjunct Rahu. Are you feeling the increase in communication, connection and creativity yet? Sun and Jupiter continue to track each other closely this week. Watch for soul burn and move towards the light. Venus and Mars are also closely conjunct this week in Cancer. Feel your heart wisdom, even if it hurts. The week begins with a debilitated Moon in Scorpio, leaving conjunction with Saturn. Indra rules the day until Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra Monday afternoon. The day of Moon (Monday) requires that we tend to our sensitivity as well as our senses. Are you being ruled by your wild horses or are you holding the reigns? Once Moon enters Mula nakshatra, attending to our inner wisdom is of the utmost importance. Jupiter's gaze offers extra nourishment and support but Mula's ruling deity, Nirrti, arrives with her chaos, sudden change and calamity. Her dark forces can keep us from aligning with our path and purpose as she is adharmic in nature. Are you seeking resources to align with your higher purpose? Are you a part of the chaos or able to stand in the center of the storm? Resource from the wisdom of the physical body. It's the only thing that will bring you back to the now. Tuesday, Nirrti and her sharp, cutting nature, continue to rule the first part of the day. Underneath her darkness, depth and spirituality can be accessed. Can you feel the other option, or are you caught in the challenge? Just after noon, Moon shifts to a fierce and severe nakshatra, PurvaAshada, and its ruling deity, Apas, brings another type of force with her. Today is yet another opportunity for change and transformation but this one comes with water and arrives through deep cleansing. Let water assist you with this process. Get into water, walk near it, allow the rain- in the form of tears if not from Nature herself. Jupiter and Sun are in exact conjunction. Cleanse your heart and soul! Let wisdom and truth be your power source! Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. Just before noon on Wednesday, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada. This star is fixed and stable, allowing nourishing sustainable activities to take hold. The Vishva Devas provide their universal goodness and help us align with the Laws of Nature in dynamic and powerful ways. Align with dharma, truth and positivity. Use gratitude to soften the heart. Shine, share and be seen for your purity and do good deeds. Early evening, Moon jumps to the hard working and tenacious, Capricorn. Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Venus give their gaze to the soft and tender Moon. Allow time to land and be with your feeling body. Work to soften your hard edges over the next few days. Early Thursday morning, Moon moves to a sacred constellation that is gently tucked in between UttaraAshada and Sravana nakshatra. This little known 28th nakshatra is called Abhijit and only covers about four degrees. This is a good time for prayer, meditation, setting intentions and being close to spirit. This time period will be from about 04:30 to 10:30, just before Moon shifts to Sravana nakshatra. Sravana nakshatra and its ruling deity, Vishnu, helps us align with the expansive forces of the universe. His purpose is to move us towards dharma and help us hear the wisdom being whispered in our ear from heaven, to the cosmos and back to earth. Listen carefully today and let your desires be known. Align your steps with life purpose and inner power. Jupiter and Sun are still tightly conjunct. Tend to your inner wisdom and let the power of the Sun burn away the impurities within you. If you're feeling the discomfort, open and awaken through gratitude and keep your body cool with Pitta pacifying foods and actions. Midmorning Friday, Moon shifts to Dhanishta nakshatra and the Vasu Devas bring us increased light or Jyoti. Sharing from your heart will prove the most valuable resource today. Be soft, focused and let the power of your heart wisdom be your spokesperson. Align and shine! Express, share and give your positive message to the world. What words of wisdom can you offer your tribe? Early evening Moon shifts to Saturn's other sign, Aquarius, where it receives the hot gaze Jupiter, Sun and Mars. Moon also moves into the 15th and final tithi (phase) at this time. Stay focused but don't get burned out or fried in the process. Are you pushing too hard? As Mercury closely conjuncts Rahu the mental body also intensifies. Shadow or strength? Illusion or awakening? The mental and emotional bodies are extra powerful right now- watch how you use them. Before sunrise on Saturday, Moon arrives into Satabisha nakshatra, Varuna's domain. Our health and wellness becomes a top priority during this high tide time. Full Moon is Saturday, August 29th at 11:34 Pacific Time. Moon is in Aquarius and Satabisha Nakshatra. Healing arrives with this full Moon, yet comes with a certain edge and harshness simultaneously. Satabisha nakshatra is ruled by Varuna, the guardian of Natural Law and right action. Nothing gets past his thousands of eyes that see everything. Satabisha can help us work with boundaries and our resistance. What is your relationship with inner and outer boundaries- physical and energetic? Let this full Moon be one of intentional healing- especially for the mental body. Get resourced, nourished and attend to self care diligently. Use this wisdom to guide you through the coming waning cycle. Attend and attune to sacred healing. Want the extended version of my New Moon Wisdom? Purchase my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar for extra cosmic insights. Get It. The close conjunction of exalted Mercury and Rahu continues. Attend to your mental body and be diligent with its stories, messages, memories and imaginal realms. Are you feeding it or aligning with its magical support? Using its amplification for change and healing or letting it run wild with you through illusion and delusion? Self track and get on top of it. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Moon arrives in the light and graceful nakshatra, Purvabhadra. Ajaikapada is the ruling deity, who helps us balance seemingly impossible tasks with ease and steadiness. Often he is referred to as a form of Shiva, Lord of the Dance. He steps between worlds, realms and dimensions, sharing depth, strength and purpose when he arrives. Let the wisdom come too, but let it enter from the body. What can your body-mind tell you about grounding and landing in the now? Before you jump forward, into the next cycle, day or moment, stop here, be present, be in the now. Use your feet to help you land and find your anchor. Moon shifts to Pisces early evening, joining Ketu. Both receive the intense mental body gaze of Mercury and Rahu. Find your release, letting go and deepen your surrender. Mars and Venus are closely conjunct right now. Soften to your heart wisdom and allow deep release. Tears and emotional body waves are a necessary part of this process. Let them out. Just before midnight, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation, Uttarabhadra. Ruling deity, Ahirbudhnya, serpent of the netherworlds, helps us access our hidden, inner wisdom. It's there, can you find it? It's the hidden, dark and mysterious kind. It will come in flashes- suddenly provoking insight and shifts in perception. If your third eye is closed, you'll miss it. Let Monday continue to offer its awakening support. Keep looking and you'll find what you are seeking. *Timing used is Pacific Standard Time Zone. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Activate your inner power ~ move forward with intention and purpose. Moon is waxing and the week begins with the third tithi (phase) called tritiya- Vishnu's domain. Just before Monday begins, Sun leaps to its own sign, Leo. Late in the week, Mercury shifts to its sign of exaltation. This is a very powerful time ahead. I urge everyone to use the coming cycles in very conscious ways. Don't waste this precious window of opportunity! Activate and align with your full potential, dharma and inner wisdom. As Sun shifts to its mulitrikona and own sign, Leo, on August 16th at 23:30 Pacific time, he joins Jupiter, Mercury and Moon here as well. All receive the stern gaze of Saturn who insists on focus, structure and stability. Suddenly our power has a chance to align with purpose in this month to come! But not without deep intention. This Sun cycle activates passion in new ways and offers renewal, fresh starts and a new resolve for all. Simultaneously, heart passion will be potent and forceful. Heart burn or heart wisdom? Channel the heat carefully and intentionally. Connect, create and reach out in powerful ways. Let community and relationships support you and your efforts. Do not self isolate! Work consciously with your father self and your masculine energy. Diligently clear your inner psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual blockages and obstacles, inherited from your father and his lineage. Simultaneously, step into the strengths and gifts that have been offered from him as well. Put structures in place that support your work, vision and longevity. Be a manager, a CEO, and use your energy wisely. Let your power align with a deeper sense of purpose. If you're one without a strong calling or sense of life purpose, now is the time to commit like never before. Use this time to follow your soul's longing and dedicate your actions to activating your dharma. If you need support, ask for it, but don't miss this chance to align with your inner power and wisdom. Need resources? Ask me for help. Use this cycle to find clarity, support and activate your dharmic wisdom. Seek empowerment, but watch for over-active ego simultaneously. You'll know if you're out of balance when entitlement, anger, agitation, rigidity or self-righteousness arrives. This is your red flag that you need to step back into a more heart-centered place of compassion. Monday, Moon moves from Leo to Virgo in the early hours of the morning, joining Rahu here. Both planets are in UttaraPhalguni, the second half of the fertile star pattern, Phalguni. Aryaman is the ruling deity. He desires comfort, connection and sustainability as well as creativity. He supports lasting relationships and marriage contracts as well as what the ancestors adore- children, family and lineage. Moon conjuncts Rahu today which increases cravings, desires, uncertainties and shadow work. What desires have you overwhelmed, uncertain, fearful? Where can you surrender and let go? Late evening, Moon moves to Savitr's domain, Hasta nakshatra, and continues through this constellation through Tuesday. The gifts of Savitr are awakening and insight, light and the dawning of consciousness. Are you awake or sleep walking? Where do you need to step into your life more consciously? What action steps can you take to activate your awareness and inner wisdom? This is not a time to be asleep at the wheel! Get out of auto pilot and awaken! Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. On Wednesday, Moon shifts to Chitra nakshatra and Vishvakarma instigates creative energy. He want our creative powers to be activated through action steps (hence karma). Chitra is ruled by the planet Mars. Currently our fire is debilitated in Cancer. Many are feeling frustrations, delays or setbacks with taking necessary action. Make today potent with conscious momentum. What action step can you take today towards creativity and building your empire? Get it! Late afternoon, Moon moves to Libra, receiving the gaze of debilitated Mars. Connect, communicate and create, but lead with your heart. Just as Thursday arrives, Moon waltzes into Swati nakshatra, Vayu's constellation. He brings movement, swift change and intense strength with him. His Rudra energy creates powerful momentum and can arrive as a soft breeze or gale force winds. Are you being blown around or are you harnessing your wind power? Find the calm in the center of your storm. Let go of energy drains and the unnecessary. Be strategic, forceful and clear about your direction. Late morning Friday, Moon changes to Vishaka's nakshatra and collaboration becomes crucial. Indra and Agni are the dual ruling deities of this constellation. As Moon illuminates these stars, we are urged to connect, co-create and find ways to be in community. How can you be both- support and supported? Who and what do you need in your life to help your process and journey? What do you need in order to thrive? Ask for help and get your needs met. Mercury is at the edge of Leo today. Resource from your imaginal body and make a list of what you need in order to step up your life. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. As Saturday arrives, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, conjuncting Saturn, planet of our grief and suffering. This collision of planets increases sadness, depression and especially loss. Expect tears and extra emotional body sensitivity over the next few days. Tend to your inner realms and physical body. Late Saturday morning, Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra. The ruler of this constellation is Mitra, who makes Anuradha the "friendly star". Connect with your friendships today and be a friend to those in need. Dance with the art of giving and receiving, opening and closing, inviting in and letting go. Find your dance with joy and sadness and practice graceful steps. Mercury (the mental body) moves to Virgo, its sign of exaltation, mulitrikona and own sign. Extra support arrives for our mind, our creative endeavors and all communication efforts. As Mercury shifts into Virgo on August 22nd at 19:50 Pacific time, he joins Rahu here and Ketu gives his re-structuring gaze from seven houses away. The conjunction of Mercury and Rahu during this cycle will effect individuals differently. For some, the confusion of Rahu will undermine the potency of Mercury being well positioned. Others will experience a massive upswing in finances, connections and creativity. Your ability to resource from your inner strength and power will determine your success during this extra long Virgo transit. What is your relationship with your shadow? Can you tame the beast, call it on its self-deprecation and consciously work with overcoming limiting beliefs? Success will come to those who take the dark and turn it into the light. Your biggest struggles are asking you to rise to the occasion. Turn struggle and challenge into gifts and awakening. This Mercury cycle is extra long and unusual. In many regards it is an offering with extra graces- if we choose to use them as such. Mercury usually makes fairly swift movements, yet his retrograde motion will prolong his dance through his favorite sign. He will retrograde on September 17th, then go direct on October 9th, and finally leave Virgo on the 28th of October. During this back and forth shuffle, he will move in and out of his most potent degree range and also slide in and out of his mulitrikona and own sign degrees. We get a smorgasbord of his support, struggles and potency. An exalted planet shares 100% of his energy, mulitrikona 75% and own sign 50%. Remember that once he retrogrades, at times he will be considered debilitated as he moves back through his exaltation degrees. (Exalted planets in retrograde motion are considered debilitated). This occurs from September 28th to October 9th to be exact. At this time he is closely conjunct Rahu and combust (burnt) from the Sun. Certainly a time to be very diligent with our mental body, our shadow work and our ego. Use this time for conscious self development work and spiritual practices. During this Mercury transit through Virgo, we will all need to pay special attention to our mental body, our imaginal body. Stories, thoughts, ideas and words will be extra strong and powerful as will our creativity and imagination. This is the part of our being that can create magic, or destroy us. Depending on Mercury's placement in your chart and your relationship with him, this could be an extra challenging cycle, or a powerful and creative game-changer. Being on top of your mental/emotional body dynamics will be vital. Sunday late morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of Scorpio, Jyeshtha. Sun and Jupiter are closely conjunct in Leo and Mercury has just shifted to Virgo, still weak in degrees. Our body, mind, emotions and spirit are fragile right now. There are challenges with the changes as we all find a new sense of normalcy and grounding. Resource from the physical body and somatic wisdom today. Use embodiment resources and a 4 Level Check-in to land on your feet. Indra rules the day and requires that we tend to our sensitivity as well as our senses. Are you being ruled by your wild horses or are you holding the reigns? Take this wisdom into Monday. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Moon is waning (dark half) and transits Taurus, Gemini and Cancer this week. Moon is in its sign of exaltation the 23rd to 25th and in its own sign of Cancer 29th to 30th. Aim towards flourishing and thriving this week with deep surrender.
Mercury is sandhi (in the gap/weak degrees) until late in the week and moves out of its sign of exaltation and into Libra on the 9.24 where it joins Rahu, Saturn and Venus there. Mars is currently sandhi in Cancer (its sign of debilitation). Mental/emotional tension, sensitivity, confusion and exhaustion are possible. Remember your self-care. Saturn and Rahu are in tight conjunction in Libra this week and collide in exact degrees on 9.25 with Mercury and Venus in Libra at that time as well. Four planets here will increase the energetics of Libra and will increase the movement and momentum with communications, mental activities and functions, commerce, business and trade. Rahu, Saturn and Mercury are in Swati nakshatra right now, ruled by the wind god, Vayu. The winds of change are blowing. Venus is now in Vishaka nakshatra. Expect increases, expansion and changes with alliances, support systems, relationships and business. This is a time of storm energy, "cleaning house" so to speak, forced change for better or worse. Spread your wings and surrender to the winds. See my articles on Rahu and Saturn in Libra for further details. Tap into your creative impulses and utilize your creation potential with this week's Jyoti/Expressive Art Therapy Creative Engagement Activity. Creative Engagement Activity for the week of 9.23. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Speak, communicate, express, voice, sing. Tell the universe your desires and needs, then shout them from the top of the mountain. Get bold about what you attract and what you think you deserve. Use this time for a mental/emotional paradigm shift. Clean the pysche so there is room for a new reality and new relationships. Taurus: Being in service of the Self is important for your healing, growth and expansion. Seva for the soul. Find your healthy boundary set point- likely uncharted territory up until now. What is it that you are longing for and what is the hole that needs to be filled? Keep digging below the earth. Plant some seeds. Gemini: Be the beginner, the student, the child. Witness with eyes wide open in awe and excitement. Connect, communicate and create. Expand and trust your passionate inner realms. Find that missing piece this week. Trust the process. Cancer: Heart is softening, changing and getting a chamber cleaning. Expand, contract. Inhale, exhale. Stand still, step forward. Work with needs and wants, hurts and haunts. Stay low to the ground, feet in cool soil. Ground with earth energy. All love flows to the self. Leo: Effort, bravery, courage, will power, creativity and the hands, bring success and potential to you. You are likely feeling some comfort in your actions- say it loud and proud. But what holds you back still? Who and what continues to outshine you? Will the ego set you back or step you forward? Virgo: Do not shut down your powerful voice and the need to communicate! Seek comfort and create what you need. Though internal rumblings from your dark depths and hidden realms continue to bring illumination and fears to the surface, use this dragon fire to spark something. You are losing some naivete. Enjoy it. Libra: Head clearing or head pressure? Endings or beginnings? Charge forward or slow down and rest? You are in the thick of storm season and life's drama is casting you as their main character. All you have to do is use your surrender button. Let go, let God. Breathe. Scorpio: You are trying to reconcile with these feelings of being hidden, feeling alone, the unknown and uncertain. The life long complaints. You seek true community, companionship, expansion of self and your efforts to finally pay off, but fear it simultaneously. Let some magic in this week and let go of some misery. Seek to attract what you are repulsed by. Sagittarius: Gains, friendships, children, and decisions are going through transformations. Is your intelligences spot on or spot off- or both? Social interactions will increase this week but may leave you feeling drained and unsatisfied. What are you really craving for your life and how can you maximize your shine from the inside out? Capricorn: A week of maximum flow, maximum activation, maximum potential. What is holding you back from realizing your maximum? Who? What? What continues to go unseen is your greatest enemy. Expand what is possible. Aquarius: Less philosophizing, more embodiment. Less mental body, more physical. Less focus on action and achievement, more surrender to the emotions. Less looking to others, more looking within. Pick up your paint brush. Pisces: Debts, losses, transformations have blown in their haunts. Much of what has been hidden to you is painfully revealing itself. This is a time where blinders are getting ripped off. The only thing to lose is the known. The only thing to gain is moksha. Moon waxing and transits Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and into Aries. Full Moon on 9.19 at 06:13 CDT. Full Moon is in Pisces in PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra. Key words for the Full Moon and waning cycle ahead: tapas, purification, Shiva, creative movement, changes and shifts, balancing act, endings, renewal. Just in time for fall equinox on 9.22.
The moon has become a dancer at this festival of love. ~Rumi The week starts with Sun sandhi (in the gap) moving into Virgo at 13:08 CDT on 9.16, joining exalted Mercury there. Watch for heated thoughts, spiced mental activity and acuity as well as mental growth. It's the tight conjunction of Rahu, Saturn and Venus in Libra that is causing a lot of changes, calamities, wild swings between extremes and a dance of balance- literally. This week Rahu and Saturn are within a degree a part and Venus crosses Saturn directly on 9.18. The pressure and storms of Rudra are increasing. Storm season is in full effect- especially with water and its natural movement. Rahu and Saturn's conjunction in Libra with Venus (who is jala/water) are connected to Rudra- the storm god. All three planets are also in Swati nakshatra (ruled by the wind god Vayu and planet Rahu), creating storms, movement with water and ultimately intense house cleaning. With Mars still debilitated in the water sign of Cancer (and aspecting Libra), this heightens issues with water. Ketu is also in Bharani nakshatra ruled by Venus- so a lot of water is present in the planets right now; water that is ultimately clearing and purifying. The winds of Vayu can disrupt Vata dosha. There is a tendency towards constipation, gas, pranic disturbances, water retention etc. as well as issues with reproductive and digestive organs. Be especially conscious of your consumption of drugs, alcohol, excess sugar and stimulants right now. All of this water element present in the planets may be quite uncomfortable, so have a life vest handy. We are witnessing Nature express these storms (Rudra) externally through rains/flooding in CO etc. But on the internal landscape, many of us are feeling the emotional weather effects as well. Water and emotions are one and the same so one can predict clouds, floods, rains, thunder and lightening internally also. As my mentor put it "the Saturn/Rahu/Venus conjunction is creating a stellar opportunity to face demons [rakshasas]...the strong winds are cracking stuff loose in the most positive way and Lakshmi's broom is sweeping it away." We can see that this is necessary movement and change (albeit uncomfortable), clearing and cleaning- both internally and externally. This is a time to use your sharpest, most effective tools. Yagyas, energy work, meditation, good routine, dance/yoga, appeasing Saturn, creating with art etc. will all go a long way to help you weather the storms. If we can see the cleansing as positive and ultimately useful, it will help transform our attitude towards the effects, but don't be complacent. Water = creativity/creation energy. This week: Turn on your faucet and create, create, create!! Tap into your creative impulses and uncap the emotional/mental/physical storms through my Jyoti/Expressive Art Therapy Creative Engagement Activities. Creative Engagement Activity for the week of 9.16. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: A circle is closing this week. Maybe some healing you didn't even know you needed will help bring clarity and insights. Business is booming, just remember not all of your relationships are business related. Remember your soft side and let your guard down sometimes. Shift out of neutral and/or overdrive and put it into reverse. Temper greed and bad habits. Taurus: Work on healing and restoring balance with friendships and enemies. Pay attention to your gut and digestion. Insights will come from the unknown- spend time alone for deeper awareness. Brave emotional work is necessary at this time. Gain comfort from high level conversation. Belly massage can be helpful. Gemini: Your job is growth and expansion, opening to new possibilities and ideas. Using the emotional discomfort for creative activation is crucial, though likely you are experiencing stomach upset and acid reflux from it. Trust this transformational process, but ask gurus, guides, and teachers for support and get wisdom from higher knowledge. Doors from the past are opening. Cancer: The rivers and currents are moving and flowing within. Structures, patterns and shapes are shifting, causing change. Do you move with the tides or are you resisting? Transformation will be easier if you build a life raft and float with the water. Notice where you have built dams. This week is about release and letting go- from your depths. Leo: Seek royal comforts and communication with the hidden and unknown realms. New insights come from gurus, guides and higher knowledge. Courageous creation and excavation of the emotional currents is necessary for progress. Get a foot massage. Virgo: Your soul is emerging this week out of darkness and the Sun begins a new cycle for you. You attract more light now, but shining this light into the dark places is both valuable and important. Relationships are giving comfort and cravings as well as confusion and disruption. Your efforts and work are best spent on you and your growth. Bring awareness to your desires and cravings. Libra: You are feeling the pressure head on. Bad relationship habits, struggles with food and toxic behaviors may be surfacing. This is a time to reach out for support from trusted sources- don't go at it alone. Issues from the past are coming to light and the process is likely uncomfortable. Remember, all you have to lose is your ego. Get a head massage and mind your gut. Scorpio: Old, outworn patterns are ending. Support from unknown realms and mystics arrive. Soul excavation and exorcism are top priority for necessary change. Who and what is invited to stay? Who and what is being forced to leave? Gains from friends, older siblings and career desires are possible. Sagittarius: Emotional depths are moving you and cause discomfort. It takes courage to surrender to the currents. Some old desires are strong. Be courageous in tending and attending to them. Self care is non-negotiable. Put your health and well being first even if career demands your full focus. You are all you've got. Capricorn: Changes and movement are strong in your house of career. There may be some comfort and support, though likely you don't feel like you can trust it. Part of you is reaching a boiling point- are you overdoing it as usual? Stop. Drop. And roll. Communicating your needs effectively will go a long way with relationships. Protect your knees and stay flexible. Aquarius: Communicate with other realms- outer and inner. Courageously work with the unknown. Ask for help with your dharma. Communicate your needs more effectively with gurus, teachers and father. Tackle bad habits related to lack of emotional perception. Don't try to philosophize your way out- feel your way out instead. Pisces: The portals of the past are flung wide open. Support may feel unavailable or unreliable. There is some unmasking work to do around your many personas. Remember, your work does not define who you are. Do you know who you are without all the labels? This requires a new level of expression and way of relating to others. Strip off the old. |
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March 2017