This Week's Intention: Attend to your four bodies with diligence. Find the places where you are resisting the light- more support, nourishment and vitality. Get extra support and guidance for your needs. Moon is waxing and yet the inward pull continues. Monday begins with two wild planetary shifts as Sun and Mercury both move simultaneously to Scorpio. This leaves only one debilitated planet to contend with. However, the fierce conjunction of Venus, Mars and Rahu continues. Sun and Mercury will no longer be hemmed in by malefics, but they will conjunct Saturn in Scorpio and receive drishti from Ketu. Sensitivity is high in the coming cycle and we will all benefit from extra rest, self care and attention to the four bodies- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Go slow and don't force. Late morning on Monday, Moon moves to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada, and the Vishva Devas arrive to lend their support and assistance. When we align with right action, dharma, Nature aligns to support us with her power and abundance. The All Gods, or Vishva Devas, who rule this nakshatra, remind us of this need. Natural Laws are the supreme laws of the universe and keep us connected to Source, our ultimate alignment with life and spirit. Make you actions count today. Notice where you may be out of integrity- with yourself and spirit. Make the necessary adjustments to get the power you seek. Where is ego pushing you away from Source? What stories in the mind are keeping you from ultimate nourishment and divine connection? With debilitated Sun and Mercury in exact conjunction today, mental body work is necessary. Clean up, purify and burn away illusions and old chitta vrittis, mind stuff. Purify and transform through right relationship with Self and life. Sun leaves its sign of debilitation where a certain slow, inward climb has been present. The tight conjunction of Sun and Mercury continues as Sun and Mercury leap almost simultaneously into Scorpio on November 16th. Scorpio is known for its depth, deep inner power and passions. The inward focus of the past cycle deepens, clarifies, and transforms in the cycle ahead. The combustion of Sun and Mercury continues through December 6th- when Mercury moves to Sagittarius. With Sun and Mercury continuing to travel in close proximity, the mental body stays hot, focused, critical and oriented towards order and organization. Use this time to gain clarity and attend to finances, old karmas, shadow work and stories from the past. Mental and imaginal realms will be illuminated. What is coming to the light? Though Sun and Mercury will no longer be hemmed in by malefics, they will conjunct Saturn in Scorpio and receive drishti from Ketu. Sensitivity is high in the coming cycle and we will all benefit from extra rest, self care and attention to the four bodies. Go slow and don't force. This is also a prime opportunity to attend to physical and mental bodies and deepen the mind/body connection. With mental body rigidity and resistance present, use the physical body as a resource for staying in the present, rather than traversing the past. All four bodies- spiritual, mental, emotional and physical- will be extra sensitive in this cycle. Pushing, forcing or fighting this will lead to unnecessary struggles and obstacles. Health issues are a reminder to slow down and listen more deeply. Mental and emotional body struggles are a request to look at parts of yourself that need your attention. Spiritual concerns request deeper surrender and trust. Gather resources and extra support for this cycle and notice where you are resisting or refusing the nourishment you need for safety and support. Relationships continue to prove insightful and a potent mirror for inner growth and healing. In this cycle it's vital that illusions are clarified, brought to the surface and transformed. Notice where you are staying out of integrity and giving your power away. Focus on inner support and stability rather than mindlessly pleasing, dis-empowering yourself, and deflecting the nourishment you need. Early afternoon, Moon moves to Capricorn, receiving drishti from Saturn and Rahu. Watch for inner storms. Late morning Tuesday, Moon shifts to Sravana nakshatra, a constellation of the Moon. Saturn and Rahu give their gaze to the Moon, transiting a Saturn sign, Capricorn. Watch for depression, fear, and anxieties to surface. What is keeping you from feeling safety and security? What action steps need to take place in order to create different possibilities and options for yourself? There's a certain and necessary expansion that needs to take place in order to move forward and receive more nourishment. Where are you resisting and neglecting extra support and guidance? Vishnu gives his dharmic support today. It's time to make different choices, in order for different results. Start noticing where there are holes in your life and where needs are not getting met. Sun and Mercury travel in tight conjunction today. The mind is focused yet critical. Stay out of the impossible and re-frame for yourself. Be solution oriented. Wednesday mid morning, Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra, the shining star. The support of the Vasu Devas arrive to help increase the light and visibility. Take the dharmic awareness that emerged yesterday and let it inform the action steps you make today. Get focused, clear and align with your desires, passions and possibility. Open and awaken the rigidity and resistance. Find ways into the these parts of yourself and shine the light. Where do you need support? Where are you not showing up for yourself? Where are you playing small and down playing your desires? It's time to start shining brighter. Wednesday evening, Moon arrives in Aquarius. Saturn and Rahu continue to give their effect as ruling planets of this sign. Moon only receives gaze from Jupiter which can feel extra supportive and nourishing. Thursday, Moon transits through Aquarius, receiving the softening support of Jupiter and his wisdom-enhancing nourishment. Mid morning, Moon shifts to the often intense nakshatra, Satabisha. Though the critic and its chaos inducing ways may increase with Varuna's all-seeing nature, there is also opportunity here for healing to take place. When we honestly look at our shadow parts, we can transform and awaken them. Today, find opportunities for deepening your listening capacity. Find compassion for yourself and others. Seek guidance and support from healers and therapists- those who can provide resources, guidance and support, transformation and healing. Identify and confront your shadow parts and bring them to the light through wisdom and awareness. Early morning on Friday, Moon shifts to Purvabhadrapada, a nakshtra ruled by Ajaikapada, a form of Nataraja. Seek balance, movement and transformation today. Take your struggles into your dance. Let your dance be a metaphor for your life process. Step and ground, land and leap. Life is both opening and closing, seeking deeper resiliency in the process. This nakshatra reminds us to find balance within light and dark, happiness and sadness, the full spectrum of our being. We are all of it and how well we integrate and dance with our extremes, our polarities, is actually how we find balance. Late evening, Moon moves to the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, joining Ketu here. Both planets receive gaze from Rahu, debilitated Venus and Mars. Be diligent and gentle with all relationships during the coming weekend- including yourself. Saturday morning, Moon shifts to the last half of the Bhadra constellation, Uttarabhadrapada. Serpent of the deep, Ahirbudhnya, beckons us to traverse our inner netherworlds. Our uncharted territory is enlivened today and requests that we look more deeply at layers we may have neglected. The often unseen and hidden parts of ourselves will be magnified today. Use this as an invitation for looking at your shadows, inner illusions and the parts of yourself that keep you in the dark. The critic is high and intensifies through the weekend. Whether you turn this inward or outward, notice how your critic keeps you from being deeply nourished, supported and feeling safe. How does your critic keep you playing small, rather than stepping into your power? What does your critic need? What is it asking of you? Honor it without it ruling your life. Just as Sunday begins, Moon shifts to Revati nakshatra, the final constellation of twenty seven. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports and guides us on our path- with nourishment, resources and fruitful harvesting. He likes intention and provides safety and comfort when we honor our steps with diligence and compassion. Endings and release are afoot as Moon moves to the edge of Pisces. What support and guidance can you gather for yourself as you move forward? What resources have you encountered recently? What challenges? How can both inform your action steps and momentum? Moon crosses the tricky gandanta between Pisces and Aries just before midnight. Surrender to release, loss, endings and letting go. Purge emotions and let grief move through you. Prepare for a new cycle to come by letting the old move out and through you. Moon arrives in Aries and Ashwini nakshatra as Sunday comes to a close. Fresh starts begin the week ahead. Monday, allow the vulnerability of beginnings settle in as you move through your day. There's a freshness, a vitality, an awakening and enlivening occurring. Calculate your steps and be poignant in your choices. Attend to rejuvenation and revitalization. Awaken and refresh yourself with new actions. Declare your inner power and orient yourself around this core of truth within. Mars gives his gaze to the Moon today. Take the passion into action. If you are feeling anger stir, notice where you need to create healthier boundaries. What does your anger need? Lean in and listen carefully. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling December sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Moon is waxing and the week starts off with Moon entering the beginning of the zodiac, Aries. Fresh beginnings and new starts are here! Mercury is retrograde, as is Jupiter, which makes for a sensation of expanding in reverse. Use this time for clean up and organization. *** As of this week, I'll be shifting my posts to reflect my current time zone- Pacific Standard. Please note the changes and updated time difference in regard to your own location. *** Monday, January 26th Today's Intention: Re-new and become new by re-imagining the old. Just minutes after midnight, Moon hops into Aries and Ashwini nakshatra, inviting in the Ashvini Kumara twins. They offer us healing, rejuvenation- and increased creativity as a result. Take action steps today that offer healing and restoration to you. With Moon out of the gaze of other planets, we may feel an increased awakening, room for possibility and greater expansion. The expansion is possible through re-tracing your steps, going over old territory, inviting in the old, but restructuring it to make it new. Moon moves to Bharani nakshatra at 21:39 PST. Tuesday, January 27th Today's Intention: Plot, hunt and focus on your goals with tenacity. Moon transits Bharani nakshatra, Yama and Venus's domain. As the king of dharma, Yama determines whether our efforts are worthy of our time in this life, or whether we missed the mark. His ability to restrain us from overindulgence can keep us from misery. There is a certain one-pointedness available to us today, as well as a warrior spirit. Make sure your energy and efforts align with your long term goals and desires- the ones that have depth and purpose for your life. The auspicious ninth tithi or Moon phase, Navami, is enlivened today. It is connected to the Sun and the deity Naga, which can help us awaken some depth and awareness. Venus moves to Satabisha nakshatra at 20:51 PST, enlivening Varuna, the deity who rules over judgement and deep vision. Varuna handles Natural Law and enforces them by handing us our karmas, our actions and re-actions. It is very important to pay close attention to subtleties at this time, to deeply listen, in order to awaken to the truths of Nature. This awareness can help us re-establish a sense of order in our lives. Not out of fear or punishment, sacrifice or pain, but because we naturally align with Nature and her laws of wisdom and truth. As Venus transit through Satabisha, our inner creative waters can find more grace, fluidity and intensity simultaneously. Use this time to make an impact on your life. Take strong action and do what you know is best for yourself and others. Study the transits, learn the wisdom of jyotish, gather insights for your healing and transformation in my new class series: Jyotish Basics for Transformation and Healing. First class is this Sunday and registration ends Friday. Sign Up. Moon moves to Krittika, near the edge of Aries, at 21:36 PST. Wednesday, January 28th Today's Intention: Wield your sword with confidence. Moon transits Krittika nakshatra and jumps into Taurus at 03:41 am PST, becoming exalted for a few hours- until late morning. Agni is the ruler of this constellation and offers us a sharp transformation through purification processes. The emotional body fullness will be felt strongly so prepare for emotional diligence today. With Saturn giving direct gaze to the Moon from Scorpio, we can expect an underlying depression or fear to settle in. Mars and Rahu also give their gaze to the Moon, offering a strong edge with a dose of shadow. The mental body plays a role in the experience of the emotions today because of Mercury's conjunction with the Sun (Krittika's ruling planet); this increases our mental sharpness. We can direct this focus into meaningful tasks, or let it take us down the rabbit hole. Don't get caught up in "shoulda, coulda, woulda" today. Be diligent with your 3 level check-in so that you can easily navigate your inner dialogue. Need a reminder about the three levels? Moon shifts to Rohini at 22:06 PST. Thursday, January 29th Today's Intention: Make a greater creative impact today. Moon is considered in its mulitrikona sign as it transits through the remainder of Taurus. This is a place that the Moon can more fully express its creativity, sensuality, charisma and playfulness. Mulitrikona placement offers a planet the ability to express their energy at 75%. As Moon transits through Rohini, creative themes are exemplified. Rohini is ruled by lord Brahma, the ultimate God expression of creativity. By now, we have been feeling the refinement process of Moon receiving gaze from Saturn, Rahu and Mars. Today, we have a more porous experience, and less rigidity than yesterday. Let the wisdom seep into your pores. How is the struggle softening you, awakening you, opening you to possibility? Use this to spark your creative energy and focus your expansion efforts. Expand your creative channels and let the life pulse through you. Moon shifts into Mrigashirsha nakshatra at 23:06 PST. Friday, January 30th Today's Intention: Extend your branches into new realms. Mars moves to Purvabhadrapada today, enlivening Ajaikapada, the domain of Shiva, lord of the dance. It will be our tenacity, our warrior spirit and our action steps, that will help us accomplish seemingly impossible feats in the coming weeks. Ajaikapada stands with one foot firmly grounded, rooted in the earth, while the other foot is lifted, poised and ready to take a step. This represents continual movement, growth and change, as well as balancing the impossible. Symbolically, one foot is firmly grounded in the now, while the other is lifted into the unknown. Use very conscious action steps in the coming two weeks. Be diligent, conscious, strategic and poised for action. Moon transits through the latter half of Taurus and is in Mrigashirsha nakshatra today. The deity of this nakshatra is Soma, while the symbol is a deer head with large, reaching antlers. The ruling planet of Mrigashirsha is Mars, while the deity, Soma is connected to the Moon. The combination of elements and symbols here expresses much movement, change and growth as a result of the constant movement. Like antlers that continue to spread out and expand, then drop off, only to re-grow, we can connect with these cycles of renewal for our own life expansion. This is literally how we are fed and nourished by life. Last day to register for my new class offering, Jyotish Basics for Transformation and Healing!! Register here. Moon moves to Gemini at 11:45 am PST. Saturday, January 31st Today's Intention: Channel the power of your inner volcano and move mountains. Moon shifts into Ardra nakshatra just after midnight at 00:31 am PST, inviting in Rudra's powerful and tenacious strength and grande emotional waves. He moves things with his strength and ferocity which often stirs our anger and rage. Anger is connected to our power source within and must be treated as a flashing red light of awakening. What slumber do you need to awaken from? What is holding you back? What part of you is holding you back from experiencing your fullness? Now is the time to clear and clean up the mental body. The old stories and illusions that are keeping you from realizing your full potential. Track your mental body diligently today and see where it is causing eruptions. Sunday, February 1st Today's Intention: Expand what you think is possible. Moon moves to Punarvasu nakshatra at 02:21 am PST, and Aditi is ushered in. To smooth out the ruffles of yesterday, Aditi arrives to create expansion and awareness from the rubble within. She knits us back together with her wholeness, her unity consciousness. From this wholeness we get our needs met, we get the nourishment we need and our needs are taken care of. Jyotish Basics for Transformation and Healing begins today at 3pm PST. Did you register? Moon moves to Cancer at 21:56 PST. Monday, February 2nd Moon transits through its own sign, Cancer, with retrograde Jupiter here as well. Both receive drishti from conjunct Sun and Mercury. Nourishment deepens as we reflect on our deepest needs and desires. What serves us and what is not serving us? What can we clean up within our heart in order to clean up our life and properly expand? My Jyotish Basics Classes begin this Sunday, February 1st! Don't miss out on these transformational and healing classes. Get the details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. I know many of you use my Moon Mind Calendar diligently to help you navigate your days and weeks! So pleased that my posts are helpful for you.
Doreen says: "I keep the weekly page open so I can read about the day each morning. Thanks for all the work you do and share!" Moon is now waning. We have several several planetary changes this week- Mercury and Sun. My Sensitivity: Be Your Gift Teleclass + Workshop is now open for sign up. $54 early bird special ends Thursday! Truly looking forward to sharing this work with all the sensitive Moon children! As per my Moon Mind Calendar: "Today, be aware of your judgement- the kind you put on your self and the kind you externalize and impose on others. Be aware of the ego telling you its fantasies and notice where your personal stories and mythologies are running the show." Varuna rules the day. The critic. The judge. Tragically, Robin Williams' critic killed him. Bless his soul. Bless his family. And bless all beings who struggle with their critics, their sensitivity, their emotions. I get this fire dance. I have danced with it and continue to. May we all find the tools, resources and support we need in this life. May we learn to dance with our emotions and our demons and our critics, but not let them destroy us. Monday, August 11th Moon is waning now and transits Aquarius, moving into Satabisha nakshatra at 09:02 am CDT. From this place in Aquarius, Moon is out of the gaze of the other planets, however, Rahu is enlivened today through two levels: By being co-ruler of Aquarius and by ruling Satabisha nakshatra. Rahu is our shadow self, our obsessions, desires and karmas. He is worldly- of this world- rather than the spirit realms. On Rahu days, we need to be reminded we may be overzealous on some level. Try to catch your self in the act. As Moon passes through Satabisha nakshatra, Varuna is enlivened. Varuna is the guardian of Natural Law, who has a thousand eyes in order to see everything. Varuna's job is to be the judge and highly discerning. He rules over our fate and also has immense wisdom. He offers us awareness to act accordingly- but do we? Today, be aware of your judgement- the kind you put on your self and the kind you externalize and impose on others. Be aware of the ego telling you its fantasies and notice where your personal stories and mythologies are running the show. Above all, act with integrity, kindness and compassion. Satabisha days also require us to be vigilant with our health. Don't break the rules today or there will be lasting effects. Mercury is sandhi, at the edge of Cancer, poised to move into Leo. Soften the mental body and tap into your emotional/intuitive body. The mind is about to shift gears dramatically so hold onto this feeling while it lasts. Tuesday August, 12th Moon moves to PurvaBhadrapada at 06:11 am CDT while Mercury is at the edge of Cancer. Purvabhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter and Ajaikapada- another name for Nataraja, Lord Shiva. Tapas, rituals, and purification are part of this nakshatras tendencies as well as tantra and black magic. Ajaikapada is considered a Rudra who offers the complexity of both immense strength, yet calamity. It is through the chaos that we are given an opportunity to learn, grow and change our course. There is often a sense with this nakshatra that one is balancing the impossible, or perhaps has a foot in two different realms. Ajaikapada offers us awareness beyond the material plane of existence, depth and both single pointedness as well as balance. Today, notice where you are divided. Where are binary thinking patterns hindering you? The shoulds and the cant's? The black and the white? Where do you need to close doors in order for new one's to open? What do you need to say no to in order to start finding more yes's in your life? Mercury moves to Leo at 10:22 am CDT and jumps into Magha nakshatra. Great awakening or great discomfort? Mercury will be moving through Leo quickly- in just 18 days. Luckily Leo is a friendly sign for him, but the heat turns back up when Sun joins him this week in Leo on 8.16. This will be a strong placement for Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius especially. Let the mind be bold and active, but keep it reigned in enough so that it doesn't run away with you. We will all need to be working with themes involving boundaries, emotions, and expanding our self awareness- but in a spectrum of ways. Diligence with the mental body is always important. Expect the mind to be laser sharp in the coming weeks. Work with your 3 level check in for further clarity. Moon moves to Pisces at 22:17 CDT, joining Ketu there. Wednesday August, 13th As Moon jumps into Pisces, he joins Ketu. Moon moves into UttaraBhadrapada at 03:43 am CDT, enlivening Saturn and Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the nether regions, hidden realms. He brings depth and knowledge to us through the subconscious. And as all serpents are connected to kundalini, there is great awakening possible through him. Be mindful of your emotions today and pay close attention to your boundaries. Feeling angry and agitated? Where are you saying yes when you should be saying no? Drishti from Jupiter on the Moon and Ketu may be the balm that soothes the sting, but avoid the bite if at all possible. Getting clear on what is nourishing and comforting vs. what are just old patterns and behaviors, is essential. Have you signed up for my Be Your Gift Workshop yet? I've created it especially for those of us who are extra sensitive. Find out more. Thursday, August 14th Moon moves to Revati at 1:48 am CDT, with Ketu in this nakshatra as well- and nearing close conjunction with this moksha planet of restructuring. Revati invites in an extra level of Mercury and the nourisher, Pushan, for our journey. Jupiter's drishti offers expansive awareness, while Rahu's gaze can bring a layer of uncertainty or misinformation. Pushan protects, guides and nourishes our paths and is invoked for safe travels and protection from evil. He brings wealth and blessings of abundant nourishment. He is toothless and requires only soft foods that don't require chewing. Milk is a favorite of his. This is a reminder to us that simple is often the most nourishing and that attending to our health and well being often requires simple foods that are easily digested. Pushan reminds us that eating simply and living simply creates abundance. Keep it simple. Stand in your power. Be bold in your mind and firm in your resolve. Get your needs met by simply being clear with what works and what doesn't work. Cut out what doesn't work. The recipe is simple. Can you take the actions? Moon and Ketu are in exact conjunction at 21:30 CDT. Emotions are sensitive. Tend your needs for comfort and nourishment. Make self care a priority tonight. As the day ends, Sun goes into sandhi (the gap) and moves towards the edge of Cancer. Heart matters intensify. Be clear with your self and others. Boundaries are essential. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are in exact degrees at 23:13 CDT and this continues through the early part of Friday. This can be a trigger point, so be mindful of your heart, emotions and needs for comfort, safety and security. Early bird special ends tonight!! My Sensitivity: Be Your Gift Teleclass + Workshop $54 early bird special ends Thursday at 12:30 pm CDT! Truly looking forward to sharing this work with all the sensitive Moon children! Friday, August 15th Just after midnight, the Moon crosses the tricky threshold from Pisces (water) into Aries (fire) and moves into Ashwini nakshatra. Ketu and the Ashvini Kumara (twin brothers) rule this nakshatra so Ketu's ability to restructure suddenly continues as a theme for our emotional body. For some this will bring flashes of awareness and understanding, for others the blinders may get ripped off in uncomfortable ways. With the tension of Mars and exalted Saturn offering their gaze from seven houses away, the Moon gets a bit of pressure and heat as well. Frustrations? Delays? Changes? All of the above? The underlying theme is healing, rejuvenation, receiving some kind of medicine. What is the medicine you are being offered today? What are the healing modalities being presented? What obstacles are you overcoming and what strengths are you having to use? Heal and be healed. Not by force, but by surrender. Sun is still sandhi, take care of your physical body today. This is an ideal time to harvest somatic awareness especially with Saturn's gaze on the Sun. Have you used my Full Moon Creative Ritual yet? Recycle it if you've already done it. Saturday, August 16th Just minutes after midnight CDT, the Moon hops into Bharani nakshatra and Venus and Yama are energized. Yama is lord of death, but brings us restraint, self control and a sense of duty, as well as a desire to "follow the rules"- or break them! Because Yama is connected to death and the transition into death, transformations and life changes are his domain. He brings about mini "deaths" in our life in order to feel the depth of our humanity. Simultaneously, the yoni is Bharani's symbol and this correlates to great sensitivity. Great strength, change and transformation are available today, but not through great effort. It will be the capacity you have to use your sensitivity as a tool of awareness, to let go of the distractions (internal and external) that will be most effective. Heart, mind and body unite and dance; three levels of awareness. Lead with your heart though and the rest will follow. Note where you can't expand, where the heart refuses to go. Look there for wisdom and death. Sun moves to Leo at 19:21 CDT, its own sign. A passionate month is ahead as Sun ignites in its comfortable fire sign, Leo. Sun joins Mercury there (these two are always chasing each other- mental and physical bodies). Leo connects us to 5th house matters of intuition and intelligence, upper intestine (gut), children, creativity, past life credits and father. Sun helps these areas of our life rise and shine, but hopefully not burn us. Sun and Mercury will be free from the gaze of other planets for this transit, so there's a greater ability for the Sun to shine. Venus will join Sun in Leo on the 31st just after Mercury goes exalted. Put on your sunglasses until 9.16 and focus your efforts and energy at this time. Get clear, get focused, make goals and take action! Sunday, August 17th 21 minutes after midnight CDT, Moon moves to Krittika nakshatra. Sun and Agni heighten, though Sun is barely in Leo. Attention and intention on the physical body is essential today. However, with Sun in the gap newly in Leo, we get a rare opportunity for somatic awareness and insight. Be very gentle in your embodiment work today and harvest your findings. Take your 3 level check in into a somatic exploration and then into a drawing or painting. Once Moon moves into Taurus, it exalts and expands at 06:32 am CDT. Just after noon CDT, Moon moves into its mulitrikona degrees. Still an expansive place for it, yet offers us some room to grow; arguably a better placement then exaltation. Agni reminds us to cut, clear, purify and burn away excess so that what remains is pure. Agni is the transformational fire of life that turns food into a life sustaining tool. His alchemical processes are the essential spark of life and living. The symbol of Krittika is a razor. It's through exactness, and razor sharpness, that we cut to the necessities of life. This is a time to cut out all but the essentials. What are your essentials? For life? For living? For loving? For nourishment and support? Get clear and get the job done. Today offers a rare occurrence: Exalted Moon, Saturn and Jupiter while Sun is in its own sign. May you feel this fullness, flow and expansion and may there be some stability as a result. Enjoy! Next week starts out with this flavor- as Moon transits through Taurus. Let the good times roll- for the moment- and enjoy some essence of comfort and support from the cosmos. Sign up for my Be Your Gift Teleclass and Workshop closes tonight at 12:30 pm CDT. If you are a sensitive type like me, you don't want to miss this one! Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Moon is waning this week and transits Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and into Aries. Multiple changes occur on 6.15. Find the planetary details in my transit report.
Monday, June 16 Moon transits Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra. Vishnu and his expansiveness as well as the Moon rule over the day. Movement is a key theme for today's experience as Vishnu is said to have traversed the three realms of earth, sky and heaven in three steps. Look for threes today. Use the metaphor of three steps as a key for your actions. Work with the "emergence of the third" and metaphors that include bridging the unknown with the known. What can we bring forth from our depths in order to arrive at a new destination? Vishnu is about expansion, so let your dreams take you to a fuller experience, a more expansive state of mind. Take care of mind/body and spirit today. Saturn energy may slow down the arrival at our desired destination, so work with frustrations consciously. At 16:39 CDT, Moon moves into Dhanishta and we can take the awareness of Sravana into action and implementation. Nourish and be nourished. Create and share your creativity. Let the Vasu Devas help you shine. Mercury has moved back into Mrigashirsha nakshatra in his retrograde dance. He is transiting Gemini with Sun who just entered Gemini and Jupiter who is on his way out. He's feeling the movement, the change, the uncertainty of the other planets and reflecting this to us in our mental body. Frustrations and emotional upheavals are coming from this abundance of movement and change right now. It's palpable. Work with the instability in conscious ways- through dance and creative movement. Find your own metaphors as you move. Use grounding and stabilizing activities as a resource to bring more comfort, calm and support. Find more about this transit in my Transit Report. Tuesday, June 17th Moon moves to Aquarius at 03:35 am CDT and receives drishti (gaze) from Rahu and Jupiter in this position. Moon transits Dhanishta nakshatra. Mars and the Vasu Devas rule the day. The Vasu Devas help us shine and be seen through our gifts. They are sources of illumination and prosperity; literally the light or jyoti. Dhanishta people like to share information and like to be heard- especially through music and creativity. Create, share, take action. Find new ways to get your message out there; get innovative. Moon moves into Satabisha at 14:37 CDT. Rahu and Varuna are enlivened as a result. Guard your health today and take preventative measures for creating wellness. Eat well and nourish your self with good food, proper routine and self care tools. Avoid excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol and intoxicants. Be mindful that on Satabisha days, we may turn excessively critical. This gaze may turn inward or outward- or both. It is a great time to consciously work with our critics and deepen our relationship with them. Why is our critic "helpful" and when does it show up for us? Self tracking is essential in order to find the deeper meaning within our judgement. Wednesday, June 18th Moon transits Aquarius and Satabisha nakshatra until 13:00 CDT receiving drishti (gaze) from Rahu and Jupiter. Many of the suggestions from yesterday apply. Rahu and Varuna are enlivened as a result. Guard your health today and take preventative measures for creating wellness. Eat well and nourish your self with good food, proper routine and self care tools. Avoid excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol and intoxicants. Be mindful that on Satabisha days, we may turn excessively critical. This gaze may turn inward or outward- or both. It is a great time to consciously work with our critics and deepen our relationship with them. Why is our critic "helpful" and when does it show up for us? Self tracking is essential in order to find the deeper meaning within our judgement. At 13:00 CDT Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra ruled by Ajaikapada and Jupiter. With the momentous transits happening, we may feel as though we are in a balancing act as the deity Ajaikapada reminds us (another name for Shiva). Lord Shiva expresses in his dance, one foot firmly rooted, the other lifted and in balance; we can feel this sense of limbo today as the transits intensify. So much is in transition right now, hanging in balance, neither here nor there. Can you feel it? Purvabhadrapada signifies endings, letting go, the funeral cot that symbolizes death and transition. This is where we are right now. At the edge. Letting go. It is a big day of transits and changes. Venus moves to its own sign of Taurus on 06.18 at 07:08 am CDT away from Mars’s drishti and the conjunction of Ketu. This may be the stabilizing force that allows us to make more lasting and life-supporting changes for ourselves during the next month. Just as Venus moves into Taurus, Jupiter makes his momentous change into Gemini later that day at 20:24 CDT. I’ve written extensively on this transit. For greater insights on this 13 month transit visit my Exalted Jupiter articles part one and two. For more details on both of the Venus and Jupiter transits please check my transit report. Thursday, June 19th Moon moves to Pisces at 06:07 am CDT and transits PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra, receiving drishti (gaze) from Mars. The morning starts with influences from Ajaikapada and Jupiter. Jupiter arrives into Cancer officially and Venus settles into its own sign of Taurus as well. Moon receives drishti (gaze) from Jupiter in this position. Look for glimpses of gentleness today and invite in a softer approach to life and relationships. Moon moves into UttaraBhadrapada at 11:53 am CDT which energizes Saturn and Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the depths. This is naga serpent energy though- the kind that brings insights and awareness with excavation below the surface. Dive deep today and explore possibility and purpose. Seek out stability. Sun and retrograde Mercury collide in Gemini causing a heated mind. Issues coming back to haunt you? Noticing old patterns resurfacing? Retrograde Mercury is working his magic on us. Go for precision and exactness, avoid anger and hostility. This combustion receives drishti from Rahu which can heighten the intensity and cloud our awareness. Feeling the heat? Calm down and count to ten before you communicate. Better yet, wait 24 hrs or go meditate before you come to your conclusions. Friday, June 20th Moon moves to Revati at 11:17 am CDT which energizes Mercury and Pushan. Pushan guides us and protects us on our journey, offering us support and nourishment. Look for support, self care, guidance and help today. Ask if you need some extra support or help. Guidance and support is all around us. Often, we just need to be open and receptive to receive it. Moon is being gazed at directly by Mars. Simultaneously Sun and retrograde Mercury are still in close degrees- yesterday’s suggestions still hold true. Issues coming back to haunt you? Noticing old patterns resurfacing? Retrograde Mercury is working his magic on us. The mind is heated and fiery. Great for precision and meticulous thought processes, but anger and hostility can easily surface. This combustion receives drishti from Rahu which can heighten the intensity and cloud our awareness. Feeling the heat? Calm down and count to ten before you communicate. Better yet, wait 24 hrs or go meditate before you come to your conclusions. Saturday, June 21st Solstice occurs on 6.21 at 05:54 am CDT. It is officially summer for the Northern Hemisphere. Moon crosses the tricky junction point between Pisces and Aries at 11:13 am CDT. The morning may be best spent slowly and silently as Moon transitions from water into fire. As Moon enters Aries, it moves into Ashwini nakshatra, nearing Ketu. It also gets drishti from Mars here. As the day takes shape, the fire in us enlivens and Moon collides with Ketu. Use this heat and passion for activation and action steps. Some of us may get instant messages and sudden brilliant ideas! Address anger and agitations head on. Not by forcing your agendas and objectives on others, but by looking within and noticing where the emotion is arising from. How does anger serve you, or how has it served you in your life? It wouldn’t be there unless you relied on it for some reason. Find ways to use it as a resource, a tool of passion and greater inner awareness. Don’t suppress it or lash out at others. Let it to inform your process. Use the day resourcefully. Use healing modalities, purification practices, rasayanas and rejuvenation treatments for getting your needs met. Create, sing, open your artistic channels. Just before midnight, Sun moves into Ardra nakshatra, heightening our connection to Rudra and Rahu until 7.05. Emotional upheaval, intense movement and change, calamities and uncertainties may be increased. Some worldly success may be provided for some in the coming weeks, but watch for excessive cravings simultaneously. This will be an excellent time to navigate our emotional body with very deliberate awareness as we will likely be feeling some passing clouds and stormy weather. Sunday, June 22nd Moon transits Aries and moves into Bharani nakshatra at 11:38 am CDT, enlivening Venus and yama. Transformation, death, release and letting go surface today. The day and its desire may require us to use restraint. Keep it simple. This is an excellent time to cut out attachments. This may be in relationships or simply with house cleaning- or both. We can clean and purge from the inside out. What are you willing to let go and release? What do you no longer need? What needs to be cut loose? What can be restructured in your life so that you have more space for what truly nourishes you? We may also get great clarity today about what we truly need to move forward in our lives. Use this day effectively and invite in transformation. Is this helpful to you? Please share it with at least one friend. Thank you! Plan your week with the planets, sign up for my newsletter. Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) this week and moves through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and into Aries. Our attention and intention move inward as the Moon empties.
Sync up with the Moon and its waxes and wanes on a physical level. Learn more in my Flow With the Moon article. Monday, 5.19 Moon transits Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra today. Vishnu and the Moon rule Sravana. Vishnu is all-pervasive, like akasha (space), and connects us to the three realms earth, sky (cosmos) and heaven (universe). The Rg Ved tells us that Vishnu took three steps, traversed these three realms, and he expands our consciousness. Vishnu and Sravana nakshatra connects us to dharma, the oral traditions, wealth and prosperity. Capricorn's ruler, Mars, goes direct today at 20:28 CDT. We can expect the mind, creativity and actions to be moving in a more forward motion now. Be intentional and plan your steps carefully. Sharpen your focus. Set your desires into motion. Take three powerful steps- in honor of Vishnu. Tuesday, 5.20 Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra today at 10:00 am CDT. With Dhanishta's planetary ruler being Mars (now direct), we may feel grande momentum today and a strong work ethic in place. Vasu, the presiding deity of this nakshatra, urges us to shine brightly, to achieve excellence and wealth. Dharma is a predominant force here. Today, seek comfort, seek support, seek the spark alive within you. Move towards your shining. Use this mantra to connect to the light (jyoti) that is available to us through the Vasu-Devas: Aum namo bhagavate vasudevaya Moon moves to Aquarius at 21:14 CDT and receives gaze (drishti) from Rahu, and Jupiter here. Wednesday, 5.21 Moon transits Aquarius, receiving gaze (drishti) from Rahu, and Jupiter here and moves into Satabhisha nakshatra at 08:31 am CDT. Varuna and Rahu rule the day through this nakshatra. Varuna is connected to unseen (invisible) obstacles- which is also another attribute of the sign Aquarius and its ruler, Rahu, the shadow planet. Watch for excess judgement and criticism today, as well as looking for inner wrongs and the wrongs of others. Take care of your health and work towards removal of inner/outer obstacles. It is Wednesday (day of Mercury) and Moon is transiting its 8th phase (tithi) called Ashtami also ruled by Rahu. This is the half way point in the waning cycle. A feeling of being in limbo might be felt today, a sense of urgency to change, but resistance to act or move might be heightened. Look for fears and anxiety to be present with this push/pull dynamic. The mind is delicate through the weekend as Mercury changes signs; while in transition, it passes through its sandhi (gap) phase and asks us to move our senses inward. Avoid making decisions until Mercury strengthens (Saturday) and temper feelings of overwhelm and mental tension with fresh air, embodiment and creative outlets. Write your worries and fears down on paper. Let them flow like water onto the page in order to empty your mind. It's ok to think big today, just don't succumb to overwhelm. Take bite sized action steps for best results. Thursday, 5.22 Venus moves towards the edge of Pisces and becomes sandhi in the wee hours. Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada at 7:19 am CDT. Ajaikapada (a form of Shiva, lord of the dance) and the planet Jupiter are enlivened today- especially because it is Thursday, the day of Jupiter. Today may offer a sense of both expansion and contraction. We may feel the need to cut pieces loose that need to be let go of in order for greater growth and change. There might be an energy today of overwhelm, balancing the impossible, and/or having a foot in two opposing realms. The word of the day is tapas. Think in terms of purification and learning from the obstacles afoot. Mercury moves to its own sign (Gemini) at 15:32 CDT, joining Jupiter there. This is cause for celebration and insures that our mental and creative capacities will get an expansive boost in the coming weeks, though not without navigating some shadow work as Rahu gives his drishti (gaze) nine houses away from Libra. Some may even get a monetary leg up or some notoriety with this cycle. This is an unusually lengthy transit for Mercury who usually zooms through signs in only a few weeks, but this cycle will last for over two months! Part of this time he will retrograde and become sandhi at the edge of Gemini, but nonetheless, our mental faculties will be getting some support during this transit. As per my planetary transit report for the waning Moon cycle: A powerful transit of "increase" is upon us with this one. More knowledge, more wisdom, more understanding and more of all things Mercury. Expect money making ideas and desires to increase simultaneously. Don't let the mind run off with you. Reign it in. Being diligent this month with the mental body and meditation will be valuable and deepen your efforts and experiences with this transit. More on Mercury's transit into Gemini in my next planetary transit report next week. Use the "soft mind" of sandhi Mercury for inner reflection and introspection until he strengthens in degrees on Saturday. Friday, 5.23 Moon changes signs, moving to Pisces at 00:38 am CDT, joining a very sandhi Venus here and receives direct drishti (gaze) from Mars seven houses away. Shortly thereafter, Moon moves into Uttarabhadrapada at 06:27 am CDT where the naga (serpent) Ahirbudhnya and the planet Saturn predominate. A Rudra who removes calamities, Ahirbudhnya offers us great insights, depth and awareness if we choose to navigate the unseen and hidden realms within ourselves. As per my planetary transit report for the waning Moon cycle: Moving out of its exaltation sign of Pisces and into Aries, Venus makes the transition at 18:09 CDT. This is a particularly tricky junction as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and is a water sign, whereas Aries is the beginning of the zodiac and a fire sign. The symbolism here: endings and new beginnings, as well as starting anew. Venus will be feeling the pressure this month as he shares Aries with Ketu and also receives direct gaze (drishti) from Saturn and Rahu seven houses away as well as Mars eight houses away. A nice exchange between Sun and Venus occurs though as Sun transits Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Venus transits Aries (ruled by Sun). Heat, pressure and transformations are inevitable, however. We may feel this in our relationships, with our creativity, passions, artistry, and with our flow of money. We may get an increase of support and a greater feeling of power and possibility with this transit. However, as Venus joins Ketu in Aries, expect a purification of these areas of life to occur as well as a restructuring with all things Venus. Saturday, 5.24 Moon moves to Revati nakshatra at 5:54 am CDT. Pushan and Mercury preside over this nakshatra. Mind strengthens as Mercury strengthens in degrees today which helps us harvest the nourishment that Pushan offers ton us. Prosperity, increase, and a sense of flourishing can arrive through Pushan. He protects us on our paths and helps our journey be comfortable and with ease. Today, look for ways you can expand your wealth and prosperity and notice where you are needing extra nourishment and support. What is working? What is not working? Now is the time to make adjustments so that more gains can be felt. FYI: some letting go will be required in this process. Sunday, 5.25 Sun moves to Rohini nakshatra at 02:55 am CDT. This can help our sense of creative potential. Look for insights and intuitive guidance pointing you in the right direction. Let your creativity be unleashed! Moon crosses the tricky junction point between Pisces (end of the zodiac and water sign) and moves into Aries (beginning of zodiac and fire sign) at 5:43 am CDT where it joins Venus and Ketu there; all will be in Ashwini nakshatra. These three planets receive direct drishti (gaze) from Rahu and Saturn seven houses away in Libra as well as from Mars eight houses away. Get activated! Cut loose the old attachments and barnacles holding you back. Burn away impurities and seek healing and rejuvenation- especially with relationships. You may feel this need for change and restructuring on the mental level or it may be required of you. Get creative. Harmonize more with your desires and great potential. Use your Sunday for taking extra care of your needs. Relax, restore, and use your favorite techniques for rejuvenation. Plan your week in tune with Nature. Never miss my Moon Mind Calendar. Sign up for my newsletter. And if you like this post, please share it! Thank you! |
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March 2017