Moon Mind
2.21 Moon transits Libra in Vishaka nakshatra with Mars, Saturn and Rahu there and receives drishti from Jupiter. Moon is in the 7th tithi ruled by Saturn. Today can offer a sense of expansion and a productive agenda towards goals. As the there is much movement being felt energetically with so much Rudra energy here, it is important to effectively harness his strength and momentum. Be practical in your to-do's and set mini goals for maximum achievement. Take time for embodiment and bring conscious awareness to the physical body and the "internal winds"- ie. prana. It's too easy to get "blown around" right now and not be grounded. A three level check in is a great way to Self track and check in with your own needs. Close the eyes and do a scan for Mental body, Physical body and Emotional body. Listen to their messages. 2.22 Moon moves to Scorpio (its sign of debilitation) and into Anuradha nakshatra. Debilitated Moons give us the ability for refined sensitivity, an internal focus and heightened intuitive awareness. Use your Saturday for stillness, inward attentiveness and grounding. Embodiment ensures a certain ability to "hear" what your needs/wants are so you can better address them. As Anuradha is ruled by Mitra and the planet Saturn, paying attention to the details of the physical body is assisted here. Today is the halfway point in the waning Moon (Krishna Paksha) as the Moon transits the 8th tithi (Ashtami). Let the pull be to the inside. We are nearing Shivaratri on the 27th where the silence is tangible. Though the planets are inspiring an outward pull, it's essential to attend to the calling of the inner realms as well. Today, if we pause, we can move towards greater balance and harmony. Go slowly.
{Moon Mind}
Wednesday 8.28 & Thursday 8.29 Moon transits its mulitrikona sign, Taurus today and tomorrow (it is also its sign of exaltation). Currently Moon is in the creative nakshatra, Rohini, ruled by Lord Brahma, the creator god in the trinity of Vedic gods. Brahma is also referred to as Prajapati, lord of progeny- he who progenated the human race. Creative energy is exalted here through the arts, fertility, passion and expressions of shakti. It is also the day of Lord Krishna's birth- Krishna Janmashtami- which falls during the waning Moon (dark half) while Moon is in Rohini nakshatra and the 8th tithi (Ashtami) during the month of Bhadrapada. Baby Krishna and all his attributes are celebrated at this time. The 8th tithi ends today at 17:40 CDT. Krishna is known as an avatar and the eighth incarnation of Vishnu. He exemplifies love, beauty, creativity and devotion as well as dharma. The story of his love for Radha, is the epitome of an epic love story. Together they create create the spark of life, shakti, which can then come into form. They represent the balance and union of both the masculine and feminine. Today is a beautiful reminder of life, balance, love and harmony. The special celebrations in the Vedic Calendar give us time to pause, reflect on what is, and how we can restructure some balance that may be missing. With the current planetary trend of debilitated Venus and Mars testing our relationships and masculine/feminine dynamics both internally and externally, it is a good day to re-evaluate our desires. As Moon moves into Mrgashirsha nakshatra on 8.29 at 04:56 CDT, our resolve from the previous day gets tested. There is more heat and less water in the planets today so watch for anger, frustrations, and irritations. Keep cool and calm. Channel emotions effectively in creative outlets. Moon Mind
6.29.13 Moon is in Uttarabhadrapada and Pisces, ruled by Saturn and Ahirbudhyna and symbolized by the back legs of funeral cot. Endings, transformations, working in the unseen realms, mantras, serpent energy such as kundalini, awakenings, awareness and consciousness development are heightened here. Ahirbudhnya is a Rudra, a storm deity, who removes calamities and misfortunes. Therefor he brings movement, change, power, activation. Other planetary expressions included, today is a day that activates change, movement and momentum. What direction are you heading in? What forces are working with you, around you and in you? Resisting the winds of change is not a good use of energy. Surrender to the flow, release your sail, and catch a tail wind. Currently Moon is waning (dark half) in the 8th tithi Ashtami ruled by Rahu. Jupiter moves into Ardra nakshatra today- ruled by Rahu. Jupiter gives drishti to Rahu/Saturn in Libra as Rahu simultaneously give drishti to Jupiter in Gemini. Rahu currently transits Vishaka nakshatra ruled by Jupiter. There is an exchange of energy here between Rahu and Jupiter as well as a heightened expression of Rahu- jumpstarted by today's nakshatras. For some, this will offer big expansion in a worldly sense, for others chaos and calamity. Be aware of storm energy and a tendency toward overwhelm. Tomorrow Rahu will move to Swati nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. Today starts the momentum that will carry us forward for the coming weeks and months on the winds of Vayu and the worldly essence of Rahu. Prepare for change. |
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March 2017