Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces this week.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Mars moves back to Virgo at 00:44 CDT on 3.25 and is sandhi until next week. With Sun in Pisces now, both will be giving each other direct gaze or drishti- heating up mental matters, communications, networking, business and commerce. Creativity should take some lead. Think in new ways. Empower your Self. For more on Mars and his unusual dance this year see my past article. New Moon is Sunday 3.30 at 13:45 CDT while in Pisces and Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra- joining Sun here as well. Sun and Moon will be receiving drishti from Mars. Uttarabhadrapada is ruled by Saturn and Ahirbudhnya, the son of Vishvakarma and Surabhi. He is a serpent of the nether regions, hidden realms and mystical knowledge. He provokes studying, research and knowledge. Though he is a Rudra, he can remove calamity and misfortune because of his intense understanding and depth. This new Moon offers us insights, contemplation and a chance to move our attention inward for greater consciousness development over the next two weeks. A certain sharpness may be accessible and available to us at this time. Desires to grow, advance and expand our knowledge and understanding will be heightened as well. Paying attention to the physical body and the mind/body connection will be especially helpful during this cycle. Somatic integration is supported and encouraged. Think: embodiment. As Navaratri begins on the 31st with three days dedicated to Ma Durga, use this new Moon time for clearing, cleaning, purifying and cutting the attachments that are unhelpful and not bringing progress. Durga has our health and physical stamina on her list of desires. By moving inward, cultivating a space for listening, retreat and gentle focus, we can heighten our connection to Self and gain access to her wisdom at this time. Be still and step into your personal power. From softness to fierceness; let both inform your process. For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. The New Moon has us creating space this week with Mandalas. It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. I still have some sessions available for April. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Themes of healing and digesting re-enter from stage right. Make sure you are taking time and space for these needs- especially over the weekend. Focus on financial goals and career objectives that will get you to your goals, but don't push too hard- yet. Don't expect much from relationships right now; this is a time for you and your needs as well as advancing your self. Taurus: Some learning and growth is presenting itself through friends and gains from your efforts is paying off. You are still cutting, snipping and clearing out pieces of life that don't work and no longer serve you. What are you learning from your gut? How does your digestion inform you and your process? Intuition sharpens now and assimilation sets in. Gemini: The heart returns to a roaring and sharp momentum that can offer you insights into your depths, needs and healing process. You may gain insights with career, friendships, connections, siblings and relationships. Some of these insights may bring discomfort, anger and a desire for change so listen carefully to your internal barometer. What is the passion in your heart telling you about your needs and wants? Cancer: Courage and creativity have been re-ignited and will go from a flicker to a flame for you in the coming weeks. What is percolating within? What desires will gain momentum? What stormy weather can you harness for new direction? Create. Cultivate. Network with new and old resources alike. How does this inform what you need and want? Leo: Finding your voice (again) is a theme that makes a resurgence now that Mars moves back to your second house. Find you voice. Courageously navigate your heart space, emotions and healing tools. Watch what you eat; avoid excess sweets, alcohol, spicy and heavy foods. Virgo: A sense of sharpness returns as Mars re-enters your first house this week. Sharpness of mind, emotions, heart, and needs brings up relationship concerns, memories and experiences from the past for re-evaluation. Relationships may be offering discomfort and pushing you towards retreat mode. Your gut has ample resources for you. Dance from your belly, draw from your belly and let it inform your actions. Libra: Tempestuous spring storms have turned to brooding gray clouds. Take this time to pause, be still with what is and use it as momentum to create what you want and how you want it. There is digestion of old patterns and "self" stuff right now which is connected to relationships. Process your emotions properly; don't stuff them. For you, art and heart are excellent resources. Scorpio: Be bold with your learning and growth. Listen to intention. Push gently for growth and friendships. Work on relationships with siblings and friends. Find a new sense of creativity with work, play and heart space. Sift through the rubble of your life and seek ways to speak up and share your Self. Re-imagine your year ahead. Plant seeds. Make Goals. Take small action steps that have potent meaning. Sagittarius: Mental courage comes from doing things differently and out of the ordinary. Think outside of your boxes and set your self free. Heart and emotions can offer insight and awareness as well as gains with friends and business. Make progress with work, speak eloquently and seek comfort and support. Creativity will assist you and take you far right now. Think like an artist. Don't over do it on the sweets and alcohol. Capricorn: Creativity and spring go hand in hand. Envision new options, possibilities and endeavors. Set career and monetary goals and then work backwards. What has to be done now to get you there? Network, branch out, meet new people. Be bold and courageous. Aquarius: Upgrade your awareness; listen and learn. Friendships and relationships give you a chance to re-evaluate what your needs are. Set appropriate boundaries and let go of who and what is not serving you on a high level. Think of ways to teach, advise, gain new knowledge and take sacred alone time. Pisces: Clean up mode continues in your life, especially around relationships in the coming weeks. Meditation and time alone offers you new ideas, creativity, visions and possibilities for your life and well being as well as with relationships and co-creation. Expand your view and career trajectory with knowledge, new skills and by listening intently to your intuition.
Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and passes through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and into Sagittarius this week. Moon is debilitated in Scorpio the 21st to the 23rd.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Retrograde Mercury moves back into Capricorn on 2.18. Read more about retrograde Mercury here. Sun transits Aquarius and moves into Satabisha nakshatra on 2.19 for the next two weeks. This nakshatra is ruled by Varuna and the planet Rahu. Varuna is judgemental and brings punishment to us if we are not in alignment with the Laws of Nature. He is said to have "a thousand eyes" and sees everything. It is especially important to mind ones health during this time; with Rahu giving drishti to the Sun as well (though Aquarius is considered Rahu's own sign), it will likely also be challenging to stay on a good routine and eat sattvic foods etc. as Rahu is notorious for pulling us off our "good routine" and our best efforts. Try hard though, as sickness that comes during Satabisha nakshatra transits can prove hard to manage and heal from. I do like to remind my Self during excessive Rahu periods, however, that the "chaos" has a purpose, that it brings a swing to the opposite side and can remind us at the least what "doesn't work" for us and what is not best practice. We then have the opportunity to swing back the other way for more balance later on. That said, Rahu brings worldly advancements as well; some of us may feel that benefit during this time. Look for increased connections through friends, partnerships, and communication in order for advancement. For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. This week we will be working with the critic. It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. I am now booking sessions for late March. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Avoid rushing into partnerships and contracts with others right now. Don't say yes right away; contemplate before answering. Watch your anger and angry words. You're likely trying to do too much and may feel overwhelm. Where can you ask for support and what details can be delegated? Taurus: When things don't feel like they are going your way, what is your response? A break down? Binging? Seeking out comforts through food or others? All of the above? These are the old habits to be watching for. Get underneath the cravings and ask your self what the real needs/wants are. Look to the past- especially childhood- for clues. Gemini: As the passions stir within, find a focal point to direct your energies. For you, the dreaming big is never the problem, it's the practical (and methodical) action steps that need to be applied in order for results. These slow steady steps really add up (over time). Take one this week. Cancer: Love and money. They make the world go round and you're not immune dear one. Notice what you're craving. What are your actual needs and wants, once you scrape out the gooey center. Get back to the basics. Leo: Courage and bravery require action steps, movement and momentum. Ask for support and encouragement from others. If you want things to change, create it for your Self. The arts are a brilliant tool for assisting you with this. Grab a paint brush. Dance. Sing. Move things. Virgo: Has the cat got your tongue? Turn it into a song and dance! Feeling the love? Share it before implosion. Prune out the unnecessary pieces of Self and life and get down to the basics. This is where you'll find your real nourishment. Libra: Forcing things is a waste of time. Right now, learning the art of allowing is best use of your efforts. In other words: surrender. Frustrations may be mounting within you. Use effective tools for letting off steam. I recommend art and creativity. Use it to go with the flow. Scorpio: Your focus is on all the endings in sight; which requires inevitable beginnings to emerge on the horizon in the near future. You are in attraction mode. Get what you want this time. No settling! Let the past inform your present, but don't return to it. Let the door slam on your way out. Sagittarius: Pluses and minuses. Gains and losses. Winners and losers. Friends and enemies. You're learning the practical application of "you win some, you lose some" and figuring out how to re-shuffle your care deck for a better game. Watch your team mates. Capricorn: Ready to charge forward? Listen to the warning signs and put your Self in neutral so you don't crash. Bad habits with love and money are possible right now. Slowing down is a worthy cause and will likely take most of your efforts. Speak your truth. Aquarius: The learning and growing curve right now is steep. As the dust settles a bit, turn your inner material into your offering. Write it all down and prepare to share, teach and advise. The best way to learn is to teach what you aren't an expert at yet. Pisces: The portal to the past is bringing out its beasts. Your self-esteem may be getting a hit or two, but use this as an awareness tool for new and different types of action. You are in a heavy transformation phase. Let the clouds come and do all the things cloudy days require. Trust the sun will return. Moon transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces this week.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Moon finishes its wane with the new Moon on 1.30 at 15:39 CST. New Moon is in Capricorn while Sun and Moon are both in Sravana nakshatra. Sravana is ruled by Vishnu and planetarily by the Moon. Vishnu brings his expansive tendencies to this nakshatra and a connection to the three realms- the visible realms of solar system and universe, as well as the unseen realms. He upholds dharma, and reminds us to listen carefully. His three steps remind us to take methodical, calculated action and to work towards dharmic pursuits in the coming weeks. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn who currently transits Libra conjunct Rahu. These two are offering progress right now and an overall theme of movement, change and structured expansion. After Venus goes direct on Friday, we will continue to see the theme of "forward momentum" increase- especially in regard to relationships, finances, creativity and business. Though there is tension and pressures likely with these as well, remember that Vishnu is reminding us to step with purpose and be in the rhythm of the Universe. What are you stepping towards? What are you stepping away from? What is your vision of expansion? What is your dharma and purpose? Ask for assistance. On a practical level, goal setting will be help you take conscious steps towards your desires. Be methodical. Be calculated. Be the change you wish to see. Saturn and Mars will be in exact degrees on 1.29 at 06:47 CST for just over an hour. During this time be cautious while driving, traveling or commuting- be alert and avoid distractions. This is a general caution for the current planetary trends right now, however, but be especially cautious Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Venus goes direct at 14:47 CST on 1.31 and will be in forward motion moving through Sagittarius until 2.26. Use the next three weeks of PurvaAshada nakshatra for cleansing, purifying, taking medicinal ritual baths and working on nourishing, harmonious relationships. This is a good time for support from Apas (the water goddess) in cleansing your life of toxic people and habits, eating foods that bring health and in general eradicating imbalance. Venus's retrograde motion has helped us rewind, remove and go back over parts of life that have needed re-evaluation. Now we can implement and integrate those pieces and use them for a more forward direction with his direct motion. If you have been uncertain about seeking guidance and support for the coming year, I urge you to reach out and get help refining your vision for 2014. Intention is potent! It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool for your week. This week's activity has to do with finding your dance using "three steps" and repetition. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Use this week to get work pieces in order. Put desires into action by setting attainable goals with due dates. Money and relationships may begin to feel like they are moving in a more forward direction after Friday. Continue to work on courage and your old, bad habits that are surfacing. Taurus: Transformations and changes with relationships and money begin to move forward for you after Friday which will likely lift your spirits a bit. Use your intuition to guide career decisions and learn to trust your gut. You're still working on pieces around comfort and support as well as bad habits connected to these. Keep digging. Gemini: Relationships continue to be a source of growth for you, though likely with some difficulties and emotional confusion at times. The coming weeks will help solidify what you already know. Progress begins after Friday with career as well. Become an observer for now and watch from the sidelines as much as possible. Cancer: Gains and matters of the heart and home begin to improve after Friday. Use this week to work on relationships; both personally and professionally. Put effort into finances and watch for mental vulnerabilities. Continue to work on bad habits and patterns connected to money and love. Use your weekend for meditation. Leo: Courage and action steps may feel out of balance. Use this time to work on ego and listening to inner guidance as well as conscious steps towards your progress. Watch for family patterns that may be dictating your decisions and motives. Listen for clues. After Friday, career and creativity begin to move forward, but listening to your gut will be the best way to get ahead. Virgo: The drive to heal and transform, to support your self and feel successful intensifies. What is holding you back from your Self-realization? Heart and relationship matters will begin to move in a forward direction after Friday. Be sure to nourish your Self right now with healthy, timely meals to help ground your energy. Libra: Continue to focus on your Self and lessons with heart and home. Start trusting your inner wisdom more and listen to your intuition for guidance. After Friday, courage and creative action steps begin progressive momentum. Step slowly and with intention. Stop and smell the roses. Scorpio: The gains continue to come- a healing balm for the heart and pocket book. Your efforts are being rewarded, but remember to save for those rainy days. Notice your feelings of new stability and support; bring this momentum to relationships and to life. Trust your Self and your process. Dig your heals into the soil of your own inner knowing. Sagittarius: Your heart and relationship process begins moving in a more forward direction after Friday but will take courage and effort on your part to get clarity. Seek guidance and council, support and alliances for greater comfort. Watch your digestion. Don't over consume alcohol, sweets, intoxicants. Capricorn: Your inner light is shining and pushing the clouds aside. Passion, courage and creativity begin to move in a forward direction after Friday. Continue to work on old, bad habits and watch your digestion. Clean up diet and routine and old heart residues. Passion and fire of the heart are strong. Don't get heart burn. Balance is key. Aquarius: Intuition is sharp at this time. Trust your gut instincts and responses- even if courage seems to waver. Matters of the heart and relationships in general should be clearer for you after Friday. Don't go against your instincts thought; you've come too far to negate your knowing. Pisces: Career begins to make forward progress after Friday, but only due to your own efforts, actions and creative courage. You continue to work on heart expansion, clean up of home and emotional matters, which can bring a sense of liberation. Relationships are intertwined with this inner transformation and the past is informing the process. Stay alert and re-direct if necessary. Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and transits Leo, Virgo, Libra and into Scorpio (its sign of debilitation) this week. Moon is debilitated from the 25th until mid day on the 27th. Use this time to listen to your intuition and subtle messages.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Sun moves to Sravana nakshatra on 1.23. Ruled by Vishnu. This placement should bring movement towards dharma and knowledge. We must listen carefully however and make sure to act on intuitive guidance here in order to maximize the benefits. Wednesday, 1.22, Mercury moves to Dhanishta nakshatra, ruled by the Vasudevas- sources of illumination and prosperity. At the end of the week, Mercury moves to Aquarius- on 1.26 at 12:03 pm CST. Mercury will receive drishti from both Rahu and Jupiter in a sign ruled by Saturn. Mercury is weak in degrees (sandhi) from the 25th through the 28th. Some level of expansion, worldly gains and increased business and commerce are possible in the coming weeks. But temper obsessive compulsive behaviors, greed, cravings and excesses as well as negative thought patterns. Temper your asuras in other words. Late in the week and into early next week, mental acuity is less, so avoid important decisions at this time. If you have been uncertain about seeking guidance and support for the coming year, I urge you to reach out and get help refining your vision for 2014. Intention is potent! It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool for your week. This week's activity has to do with creating a sense of fullness using mandalas. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Right now your career is teaching you about "best practice" but perhaps the lessons are coming in the form of "what not to do" from your work relationships. Relationships in general continue to prove insightful and a source of growth. Learning from past relationships is a theme right now and may provide you with a window into what no longer serves you. Cut out whoever and whatever is not serving your higher purpose, higher being. There's no time like the present to purge and let go. Taurus: If you are paying close attention, you may be noticing your deepest vulnerabilities are providing an opportunity to teach you about strength, resiliency and power. Relationships, friendships and wealth will provide the biggest source of insight and information so watch your responses and reactions for clues. Digestion and what you ingest are still central themes. What are you putting into your body? What are you ingesting from environment and relations? The release will be assisted with meditation and surrender. Gemini: Head clearing and heart clearing continue by way of your digestion. There's a much needed urge to purge the old and outworn; time well spent. Include old relationships, emotional habits, and self esteem struggles in your rummage pile. Sun is still in your 8th house- giving you an opportunity to pause, re-collect and re-connect with your Self in more meaningful ways through transformation and metamorphosis. Meditation is time well spent and will help you get your head on straight(er). Cancer: Pay attention to your relationships at this time. Are they healing or hurting you? Digging up your bad habits? The asuras are out to play and you might get snared in their traps. The tussle between positivity and negativity will be waltzing between your mind and heart but don't be afraid to take action steps- even if you take a stumble. In the dance of life, it's all just practice. Avoid over-consumption: of spending, of drinking and of sweets. Listen to the pitter patter of your heart if you feel out of step; trust your own rhythm. Leo: Friendships are returning with a new sense of awareness and intuitive insight. What new pieces are present now? Take a role of listening and presence rather than healer and therapist with personal relationships. Is it hard for you to step out of the "power role" of giving? Mind and digestion are running a bit hot right now. Avoid spicey, fermented and overly rajasic foods in order to soothe your heart burn. Eating excessive sweets and alcohol won't suppress the feelings either. Now is a good time to take a look at your need to be in control. Virgo: Head is hot and heart is beating faster. What is your new rhythm and pulse? Your heart dance? You are dancing backwards right now, re-creating your set point of desire and what is possible. Keep the visions alive. Keep the head and heart in a passionate tango. Sing and stomp. Howl and tip toe. Create your dreams and bring them into your reality. From inner to outer. Find the right connections, resources and relationships to support you and don't look back. Libra: Take courageous leaps. Create your new life and relationships by cutting up the old haunts, memories and demons into tiny pieces. Re-arrange them and create a collage that suits your heart's desires, dreams and inner guidance. You have the chance to change your life, to re-create it- from the inside out. Art is a potent medicine and it's just what the doctor ordered. Make time for your dreams. Scorpio: It takes courage to take a new path, to carve out a new way of doing and being. You're in the midst of a growth spurt where you are able to expand your vision of what is possible and align more closely with your dreams and goals. It comes with effort and building on your past resources but you are up for the challenge and the transformation. Remember to take a pause late this week and resource within. Meditation, self care rituals and nourishing foods are time well spent. Mind your mouth. Sagittarius: If anyone should be learning to waltz right now, it is you. You already know the steps- and have done them before- but likely you are getting a new twist on them. Use fresh eyes and fresh feet to take your triple steps. Don't let your fumbles stop your momentum and remember to look up- not down at your feet. Momentum and follow through may be your biggest obstacles. Just remember in the dance of life, it's one step at a time and all big journeys begin with a single step. Capricorn: Vayu (the wind god) continues to blow changes and uncertainty into your career and finances but something has strengthened your resolve and purpose. Trust your core as you retrace steps, search and excavate into your depths, past creativity and relationships. You can put all these pieces together and create a beautiful new collage; a map for moving forward. Don't underestimate your tenacity and your creative resolve. Let your passion out of its cage. Aquarius: Sitting in the belly of the beast, look around you and take notes. Sitting at the ashram, look around you and take notes. Compare. Contrast. What inspires you to keep going? To persevere? Who and what fills you with gladness and makes your heart sing? Listen to these messages and look at your notes. They are the words of the Universe pushing you towards your dharma. Pisces: Expansion in reverse seems to be the theme right now. Perhaps some of your old efforts and connections are finally paying off- but likely your efforts and gains are coming with a few rough patches and frustrations. What are you learning from the irks and irritations? Check in with your power source. Who and what provides you with a sense of power? Anger provides much power. If you can harness it and use a bit of alchemy, you will come out ahead. But you'll need to thwart what's coming at you. This week provides you with some practice. Moon is waning (Krsna Paksha) and transits through its Kali phase this week as it passes through Leo, Virgo, Libra and into Scorpio. Moon is debilitated in Scorpio on 12.29 and 12.30.
Sun and Mercury are currently in Sagittarius and tracking each other closely. They both move from Mula nakshatra into PurvaAshada on 12.28. There has been some uprooting, change and dishevelment in mind and ego over the past week due to Mula and its deity Nirrti (the wife of Adharma and a symbol of breaking with dharma and Natural Law). Mental adjustments are happening and changes to our desires and needs, but don't get too attached to the uprooting just yet. As Sun and Mercury move into PurvaAshada on 12.28, the cleansing waters of Apas will be a balm to the spirit and soul. This is a better time for planting seeds of desire and intention after the prior tilling and ground preparation of the previous weeks. This week Sun and Mercury form a tight conjunction. Mercury will be in exact degrees with the Sun at the tail end of 12.28 and into the first wee hour of 12.29. Mercury is combust this week as a result and stays heated until later next week when they begin to separate in degrees. This combustion can create mental tension, agitation, anger and heated discussions. Tempers could flair, headaches might prevail; the mind will be extra hot, sharp and focused. Good for laser beam mental acuity, but not so good for "going with the flow". Additionally, these two planets are currently receiving drishti from Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. The heat and pressure is on. You may feel stifled and yearn for escape, change and "something better." Watch for self criticism and excess judgement towards others. Challenge your Self to learn something new and to be open and accepting of information and differences. Remember that Venus and Jupiter are also both retrograde right now and effecting our relationships in general. As per last week's horoscopes, "Be mindful of your need to "fix" others and remember you can only fix your Self. With the double retrograde action of Jupiter and Venus occurring, the desire to "fix" relationships will be at an all-time high. Re-direct that energy back onto your Self. Note that some relationships will get stronger during this time, while others will fall apart and lose their strength. Some individuals will lose their desire to "be in relation" at all. For the recluse types, this is the ultimate time of silence and a wonderful opportunity for meditating, spiritual focus and a strong turning inward." Old relationships will be returning to us, offerings tests and lessons. Our relationship patterns get a big chance for re-evaluation this week. What will you learn about your Self and what new intentions surface later in the week? For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool. This week's Jyoti/Expressive Art Therapy Creative Engagement Activity has us working with the knees and Venus retrograde *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Your concentration and focus can get the job done and remove obstacles at this time. There is leverage for forward momentum. Meet the right people, attend to your relationships and courageously expand your tool kit and knowledge base. Take a new class? Go on a fun adventure? Find joy in the small and look for the profound lessons and healing. Self care still rules. Taurus: The snipping and letting go. Finding the essence and taking nourishment from this alone. The working backwards and retracing your steps in order to arrive at this place for the first time. The effort and courage it requires for this path into emotion, ugliness, darkness. Go there. Heal these places. Attend to your wounds. Gemini: Learning from the past can be extremely valuable. You are getting an opportunity to evaluate pieces of your Self, relationships and your creative offerings right now. Emotional lessons are adding up. Rekindle your life force, your desires, your heart song. But careful that you aren't letting others fan your flames. Sustainability comes from being able to self-ignite. Cancer: You may be feeling confused about your courageous leaps and forward momentum suddenly. Sometimes taking a few steps back is important for your next few steps forward to be powerful. But ask your Self first "am I maintaining the status quo to avoid confrontation and possible conflict and turmoil or is this really in my best interest?" Learn from the relationships that are showing up, the ones returning. The truth is you are learning how to live in the moment more and let go. Good thing? Perhaps. Just don't get stuck there. Leo: Lasting transformations and change take courage and calculated movements. Goals are achieved through moments of calculated action steps. Work backwards now. Make your lists and check them twice. Find your laser focus and align with your agenda, but don't expect everyone else to be on your same page. Remember it's ok to be a loner sometimes. Virgo: Put your effort into your Self and fill your love bank with good thoughts and soul food. You'll have more to share from a sustainable place moving forward this way. You may feel longing for nourishment and your homeland right now. Take time for mother and Earth. The grounding will help you with the important choices you are struggling with. Libra: The need to "break free" is strong, creating tension and perhaps misalignment within your relationships. Is harmony important for you to maintain or is the fire necessary? Do not lash out with blame- avoid victimhood. Instead, take responsibility for your feelings, your own needs and desires. This is a time of learning about who you are and what you are; this can be a lonely journey, yet ultimately liberating. Scorpio: Retracing steps and re-evaluating past actions can be helpful as you move towards a more abundant future. There is a return to creative fire, ignited by desire and yearning. A chance to gather tinder for your own fire, giving your internal sparks company. Move with the fire. Voice this desire and find words to shape your feelings. Keep the throat chakra open and your head cool. Sagittarius: The need to move forward with your career and life offerings feels urgent. A certain restless thirst for movement and momentum and yet a strong desire for comfort and familiarity is alive. Is it possible to have both? As the strong desires and ambitions build, it will take focus, courage and educating your Self in order to meet the mark. Don't let friends and older siblings derail your progress. Capricorn: Return. Returning. Re-turning. Turning. Turning in. The dance within you and around you is happening in spirals, rolls and undulations; like a baby pushing up for the first time, rolling and finding a new relationship with its internal forces. Healing through your ever changing propreoception- the flux and changes that are a constant. Can you find your dance here- within the storm and chaos of change? Put words to your movement and momentum, to your spiral dance. Aquarius: As you work with your relationships, you may find a returning to early memories and childish needs and wants. What are your deepest yearnings and desires? What was lost and needs to be regained for more wholeness and satisfaction? Find ways, find tools, to create what works for you and don't expect others to be fully aligned with your process. There is support, however, if you seek it. Pisces: Relationships may be bringing some challenges to you as your career changes and goes through a metamorphosis; or is it you hindering your Self? Don't let the negative naysayers throw you off track from your desires and dharma. Speaking your message is important and will help refine it as well as give you clarity. This internal process for clarity and enthusiasm is building momentum for what is to come. Don't lose sight of your vision now. Plant your feet firmly and take a step forward. |
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March 2017