This Week's Intention: Sensitivity is your gift. Be sure to honor your inner landscape- physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Seek balance with inner and outer, as well as with self and others. Presence is your super power. The week begins as Ganesha Chaturthi ends. Monday morning finishes the celebration of the revered elephant god who removes obstacles from your path of enlightenment. A great way to start the week off! Moon continues to wax as challenging planetary configurations and alignments activate. Some relief may be felt despite the current Kala Sarpa Yoga effects (see more below). Monday, September 5th Moon in 5th tithi Panchami Late Monday morning, moon shifts into Swati nakshatra, Vayu's territory. Movement will be maximized- whether small or large, gentle or harsh. The nature of Vayu is air, cooling things off softly and also brutally. For the full version sign up for my membership. * All timing is in Mountain Daylight Time. To determine the current nakshatra for your time zone, add or subtract time based on your distance to Mountain Time. {Space Clearing the Heart} Discover how to transform your emotional body in a creative and embodied way. Early Bird Pricing Ends September 5th. Get the Details
New Moon is Monday morning and then Moon begins its waxing cycle this week. Saturn and Mars are still in very tight conjunction, causing frustration with our stop and start energetics, confusion and agitation. These two opposing forces begin to separate later this week, helping us gain a new sense of balance.
Last chance to sign up for my Be Your Gift Workshop! Doors close for good Tuesday at midnight. Monday, August 25th Today's Intention: Empty, let go and release. Rest and relax. Find simple ways to self care. Ask the ancestors for guidance. New Moon today at 09:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. Moon is conjunct Sun (also in Magha) and Mercury, also in Leo. Magha nakshatra is ruled by Ketu, the southern lunar node responsible for restructuring and cutting attachments. The deity that presides over Magha is Pitr, who is connected to the ancestors, lineage and karma. There is authority here and sometimes ego and arrogance can arise if not checked with awareness. We are effected by seven generations before us, and we effect the seven generations to come. It is an important part of Magha, to be conscious and aware of these effects, how our ancestors and lineage play into our own life experience and what the fate of our lineage will be as a result of our own actions. Magha and Pitr are reminders to create powerful and effective karmas that leave lasting, positive results for generations to come. We may ask ourselves during Magha what our legacy is and what actions we need to take in order to create a strong legacy. This new Moon gets sparks of imagination and can fuel our desires for future actions. Let intention be a strong guiding force in the coming weeks and listen intently to your solar power, your gut instincts and your inner light. Get creative, get bold, and take strong action steps towards your desires. What are the big goals you are moving towards and what actions need to happen in order to make this happen? With Sun in its own Sign right now, we can all make some hay while the Sun shines and get some lasting results because of it. Get ambitious, think big and shine your light. Your efforts will pay off- especially if they please the ancestors. Read the New Moon Wisdom and what this new Moon offers us in the coming cycle as well as a new Moon Creative Ritual for the ancestors. Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada at 19:28 CDT, joining Mercury there. Spend the evening relaxing and enjoying simple pleasures. Tuesday, August 26th Today's Intention: Plant your seeds of desire and seek comfort in simple, satisfying actions. Connect and co-create with others. Moon transits Purvabhadrapada today, enlivening Bhaga and Venus. Moon joins Mercury in this nakshatra, so look for mental body activation as well. Bhaga is connected to enjoyment, pleasure, love and affection. His domain is sexuality and sensuality and that which sparks fun and play within our relationships. The symbol here is the back half of a bed- another association of pleasure, rest, leisure and comfort. Luck, fortune and destiny are part of Bhaga's offerings. The mind may be spinning its wheels. Desires, cravings and wants may intensify and feel overwhelming. Material pleasures and gains may feel daunting, unavailable or under nourishing. Keep the faith. Make plans. Take a symbolic action step towards your goals and desires. The Moon is still empty and dark. Plant your seeds now. Seek the support of a trusted friend for guidance and support. Self care to soothe your self with creativity. Have you done my Creative Ritual for the new Moon yet? Moon moves to Uttaraphalguni at 22:19 CDT. Last chance to sign up for my Be Your Gift Workshop! Doors close for good Tuesday at midnight. Wednesday, August 27th Today's Intention: Be sharp, one pointed and direct today. Goals are attainable if you aim and take targeted action. Moon moves to Virgo at 5:00 am CDT, joining Rahu there and receiving drishti from Ketu. Moon transits Uttaraphalguni, the latter half of the Phalguni stars ruled by Aryaman and the Sun. Aryaman is also one of the Adityas (as is Bhaga) who rules over support and sustenance on the material plane of existence. Unlike Bhaga, however, Aryaman rules lasting parts of our relationships- the parts that are time tested and long term. Prosperity is gifted from the ripening of time, not immediately. The Phalguni stars are associated with fertility, fruits, progeny, creativity, flowers and colors. Today enhances sharpness and quickness as well as sudden shifts and changes. Let sparks of imagination fly but be conscious of your shadows. Mind is poised and ready to fire. What is your target? Be very intentional with your actions. Thursday, August 28th Today's Intention: Spark something! Open windows wide and let your heart sing its truth. Tensions start to ease a bit as Saturn and Mars are now over two degrees apart. Mars is moving towards its own sign of Scorpio. Look for some resolutions, clarity and release now. Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra at 00:58 CDT, activating Savitr and its ruling planet, the Moon. Hasta invites in an ability to expand, learn and grow with wisdom, the light of knowledge and intuitive insight. Let Savitr help you invoke tools of wisdom and flourishing. Recite Gayatri Mantra to awaken magic and inspire the dawning of light within you. What new insights are enlivened for you today? Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥtát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃbhárgo devásya dhīmahidhíyo yó naḥ prachodáyāt Mercury becomes sandhi and moves to the edge of Leo. Friday, August 29th Today's Intention: Take effective action and use your creative skills. Build the life of your dreams by setting your visions into goals, your goals into actions. Prosperity comes with plans and actions. Moon moves to Chitra nakshatra at 03:19 am CDT, joining Rahu in this star. Just after Moon shifts into Chitra, Mercury jumps signs and moves into Virgo, its sign of exaltation, at 04:55 am CDT. This transit will either be expansive and worldly or wrought with confusion, mental exhaustion and shadowed intelligence. Stay out of the mental body mire and be diligent with your 3 level check ins and harvesting process. Artists, use the coming 3 weeks for creative brilliance. Business minds, expand your entrepreneurial focus and think big. This is a building phase that can leave lasting results that offer big rewards. Pay attention to opportunities, or make them your self. Right now, as Mercury moves into Virgo and adjusts, it will be sandhi through the weekend. Let the liminality of the mind provide room for dreams and visions to take root. Vishvakarma and Mars enliven and offer a sense of building, planning and plotting "next steps" and "best practices" for our efforts. Vishvakarma is the divine architect, the chief artist and architect of the gods. It is through Vishvakarma that we gain skill and then gain subsistence as a result of using our skills. The action is an important part, as is indicated in the word karma and the ruler, Mars, the chief of action. As Moon moves closer to Rahu, the tendency to be overwhelmed intensifies. Work backwards and be timely with your actions. Too many irons in the fire? Scattered and feeling ineffective? Prioritize. Circle the top five most important things on your to-do list and take action accordingly. Moon moves to Libra at 16:21 CDT, joining Mars and Saturn there. Today is Ganesha Chaturti, the celebrated birthday of the elephant god who is able to remove obstacles and offer wisdom, prosperity and good fortune to his devotees. Jai Ganesha!! Saturday, August 30th Today's Intention: Where am I detaching out of habit and where am I detaching out of necessity? How can I be more conscious of my inner and outer landscape even while in constant flux and change? Moon transits Libra with exalted Saturn and Mars, moving into Swati nakshatra at 05:16 am CDT. Thankfully Mars and Saturn are separating now and Mars inches towards the edge of Libra, toward Scorpio. With Mercury exalted in Virgo, we now have three planets exalted (Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury) and Sun in its own sign of Leo. It is another powerful and poignant moment in the cosmos. Make use of it with thoughtful actions! Swati nakshatra is ruled by Vayu, the wind god, and Rahu. Movement, change, shifts, strength and power are at our disposal today. As wind is not grounded, there is a sense of lack of attachment. This can translate within us as aloofness and an inability to express emotions. Be sure to do a 3 level check in and harvesting process today. Don't cut and paste over your felt senses. Harvest and explore your inner landscape. Get clear on what you need so that you can aim your actions accordingly. Venus moves to the edge of Cancer and becomes sandhi today. Soften and open to your creative needs, relationship needs and what your heart requests. Listen carefully. Sunday, August 31st Today's Intention: Nourish yourself well. Make an offering to the gods at your altar and ask for their blessings. Feed your self well today and let this be an offering to your god Self. Digest and transform the nutrients in your life. Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 06:41 am CDT, joining exalted Saturn and Mars in this nakshatra. Indra and Agni are the dual rulers of this star as well as the planet Jupiter. Indragni, remind us that often two are better than one. This dual god also reminds us that hierarchy is necessary at times, and that co-creation is imperative for life and well being. Indragni sit at the portal opening (the altar or the mouth) and help the offerings we make to the gods transform into nourishment for the gods. When the gods are nourished, they grant us nourishment in return. This is a metaphor for self-nourishment and feeding ourselves well. Through Indragni, our food is digested and transformed into life giving power and sustenance. Moon conjuncts Saturn exactly around 12:30 CDT. Attending to the physical body is essential today. Use somatic intelligence to navigate your inner landscape. Later in the evening, Moon conjuncts Mars exactly around 20:30 CDT. Work with your emotions, anger and frustrations consciously. Use my Saturn and Mars MP3's for assistance. And don't neglect your 3 level check in and harvesting process. Venus moves into Leo at 16:26 CDT, joining Sun there in its own sign and jumping into Magha nakshatra. Look for clues in the coming ten days about your relationship needs and how to be in relationship effectively. Make changes, recalibrate, let go. Listen to the ancestors for clues and messages. Connect with others through the internet. Short interactions will be more supported at this time. Be prepared to cut and clear and also restructure who and how you connect to others. Be bold. Need support and some extra guidance for your Path? Schedule a coaching session with me. Like this post? Please share it! Want more creative resources? Sign up for my newsletter. Moon Mind :::
Thursday, 9.18 Moon is waxing in the 15th tithi (purnima) and is currently in Aquarius in Purvabhadrapada. Today offers an opportunity for balance- outer and inner. The winds of Vayu may be sweeping you. Feel the momentum? Find your dance with it, your personal rhythm and take harmonious action. Venus as just crossed over Saturn and they are still in tight conjunction. Saturn and Rahu are one degree a part. Creativity, desires, passions, and storms are strong. Find a structured stance with these cravings and natural forces. Be aligned with Saturn, and you can't go wrong. Ganesh Chaturthi {birthday} celebrations have ended now {India time} with Anant Chaturdashi. Jai Ganesha! Moon will be full on 9.19 at 06:13 CDT. Full Moon is in Pisces in PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra. Key words for the Full Moon and waning cycle ahead: tapas, purification, Shiva, creative movement, changes and shifts, balancing act, endings, renewal. Just in time for fall equinox on 9.22. The moon has become a dancer at this festival of love. ~Rumi {Still 5 days of Ganesh Chaturthi}
Moon Mind ::: Friday 9.13 Moon transits Sagittarius in Mula nakshatra until 17:20 CDT when it moves to PurvaAshada. Mula is ruled by Nirrti, the goddess of adharma and dishevelment. The connection to Ketu here brings her ability to uproot and dismember into effect. As Moon moves into PurvaAshada, Apas (the water goddess) takes over. Her cleaning and clearing effect will soften and move out anything brought to the surface by Nirrti. However, storm season is in full effect- especially with water and its movement. Later today, Apas will bring more water with her. The Rudra energy of Rahu and Saturn's conjunction in Libra with Venus (who is jala/water) all are now in Swati nakshatra (ruled by Rahu), creating storms, movement with water and ultimately intense house cleaning. With Mars still debilitated in the water sign of Cancer (in a Saturn nakshatra), this heightens issues with water. Ketu is also in Bharani nakshatra ruled by Venus- so a lot of water is present in the planets right now; water that is ultimately clearing and purifying. All of this water may be quite uncomfortable, so have a life vest handy. We are witnessing Nature express these storms externally through rains/flooding in CO etc. But on the internal landscape, many of us are feeling the emotional weather effects as well. Water and emotions are one and the same so one can predict clouds, floods, rains, thunder and lightening internally also. As my mentor put it "the Saturn/Rahu/Venus conjunction is creating a stellar opportunity to face demons [rakshasas]...the strong winds are cracking stuff loose in the most positive way and Lakshmi's broom is sweeping it away." We can see that this is necessary movement and change, clearing and cleaning- both internally and externally. This is a time to use your sharpest, most effective tools. Yagyas, energy work, meditation, good routine, appeasing Saturn, etc. will all go a long way to weather the storms. If we can see the cleansing as positive and ultimately useful, it will help transform our attitude towards the effects, but don't be complacent. New Moon Mandala {Growing a fertility flower in the pit of my despair} by, SJM. Monday 9. 9 begins the birthday celebration of Lord Ganesha {Ganesha Chaturthi}. The festivities start during sukla chaturthi (4th tithi of waxing moon) during the Vedic month of Bhadrapada. This 10-15 day celebration will end on the 17th for us here in the U.S. and on the 18th in India (Anant Chaturdashi). This is a time when the son of Shiva and goddess Parvati and the known "remover of obstacles" is celebrated and honored. As we move closer to Navaratri (first week of October), we near the sandhi time of the season- the gap- when the veils thin, the spiritual realm becomes more tangible, and Natural Law comes alive. May all obstacles be removed on your Path to self-realization. Jai Ganesha!
Moon is waxing (bright half) and transits Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. Moon is debilitated in Scorpio from 9.10 to 9.12. As mentioned in last week's post, Saturn and Rahu will be in very close degrees, crossing each other, and then moving towards separation over the next few weeks. This week begins their "too close for comfort" dance- in case you haven't already been feeling the effects. By mid week, Rahu and Saturn will be within two degrees of each other and by the end of the week, just over a degree a part. They will be moving closer and closer until exact conjunction on 9.25 and then will begin to move a part. Many of the indications mentioned in my Rahu/Saturn in Libra articles will feel pressing, intensified, hitting their climax. Saturn, the slowest moving planet, has the ability to create pressure, anxiety, worries, self-doubt, disappointment, discouragement and depression. Rahu intensifies these indications, as the two planets together create a "Rudra effect" (essentially, "storm energy"). When Rahu and Saturn are together, it will likely bring up issue with family lineage as well. You may be noticing extra resentment towards family for your current "predicaments", noticing familial patterns you are acting out consciously or unconsciously, and/or having specific familial issues come to light at this time. This is all par for the course! This is a time of cleanup, where Saturn forces change, growth and ultimately our enlightenment. The Rudra energy here, as well as having both planets currently in Swati nakshatra, naturally bring currents of change, movement and momentum. Right now, slow and steady will win the race. Self care rituals, meditation, routine, goal setting and a "one foot in front of the other" mentality are best practice. I also highly recommend these ancestor and Sama Veda yagyas being offered by as a shield and as an appeasement offering. Last week's New Moon Mandala and Pelvis work can be found via my last week's horoscopes. A continuation of this mandala work for the waxing Moon and further details about this "creating my life" assignment can be found here: Creative Engagement Activity using Expressive Art Therapy for the week of 9.9. "And all the colors I am on the inside have not been invented yet." ~Shel Silverstein *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: This is a week to be especially mindful of relationships- friends, older siblings, partners and business associates. The mind is hot and "fired up". The home front may feel chaotic; make mental healing a priority. Finding some time for inner balance will go a long way to create outer balance. Work on creating and building alliances that feel supportive, nurturing and sustainable. Taurus: This is a time of sifting the weeds from the garden. Careful of friends/situations who are not supportive or nurturing (frenemies) and watch your response to them. Complacence? Confrontation? What are you refusing to digest and discard? Is the ego getting the best of you? Use your intelligence and gut responses to navigate choppy waters with career, hired help and bad habits. Meanwhile, home and heart can be the much needed sanctuaries. Gemini: Unifying head and heart will help you maximize this time. You are in a powerful time of creative advancement. And though speaking from the heart and finding comfort may feel difficult, you have the ability to learn and grow right now in ways that bring lasting benefit. Be bold with your efforts and stay on a structured routine with yoga/mediation for keeping the mental storms at bay. Keep tabs on your digestion this week and mind the intuition. Cancer: Looking for a home? Striving for what continuously feels fleeting, vague, foreign? You are working with so much of the hidden, that life may feel completely confusing and disheartening. Seeking a permanent home requires diligent work on the Self, mental effort, and time away from the current reality in order for perspective. Seek comfort: Seek and you shall find, but be aware that it will require curiosity, creativity and cultivating space for the new. Leo: Shine on, but don't neglect your relations. There are shadows effecting your ability to relate as well as who and what relationships are effecting you. There's a storm within your courage and creativity which is likely effecting your career choices. What are you not seeing here? Necessary emotional work is essential right now. Mind and ego are running the show. Meditate, take necessary alone time and surrender to the losses. Our pain is directly proportional to our attachments. Virgo: There's a certain mental acuity available right now- use it for an inner to outer growth spurt. Discomfort is mixed with comfort which may be causing some confusion. Complacency, rather than using your courage, presents itself as a long-standing bad habit and one that needs to be addressed more firmly. Take an action step this week towards emotional ease. Expand your work and your focus. You may get lucky, but it requires some effort. Libra: You are in the midst of storm season! Striving for balance is likely a full time job. Creative efforts and working on healthy relationship building are the best use of your time right now. The mind is likely feeling chaotic and pulled in too many directions. Find supportive teachers and knowledge that foster the spark of creativity within you. Work with gentle spinal twists this week and your digestion. Scorpio: It may feel like you've been working in the dark and you are fumbling for the light switch. This is not a great time to take center stage, but you are likely working on your "solo act" nonetheless. Keep diligently plugging away at your work (from bed perhaps?) Aim and promote your Self, even if it feels like you are getting no where. Don't neglect meditation and your silent, creative efforts- they are effective even if you don't see your efforts paying off immediately. Don't forget to dance- this is nonnegotiable. Sagittarius: Gains may feel like a mixed bag right now. Career is likely on point and offering some uplifting momentum. However, courage and effort may feel confused and erratic. Emotions are likely lost, hidden and causing anger to manifest. These can be great tools for you if used properly. Seek dharmic action at this time- knowledge and wisdom that feeds your soul. Focus on your achievements and gains. Keep an ongoing list of your goals. This is target practice. Capricorn: There's a dharmic buzz happening in your life right now. Or is that a dharmic storm? The mind is finding more brilliance, fabulous new ideas and ample drive to achieve, and yet the emotions are a can of worms- especially in regard to relationships. How can these two bodies be harmonized- especially when the head is hotter than normal? How can your vulnerability be a blessing and not a curse? This week requires you to skillfully navigate the Self. Make sure you take quality time for it. Aquarius: Who is teaching who here? There's a lot going on for you right now- on every level. You can learn, maximize, and grow from every encounter. Your biggest enemy is your emotional work- or lack thereof. Denying emotions and their existence will get you no where. The lila of life incorporates all aspects of the drama into it. There's no good or bad. This week, look for your dharmic sweet spot and seek comfort in speaking your truths. Pisces: You are working with so many hidden realms, it's hard to know where and how to start with you. The portals of the past, are open. The ancestors are moving through you and with you. Awareness of your bad habits are coming to light. Lineage patterns present themselves in new ways and you realize how this is impacting your life, relationships and intuition. This week is epic for growth, but will likely go unnoticed by anyone else. Keep making strides. |
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