“Don’t surrender you loneliness so quickly. Let it cut more deep. Let it ferment and season you as few human or even divine ingredients can.” - Hafiz As the year comes to a close, one final full Moon occurs on December 29th at 20:27 MT while Moon is transiting Gemini and Ardra nakshatra. This is a powerful close to an incredible year. Out like a lion, in like a lamb?! Out with ferocity, in with space for something new. This full Moon asks you to clear, purge and release stagnant emotions and lingering grief from the previous cycles. Expect big waves and inner storms. Big gains may be likely, but make sure you are grounded or you will get destabilized. Ardra is Rudra’s domain. There is nothing small, silent or still when it involves Rudra. He comes with big energy and powerful, often forceful, change. The domain of Ardra is particularly connected to big emotional body waves. The symbol of this constellation is a tear drop. Wherever there has been a build up of undigested emotion, Ardra will force the release. This is a potent time to do your grief work, attend to your inner waters, and support the release of stagnant emotions. Spend some time with your emotional body and be diligent with your inner waves. What are you still processing from this year? What needs to be closed and released so you can move forward? What is the wisdom of your emotional body sharing with you? What needs to be digested and integrated from this year? What feels too big or overwhelming still? What are you moving away from? What are you moving towards? What is your relationship with the emotional body helping you discover and awaken? Creative Ritual Identifying Your Inner Landscape I consider the four level check in to be the most basic self care resource. It is an identification process, a tool that can help you honor what is happening in the now. You can then create the nourishment you need through proper resources. The four levels of awareness are: the mental body, emotional body, physical body, and spiritual body. I encourage you to self track daily, hourly, or even moment to moment. Your identification process can then be taken into drawing, movement explorations, journaling or music, in order for you to deepen, directly work with, and transform what is arriving in your inner landscape. The four level check in is a simple, yet vital resource for self tracking. Document your four level check-ins. Use a Self Care Journal as a way to track your ongoing, ever changing inner landscape. This journal can be a helpful resource for identifying themes emerging in your healing and transforming process. Steps for A Four Level Check In 1) Whatever you are doing right now, hit the pause button and bring your attention inward. It may help to close your eyes, but this isn't necessary. You may be sitting, standing or walking, but bring your attention to the now regardless of what is happening around you. Notice your breath and use this as a resource for coming back to the present. 2) Notice the physical body. What sensations are arriving in your body? What is the physical body sharing with you? Be present to images, colors, words, expressions and shapes that arise. 3) Notice the emotional body. What is arriving on the level of feelings and emotions within you? What is the emotional body sharing with you? Be present to images, colors, words, expressions and shapes that arise. 4) Notice the mental body. What thoughts, words, stories, ideas, or perceptions are arriving? What is the mental body sharing with you? Be present to images, colors, words, expressions and shapes that arise. 5) Notice the spiritual body. This is a very subtle, nuanced place within and around you. Notice how it feels and how it arrives. Be present to images, colors, words, expressions and shapes arriving from the spiritual body. 6) Come to your drawing pad and draw four circles. Each one of these circles represents one of your four bodies. Start with the physical body and fill in your sensation circle with colors, images, or shapes that mirror or express your physical body check in. Do this for each body. 7) Label each circle with the body that it represents. Title each circle and let it speak. If your physical body circle could speak, what would it say? Let it respond to these statements: I am I want I need Complete this harvesting process for each level of your body. This is an important time for self reflection, digestion, and integration of the previous cycles. Spend some time in the coming days and weeks harvesting from your past year and creating a sense of closure. Look back over your 2020 Creative Rituals. What have you created this year? What strikes you? As you create closure for this year, allow ritual to support your release process. What steps can you take to honor this closure and release? What rituals can help you close this chapter and let go? I encourage you to find ways that art, music, dance, sound, nature and the elements can support the close of your year. It’s been wonderful to walk with you this year and to support your cosmic and creative process! Keep Growing in 2021! Have you struggled to find a sidereal moon calendar to plan your year?! Is aligning with your body and nature a priority on your path?! Do you believe that you have the power to create an abundant, nourishing life for yourself?! Are you a Moon Child who loves to study the power and wisdom of the Moon?! My 2021 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar is for you!! Listen to My 2021 Transit Class and Pre-Purchase Your 2021 Moon Wisdom Calendar Now
“Where we think we need more self-discipline, we usually need more self love.” - Tara Mohr The second to last full Moon of the year comes on the 30th of November at 02:29 am MT while Moon is powerfully positioned in his favorite sign of Taurus. Moon is in its mulitrikona degrees at the time of the full Moon, while transiting Rohini nakshatra. A penumbral lunar eclipse opens the two week eclipse portal, supporting deep shadow work. This cycle is important for your creativity and manifestation. Awaken your big desires and dreams from their slumber. Stop playing small! Rohini nakshatra is a powerful place of manifestation in the sky. Ruling god Brahma and his wife Saraswati bring creative power and potential to Rohini. In the holy trinity of gods, Brahama is the creative force. Without him, life would not be possible. In Vedic lore, Lord Brahma created the entire universe from his navel. His wife Saraswati rules over the expressive arts as well as knowledge and wisdom, technology and machines. Together, Brahma and Saraswati spark desire and bring it into form. As an extremely creative and sensual constellation, Rohini can fulfill desires, support manifestation, awaken deep nourishment, and increase sexuality and sensuality. What desires need your attention right now? What are you creating on your path and what steps are you taking to make it happen? How can you come back to sensuality and pleasure more fully? What needs to be created, expressed, nurtured- in order for you to be fulfilled? What are you manifesting right now and why? This full Moon and penumbral lunar eclipse opens the two week eclipse portal. This eclipse cycle will close December 14th with a total solar eclipse at 06:33 am MT. Remember that eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. Leading up to and around the eclipse may be particularly uncomfortable. Lunar eclipses tend to especially intensify the emotional body landscape. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. The eclipse portal will open with a penumbral lunar eclipse on the 29th. The lunar eclipse begins on the 30th at 12:32 am MT and ends at 04:53 am MT, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 02:42 am MT. This eclipse will be visible in north America, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. This opens a two week cycle of shadow that is not good for starting new projects, new endeavors, or relationships. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused so don't make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. Use the eclipse day for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor you emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. Creative Ritual Full Moon Mandala Come to your drawing pad and draw a big circle. Use craypas, paints, pens, collage or any medium that speaks to you. Fill your circle (Full Moon) with what is nourishing you right now. Fill your circle with all your abundance, desires, prosperity, dreams and hopes. Nothing is too big, nor too small for this circle. Let your fullness be expressed in this mandala. Let these questions prompt your mandala creation: What gifts are you asking of Brahama and Saraswati in the cycle to come? What is supporting balance and harmony in your life? Who and what is feeling especially nourishing right now? What are you attracting and aligning with on your path right now? Give your full Moon Mandala a title. Let your mandala speak. If your full Moon mandala had a message for you, what would it say? 2) Harvest from your mandala. Answer these questions: I am, I want, I need I sense, I feel, I Imagine, I express What feels nourishing and fulfilling right now? Where do you need more nourishment? What are you opening to in the cycle to come? What are you closing to in the cycle to come? What are you manifesting and creating for yourself and your path? A possible next step would be to move your image. Use this mandala to inspire a movement exploration with your body. This will support an embodied integration of your powerful full Moon Mandala. What are you creating for your body and your life in 2021? Use my Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar to support your embodied Dharmic Path in the year ahead. Pre-purchase your 2021 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar at 25% OFF This December Full Moon arrives on the 11th at 22:12 MT, while Moon travels through Taurus and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra. Moon's favorite sign is Taurus and truly loves this constellation of Soma where he is considered in his mulitrikona degrees, or his "office". Full Moon in Taurus supports earth magic in the cycle ahead so be clear on what you are manifesting and bringing into form. This is an important time to create something new. At the time of the full Moon, Mars, Mercury and Sun give their drishti to the Moon, creating sharp, clear and focused perception. Four planets are still navigating Sagittarius, including Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Ketu. Dharma and your spiritual path should be a strong focus right now. Move into right relationship with your dharmic path and purpose. Mrigashirsha nakshatra falls in Taurus and is ruled by the personification of Moon, the god Soma. From a Vedic perspective, the Moon is Soma itself, the divine nectar of life. From an Ayurvedic perspective, staring at a full Moon will allow you to soak up Soma directly and the Moon glow can even heal your eyes. A drink of Moon's Soma supports longevity, vitality and life force. The qualities of this constellation directly support increased Soma- on all levels of life. Soma is lord of the plants, giving them healing and nourishing qualities which are most potent in the waxing cycle. Symbolically, the constellation of Mrigashirsha correlates to the deer and its antlers. Traditionally, deer antlers were ground into a fine powder and used as an aphrodisiac. The quality of the deer and its antlers is constant movement and growth, branching out, extending, finding new green grass, new food sources, more abundance. Mrigashirsha is a soft, gentle constellation with fickle and changeable inclinations just like the Moon and the deer. This full Moon and the waning cycle ahead supports new growth, branching out, extending beyond your comfort zone and moving towards the new. Stagnation is a certain death for anyone born with this constellation placed prominently in their chart. A reminder to move in a new direction in the cycle ahead with conscious intention. Use this cycle to focus and align with your path, purpose and the direction you want to move in. Take action steps and be clear with your intention. Move in a life supportive direction. One that honors your growth, health, vitality and deepest desires. Look for and seek out opportunities that increase your nourishment. Open up new channels and pathways that support life. Expand and branch out. Are you moving in a direction that supports your nourishment? Where are you moving closer to your joy? Where are you moving further away from it? Where do you need to change direction or find a new path? Solstice arrives in the waning cycle ahead on December 21st at 21:19 MT. Considered a time when life seems to stop, or stand still, use this time for pause, meditation and silence. "The term Solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, meaning 'the Sun stands still'. This is because on this day, the Sun reaches its southern-most position as seen from the Earth. The Sun seems to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn and then reverses its direction. It's also common to call it the day the Sun turns around." - Via Time and Date As the still point arrives and the reversal of the light takes place, it is a powerful time for introspection and release. This is a time to attend to shadows, grief and undigested emotions. Clearing, purging and releasing lingering emotions from the past cycle will create space for the new, opening you to more life force in the months ahead. What needs to be cleared and released? What is undigested from the previous year, decade? What are you making space for in your life? In 2020, my complete Moon Wisdom offerings will only be shared in my Moon Wisdom Calendar. Don't miss out on my Moon cycle resources! Pre-purchase my 2020 Calendar at 25% off Now. Creative Ritual My unique, potent Creative Rituals support your ability to connect with your own body wisdom, deepen your embodiment practice, and harvest from your own creative intelligence. Creative Ritual for Nourishment: 1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of your nourishment. What does nourishment feel like for you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 20 minutes at minimum for this nourishment image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. What deeply nourishes me? What no longer nourishes me? Where do I feel support in my life? Where do I need more support? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Share your Full Moon harvest in the Embodied Dharma Tribe. Don't Forget!!I've been sharing my Sidereal New Moon and Full Moon Wisdom with the unique element of transformational Creative Rituals for nearly a decade now. I've also tirelessly offered my transit reports, cosmic wisdom, creative and embodiment resources as a way to support you in aligning with the cycles and rhythms of Nature, while also deepening your own body wisdom. The only way to access my 2020 Moon Wisdom, Creative Rituals, and Horoscopes in entirety will be within my 2020 Calendar. Looking forward to sharing the updated, extended version of my special Moon Wisdom, Horoscopes and Creative Ritual offerings with you in the coming year. Right now, you can pre-purchase my 2020 Moon Wisdom Calendar for 25% off. Offer ends DEC 21st. The November Full Moon arrives early morning on the 12th at 06:34am MT, while Moon is transiting Aries and Bharani nakshatra. A re-birthing arrives with this cycle- so plan accordingly. Restraint and focus are required in the coming weeks. Clarify your needs and open to something new. This waning cycle will support the shedding and release of your old self, while supporting the arrival of a new, upgraded version of yourself as well. Have you cleared what needs to be released so you can make space for the new? Bharani nakshatra is ruled by Yama, Lord of restraint. He is responsible for judging your karmas after death, determining what direction your soul goes in the after life. He can be cruel with his discernment and does not allow anyone to escape their actions, choices, or behaviors. Yama is the ultimate judge on all levels of life- reminding us that every action has a reaction and a consequence. Interestingly, the constellation of Bharani is symbolized by the Yoni. This is a portion of the sky connected to birthing, bringing forth something new. It is both vulnerable, sensual, and sensitive, as well as immensely powerful and strong. Bharani reminds us that we often we must go through restraint, and restriction in order to clarify and align with a new path, a new direction, a new life. Notice what is being refined right now in your life. Acknowledge where you are feeling pinched, pruned, forced to clarify your needs and desires. Are you being clear about your direction and focus? Do you know where to focus your gaze? Your action steps and energy? Use this waning cycle to clean up your path and purpose. If you are misaligned or being frivolous, Yama will put the smack down and force you to make some hard choices. He will also support ease and fluidity when you are aligned with right action, dharma. Notice what is being supported and what is not. It's time to make some choices about where you want to go, and what you want to create for your life. If you aren't getting the support of Natural Law that you want and need, you need to redirect and pivot. Sun is still debilitated in Libra until the 16th of November, joined by retrograde Mercury and Mars right now. Watch for relationship tensions and seek balance with others. With Venus in Scorpio, an exchange of energy between Venus and Mars takes place for the coming weeks. This supports clarity, precision, and new insights with relationships. Seek transformation and release. Jupiter has officially landed in his own sign, Sagittarius, for the coming year, however he's still in the gandanta of Mula and in sandhi degrees. This is a delicate time for teachers, healers, therapists and those who share knowledge and wisdom with others. You are going through a deep, inner uprooting. Trust the process and reinvent yourself. Creative Ritual Warrior Wisdom: Masking and unmasking the inner warrior. Part 1 1) Start by standing. Feel your feet firmly connected to the earth and notice the ripple-effect this creates throughout the body. Bring presence to your spine, shoulders, chest. Breathe and note your mental experience as you shift your body into a strong standing pose. Be here for a few minutes. 2) Next, assume a "warrior pose" for yourself. What shape does it have? What body parts are being used? What is your connection to earth? To space? How does this effect your mental/emotional bodies? Hold this for a few minutes and take mental notes. Try another "warrior pose" if you'd like to have a contrasting experience. 3) Write it down. Come to your notebook and write some of your thoughts and experiences down. This is "internal tracking" that will inform your process. 4) Next, create a mask for your warrior. Come to your drawing pad. Using paint, craypas, or any other medium that inspires you, create an image of your warrior. Spend 20 minutes on this image. Who is your warrior? What does it offer you? Share with you? Provide you with? How do you feel with this warrior on? What do you do together/not do together? Does your warrior have a name? Part 2 Let part one digest and integrate. When you feel ready, let Part 2 deepen your process. 1) Unmasking. Beginning with gentle movements that awaken somatic awareness, lie on your back and gently lift the chest with an inhale, relax on the exhale. Repeat several times until you feel the chest opening and the shoulder blades responding. Next rock the pelvis with gentle tilts coordinating your movements with inhales and exhales. Find a gentle spinal twist and then move into any series of poses that bring more awareness to breath, spine, and grounding. Take a 5-10 min sivasana to close. 2) Create. When your body excavation is complete, come to your drawing pad. With your warrior mask in mind (or nearby), complete a drawing of what is behind the mask- or the unmasking of your warrior. If you could take off this warrior mask, what would you find? Who is behind the mask? What is there and what does it feel like? What messages does it have for you? If your unmasking could speak, what would it say? 3) Harvest. What did you harvest from this process? What is the wisdom of your warrior? What is the wisdom of unmasking your warrior? How can you hold both? I am on a mission to help sensitive women connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] As Friday September 13th comes to a close, the Full Moon arrives in Sidereal Aquarius and Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra at 22:32 MT. This is a constellation that requires balance between opposing forces and duality. There may be a need to straddle two realms in the coming cycle, an invitation to transition between spiritual and material worlds. The timing is interesting for this Aquarius full Moon as we move closer to the sacred gap, or sandhi time, that occurs in the Vedic Calendar with Maha Navaratri. Read More About Navaratri This is a transition point where Nature and the Divine Feminine are particularly potent and alive. Purva Bhadrapada requires holding extremes, opposites, opposing forces. This constellation is ruled by Ajai Ekapada, who is another name for dancing Lord Shiva, Lord of the Dance. He moves with one foot firmly rooted into the earth, while lifting the other leg- poised and ready, open to possibility. In this way, this constellation supports the dynamics of duality, yet wholeness. Aquarius also has dual rulers- Saturn and Rahu. This is a dynamic sign that is complex and intriguing. Worldly, yet inward and reclusive. Grand and expansive, yet simple and grounded. Old and wise, yet innovative and new age. It's hard to pin point an Aquarius. Use the innovation and entrepreneurialism of this full Moon to create and innovate. Think outside the box and step boldly into the unknown. You don't have to have all the answers yet. All you need is the courage and effort required to forge a new path for your self. If you aren't willing to try something new, you will not get the fruits of growth and expansion. Remember, without your consistent effort and action steps, you won't get very far. Your dreams require that you show up for them- everyday. What are you creating and imagining for yourself and your life? What steps are moving you closer to your dreams and desires? What steps are moving you further away? Get focused, clear and intentional with your actions and energy. As Rahu continues to transit Gemini, he moves to the powerful Nakshatra of Ardra as of September 11th. Rahu in Ardra: September 11th, 2019 to May 20th, 2020 When Rahu moves to Ardra nakshatra, storm god, Rudra, takes center stage. His powerful energy increases exponentially with the magnification of Rahu. Big waves are likely- physically, materially and within Nature. Sudden, unpredictable surges of power will occur. Be very mindful how you use this big energy or the storms will swallow you up. This is a time period to be very diligent with staying grounded. Stay on top of the mind and don't let the imaginal realms pull you off path. Strengthen your roots so the storms don't destabilize you. Emotions will be strong, overpowering and challenging at times. Are you in right relationship with your emotional body waves, or are you getting lost in the depths of the ocean? Be careful with yourself and others. Challenging people may surface just to test your strength. Diligence with your shadow work is non-negotiable right now. Take responsibility for your own triggers and feelings. Gather even more resources and support to help you navigate the choppy waters. Read More About Rahu in Gemini Creative RitualCreating Your Dharma. Get out your drawing pad and craypas. Create an image of your dharma, fully realized and activated. Maybe this feels impossible, but try anyway. If you feel stuck, pick a color and just start running it across your paper. Notice carefully what begins to emerge within you. What colors, images, textures and shapes express your dharma? Let that gentle sensation that arrived from reading your passion list carry you through this activity. Keep returning to the list, adding to it if you need to, and creating an image that expresses the feelings you receive from looking at your passion list. Get into this and let yourself play, fully arriving into the reality of joy and passion. Let this image serve as your reminder, your dharmic map. Hang it up on your wall and let it inspire your action steps. Be sure to title your image. Once your image is complete, let it answer this question: If your image could speak to you, what would it say? Take 20-30 minutes for this unless you feel like extra time would serve you. Take it to the next Level. Here's Step Two. 2019 Soul Awakening Dharma Summit
It's Time to Transform and Awaken Your Souls Purpose. Maha Navaratri occurs from September 29th to October 8th this year. Daily Wisdom Sessions with powerful Dharmic Leaders. Empowering resources and rituals for the Divine Feminine. Support and guidance for your dharmic path. Tools to activate your souls purpose. GET THE DETAILS Full Moon in Capricorn and Dhanishta nakshatra occurs on the 15th at 06:28 am MT. Moon is alone in Capricorn but receives the gaze of Mercury, Sun and Venus seven houses away in Cancer. Ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn, still in a super tight conjunction with Ketu. This is a time of immense restructuring. Releasing of the old and outworn, making space for the new, and creating an entirely different foundation for your self. What are you moving towards? This full Moon ushers in more change in a powerful way. Dhanishta nakshatra is ruled by the Vasu Devas- who bring the light, or jyoti. They support being seen, noticed and they love being visible. The Vasu Devas are torch carriers- lighting the path, awakening others by whatever means necessary. This Full Moon in Capricorn is inviting us to restructure our priorities and focus on what really matters. What lights you up? What are you passionate about? Are you willing to take a risk- to be seen more fully? With this bright and expansive full Moon, you are being invited to shine brighter, increase your inner light, move towards your true passion and ask for more. Dhanishta brings success to those who are brave enough to stand out and get noticed. Where are you playing small and refusing your bright light? What steps can you take to become more visible and shine even brighter?! The world needs bright shining lights. Awaken the Jyoti within and ask for more in the cycle ahead. Creative Ritual 1) Spend some time journaling about where you are going on your path and what direction you want to move in. What goals do you have? What is the time frame for these goals? What is your vision for your life, for your dharmic gifts, your dharmic business? 2) Create an image of this vision you have for your life and your dharmic offering. What colors, textures, images share the feeling of this vision? Use craypas, collage, paint or any medium that inspires you. Spend 20 minutes on this image or create until it feels complete. 3) Harvest from your image. Give it a title and let it speak. If this image could speak to you, what would it say? Let is answer these questions: I am I want I need What action steps, choices and behaviors are moving you closer to your dharmic vision? What actions, choices and behaviors are moving you further away from your dharmic vision? Ready for more? Listen to my Podcast for Increasing Your Manifestation Skills JOIN THE DHARMA GATHERING!! IGNITE YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE AND MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE WORLD! JOIN ME FOR A POTENT FIVE DAY SOUL IMPACT GATHERING. Change the planet, touch more lives in meaningful ways, and up-level your own life! Five days of free resources, tools and guidance to jump start your dharmic path! JOIN US NOW This unique, powerful full Moon occurs on July 16th at 15:37 while Moon is transiting Sagittarius and Uttarashada. Moon is at the very edge of Sagittarius still conjunct the tight dynamic of Saturn and Ketu. Rahu, Sun and Venus give their direct gaze. The pressure of this full Moon intensifies with a partial lunar eclipse- which begins at 12:43 MT and ending at 18:17 MT. Though this eclipse is not seen from North America, the impact will still be felt. In the Vedic calendar, this is also considered the fullest full Moon of the year, Guru Purnima. Eclipses are considered a powerful spiritual occurance in the Vedic tradition while Guru Purnima is the most auspicious day to honor one's gurus, teachers and guides. The magnitude of this spiritual event should not be overlooked. This is an incredible opportunity to spend time attending to the inner realms and one's spiritual growth. Use this day to honor your ancestors and teachers, your spiritual lineage and the wisdom that is guiding you in this lifetime. The constellation of UttarAshada is fixed- which gives stable, lasting results that offer great benefits. Vishvadeva rules this portion of the sky and provides integrity and alignment with ones highest purpose. Adharma (that which goes against dharma) is not tolerated. Integrity is key with this constellation. The all-gods who rule this domain remind us of virtue, goodness, truth, determination, talent, time, enjoyment, firmness, sight, fame and leadership. These are non-negotiable attributes of one's dharmic path. Where are you aligned with your purpose? Where are you misaligned? As the July full Moon occurs, the two week eclipse portal also closes. This is the ending of a delicate and challenging time period which forced challenges and shadow work to the surface. Notice the transformation and release that has taken place for you and what you are making space for in your life. Are your actions and choices aligning you with dharma, or moving you further away? Make the restructuring conscious and move towards your dreams and desires. Creative Ritual PART #1 1) If I could do anything I wanted without the fear of failure what would it be? 2) What is stopping me right now from taking the first step? 3) How can I overcome what is stopping me? PART #2 Where do you want to be six months from now?! Step 1: Write down your vision. Journal it into your full awareness. Step 2: Create your vision. Draw, paint or collage your vision into form. Give it a title. Step 3: Harvest your vision. If your image could speak to you, what would it say?! Step 4: Make your vision a reality. What steps need to take place for your vision to become a reality six months from now?! What action step can you take today?! JOIN ME FOR A TRANSFORMATIONAL JULY RITUAL ~ IN HONOR OF THE MOST POWERFUL FULL MOON OF THE YEAR. We meet July 18th @ 5pm MT via Zoom in a private ritual to Celebrate Guru Purnima, the fullest Full Moon of the year! You will be supported in honoring your sacred path and purpose, as well as your inner wisdom. Prepare for the cycle ahead, activate and align with your passion and purpose. Connect with your ancestors and lineage. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST Book a 15 minute chat with me to confirm your invitation. * Space is extremely limited and selective. You must book a 15 minute chat with me prior to joining the ritual. The June full Moon occurs on Monday the 17th at 2:30am MT while Moon is transiting Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra, a lunar constellation ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti. Moon joins the sensitive and complicated planets in exact conjunction here as well- Ketu and Saturn. We also have four planets conjunct in Gemini looking directly at Sagittarius, causing an intense emotional dynamic that will make this full Moon feel like a release of immense emotional build up. Mercury, Mars, Rahu and Sun are asking for intensified clarity, courage and creativity right now. Don't drop the ball. This is a powerful full Moon and waning cycle for your dharmic path. Don't miss the messages arriving to support you, nor the opportunity to clear your path. If used properly, this cycle can be of great benefit to your dharma, your life path and purpose. For others, immense calamity and confusion may arrive. Try to stay on path and don't let the goddess of adharma pull you from your inner wisdom. When any planet transits this portion of the sky, they go through a powerful uprooting process. Mula nakshatra is considered one of three gandantas- junction points in the sky that cause immense psycho-emotional body uprooting. This powerful transformation process can clear away blockages and obstacles so the path is clear, or it can create such confusion, calamity and misfortune that the dharmic path becomes unclear, misdirected and completely disconnected. It takes great strength, courage and intention to stay on path with Mula nakshatra. Those born under this star often go through painful life challenges that keep them from fully utilizing their innate gifts. They may struggle with such self doubt as a result of misfortune that they can't clearly see their purpose or offering in this world. The ruling deity of Mula nakshatra is Nirrti. Married to adharma (that which goes against dharma), the dark goddess of calamity, chaos and misfortune, presents unusual challenges on the dharmic path that can lead souls astray. It is therefor vital that when Mula is influencing us we take stock of our actions, choices and behaviors with honesty and truthfulness. Because this constellation is notorious for creating a sense of overwhelm, simplicity and editing our choices is important. Less is more with this constellation. Through simplicity and consistency, a deeper spiritual awareness is possible. Nirrti can clear the path of rubble and debris so that we can focus our attention and intention on what truly matters. However the diligence required takes great skillfulness and strength. Use the waning cycle ahead to clarify your path, purpose and offering. Where are you getting stuck in overwhelm, overdoing and fear? How is this impacting your results and behaviors? It's time to get truly honest about your focus, direction and desires. Are you making progress or spinning your wheels? Are you truly aligning with your highest potential, or settling for less than you deserve? Have you truly done all that you can to make sure your dharma is awakened, or is your self doubt keeping you stuck in painful choices and behaviors? The June full Moon is powerful opportunity to awaken your dharmic path and clarify your life purpose- however it will take your diligence and focused action steps. If you feel yourself getting off path or you realize that you are not aligned with your true purpose, it's time to make some adjustments. Make the necessary changes that puts your dharma first and allow your big dreams to be your top priority. Ask for the help you need and expand your vision. Step up and align with what truly matters to you. Your soul is asking for more. Are you ready to finally listen? Be very conscious in this cycle of what is moving your closer to dharmic alignment and what is moving you further away from it. Sun has now shifted to Gemini, joining Mars, Mercury and Rahu here as well. He transits the air sign of communication and creativity until mid July. This transit illuminates communication- physically and mentally- supporting a deeper understanding of your body and its self expression. Challenges may occur with self expression and creativity as well. Blockages are resistance in disguise so be willing to address your shadows and illusions. Watch for self doubt and uncertainty as Sun collides with Rahu. Break through the old stories, patterns and behaviors that are keeping you stuck, playing small and stuck. It's time to expand your creativity and self expression. Use a multi-modal approach through dance, writing, painting and music. Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) occurs on Friday, June 21st at 09:54 am MDT. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the longest day of the year in terms of daylight. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, it is the shortest day of the year and is known as the Winter Solstice. Solstice comes from the Latin words sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning to come to a stop or stand still. On the day of the June Solstice, the Sun reaches its northernmost position, as seen from the Earth. At that moment, its zenith does not move north or south as during most other days of the year, but it stands still at the Tropic of Cancer. It then reverses its direction and starts moving south again. The opposite happens during the December Solstice. Then, the Sun reaches its southernmost position in the sky - Tropic of Capricorn - stands still, and then reverses its direction towards the north. This is a potent time to take stock of your life, your actions and choices. Think of it like a tipping point. What direction are you moving in? Are you actively moving towards your desires and life purpose? What shifts and changes need to take place in order to align with your inner light, your souls offering in this life time? Creative RitualClarifying Your Dharma. Turning Dreams into Reality. Use this Creative Ritual, to deepen and cultivate more presence with your dharma. Allow your dharmic vision to come alive! 1) Creating Your Dharmic Vision. Get out your drawing pad and craypas. Create an image of your dharma, fully realized and activated. Maybe this feels impossible, but try anyway. If you feel stuck, pick a color and just start running it across your paper. Notice carefully what begins to emerge within you. What colors, images, textures and shapes express your dharma? Let that gentle sensation that arrived from reading your passion list carry you through this activity. Keep returning to the list, adding to it if you need to, and creating an image that expresses the feelings you receive from looking at your passion list. Get into this and let yourself play, fully arriving into the reality of joy and passion. Let this image serve as your reminder, your dharmic map. Hang it up on your wall and let it inspire your action steps. Be sure to title your image. Once your image is complete, let it answer this question: If your image could speak to you, what would it say? Take 20-30 minutes for this unless you feel like extra time would serve you. 2) Activating Your Dharma. The next step requires the physical integration of this joy and passion. Moving it from the imaginal realms, and letting it become a recognized, physical sensation in the body. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Look at your image and let a certain part of your drawing attract your attention. Let a color, shape, or image draw you in. This is your starting point. Begin to move this part of your drawing with your body. Let your body move in response to the image. Develop your dance using the intention of increasing awareness, activation of your desires, and the sensation of joy and passion. This is both an activation of your desires, as well as an exploration of your body's messages and sensations. Invite in the information. Remember, you are activating your dharmic map! Let this be your intention. As your timer rings, hold the shape of your body, as though you are a statue. Let a word or phrase come to you that describes your statue. Declare this! Take at least 20 minutes for your dance. 3) Harvesting and Planting Seeds. Once you have completed your image and your movement exploration, it's time for some harvesting and further activation. Answer these baseline statements in your journal separately: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. Circle one of these baseline statements that speaks to you most loudly. Create an action step for yourself that will help you honor and activate this sensation. How does this aligns with your passion list? If your statement is "I feel joy", then affirm that you will take an action step that creates more joy for yourself, perhaps doing something on your passion list for example. Clearly identify an action step and then make a doable goal with it. Such as "I will work in my garden once a week which makes me feel joyful." Write your goal down on a piece of paper. Now, look at your image, recall your dance exploration, and read your baseline statements once again. How does your action step and goal align with the dharmic vision you have created? Remember you can recycle this process again and again, finding different options for yourself (which I encourage you to do). Keep exploring and taking these action steps. Let your passions be your focus and set an intention for at minimum, once a week (daily is best), working directly with these sensations you've uncovered in this process. Let them motivate you. Remember, these sensations are like seeds. Tend to them gently, honor and nourish them. You are well on your way to creating your dharma. Step by step! Share your harvest with us in the Embodied Dharma Tribe! Clarify Your Dharmic Path
Study your Jyotish Chart for even more dharmic clarity Get the first 20+ pages of my Jyotish Astrology eBook for free! In my Jyotish Astrology Ebook you will discover: - Why Jyotish ( Vedic Astrology) is so special. - What makes Jyotish Astrology different than Western Astrology. - The different types of karma - Identify your rising sign. - Discover the 12 houses and their meanings. And so much more... Access My FREE Jyotish eBook NOW The May full Moon occurs on the 18th at 15:11 MT while Moon is transiting Scorpio and Anuradha nakshatra. This is also considered Buddha Purnima, celebrated as the birth date of Lord Buddha, or Siddhartha, prior to becoming the revered spiritual teacher and enlightened master. Moon is considered debilitated in Scorpio, which internalizes the emotional energy of this full Moon. You may notice this full Moon has a complex dynamic of fullness, but on a very inner level. You may notice that your emotional body feels full, intense and brooding, yet stuck. There is a need to release undigested emotions that have not been attended to or released during the previous cycles. Notice if you're holding in your emotions and not fully acknowledging what is under the surface. Anuradha nakshatra is ruled by Mitra, who supports alliances, friendships and connecting. He is detail oriented, wants you to succeed, and encourages friendship and supportive relationships that will help you grow. This constellation is also ruled by Saturn, indicating that struggles and challenges must be overcome in order to gain success and achievement. Often Anuradha indicates grief, suffering and hardship that must be transformed. A willingness to change challenge into resource, difficulties into triumphs, insures the success and strength of this constellation. Sun shifts to Taurus on the 15th of May, receiving direct gaze from retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio. Without any negative influences, Sun can be proactive this month and support you with more connections, success and creative gains. Taurus is a sign of material, earth based, tangible results. Sun will be focused on helping you progress on the material level so use this time to put desires and ideas into manifested reality. Try not to be lazy or neglectful of your path, purpose and desires. Stay focused, even when things are going well. In the cycle ahead, focus on your connections, relationships and growing your reach. Attend to friendships, create alliances, step forward towards goals and achievements. Stop trying to do everything alone and start asking for the help you need in order to succeed. Get clear on your goals, focus and intentions. Start making your vision a reality! Where are you resisting asking for help? What guidance, resources and wisdom are missing right now on your path? What new support or resources do you need in order to create more success on a material level? What action steps must be taken in order to create your vision and make it a reality? Creative Ritual 1) Spend some time journaling about where you are going on your path and what direction you want to move in. What goals do you have? What is the time frame for these goals? What is your vision for your life, for your dharmic gifts, your dharmic business? 2) Create an image of this vision you have for your life and your dharmic offering. What colors, textures, images share the feeling of this vision? Use craypas, collage, paint or any medium that inspires you. Spend 20 minutes on this image or create until it feels complete. 3) Harvest from your image. Give it a title and let it speak. If this image could speak to you, what would it say? Let is answer these questions: I am I want I need What action steps, choices and behaviors are moving you closer to your dharmic vision? What actions, choices and behaviors are moving you further away from your dharmic vision? Ready for more? Listen to my Podcast for Increasing Your Manifestation Skills Live Your Life Purpose. Share Your Unique Gifts and Wisdom. Touch Lives in Meaningful Ways. Make More Money Doing What You Love. Book A Free Dharma Coaching Session The April full Moon arrives early on the 19th while Moon is transiting Libra and Chitra nakshatra. At 05:12 am the Moon is full of light and at capacity. Coinciding with this full Moon is Hanuman Jayanti, celebrated birth date of the powerful and beloved monkey god. This is an important cycle to find more balance, integration, and make your visions a reality. Sun is exalted in Aries and Venus remains exalted in Pisces as well. Activate, align and receive! Clarify and focus your aim and direction. Be proactive and get results. Chitra nakshatra is ruled by Vishvakarma, god of action, building and creating. He is considered the celestial architect as he created and built the zodiac. He is a powerful ally for supporting your visions, dreams and desires as he helps them materialize and come into form through your action steps. He is not lazy and does not give results to those who are not actively working towards their goals and desires. Vishvakarma is action oriented and very focused on receiving the fruits of his labors. It's time to put plans into action. Are you actively moving towards your goals and desires at this time? Are you being proactive and taking conscious steps towards your dharmic path and purpose? The April full Moon takes place with Hanuman Jayanti, celebrated birth day of Lord Hanuman, the beloved monkey god. He and his monkey army saved Sita from the wrathful demon, Ravana, and brought her home safely to Ayodhya and Lord Raam. Hanuman is a Rudra- meaning he has immense strength, power and sheer force available to him. This strength was given to him by Vayu, the wind god- father to both Bhima and Hanuman. Hanuman reminds us of righteous action and that we must use our power and strength for conquering evil and restoring balance- while always upholding dharma. His devotion to Lord Rama expresses deep bhakti, and the power of leading with the heart. Your true strength is your heart wisdom. Navaratri has ended now. This is the time of year when Sun completes a year long cycle around the zodiac and activates a brand new solar cycle. Sun entered Aries on Sunday, April 14th, arriving in Ashwini nakshatra and his sign of exaltation. The Sun is the center of our solar system. He rules over the light cycles and natural rhythms. He brings the dawn, the day, the growth that comes from his life light. As Sun enters his most powerful placement of the zodiac, a fresh start and powerful beginning takes place.This Sun transit activates a new year in the Vedic calendar and the immense power of the Sun offers a surge of new energy and strength. This is a wonderful time to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Clean, clear and purge the heaviness of the past year and clear away the undigested emotions lingering. Create space for the new and burn away the excess. Clean up your diet, take time to rejuvenate, and clarify your focus and direction in life. Just after the Sun exalts in Aries, we get the power of yet another exalted planet. Venus moves to Pisces on April 15th, joining debilitated Mercury here. Fortunately these two planets are friendly to each other, however, their opposing strengths will express extremes. Mercury is turning inward in his least favorite sign, while Venus expresses her energy externally at maximum capacity. This is an interesting juxtaposition for creativity, romance, the feminine, beauty, art, love, harmony and finances. Watch for excess, over indulgences and extremes with these areas of your life. Use the coming month to get clear, refocus your priorities and clarify your dharmic path. Set goals, honor your intentions and align your actions with more purpose. Simultaneously find more balance, creativity and nourishment in your life. Find the joy and say yes to more pleasure. With the potential for expansion also comes the challenges of two retrograde planets who are asking us to re-visit some very old ground. The coming cycle brings shifts with Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter has been retrograde since April 10th and will re-enter Scorpio on April 23rd. Saturn will also go retrograde on April 30th for a lengthy return through Sagittarius. Saturn and Ketu continue to move into close conjunction, preparing for a collision. This is a long cycle of heavy Saturn forcing us to return to grief that has been undigested and undervalued. Pay attention. These transits create challenges with old, established structures and foundations as well as support, guidance and wisdom. We are all living on shaky ground right now. Strengthening your support team and gathering more resources is vital. The area of life that is getting restructured will depend on where Sagittarius lives in your jyotish chart. Expect the unexpected in this area of your life. Read more about Ketu in Sagittarius. I think it's important to acknowledge that the entire world is going through massive structural changes that can feel unsettling and painful. Increased compassion is necessary for all, as well as diligence with grief work and inner transformation. This is in important time to have an emergency plan in place and not be foolish with actions and choices. Less is more. As Jupiter moves back through Scorpio, he is asking you to revisit your shadows, illusions and vulnerabilities. There is important clean up to do in the area of your life where Scorpio lives in your jyotish chart. Jupiter represents wisdom, guidance, teachers and spiritual resources. Gather more of what you need to navigate this process of release. You will be asked to dive even deeper into your unconscious terrain and release patterns, blockages and behaviors that are very old. You will need more support for this process so don't try to do it alone. Gather what you need and be proactive. There are challenges and resources with the current transits. Honor the waves and be diligent with clearing and releasing. Ask for more but be realistic about the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the results you want. Strengthen the holding and support you have in your life and don't walk alone. Are you a gifted sensitive woman seeking more clarity for your dharmic path?! Sign up for a free dharma coaching session with me. I still have two spots available! Email me to claim your spot: [email protected] Creative Ritual Activate your creative power with this! 1) Take a few deep breaths and notice the sensation of your breath in your body. Close your eyes and keep tuning into your body sensations. If you could find your power living in your body, where would it be? What part of your body do you feel your power? What does it feel like? Are there any colors, images, shapes with this power in your body? If it had a sound, what would it sound like? Ask this power in your body to share a message with you. What does it say? 2) Open your eyes and take your body harvest into an image. Create an image of this power in your body. Use craypas, paints, collage or any other medium that inspires you. Create an image of this feeling of power in your body, using colors, images and shapes. Spend 20 minutes on this image and then give it a title. 3) Look at your image and notice what it tells you. If this power image could share a message with you, what would it say? Let it respond to these statements: I am, I want, I need. 4) Super charge your inner power. Use my Tapping Meditation for increasing your power and activate your steps! Join me for a free
LIVE Masterclass ~ for Sensitive Gifted Women! Who is this Masterclass for? Sensitive gifted women who are ready to become the leaders of their own lives and create more magic! The magic you'll receive in this Masterclass: - Get clarity for your path and purpose - Clarify the difference between career and dharma - Own your gifts and wisdom and deepen your self trust - Identify where you are stuck and how to release the blockages - Gather tools for sharing your wisdom in new ways - Learn how to make 5k+ per month using your unique gifts - Create your plan of action for a life upgrade! WHEN: This Saturday, April 20th @ 11am- 12:30pm MT via Zoom RSVP TO CONFIRM YOUR SPOT VIA EMAIL: [email protected] Masterclass details will be sent via email. Space is limited. Please show up live for Q & A + Personal Support. You must RSVP to receive access to this masterclass. |
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June 2022