The September New Moon occurs with five planets colliding in Virgo- Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury. On the 28th at 12:27 PM MT, the Moon empties completely in the constellation of Hasta. Mercury is exalted in Virgo, while Venus is debilitated. Sun and Mars heat up this combination of planets, scorching the mental, emotional and physical bodies. This is an important time to honor the sensitivity and delicate life force within. Pause, slow down and listen to the wisdom arriving within you and around you. This new Moon offers stillness and sacred pause as Nature transforms and awakens. The Divine Feminine is strengthening, ushering in the sacred nine day celebration of Navaratri- which begins just after the new Moon occurs. The emptiness of this new Moon will be palpable, opening a sacred gap that will support deep inner transformation. Read More About the Sacred Nine Days of Navaratri. Hasta nakshatra is ruled by Savitr, the god of dawn. The sacred slice of light that emerges everyday, signaling the return of the light, is his domain. This is a sandhi time, or gap, that is particularly potent for awakening. Transformation, transition, and inner awareness are supported with this constellation. Hasta and Savitr support the returning of the light, a powerful reminder of light overtaking darkness. This is a natural part of nature, her cycles and rhythms. Every day she reminds us that the light returns, the Sun rises, our life force enlivens. This is a profound Law of Nature. This new Moon signals the dawn, yet there is a fragility and vulnerability that comes with it. Powerful light is present, while sensitivity is also at an all time high. Use this sacred, natural gap to pause and listen to your body and its wisdom. Honor the immense silence occurring in Nature and align with the strengthening potency of the Divine Feminine. Meditate, use ritual, body care, easy to digest foods, and the Gayatri Mantra to honor your pause. As the Moon shifts into the first tithi of the waxing Moon cycle, the sacred nine day and night celebration of Maha Navaratri begins. Nava means nine and ratri means night in Sanskrit. Each day and night of this powerful junction point, correlates to the epic battle between the goddess Sri Devi Mahatmyam and the demon Mahishasura. Maha Devi Mahatmyam is connected to both Durga and Shakti, powerful forms of divine feminine energy that awaken, clear, transform and heal. Sri Devi is understood to be the supreme creation power of the universe, the Tridevi, or triple goddess, as she expresses the creation, sustaining and destructive energies that perpetuate all forms of life. In the sacred text known as the Sri Devi Mahatmyam, composed between 400 and 600 CE, the many forms of the goddess are expressed. "She is presented, through a language of praise, as the one who dwells in all creatures, as the soul, as the power to know, the power to will and the power to act. She is consciousness of all living beings, she is intelligence, she is matter, and she is all that is form or emotion." - Via Wikipedia During the nine day and night Navaratri celebration, the battle between light and dark forces enlivens, ending on the 10th day with Victory Day, Vijaya Dashami. This battle between light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, transformation and healing, is taking place within all beings at this sacred junction point. It is a time to heal and integrate polarities within. This is an incredibly potent time for awakening dharma in our lives. Use the coming days to go within, slow down, and listen. Your inner wisdom and dharmic gifts will be strengthening. Listen closely. Clarity, focus and alignment can be easily accessed during the sacred celebration of Navarati. Transformation is taking place on all levels of Nature. Be present to the release, the emptiness, the creativity, that is arriving. What needs to be released and transformed on your path? How can you create more space and silence in your life? What is your body wisdom telling you about your needs? What is the wisdom of your passion and creativity sharing with you? Join the Sacred Navaratri container for daily wisdom, rituals, dharmic resources and tools- so that you can strengthen and deepen your dharmic path, souls purpose, and inner wisdom. Our Sacred Navaratri Container Opens on Sunday, September 29th! Doors Are Closing!! This is your last chance to join us live for this sacred 10 day celebration. JOIN THE 2019 DHARMA SUMMIT NOW Creative Ritual "Everything comes to us that belongs to us, if we create the capacity to receive it." ~ Rabindranath Tagore This Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into your creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotions telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? 2019 Soul Awakening Dharma Summit
It's Time to Transform and Awaken Your Souls Purpose! Maha Navaratri occurs from September 29th to October 8th this year. Daily Wisdom Sessions with powerful Dharmic Leaders. Empowering resources and rituals for the Divine Feminine. Support and guidance for your dharmic path. Tools to activate your souls purpose. Prizes, gifts and celebration! GET THE DETAILS DOORS ARE CLOSING! Last Chance to Join Us is September 29th!!
The October New Moon arrives late in the day on Monday the 8th, just as the two week Vedic celebration of Pitru Paksha ends. This celebration of the ancestors awakens and supports our connection with Spirit, helping us align with our ancestors, their wisdom and gifts. As Pitru Paksha closes and the New Moon passes, the most powerful ten days of the Vedic year begins. Maha Navaratri starts on October 9th and closes on the 18th with Vijaya Dashami, the celebration of Durga's victory over the demon Mahishasura. This special nine days supports transformation, healing and release. Pay close attention to needs surfacing and be intentional with your healing process. Monday's new Moon arrives at 21:47 MT while in sidereal Virgo and Hasta Nakshatra. Virgo represents the sixth house of the zodiac, which has to do with conflict, healing and debts. It can also bring support, alliances and companionship through animals, as well as overcoming enemies. Virgo is precise, meticulous and often very critical. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo tends to stay in the mental body and needs reminders to sense and feel in a more embodied way. This new Moon will require us to focus on healing and awakening as Hasta nakshatra brings the dawning, the light. In the days ahead, stay out of the mind and get into the body. Speak, communicate and express. Find your words and let them awaken you and others. Hasta nakshatra is ruled by the deity Savitr, the god of dawn. The sliver of light that arrives on the eastern horizon just before sunrise is his domain. He offers hope and vision through his illumination. This portion of the dawn is particularly potent, magical and powerful. It navigates the liminal realms, the netherworlds- neither worldly nor entirely spiritual, but both. Savitr brings the light to us in this coming cycle so get ready to wake up! His bright light brings consciousness, evolution and enlightenment. This will require a willingness to see, notice and look- even if you don't want to. Notice the spectrum of your inner landscape- emotions, thoughts and unconscious grief- as this will support your healing and transformation process. Even if you don't want to see, it will be impossible not to look. When the darkness is touched by the light, we can't help but see it. Savitr brings light and awakening whether you want it or not. Hands come alive under Hasta nakshatra. Let them be a guide, a resource and a support for your healing process. There is some magic in the hands asking you to look more closely. What are your hands saying to you? What do they need? Use Gayatri Mantra to enliven the light and wisdom of Savitr in the coming days. Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt Mercury moves out of its favorite sign, Virgo, as of October 6th, and into Libra- joining retrograde Venus and sandhi Jupiter here. Jupiter is on his way out, now at the edge of Libra and preparing to make his year long transit through Scorpio. The combination of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will create a need for balance and harmony on the level of mind, body and emotions. All three are desperately seeking integration and stability- and yet it may feel impossible to find. Women's issues take front and center and will be demanding focus and attention. Women get a boon with this extra long cycle of Venus in its own sign. Watch out for extremes, binaries, contradictions and confusion. Reassess and reevaluate parts of yourself and your relationships that need more of your focus. Attend to comforts, needs and nourishment. Gather your parts and pieces and seek wholeness, the middle way. Find least force and increase life force energy. The waxing cycle ahead will ask you to look more closely at your darkness. As the light shines brighter, as the dawn arrives, your shadows will be more present. Are you willing to lean closer, or will you bypass and avoid? The increased light may feel challenging, uncomfortable and even fragile. Don't avoid your trauma, let it be the resource for your deep awakening. Remember that your trauma and shadow work directly correlates to your dharmic path; there is no separation. If you are willing to acknowledge your pain and lean closer to your disconnection, you have the possibility of healing through the medicine of wholeness. The cycle ahead supports deeper awakening and will require your willingness to see even more than you have before. Don't go back to sleep. The Vedic celebration of Maha Navaratri arrives just after the new Moon. On October 9th, the powerful battle of Ma Durga and the rakshasa (demon) Mahishasura begins, ending with victory day, Vijaya Dashami, on October 19th. Durga defeats the demon, a reminder to us all that Durga always wins. This is a powerful turning point in the Vedic Calendar when the Divine Feminine awakens, enlivens, transforms and heals. It is through the powerful dance of the Divine Feminine that the seasonal shifts take place. We are embarking on the magical transformation between seen and unseen, straddling the material and spiritual realms. This is a gap, a portal, that invites in depth, awakening, awareness and powerful inner wisdom. Stay alert and awake to inner and outer changes taking place. Notice conflicts within yourself and your environment. Seek resolution and healing. The Navaratri celebration is an expression of what is taking place within Nature, through the Laws that govern Nature, marking an important transition within us and around us. Align with Nature and Her powerful energy of change and transformation during Navaratri. Ritualize your connections with Nature- in order to land more closely to your own inner wisdom, to Her wisdom. Strengthen your connection to self and Spirit. Navaratri is a poignant time in the Vedic Calendar. This ancient calendar is one that is dedicated to Nature and her cycles and rhythms, the planets, and most importantly the Moon. In the Vedic Calendar, time is connected to what Nature and the cosmos are doing, and these elements are intimately related. Navaratri occurs multiple times each year- in the "gap" seasons of spring and fall, as well as other important junction points. These times are considered sandhi times; delicate times that feel like you are neither here, nor there. We might call it the netherworld. This time, though delicate, is considered sacred- so use it wisely. Read More About Navaratri the power of this sacred time of year. Creative Ritual As grief continues to rise to the surface, individually and collectively, it's an important time to do our grief work. Use this simple process to help you harvest a message from your grief and support its movement and release. 1) Take a few deep breaths and lean closer to your body sensations. Take your time and go slowly. 2) Notice the emotional body. What are you releasing right now? What losses have you faced in this past cycle? What grief is stirring within you? If you could find this grief living in your body, where would it be? Where do you feel this grief in your body? 3) Lean closer to this grief in your body. How does it feel? What colors, textures or images do you notice? Ask it to share with you. If your grief could talk, what would it say? If your grief could share a need with you, what would it say? 4) Create an image of your grief. How does this grief feel in your body? Create an image using paint, craypas, collage or any medium that inspires you. Spend at least 20 minutes with your grief image. When it feels complete, give it a title. 5) Harvest from your grief image. If it could speak to you, what would it say? Use my short podcast to support your inner resourcing and discover the message of your grief. Read More I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] The second full Moon of March occurs on the 31st at 06:36 am MT while Moon transits sidereal Virgo and Hasta nakshatra. Earthy, female Virgo brings a Mercurial nature to this coming cycle. Ruling planet of Virgo is Mercury, which correlates to the mental body. Mercury is currently retrograde in his debilitation sign of Pisces, rendering him nica bangha, which gives a reversal of the debilitation. This strengthens the expression of Mercury until April 15th when he goes direct. Savitr rules the domain of Hasta, providing awakening, new light and awareness. In the coming waning cycle, the mental body is key. Honor the mind and support it with release and resources. Endings, letting go and finales are occurring. What old stories and personal mythology are you prepared to let go of? Forge a new path and awaken new possibilities. Relationships are key in this cycle. Notice how your relationships make you feel. Are you nourished and supported? Are you honored and acknowledged? Do you feel supported and resourced, or depleted and disconnected? Grief and trauma may be activated through the emotional body. What stories and experiences are returning for you to reevaluate, acknowledge, clear and release? Be mindful of communication with the masculine and authority in the coming days. There may be anger, uncertainty, confusion and old stories returning. What needs to be reevaluated? What clean up needs to take place? Finances and relationships are going through a purification and rejuvenation process. There is a tight conjunction of Mars and Saturn happening right now in Sagittarius. These opposing planets move into exact conjunction in the coming days, until Mars passes over Saturn and moves to the other side of him early next week. Mars is action oriented and acts very young and aggressive. Saturn is very slow and requires patience and stability. Mars is go, Saturn is stop. This conjunction causes frustration and stops and starts. There may be anger or aggression, or in inability to be decisive- depending on how these planets impact you natally. You may also be making poor choices rooted in fear. Be mindful of how your fear (conscious or unconscious) might be impacting your choices. This combination can increase challenges with fear and an inability to make choices that align with dharma, right action. Is there resistance showing up? Look to see where Sagittarius is in your Jyotish chart. What house is effected by this frustration and fear? Themes arriving have to do with dharma, right action, purpose, clarifying goals and moving towards them, spiritual beliefs and needs, teachers, thighs, life path, aim and direction. The waning cycle may bring fear, frustrations and challenges with your gifts and offerings. These emotions are asking you to pay attention, lean in and honor your needs and feelings. Clarify your dharmic path, your purpose and your gifts. Purify and organize your actions and be diligent with your choices. Get focused! Savitr brings the light in the coming days! He is the god of dawn, new light and awakening. He supports your inner awakening and brilliance. Increase your light, your wisdom and your inner Sun. The light is getting brighter. Flip the switch! Use resources to support your awakening. Clean up your diet, your gut intelligence and awaken the gifts in your hands. Heal and be healed. Ask for support and guidance in order for increased awareness and wisdom. Recite the Gayatri mantra to support the awakening of Savitr within. What is dawning within you and your life right now? How are you supporting the light within? How are you resisting it? To connect with Savitr, to awaken the magic in the hands, to bring forth the dawning and consciousness expansion, recite Gayatri Mantra. Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt Creative RitualThe hands allow us to create, to put into action our imagination and ideas. Arms and hands reach, hold, grab, punch, push and give us a way to build and destroy, hold on or let go. We express our desire to give and take, take in and release with this body part. They are extensions of our emotions and can help us communicate feelings. The hands correlate to the third house of the jyotish chart. "We often enact our feelings of love, caring and tenderness with our arms and hands. We most often use our arms and hands to connect with others. Arms and hands are the most socially accepted way to make contact in most cultures. Arms and hands reach out to express longing and desire." - Daria Halprin, The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy 1) Movement Exploration. Begin your dance with your fingertips. Enter the body through the tips of your fingers. Bring movement into the fingers, into the palms, wrists, elbows and shoulders. Notice the articulations, undulations, opens and closes of these body parts. Extend and reach. Fold and contract. Make a fist, then open this tightness and feel the contrast. See if your breath can mirror the open and close of the hands. Track sensations arriving in the hands. Continue your exploration until your dance feels complete. As you pause. Notice if any words or phrases are emerging. Repeat this phrase allowed three times. 2) Create an Image: Come to your drawing pad. Outline your hands. Make a hand collage of multiple outlines or even just one hand print. When your hand collage feels complete, answer these questions: I am, I want, I need What are you holding? What are you releasing? What are you grabbing? What are you pushing? What are you punching? What are you poking and prodding? Did you miss my special Navaratri Abundance class? Ready to step into your powerful, abundant life?! Listen to the Replay + Join Me Here I call myself the Dharma Midwife.
I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] |
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