“Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others.” — Pema Chödron The last new Moon of the year occurs while Moon is debilitated in Scorpio and Jyestha nakshatra with a Solar Eclipse. On December 14th at 09:17 am MT, five planets are transiting Scorpio, including the Moon. Venus, Sun, Mercury, Ketu and Moon navigate the sign of shadow and death at this time. This new Moon is ripe with solace and transformational depth. The northern hemisphere is in the shadowy darkness right now, moving towards the darkest day of the year on the 21st. Be mindful that this new Moon could bring the emptiness and death of winter to the surface. Jyestha is the king of the devas, or sattvic god qualities within you. His weapon is a thunderbolt and he rules over all weather that involves water and rain. Essentially, Indra is prana, life force energy. To control your prana, is to control your life. This also supports sensory control and becoming your own master of body, emotions, and mind. Indra can give you the power to control your body, your life, your life force. He wants you to have control over your self and your life and he can go about that in harsh ways. Indra and this portion of the sky supports thorough investigation through knowledge and wisdom. He does things fully and with passion. There is no half way with him. Dive in completely or don’t bother at all. He does everything with devotion and selfless service. Offer your efforts to the highest good, to dharma. Is your path serving you? Are you fulfilled? What needs to change, shift, transform in order for you to feel the nourishment? Where are you skimming the surface when you should be exploring the depths? Are you being excessive, rather than precise? What steps can you take towards mastery and authenticity? Listen to My 2021 Transit Podcast + Pre-Purchase Your 2021 Moon Wisdom Calendar This new Moon brings the close of an intense two week eclipse portal. Solar eclipses tend to intensify our relationship with power, the masculine, authorities, and purpose. Confront undigested emotions, fear, resistance and inner conflict directly. Likely your personal mythology will be intensifying at this time so you can clean up any shadows that are keeping you in the dark. Pay attention to what is emerging from your depths. This solar eclipse closes a two week cycle of intense shadow work. Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for right now. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you've been overlooking. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. This eclipse portal closes with a total solar eclipse on December 14th. The solar eclipse begins at 06:33 am MT and ends at 11:53 am MT, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 09:13 am MT A reminder that this closes a two week cycle that has not been good for starting new projects, new endeavors, or relationships. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may have been less clear and focused the past few weeks. Let the shadows clear over the coming days before making big decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Although this eclipse is not visible from the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse- or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. This is a powerful time to honor your emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. Solstice Solstice arrives on the 21st at 03:02 am MT bringing the shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere, and longest day of the year for the Southern Hemisphere. On this day, the Sun appears to stand still. This is the still point. Silence, pause, reflection is felt around the globe. Use this time for contemplation, meditation and quiet introspection. What are you turning towards? What are you turning away from? Listen to My 2021 Transit Podcast + Pre-Purchase Your 2021 Moon Wisdom Calendar Creative Ritual New Moon Mandala The new Moon and the closing of a year is upon you. As you empty your cup and let go of the last cycles, you are given the opportunity for creating something new and cultivating renewal. Mandalas are my preferred activity for both new Moon and full Moon as they symbolize wholeness, a sacred container, and unlimited creative potential. 1) Come to your drawing pad and draw a circle. Use craypas, paints, pens, collage or any medium that speaks to you. On the outside of the circle write down the pieces of life you are discarding, that aren't working, that need to be let go of. These are the pieces of your self and your life that aren't bringing you harmony and joy and you no longer want to carry with you. 2) Fill the inside of your Circle. The inside of your circle is where you are free to create what you are moving towards. What fulfills you? What do you need right now? What are you making space for in your life? What are you creating and manifesting in your life and on your path? 3) Harvesting. Title your mandala and let it speak to you. What message does it have for you? Let your mandala answer the questions below. Harvesting Questions: I am, I want, I need What am I filling my Self with? What am I emptying my Self of? What am I letting flow towards me? What am I moving away from? What am I making space for in my life? What am I no longer willing to take with me on my journey? Share Your Harvest in the Embodied Dharma FB Group What are you creating for your body and your life in 2021? Use my Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar to support your embodied Dharmic Path in the year ahead. Pre-purchase your 2021 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar at 25% OFF
August New MoonAs of Sunday, a two year Mars cycle has ended. He is making some unusual movements in the coming months, navigating openings and closings repeatedly. Mars is the planet of action, focus, courage- and his fiery ways support goals and accomplishments. He has newly entered Aries, sitting in the gap between endings and beginning for an extended stay. Normally, Mars transits are roughly two months in length, but Mars will retrograde in Aries on September 9th and re-enter Pisces on October 4th. During this retrograde cycle, he will retrace his steps through Pisces until the end of the year. Notice what themes have emerged for you over the past two months as you will be asked to re-visit these steps from October to December once again. There may be a lack of clarity and some uncertainty arriving with this cycle, so pay attention to what is feeling good and what needs to be released once and for all. Mars will go direct in Pisces on November 13th and will re-enter Aries on December 24th. During the coming months, he will usher in themes of opening and closing, loss and arrivals. Look for fresh starts, renewal, opening and beginnings once he enters Aries again as 2021 arrives. This unusual Mars transit will directly impact the Mars ruled signs of Aries and Scorpio the most. Those who are highly influenced by Mars in their natal chart, or running a Mars Maha Dasha, should pay close attention as well. Notice where Mars is located in your natal chart and what houses he will be moving through as he navigates Pisces and Aries throughout the rest of the year. Currently, all three gandantas, or sacred gaps, are open. These are junction points between water and fire in the zodiac. When a planet transits through these spiritual junction points, it experiences a major transformation and uprooting process. Often big life changes happen with these junctions. They are also considered extremely spiritual because they uproot blockages on the psycho-emotional body levels. Now that Mars has leaped into Aries, he is transiting the first of three gandantas in the zodiac. This ushers in fresh starts and rejuvenation. Sun and Mercury have also just moved to the second gandanta of the zodiac, Magha. This spiritual portion of the sky is directly connected to the ancestors, power, and ego. Pay attention to what needs to transform in relationship to your power, masculine and purpose. Ketu has been transiting the third gandanta, Mula, for over a year now. This 1.5 year transit ends on September 23rd when Ketu shifts into Scorpio and Rahu moves to Taurus. As a planet leaves a house, it tends to intensify. Mula nakshatra can clear the path for dharma, or present major obstacles that hinder the path. Are you moving closer to your soul purpose right now, or further away? With all three gandantas wide open right now, the coming weeks are especially vulnerable and delicate. It is not a good time to take unnecessary risks, however, it is an excellent time to do your inner work, transform shadow into light, and overcome obstacles on your spiritual path. Attend to your dharmic path and it will be time well spent. Register for my Jyotish Masterclass for Dharmic Clarity. Magha New MoonMoon completely empties on the 18th at 20:42 MT while transiting Leo and Magha nakshatra. Sun, Moon, and Mars are all in tight conjunction in Magha nakshatra at this time. The cycle ahead is asking you to be more vigilant with your power- how you use it, why you use it, what it means for you. Are you in right relationship with your masculine, power source, and inner strength? Magha nakshatra is considered a gandanta. One of three gaps in the zodiac between water and fire, notorious for uprooting the psycho-emotional bodies. Whatever unconscious entanglements are gripping you, it’s possible to loosen them and release them at this time. Be honest with your shadow work and diligently acknowledge personal mythology with your disempowerment, victim, use of strength and power in the cycle ahead. Pitr rules the domain of Magha which automatically connects this portion of the sky with the ancestors. There is a direct correlation with father and father’s lineage here as well. Over 50% of your karma and grief work is connected to your ancestors. Magha brings lineage grief to the surface and will ask you to face your power, karma, and lineage issues directly. This is an ideal time to pay homage and give gratitude to your ancestors. Feed them, bring offerings to your ancestor altar, notice symbols or message arriving directly from Spirit. Give your blessings to those who have come before, as well as the gifts they have shared with you. After all, you would not be here without them. Where do you feel connected to your ancestors and your lineage? Where do you feel disconnected? In what ways are you creating connections with your ancestors and building a relationship with them? How do the ancestors show up for you and what messages do they share? Here Are Six Ways to Feed Your Ancestors Wishing you a clear and aligned cycle ahead, Swati* Studying your jyotish chart is an essential tool for understanding your dharmic path.
Deepen Your Dharmic Clarity In My August Jyotish Masterclass My approach to dharma and Jyotish Astrology is body-centered. I consider the body to be the primary resource for cultivating a path of joy and nourishment. Using Jyotish in a body-centered way can help strengthen the depth, richness, and healing capacity of Vedic Astrology, while also helping create alignment with dharma more fully. Are You.... Searching for your purpose and life path clarity? Wanting spiritual answers and an expanded understanding of your self? Wishing you could trust your self and your path more fully? Disappointed & dissatisfied with the astrological resources you've found so far? Desiring more depth, feminine wisdom, and a holistic approach to Vedic Astrology? Jyotish Astrology Masterclass Clarify Your Life Path and Soul Purpose AUGUST 23RD @ 12PM MT *Recording available for all participants. REGISTER NOW LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER!!! ONLY THREE SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE IN THIS CLASS. You must have EXACT birth time to register for this class. This is not a jyotish basics class. Please have a basic understanding of your jyotish chart for this class. GET THE DETAILS AND REGISTER The last new Moon of the year (and decade) is an interesting way to close this chapter, while opening to the new. On December 25th at 22:14 MT, the new Moon arrives in Mula Nakshatra with six planets transiting Sagittarius. Mercury and Mars change signs the same day, while the annual Solar Eclipse begins simultaneously. Many around the world also celebrate Christmas on the 25th, which creates another interesting dynamic with this very unusual new Moon. Six planets transit Sagittarius around the new Moon- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu. Four of these planets will be moving through the challenging constellation of Mula nakshatra at this time- Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. The same day of the new Moon, Mars enters his own sign, Scorpio, causing some instability for action. Mercury moves to Sagittarius on the 25th as well, leaping right into Mula nakshatra, conjunct five other planets. The mental body will be in a chaos of sorts in the coming days. Not a good time to make big decisions. Watch your money and communication. Sagittarius is a fire sign known for its spiritual inclinations. As the number nine, it naturally reflects the wisdom of the 9th house of dharma. Symbolized by an archer pulling his arrow back, this sign needs to remember to take action, not just prepare. There is a tendency for "over-preparation" with this sign, rather than taking focused, right-action. Notice where you are causing delays, creating obstructions, resisting forward momentum. The support will be here for you to move forward, but you must take the steps to make it happen. This sign wants fairness and justice, as well as truth. The shadow side to this sign is dogma, puritanical beliefs and ideals. The first constellation of Sagittarius is Mula, considered one of three gandantas in the zodiac- a gap between water and fire. Gandantas are notorious for uprooting the psycho-emotional body levels. This particular gandanta, or gap, is connected to the nakshatra, Mula. Ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti, this constellation is often disruptive for the dharmic path. Nirrti in fact is married to adharma, that which goes against dharma, causing calamities, chaos and misfortune on the path that obstructs or delays dharma. Four planets transit Mula nakshatra at the time of the new Moon- Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Expect your tap root to feel unstable at this time. A poignant uprooting is taking place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at this time. Grounding and stability are vital. Are you making choices that move you closer to dharma or further away from it? What are you releasing, removing or uprooting right now? What needs to be cleared and eliminated so that you can move forward in a different way? What needs are surfacing as you sift and sort through the rubble? What are you making space for and how do you want to move forward differently? The annual solar eclipse will intensify the instability surfacing so pay attention to what is emerging from your depths. This opens a two week cycle that will invoke the depth of your shadows. Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. We may get lost in the overwhelm and negativity during this two week cycle, so keep moving toward the light. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you've been overlooking. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. This eclipse portal begins with a solar eclipse on December 25th and lasts for two weeks, ending with a Gemini full Moon on January 10th with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The December 25th solar eclipse begins at 19:29 MT and ends at 01:05 am on the 26th, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 22:17 MT on the 25th. A reminder that this begins a two week cycle that is not good for starting new projects. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused so don't make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Even though this eclipse is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. Use the two week Eclipse cycle for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor you emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. This final new Moon of the year and decade is a dramatic closure, while ushering in a fresh start promising change and uprooting. The old stories you have been carrying with you need to be re-evaluated. Are they accurate and true? Do they really represent who you are and what you want for your life? You have a powerful opportunity with this new Moon eclipse cycle to eradicate the past, clear and remove the parts of yourself that no longer serve you. You must be willing to courageously see your darkness and shadow first. In the coming two weeks be diligent with your clearing and release process. The timing of this new Moon and eclipse at the end of year and decade is remarkable and poignant. Do not underestimate the power of this moment- for your life and your dharmic path. You have a unique opportunity to move forward in a completely different way- if you have the courage and willingness to create something new. Declare your intentions, desires and dreams. Commit to taking the bold action steps required to make this a reality in the coming year and decade. Creative Ritual As you move through this eclipse portal cycle, integrating and digesting the powerful themes of this shadowed time, there will be strong emotional body waves activated. This is a cleansing cycle, a time to release old, undigested grief and harvest rich inner wisdom that has long been covered up by your shadow. Use this Tapping Meditation as a resource for uncovering your emotional body wisdom, so you can find the needs underneath the big feelings. Then follow up with the Creative Ritual below. Attend to the space you've created with consciousness and presence. Step One: Tapping Meditation for Clearing and Release Step Two: Awakening Inner Space ~ Creative Ritual After you complete the Tapping Meditation and move some emotion, notice your internal landscape. What is arriving?! As you continue to cultivate inner presence, I invite you to notice the space within your body. Where do you feel more space in the body? Where does this space arrive within you? How does it feel? This space within is ripe with potential and possibility. It is fragile and vulnerable, but also very powerful. This creative ritual will help you continue to cultivate a relationship with this inner space. 1) Create An Image. Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of the space you are cultivating a relationship with. What does this space feel like within you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 10 to 20 minutes at minimum for this image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your space image. Use the intention of "moving with this feeling of space in the body". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. * If you are in an acute grief phase, you may wish to simply hold a shape in the body, to mirror your space image, rather than move the image. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine, I express. How do you want to attend to this space within? What is your intention moving forward? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? It's Not Too Late!!
My 2020 Jyotish Transit Class is December 29th @ 12pm MT Understand the four major transits coming in 2020 and how they will impact you and your path!! When you purchase my 2020 Moon Wisdom Calendar before the 28th, you will automatically be invited to join us live and receive this class recording! Pre-Purchase Your 2020 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar Now I've been sharing my Sidereal New Moon and Full Moon Wisdom with the unique element of transformational Creative Rituals for nearly a decade now. I've tirelessly offered my transit reports, cosmic wisdom, creative and embodiment resources as a way to support you in aligning with the cycles and rhythms of Nature, while also deepening your own body wisdom. The only way to access my 2020 Moon Wisdom, Creative Rituals, and Horoscopes in entirety will be within my 2020 Calendar. Pre-Purchase Your 2020 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar Now Looking forward to sharing the updated, extended version of my special Moon Wisdom, Horoscopes and Creative Ritual offerings with you in the coming year. On the morning of Tuesday, November 26th, the Scorpio new Moon arrives while transiting Anuradha nakshatra. Sun and Moon collide in the sign of depth and transformation while the empty, dark Moon inspires possibility and potential. This is a particularly helpful cycle for turning your darkness into light. Prepare to activate something new and change old patterns and behaviors. What needs to be enlivened and awakened within you? Anuradha nakshatra is ruled by Mitra who supports friendships and connections that support and uplift life. This constellation is also a powerful reminder of transformation and celebration. Symbolized by a triumphal gateway, this portion of the sky ushers in the arrival of improvement, upliftment and achievement. A powerful reminder that our darkness can be shifted and transformed into something life serving and empowering. Through your dharma, release and change your tragedy, pain and struggles into light, awareness and a powerful offering to the world. In the waxing cycle ahead, spend time with quality people, dear friends and trusted allies. Ask for support from those you love and cherish. Work towards co-creation and connection. Acknowledge the challenges you face and commit to transformation and healing. Lighten your load and turn the heaviness and sorrow into ease and gentleness. The medicine for your journey is self love and acceptance. What needs to be reframed? How can you rewrite your story? How do you want to feel and what direction do you want to go? What steps are you committed to taking so you can finally feel successful? As of November 16th, Sun has just moved to Scorpio and out of debilitation, joining Venus here. This will feel like a nice lift after the past month of low energy and deep, inner focus. However Sun will be shining his light now on the depths of Scorpio which supports powerful inner transformation and darkness coming to light. Bring awareness to what needs to shift and where you can support this awakening. Tension comes with the conjunction of Mars and retrograde Mercury in Libra as these two energies want different things. Thinking vs doing may be struggling right now, particularly with matters of relationships and co-creation. Mercury goes direct on November 20th and begins to separate from Mars, until he moves into Scorpio on December 5th. Jupiter is still in Mula nakshatra, having newly entered Sagittarius. Although he is stronger in degrees now, he is still transiting a constellation notorious for uprooting, untangling, clearing and transforming. There is a powerful spiritual process of shape shifting taking place for everyone on the planet right now. Put on your seat belt because we have four more major planets who will be transiting through the powerful gandanta (gap) between Scorpio and Sagittarius taking place between now and January. As Venus, Mercury, Sun, and the Mars, pass through Mula nakshatra in the coming months, we will all be experiencing major life change. This will cause a powerful uprooting, Awakening, and transformation process to take place on all levels of body, mind, spirit and emotions. None of us will be the same by the end of this. Each one of us is making space for something entirely new. Pay attention to what needs to be released and tossed out once and for all so you have the space for an entirely new way of existing. Mars is the last planet to go through the gandanta February 8th, ushering in a completion and focused release which will support entirely new type of action. Pay attention to what steps need to shift and change so you can create very different results for your life and path. Remember that Sagittarius correlates to the 9th house of dharma in the zodiac. As Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars and Moon move through this incredibly spiritual placement, your path, purpose and dharma are going through a deep and life changing transformation and refinement. Mediocrity won't be tolerated. What needs to shift so you can be in right relationship with your path and purpose? What is in your way of being connected, aligned, and focused on your dharma more fully? Where are you resisting your passion, desires and inner wisdom? What types of support, guidance and wisdom do you need to support you in this dharmic transition?! Creative Ritual 1) Spend some time journaling about where you are going on your path and what direction you want to move in. What goals do you have? What is the time frame for these goals? What is your vision for your life, for your dharmic gifts, your dharmic business? 2) Create an image of this vision you have for your life and your dharmic offering. What colors, textures, images share the feeling of this vision? Use craypas, collage, paint or any medium that inspires you. Spend 20 minutes on this image or create until it feels complete. 3) Harvest from your image. Give it a title and let it speak. If this image could speak to you, what would it say? Let is answer these questions: I am I want I need What action steps, choices and behaviors are moving you closer to your dharmic vision? What actions, choices and behaviors are moving you further away from your dharmic vision? Ready for more? Listen to my Podcast for Increasing Your Manifestation Skills Join me for an end of year
CLEARING RITUAL What are you making space for in your life as we move into a whole new year- filled with possibility and potential?! What are you moving away from and releasing from your body, life, path?! How do you want to feel in the coming year?! What are you creating?! Come for a ritual of release, clearing and untangling. Create, transform, embody and awaken the new! CLAIM YOUR SPOT IN THIS SPECIAL RITUAL BY BOOKING A FREE 15 MIN CHAT WITH ME HERE The October new Moon arrives on the 27th at 21:39 MT while Moon is transiting Libra and Swati nakshatra. This new Moon also coincides with the powerful celebration of light, Diwali, in the Vedic calendar. Diwali (or Deepavali) is a very significant five day festival in the Vedic tradition. The most significant day of the Diwali festivities is on the new Moon. Diwali is actually a five day celebration that honors light, Lakshmi, and the divine resources available to us. Lakshmi is the giver of health, vitality, nourishment and wealth. The festival of light spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. Three of the most important days are dedicated to Dhanvantari, Hanuman, and of course the new moon being the most important of all, which is solely dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Read more about Diwali and why this festival of lights is so important. This Libra new Moon is particularly delicate as it mirrors the vulnerability and weakness of the Sun- who is currently debilitated in Libra as well. This is a inward time of year for the Sun. The source of our light is dim and the new Moon highlights this lack of light. When Sun is debilitated, the physical body is more sensitive, but the spiritual body is more awake. Use this time to go inward, pause, rest and rejuvenate. This new Moon is a particularly powerful time for inner growth, deep listening, and self care. New Moon in Swati nakshatra brings a cycle of movement ahead. Change, travel, and wind come with this constellation. Vayu, the wind god, rules this portion of the sky and brings all kinds of movement with him. Subtle and small breezes, as well as powerful gusts, and everything in between, are all within his domain. What is your relationship with the wind right now? Vata may be particularly imbalanced in the coming weeks so be mindful of your prana. Avoid excess movement, travel and pushing to accomplish. Right now, less is more. Silence and rest are the best use of your time and energy. Jupiter is currently at the edge of Scorpio, poised for a major shift in the coming days. On November 4th, he will move into his own sign, Sagittarius, joining Saturn and Ketu here. For the next couple months, he will be transiting through the powerful gandanta of Mula nakshatra, ruled by the dark goddess, nirrti. This gap between water and fire supports immense uprooting, transformation and change on the psycho-emotional body levels. The awakening taking place with Jupiter in the coming months, supports the dharmic path and ushers in a whole new level of insight, wisdom and dharmic support. Right now, our relationship with support, guidance and wisdom is already shifting. Our Guru, Jupiter, is moving to a sign that he loves, which supports more balance and harmony with his natural qualities. It also means that he will not tolerate adharma, impurity, lack of wisdom and guidance on your path. Pay attention to the support and guidance showing up to support your dharmic path and start making this a priority. I'll be sharing more about this transit in an upcoming article. This is how the dark goddess, Nirrti, destroys your dharmic path. Creative Ritual Expanding your container, your capacity to hold and to release, can physically and metaphorically be done through the breath. With new Moon in Swati nakshatra, this is a good time to work closely with the breath, prana and your life force energy. 1. Breath Dance. Begin standing, lying down or sitting. Bring your awareness to your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Filling and letting go, opening and releasing, like waves moving in and out of the body. Track the movements and sensations in the body and let these guide you. The sensations will guide you into the physical body impulses, the messages of the body. As you continue to breathe and become more and more aware of the movements of the ribcase, let these movements exaggerate. These exaggerated movements are the making of your "breath dance". Continue to move from and with the movements of the ribcase as you breath. Explore, expand and develop your breath dance for at least 10 minutes. Let it evolve and as it does, continue to self track, noticing the body parts most alive and awake as you explore your body part sensations present. As you bring your breath dance to a close, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. 2. Create an image of your ribcase. What colors, textures, shapes and images arrive on the page as you draw your ribcase? I encourage you to get your hands involved in this process whether it be through painting directly with your hands, or smudging the craypas with your fingers. Let the hands be sensitized through the process. Get messy. Let the hands and fingers fully engage in this image. (Working with clay may be an alternate medium to work with). Title your image. Take at least 15 minutes for this. 3. Harvesting. When your image is complete, use it to harvest with further inquiry by asking it these questions: Ask your image if it has anything it would like to share with you: If your image could speak, what would it say? I am I want I need What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Are you curious what your Jyotish Chart can tell you about your souls purpose, your dharmic path? If used properly, Vedic Astrology can be one of the most straight forward, insightful tools you will encounter on your path. JOIN OUR NEXT FIVE DAY ONLINE DHARMA GATHERING!! Dharma Basics ~ Using Vedic Astrology REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW * You will be required to book a 15 minute dharma chat with me in order to be included in this event. Space is extremely limited so please register early. The September New Moon occurs with five planets colliding in Virgo- Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury. On the 28th at 12:27 PM MT, the Moon empties completely in the constellation of Hasta. Mercury is exalted in Virgo, while Venus is debilitated. Sun and Mars heat up this combination of planets, scorching the mental, emotional and physical bodies. This is an important time to honor the sensitivity and delicate life force within. Pause, slow down and listen to the wisdom arriving within you and around you. This new Moon offers stillness and sacred pause as Nature transforms and awakens. The Divine Feminine is strengthening, ushering in the sacred nine day celebration of Navaratri- which begins just after the new Moon occurs. The emptiness of this new Moon will be palpable, opening a sacred gap that will support deep inner transformation. Read More About the Sacred Nine Days of Navaratri. Hasta nakshatra is ruled by Savitr, the god of dawn. The sacred slice of light that emerges everyday, signaling the return of the light, is his domain. This is a sandhi time, or gap, that is particularly potent for awakening. Transformation, transition, and inner awareness are supported with this constellation. Hasta and Savitr support the returning of the light, a powerful reminder of light overtaking darkness. This is a natural part of nature, her cycles and rhythms. Every day she reminds us that the light returns, the Sun rises, our life force enlivens. This is a profound Law of Nature. This new Moon signals the dawn, yet there is a fragility and vulnerability that comes with it. Powerful light is present, while sensitivity is also at an all time high. Use this sacred, natural gap to pause and listen to your body and its wisdom. Honor the immense silence occurring in Nature and align with the strengthening potency of the Divine Feminine. Meditate, use ritual, body care, easy to digest foods, and the Gayatri Mantra to honor your pause. As the Moon shifts into the first tithi of the waxing Moon cycle, the sacred nine day and night celebration of Maha Navaratri begins. Nava means nine and ratri means night in Sanskrit. Each day and night of this powerful junction point, correlates to the epic battle between the goddess Sri Devi Mahatmyam and the demon Mahishasura. Maha Devi Mahatmyam is connected to both Durga and Shakti, powerful forms of divine feminine energy that awaken, clear, transform and heal. Sri Devi is understood to be the supreme creation power of the universe, the Tridevi, or triple goddess, as she expresses the creation, sustaining and destructive energies that perpetuate all forms of life. In the sacred text known as the Sri Devi Mahatmyam, composed between 400 and 600 CE, the many forms of the goddess are expressed. "She is presented, through a language of praise, as the one who dwells in all creatures, as the soul, as the power to know, the power to will and the power to act. She is consciousness of all living beings, she is intelligence, she is matter, and she is all that is form or emotion." - Via Wikipedia During the nine day and night Navaratri celebration, the battle between light and dark forces enlivens, ending on the 10th day with Victory Day, Vijaya Dashami. This battle between light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, transformation and healing, is taking place within all beings at this sacred junction point. It is a time to heal and integrate polarities within. This is an incredibly potent time for awakening dharma in our lives. Use the coming days to go within, slow down, and listen. Your inner wisdom and dharmic gifts will be strengthening. Listen closely. Clarity, focus and alignment can be easily accessed during the sacred celebration of Navarati. Transformation is taking place on all levels of Nature. Be present to the release, the emptiness, the creativity, that is arriving. What needs to be released and transformed on your path? How can you create more space and silence in your life? What is your body wisdom telling you about your needs? What is the wisdom of your passion and creativity sharing with you? Join the Sacred Navaratri container for daily wisdom, rituals, dharmic resources and tools- so that you can strengthen and deepen your dharmic path, souls purpose, and inner wisdom. Our Sacred Navaratri Container Opens on Sunday, September 29th! Doors Are Closing!! This is your last chance to join us live for this sacred 10 day celebration. JOIN THE 2019 DHARMA SUMMIT NOW Creative Ritual "Everything comes to us that belongs to us, if we create the capacity to receive it." ~ Rabindranath Tagore This Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into your creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotions telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? 2019 Soul Awakening Dharma Summit
It's Time to Transform and Awaken Your Souls Purpose! Maha Navaratri occurs from September 29th to October 8th this year. Daily Wisdom Sessions with powerful Dharmic Leaders. Empowering resources and rituals for the Divine Feminine. Support and guidance for your dharmic path. Tools to activate your souls purpose. Prizes, gifts and celebration! GET THE DETAILS DOORS ARE CLOSING! Last Chance to Join Us is September 29th!! As August comes to a close, a fiery new Moon in sidereal Leo occurs on the 30th at 04:38 am MT. Conjoining with four other planets in Leo, Moon conjuncts Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Sun, Moon and Mercury are all transiting through the powerful constellation of Magha at the time of the new Moon, which puts them in a gandanta- or change point. Magha nakshatra is considered a gandanta point- one of three in the zodiac. Gandantas are notorious for uprooting the psycho-emotional bodies, ushering in deep physiological change. This particular new Moon supports change on the Mental, Emotional and Physical body levels- so be prepared for a whole body overhaul in the days and weeks ahead. A whole body transformation is taking place and this will impact all areas of your life. The constellation of Magha is ruled by Pitr, which is deeply connected to the ancestors. This new Moon, and the cycle ahead, brings support, insight and wisdom from the ancestors- so pay attention to the messages arriving and ask for their guidance. Magha is extremely powerful and bold. It asks you to step up, speak out, shine brighter and share your power. This is not a constellation that plays small. In the cycle ahead, make some clear choices about how you are using your power. Are you frittering it away on distractions and excuses? Are you focusing on right action and your dharmic path? Is your souls purpose your main intention? Are you action steps aligned with your desires? Get your priorities straight and don't waste time. The ancestors want you to align with dharma and they will be helping you get the support you need. The potential for a life upgrade is taking place right now. All you have to do is be willing to change and take more empowered, focused steps towards your dreams and inner wisdom. Mercury moves to Leo August 26th joining Venus, Sun and Mars- all in a very tight conjunction. When a planet is within the 10 degree range of the Sun it becomes combust, or burnt. The current dynamic creates mental and physical body burns. Stay cool and use water as a resource for finding balance. This month we need to watch for burn out- physically and mentally. The fire will be intensifying power, passion, force, masculine energy and motivation. Use your power mindfully and don't push or force- even though the temptation will be there. This can also be a very potent time for taking big, impactful action steps towards your passion and purpose. There is immense power available to all of us right now. How do you want to use this power?! Sun is our power source and he's transiting his favorite sign until mid September. This is your reminder to literally "make hay while the Sun shines." What projects have you been putting off? What steps have you been avoiding on your dharmic path? Where have you been hiding or diminishing your power?! Now is the time to step up! Step into your big energy, your inner power. Ask for more! Take a big leap towards your dreams! Up-level you life! Expand your vision! Stop playing small! Your gifts and wisdom matter. Step up and share your dharmic path in bigger and bolder ways. Creative RitualWhat does empowerment feel like? How do you feel this energy in your body? Use my Tapping Meditation below to support an increase in your power. Then use this awareness to create an image and identify your needs. Take this surge of energy and channel it into powerful action steps! Once you create your image of power, share it with us in the Embodied Moon FB group! Step #1 How do you know if you are disempowered, disconnected from your inner source? When your breath is short, body is tight and mind is running the show, you are likely disconnected from your inner wisdom and power. This may present itself through emotional body reactions, mental stories that seem to be on repeat in your head, and physical body responses that constrict you, leaving you closed off to possibility, options, new choices. Read More and Listen to my Tapping Meditation for Empowerment Step #2 Create an image of what it feels like to be empowered, connected and feeling your inner strength. What colors, textures and images arrive? Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of your power. Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 20 minutes at minimum for this nourishment image. Title your image. Step #3 Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your image with the intention of "moving with your feelings". What feelings emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. Step #4 Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine, I express Where do I feel support in my life? Where do I need more support? JOIN US!
The Embodied Dharma Tribe is a place to continue gathering resources, tools and guidance for your dharmic path. JOIN THE DHARMA TRIBE NOW Looking forward to watching your path unfold and seeing you reach your goals. The second New Moon of July occurs on the 31st at 21:13 MT just hours before August begins. Moon lands in its own sign, Cancer, transiting Pushya nakshatra at the time of emptiness. Cancer is full right now with Sun, Venus, and debilitated Mars- navigating this emotional, watery sign. Mercury has momentarily dipped back into Gemini, but will return to Cancer within days. Jupiter gives his gaze to Cancer, his sign of exaltation, gifting this intense combination of planets with some much needed sattva and wisdom. Pushya nakshatra is ruled by Brihaspati, another name for Jupiter, giver of nourishment and powerful support through wisdom. This star supports balance through expansion and contraction, opening and closing. It is an important time to acknowledge grief, undigested emotions and struggles, while also gathering the necessary support, wisdom and clarity necessary for more nourishment in your life. Open your hear and clarify your emotional body wisdom. Cancer is the sign of all things emotional body, as well as mother, heart, land and home. Watery insights and deep feelings emerge with this sign. Use the cycle ahead to be honest with your emotions. Clear and release undigested or stagnant grief. Gather support, guidance and wisdom for healing and transformation. Acknowledge boundary work and what needs are surfacing. What needs to be restructured in your relationships so you can receive more nourishment? Where are you saying YES where you should be saying NO? What important wisdom is your emotional body trying to tell you? Be proactive and make sure your action steps align with your deepest needs. Creative RitualThis Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into your creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotions telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? AUGUST DHARMA CHALLENGE
Let's do this together! Will you join me in this life mission?! 💕 To leave the world a better place than how we found it. 💕 To make a bigger more positive impact in this world. 💕 To touch even more lives in meaningful ways. 💕 To make more money doing what you love loving what you do. JOIN THE AUGUST DHARMA CHALLENGE and create a bigger impact in this world! Spread even more positivity, wisdom, gifts, resources and tools on this planet. Are you in? JOIN THE FIVE DAY DHARMA CHALLENGE HERE 👉🏽 http://www.swatijrjyotish.com/dharma-tribe-challenge.html July begins with a powerful new Moon in Ardra nakshatra and a total solar eclipse. The intensity of this combination will be felt days in advance, ushering in an emotional eclipse portal that will end mid month. Ardra nakshatra is notorious for creating big storms- internally and environmentally. Bring a rain jacket and prepare for larger than normal inner waves this eclipse cycle. On July 2nd, the new Moon occurs at 13:17 MT while Sun and Moon collide in Gemini within the constellation of Ardra. Four planets, Sun, Moon, Rahu and venus, conjunct in Gemini, the sign of all things communication and self expression. Rahu's shadow intensifies this combination, causing confusion, uncertainty, darkness and doubt to emerge. The challenging exact conjunction of Saturn and Ketu is looking directly at these four planets from Sagittarius, causing the sense of breaking, restructuring, struggle and sudden change to arrive. This planetary dynamic is intense, but the added pressure of a total solar eclipse will increase the challenges present, inviting all of us to face internal shadows that have previously gone unnoticed or disregarded. This is a cycle of waking up and creating new awareness. There is a dawning taking place, new light emerging, however, this light comes with facing darkness and struggle. Relationships, communication, creativity and self expression may feel blocked, uncertain or painful. Gains will come with effort, focus and restructuring. Your inner light may feel dim, so find ways to remember your power and purpose, even when frustrated or challenged by circumstances. Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills. We may get lost in the overwhelm and negativity during this two week cycle, so keep moving toward the light. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you've been overlooking. Ardra nakshatra is ruled by the storm god, Rudra. He rules over strong storms energy, big emotions, inner and outer upheaval and undigested grief that is disguised as anger and rage. Notice your emotions and be willing to lean closer. Why might you be feeling this way? What can your emotions tell you about your deeper needs? What do your challenging emotions help you identify? What are they asking for? Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. This eclipse portal begins with a total solar eclipse on July 2nd and lasts for two weeks. The July 2nd solar eclipse begins at 10:55 am MT and ends at 15:50 MT, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 13:22 MT. The solar eclipse is only visible from South America. This waxing cycle completes with full a Moon, Guru Purnima and a partial lunar eclipse on July 16th. A reminder that this two week cycle is not a time to start new projects. Finish up projects and take necessary action steps prior to the new Moon in order to prepare for the weeks ahead. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused so don't make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Even though this eclipse is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. Use the two week Eclipse cycle for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor you emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. Creative RitualThis Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into a creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotion telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? Listen to my Podcast "How to Befriend Your Emotional Body" Clarify Your Souls Purpose
Book your 90 minute Dharma Coaching Session and receive: - Clarity, insights, wisdom and guidance for your dharmic path. - Understand your true soul's purpose. - Clarify your unique dharmic gifts. - Create your dharmic offering in the world. - Make more money doing what you love and loving what you do. - Touch more lives in meaningful ways. Take a powerful step towards your souls purpose now! I only have one Dharma Session available for July!!! Book Your Session Now Just as the month begins, the June new Moon occurs on the 3rd at 4:02 am MT. Moon is transiting its favorite sign, Taurus, while navigating the powerfully creative star, Rohini. This portion of the sky is ruled by Lord Brahma, god of creation. Both Brahma and his wife Saraswati create an unstoppable force of manifestation. Less than 24 hours after the new Moon occurs, Venus shifts to its own sign, Taurus, inviting in new support and stability for all things Venus. The coming cycle is a powerful time to bring long standing ideas and dreams into manifest form. Taurus is great support for creating in tangible ways, while offering nourishment, financial support, and food for life force. Rohini nakshatra is a powerful portion of the sky dedicated to creativity on all levels- allowing dreams and desires to manifest. Ruler of this nakshatra, Lord Brahma, is the god of creation; he literally birthed the universe from his navel. Now is the time to bring forth your ideas, desires and creative impulses from the unseen, hidden realm. Awaken your deepest desires and allow them to take shape. If you've been putting off action steps, expansion of ideas and desires, now is the time to get serious. There is a lot of proactive energy in the transits right now that can be put to good use. Use your energy wisely and channel it creatively. Ask for more and step up to make it happen. Manifestation occurs when we activate and align with our dreams and desires, while also taking conscious, congruent and consistent action steps to support them. Use this coming waxing cycle to birth something new. Awaken your buried passions and ignite your purpose. Where have you been playing too small? What have you neglected to fully ask for? What steps are you resisting or refusing to take? Maximize your creative life force energy and awaken the power of your creative courage. Step into your power and potential. Restructure, release, transform and grow. Shed the old parts of you that doubt and play the victim. Uproot the stories and mental blockages that are keeping you poor and in survival. It's time to step up, expand your ability to receive the nourishment of life. Make sure that your actions and choices align with your desires. Seek congruency with your vision and your behaviors. Open the channels for more life force energy and say yes to life! Creative Ritual1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of your nourishment. What does nourishment feel like for you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 20 minutes at minimum for this nourishment image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. What deeply nourishes me? What no longer nourishes me? Where do I feel support in my life? Where do I need more support? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? CALLING ALL AMAZING SENSITIVE WOMEN! I only have a couple spots left in my free Self Trust challenge. The response has been overwhelming and space is super limited to only 30 women. You can still book in for your Good Fit Call with me. JOIN US NOW! Live Your Life Purpose.
Share Your Unique Gifts and Wisdom. Touch Lives in Meaningful Ways. Make More Money Doing What You Love. Book A Free Dharma Coaching Session |
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