The new year begins with a full Moon in Ardra nakshatra, the constellation of storm god, Rudra. 2018 starts with a forceful energy, inviting in power, intensity and emotional body waves. There is promise of big, grande and bold changes on multiple levels. Read more about the January Full Moon. As 2018 begins, Jupiter is transiting Libra still, Saturn continues his arduous transit through Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra, while Rahu transits Cancer and Ketu transits Capricorn. Read more about these major transits: Read more about Jupiter in Libra. Read more about Saturn in Sagittarius. Read more about Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn. We won't see shifts in these major transits until October 2018, when Jupiter shifts to Scorpio. Mid December, the slowest moving planet, Saturn, will finally shift out of the constellation of Adharma, Mula, and into PurvaAshada, the domain of Apas- the water goddess. March of 2019, Rahu will enter Gemini and Ketu will change to Sagittarius, joining Saturn there. The majority of 2018 doesn't offer any changes in the major transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu or Ketu, however, the shorter transits of Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Sun will impact us more closely. These Horoscopes will give you general themes for the year to come based on your rising sign. Horoscopes are based on your sidereal, or Jyotish rising sign, not your Western or Tropical sign. There is likely no correlation. You may also use with your sidereal Moon or Sun sign for extra insight. Aries: Expand relationships and learn from others. Relationships are a powerful teacher this year. Seek balance and integration with others. Strengthen your sense of self and deepen your self trust. Clarify boundaries and ask for support. Focus on home, land and property. Give your mother more attention and focus on your emotional body more closely. Attend to your spiritual path and clarify your dharmic purpose. There may be big shifts and restructuring with your career and offering this year. Career changes are likely. Find new ground and transform the way you share yourself. Strengthen your spiritual connection and let this inform your offerings. Let your heart lead the way. Taurus: Dig deeply into your depths and attend to undigested, unprocessed grief within the unconscious realms. Use this wisdom to inform how you connect and share with others. Let it guide your offerings and dharmic path. Relationships take courage this year and will prove challenging and provocative. Trust yourself and your inner wisdom. Watch out for those who are not living in their integrity or doing their healing work. Strengthen your gifts as a healer and get extra healing support right now. You have the possibility of deepening your dharmic path and clarifying your purpose- if you are willing to radically reconstruct and deconstruct who you are and how you are in the world. Deepen your courage and creativity as a resource for self discovery. What are you learning about who and what nourishes you? Gemini: Focus on income, nourishment and pleasures, but avoid overindulgence and intoxicants. Clean up your diet and what you put in your body. Let this be a time of healing, rather than self sabotage. Attend diligently to your unconscious and subconscious terrain. Old trauma is rising to the surface. Are you consciously working with it or avoiding and suppressing? Relationships can bring grief or more stability and strength. Invite in grounding and deepen your roots. Digest and release past relationship grief and let it be a resource for deep inner growth. Your heart requests this grief work so don't by-pass it. Strengthen your sense of empowerment, intuition and purpose. Teach and guide children, while letting them be your teacher as well. Keep a child-like sense of wonder and invite in playfulness as you navigate you deep, inner waters. Cancer: This is a powerful year of self growth, while ripping away the shadow and illusions you've been hiding under. Deepen your self awareness and be willing to look at your weaknesses. Strong cravings and desires intensify. Don't get lost in the superficiality of human life. Relationship changes and shifts are inevitable. Let your relationship with Self ground you in self love and truth. Are you getting lost in chaos and instability? This is a powerful time to release and let go of relationships and behaviors that are keeping you stuck and unstable. Heal through grief and honor your emotional body wisdom with intention and diligence. It's time to lean into your fragility and darkness. Seek integration with inner and outer realms. Leo: Your intuition and relationships require that you honor your grief more closely. Be authentic with your hurt and pain. Attend to digestion diligently as it is extra sensitive and vulnerable right now. You are digesting some very old grief. Clearing this will radically upgrade the way you align with your power. Heal and be healed. Ask the ancestors and Spirit for guidance and support. Attend to losses, letting go and release with intention. You are creating more space for self trust and strength. Get courageous and expand your creative potential. This will vastly improve your dharmic clarity as well. Focus on relationship growth. Something must be released in order for you to gain. What are you learning about your needs for stability and support? Virgo: Your wealth and nourishment is strengthening this year. Speak your truth and align with your inner integrity. Share, connect and offer your wisdom to others. Your heart requires honesty and grief work. Old, undigested grief is being pulled up by the root. Your willingness to attend to your pain will support new growth. Strengthen your emotional body relationship and seek solid ground. Relationships prove to be both a focus and a challenge. Your willingness to dive into your depths will support your growth and learning in this process. Seek relationships who are equally willing to do the same. Attend to the trauma living in your solar plexus and reconnect with your sense of power and intuition. You need this clarity and empowerment in order to step into your dharma more fully. Libra: Integration, stability and grounding are key this year. Growth comes from spinal alignment and flexibility. Deepen your relationship within and let these inner roots help you expand and grow into new relationships with others. Nurture and nourish your self and ask for more in life. Creativity and courage require your diligence and consistent presence. You may feel less than inspired to act on your dharmic work, but it is more important than ever to align with right action. There is undigested grief keeping you from your creative courage, so lean closer to your emotional body and attend to old loss, trauma and hurt with diligence and fearlessness. Your heart is being cracked open right now. Look closely at its contents. Be seen, get visible, share with the world and offer your gifts in bigger ways. Scorpio: Expand and grow into your spiritual body. Ask the ancestors to help you align with deeper resources and support. Build a deeper relationship with the non ordinary and make it a priority in your life. Be mindful of what you eat and when you eat. You are digesting a lot of grief right now. Attend to it consciously and help it digest and release so it does not get stagnant. This requires emotional body diligence as well as strengthening your cycles and rhythms. Creativity and courage require your focus. Restructuring and disconnection are possible with your artistry and hands. Let this guide your relationship to your dharma as well. Your path and purpose are your soul focus right now. Give it all you've got. This cycle won't come again for 18 years. What is your biggest passion right now? Follow your joy and let it guide your offerings. Sagittarius: Find new ground and deepen your inner and outer stability and support systems. Strengthen your relationships, while also understanding that this requires diligent grief work. Undigested and unprocessed grief is rising to the surface right now. It's impacting your body and your flexibility. Stay supple and keep your body moving. The only way to heal grief is to walk with it and honor it as a resource. It can be a gift if you use it as such. Deepen your self expression and use your voice consciously. Sing, chant, speak and communicate in order to heal and be nourished. Lean closer to your vulnerability and fears. What is keeping you playing small and disempowered? Learn and grow from relationships. Gain from your connections and creativity. Release what is no longer nourishing you or bringing you vitality. Capricorn: You and your world are being radically restructured right now. Your whole sense of self is shifting and changing. Addressing trauma and disconnection within your body are vital. You may even feel disembodied. Stay close to the physical body and sensations. Seek integration between head, pelvis and spine. Relationships are fragile in this cycle and prove to be challenging at times. You may feel unclear and uncertain, even mistrustful of others. You are learning how to trust yourself more fully in this cycle. Deepen your inner roots. Avoid unhealthy relationships and environments, as well as intoxicants and overindulgence. Find your ground. Expand and nourish yourself and others through offering wisdom and resources. Your healing comes through service. Attend to loss, release, the ancestors and grief. Saturn is asking you to be diligent with the process of letting go. What needs to let go of in order to make space for the new? Aquarius: Healing should be getting your soul focus right now. Attend to your healing process and strengthen your skills as a healer. Avoid conflicts and inner drama. Attend to your dark matter and shadow work. Your darkness can become a potent offering- if you are willing to do what it takes to turn shadow into light. Gains come through radical release and attending to grief and restructuring. You must be willing to make changes to yourself and your relationships in order to gather new support and resources. Look closely at your fear and losses. Attending to the unconscious realms will serve you well. Your dharmic path is ready to expand and grow. Connect with and meet the right people to help you grow. Your sense of self is expanding. Nurture what you want for your life and your path. Don't be afraid to ask for more. Pisces: Big changes are taking place in your career and offering this year. A restructuring is arriving. Find the threads of joy and pleasure. These are worth moving towards and strengthening. Relationships bring grief and uncertainty, while requiring new structure and inner stability. Who feels safe and stable to you? Who does not? Build upon the relationships and connections that provide support. Attend to losses, grief and pain. It's time to do some healing work with your relationship challenges. Dig up the unconscious patterns and beliefs you've been carrying around. What is keeping your heart closed and malnourished? Move towards deeper intuition and gut intelligence. Strengthen your self trust and work on trust issues with others. You will be asked to release and let go, in order to gain and receive more of what you need and want. What personal mythology needs to be released once and for all? I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected]
The January Gemini full Moon arrives with a roar at 19:24 MT on the first day of the year. 2018 begins with a powerful burst of energy and the intensity of the storm god, Rudra. The waning cycle ahead is equally intense so be mindful of your need to ground and land- even while this storm energy is moving through. It will be especially important to be diligent with the mental body in the days ahead, as it will be strong and ready for action. Can you tame the mind, rather than let it run away with you? Time in nature and in meditation will serve you well as the Moon begins to release in the days ahead. Even with the intensity and power of this cycle, retreat, alone time and silence are more essential than ever. Resist the urge to force your steps and push for outcomes. Moon is in Ardra nakshatra at the time of the Full Moon. Rudra, the storm god, rules this portion of the sky. His energy is sharp and action oriented. There is drive, force and even aggression with this constellation. Expect big bursts of emotion and energy, while tempering extremes and imbalance. How can you channel this energy with intention and insight? The symbol of this nakshatra is a tear drop, inviting grief, sadness and the wisdom of loss to burst from the emotional body. However, this portion of the sky is more prone to anger than touching the sadness that lies underneath. Expect emotional upheaval and plan for grounding, gentleness and safe containers to hold you. Can you touch the anger within? What lies underneath your anger? What needs are surfacing. Find healthy ways to release your emotions in the days ahead. What supports your emotional body movement? What resources allow you to ground, land and connect within? Use this waning cycle to cut and release ties that are unhealthy and under nourishing- especially relationships. There may be anger at others, or others may be aggressive towards you. Use clear boundaries and honor your needs. Focus on your inner needs and cultivate practices of presence and connection with self and others. The pelvis and lower body may feel unstable in the days ahead. Stay rooted in your sacral chakra and heart. It's time to heal and be healed. Release conflicts and inner battles. What is keeping you disconnected? Deepen your inner power and purpose. Land in your heart and root into the earth. Use the power available at this time to move into bold new territory in all areas of your life. Let this cycle help you deepen your inner power and purpose. Take empowered action steps. Be bold, courageous and visible. This will require that you lean into your shadow and personal mythology- especially on the mental body level. Where are you deceiving yourself? Playing small and disempowering yourself? It's time to step up and step in. The coming days will require you to look at your darkness, shadow and illusions more closely. Use this to help you transform, change, heal and grow. The immense power available in this cycle ushers in an exciting and remarkable year ahead. This is not the time to play small. Put power behind your desires and ask for more. The only thing standing in your way, is you! Horoscopes for 2018 are coming! Creative RitualCreate A Life of Thriving With These Five Steps: Step #1 Write a list of all the things you are grateful for. List the people, experiences and parts of your life that truly make you feel glad to be alive. Are you grateful for your health? Your children? Your garden? Your amazing clients? Put it on the list! Step #2 As you look at your gratitude list, pause and be still. Where do you feel the sensation of gratitude in your body? Can you feel it rising up from your belly or spreading across your chest? Try to locate the sensation and clearly identify it. Use this physical body feeling as a tuning fork. Keep coming back to this sensation as a way to touch in with the feeling of thriving and nourishment. More of that please! This is what you want to create more of in your life! Step #3 Create an image of this feeling of gratitude and the sensation of nourishment it brings into your body. Use craypas, paints, collage, pen and ink or any other medium that inspires you. Use colors, textures and shapes to create your image. Take 20+ minutes to create your image then give it a title. Step #4 Move your image. Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. Step #5 Harvest in your journal some of your key findings from this process. Answer these statements: I sense___ I feel____ I imagine____ Bonus Step: Pick a few people to share your gratitude with. The best way to amplify this feeling is to share it with others! Use post it notes for a quick thank you or get more elaborate and write out a love note to someone special. Write a sweet message of gratitude to your child or give your neighbor a friendly mailbox surprise. JOIN ME and the Moon Tribe for 7 Days of Gratitude. Daily inspiration to keep your heart full as you step into the new year! I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Deepen your connection to the ancestors and Spirit! In this class you will: - Learn how to connect with your ancestors and what that means. - Ways to feed the ancestors and build a relationship with them (even if you don't feel connected to them at all). - Places in the jyotish chart to understand your ancestral connection. - Important ancestral wisdom to support your healing journey. - Ritual and practices to support your ancestral connection. - A Creative Ritual for opening to the new cycle ahead! Please come with a willingness to learn, a desire to build a relationship with your ancestors, as well as your jyotish chart and art supplies! Ancestor Class Replay I help sensitive women connect to their inner truth and inner wisdom, so they can fully align with their soul purpose and dharma. Every week I offer a limited number of *free* dharma mentoring sessions for action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] As the Moon becomes dark and empty this month, themes of uprooting, untangling and destruction arrive. Just days before the new Moon, Sun shifts into his month long transit through Sagittarius. The December new Moon brings a collision of Moon, Saturn and Sun- all in Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra. The process of uprooting will be happening on multiple levels- including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Radical release is taking place and will require as much grounding as possible in order to navigate the chaos and change process. Stay close to the body. The new Moon occurs on December 17th just before midnight Mountain time. At 23:31 MT, Moon is completely empty and Sun, Moon and Saturn conjoin in the domain of the dark goddess, Nirrti. The constellation of Mula is synonymous with change and transformation. Uprooting on the psycho-emotional level will take place as Moon, Sun and Saturn shift through this notorious gandanta (gap). Ruling deity of this portion of the sky is Nirrti, who brings calamity, misfortune and chaos in her wake. As a result of these challenges, deep healing, insights and wisdom can occur. But without diligence, the chaos and adharma (that which goes against dharma) can also keep one from finding their way back to the path. This is an extremely fragile cycle. Do not take unnecessary risks in the coming days. This coming cycle destroys and uproots the parts of you that are disempowered. Seek truth, purpose and dharma above all. These are the sources of light that will help shine the light on your path. Seek your light source and tirelessly move closer to your shadow, the parts of you refusing to awaken. Crack open your ego. fearlessly lean into your inner masculine, and look closely at your fear. Why are you resisting your vulnerability, your heart and emotions? This is a time of immense healing, but it requires strength, willingness and courage to make strides. Pull the weeds from your garden. What is choking the life out of you? What is clogging your channels of nourishment and life force? What is keeping you playing small and pretending to be insignificant? Your power is immense. Let the strength and wisdom of your heart lead the way. Unpack the dynamics within your relationships and let them mirror to you what you need the most. Listen to your gut and let it share its wisdom with you. What are your deepest needs for nourishment? Ask the ancestors for support. As you attend to this powerful release process, intentionally create space for the new. What are you making space for in your life? What needs to be healed or released before you can fully receive these needs? Read more: Six Ways to Feed the Ancestors Creative Ritual The gut, or solar plexus, is the seat of power and connects us to the masculine, power and by default the fifth house of the jyotish chart, as well as the sign of Leo. The metaphors for gut have to do with digestion and assimilation as well as elimination. What are you digesting and assimilating? How effectively do you eliminate and release what you no longer need, what is no longer nourishing you? We use this process of digestion in our lives on multiple levels; with our assimilation of environment, our internal/external landscapes, with words, ideas and life's experiences. The gut is connected to intuition, our "gut responses". Stomach problems are associated with "the inability to process and assimilate impressions received from our outer environment. Our ability to eliminate, or how we eliminate, is connected with the abdomen. In Eastern traditions, the belly is considered the center of the body, and the place form which a state of balance emanates. The abdomen acts as a transit area between the upper and lower areas of our body." -The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy by Daria Halprin. 1) Use movements such as "cat and cow" and gentle spinal twists to activate the gut. Notice if your breaths are going all the way to the base of the stomach, or stopping short. Lie on your back and place your hands on your belly. Feel the gentle undulations of its rise and fall with each breath. Gently knead your gut with your fingers. Notice any sore spots or lumps? Move around the navel in a circular pattern. Stop and let your body relax and respond to the touch of your hands on your belly. Move and connect with your stomach for 10-20 min. 2) As you complete your movement exploration, pause and check. What do you notice in your belly? What sensations and feelings arrive? Notice if any images, colors or shapes are present within. If your belly could share a message with you, what would it say? 3) Come to your drawing pad. Draw an image your belly. What feelings and images were invoked during your body part exploration? Let your image express these feelings and sensations. Spend 10-20 minutes on your image. Give your image a title then answer these questions: If your image could speak to you, what would it say? What am I releasing? What am feeding myself with? I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Deepen your connection to the ancestors! In this class you will: - Learn how to connect with your ancestors and what that means. - Ways to feed the ancestors and build a relationship with them (even if you don't feel connected to them at all). - Places in the jyotish chart to understand your ancestral connection. - Important ancestral wisdom to support your healing journey. - Ritual and practices to support your ancestral connection. Please come with a willingness to learn, a desire to build a relationship with your ancestors and Spirit, as well as your jyotish chart! Join the Class List: One of the biggest questions I hear from my clients is: How do I connect with the ancestors? This is especially valuable during times of grief and loss, but the ancestors are also vital for the dharmic path. Most people are unaware of the support that Spirit and the ancestors can offer during life challenges and for life path clarity. We often forget that the well ancestors are here to help us and guide us. When a loved one transitions to Spirit, they are available to support us in ways that were not possible when they were in human form. So often though, we attach our human experiences to our relationships with our ancestors. Because of resentments, challenges, the hard parts of that relationship dynamic, we may resist connecting with this person even when they move to the Spirit world. It's an important part of the grief journey in fact- to identify and honor the human feelings, while also making space for something new to arrive. In this process of releasing undigested emotions, a new possible relationship can form with Spirit. Resisting and avoiding these undigested emotions that are an inevitable part of the relationship, will keep you from being able to connect with the ancestors. This is the main reason why so many people do not feel connected to their ancestors at all. The resistance or avoidance to the grief, challenging emotions, painful memories, wounds and lineage traumas, can result in a severing and avoidance of the ancestral connection. This is a powerful reason to attend to your grief diligently and to use it as a resource for healing. When we honor our emotional body- all of it- we also honor our humanity. Clearing, releasing and attending to the feelings, emotions and grief that come with the territory of relationships, also helps create space for the new. If the body is clogged with undigested grief and emotions, then there will literally be no space for something else to arrive. Releasing the grief allows new life to flow, as well as greater resiliency to arrive. Clearing grief from the bodies, allows space for Spirit to arrive, and also supports the possibility of building a relationship with the ancestors. When we lose the connection with our ancestors, we also lose the thread of dharma, legacy and the powerful resources that create the fabric of the family line. Remember that the human relationship with your ancestors is not the whole story. We must attend to the human parts, while also holding space for Spirit. Once a loved one merges with Spirit, they can become an ally, a support- in ways that weren't possible when they were in human form. There is in fact an opportunity to create a new relationship with them after they drop the confines of the body container. Connecting with the ancestors allows us to build a new relationship with those in Spirit- even if we had a challenging relationship with them while they were a human, or even if we had no connection with them at all. Your willingness to be honest with your feelings, grief, emotions and personal mythology, is a gateway to clearing, healing and releasing the wounds, trauma and challenges that are hidden in your lineage. The ancestors are not living and therefor can not change, transform or evolve- not without your help. You are the thread that helps them move forward. You are the living being that can help the lineage change, transform and grow. Your healing journey and dharmic path are crucial to the transformation of your ancestors and family line. If you choose to not do your dharmic work, to resist your life purpose and the healing necessary for that to take form, it will seriously impact the lineage and the growth of the ancestors. Dharma is the most powerful way to honor the ancestors. From a Vedic perspective, there is nothing higher than dharma. In fact, that is the only reason you incarnated into a human body. Yet most people who arrive in a human body never fully align with their life path or life purpose in their life time. Sadly, the obstacles, fears, illusions and obstructions to the path keep most people from fully embracing their dharma. Unfortunately this resistance to dharma negatively impacts the ancestors as well. Adharma, that which is against dharma, perpetuates ignorance and suffering. The healing, growth and vitality of the family lineage decays when dharma is lost. Generations of undigested emotions, unprocessed grief and trauma, has resulted in the loss of dharma globally. These days it is very challenging to align with ones dharma. My definition of dharma is one that requires reciprocity. By awakening and sharing your gifts, wisdom and purpose with the world, you are healing yourself, your lineage and others in the process. This requires great diligence and self reflection. It is not a path that everyone chooses to take, or even realizes is available to them. The connection to the ancestors is also weakened when adharma sets in. As is the path of healing necessary to awaken one's gifts, purpose and the wisdom within one's lineage. Remember that it is also the time of Kali Yuga in the Vedic Calendar. This is a time of great decay and chaos. Dharma is almost non-existent. Finding one's path is a miraculous feat. However, it is said, that if and when you are able to align with your dharma, you will have an easier time becoming fully awakened and enlightened. Dharma and awakening go hand in hand. Building a relationship with the ancestors is vital for healing and transformation. A relationship with the ancestors is also extremely important for strengthening one's dharmic path. The ancestors are here, ready for you to ask them for support, resources and guidance. They truly want a relationship with you. The ancestors can come in many forms, through multiple experiences, and arrive in a variety of ways. Sometimes you will feel their presence, other times they will arrive through imagery. Often my mother and father send message to me through owl and hawk medicine. You will come to realize their messages the more you invite it into your life. Remember that Nature might also share ancestral wisdom with you. A message from the ancestors could arrive through the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies. Listen carefully. There are well ancestors and unwell ancestors. Guides and helping spirits. Animal guides and Nature spirits. The ancestral pool of all ancestors, as well as your personal lineage. There are helpful ancestors and mischievous ones. We want to be clear about what ancestors we are choosing to connect with. It is also important to let them know what is acceptable to you and what is not. I remember one of my teachers sharing a powerful reminder about setting boundaries and intentions with the ancestors. Dagara elder, Sobonfu Some, said that she would often yell and curse at her ancestors, then starve them for days if she was angry at them. Don't forget that you are in charge of the relationship! Let them know how you feel- whether it's anger, rage, sadness, grief, joy or gratitude. Your emotions are like food to them. They eat it, compost it, return it to pure energy. Your job is to acknowledge it and release it. Keep your emotional body moving, flowing and dancing like a river. Building a relationship with the ancestors is like any other relationship. It requires diligence, consistency, presence, and willingness. In order to strengthen the connection to your ancestors, you must be willing to feed them regularly. I suggest feeding them daily and creating rituals to support this process. Here are six ways to feed your ancestors and strengthen the connection you have with them: 1) Create an altar or shrine dedicated to the ancestors. Create this altar facing east if possible (so you are facing east when you look at it). East is the direction of the dawn and the intention is to bring light to your self and your lineage. Gather items that remind you of your ancestors to place on the shrine. Statues, photos, mementos, offerings from Nature, etc. Place something living on the altar- like a plant. A bowl of spring water (preferably) and sea salt can help clear blockages within the emotional body. Refresh this water regularly and never let it stagnate. Bring offerings to your altar consistently and thank the ancestors for their wisdom. Light a candle, burn palo santo and invoke your intention to connect with the ancestors regularly. Remember to keep this altar clean. Do not create this altar in your bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. Find a common living space or create it outdoors. 2) Bring offerings of food. Cooking and feeding the ancestors a portion of your meals is one of the most precious ways I like to connect with my ancestors. This is a powerful symbol of gratitude, honoring and literally connecting with your ancestors through the quality of life force. As you cook your meals each day, put a small amount of your food in a bowl and place it on your altar. Let your ancestors know why you are feeding them- what you are grateful for and what needs you have. Do not let this food sit longer than 24 hours. Once the ancestors have been sufficiently fed, compost the food, let it return to Nature, or feed it to an animal companion. You can also eat the food yourself as a way to imbibe the spirit of the ancestors. 3) Grief Rituals. Attending to your grief is one of the most important parts of building a relationship with the ancestors. Your emotions are like food for them. They receive your grief and eat it like food. They are hungry for your grief, craving it even. Your ability to touch your pain, struggles, suffering and unprocessed emotions, can be supported significantly by the ancestors. They are truly here to support you in this process. Regular grieving is necessary for maintaining health and balance within your entire body. Unprocessed emotions collect within the body and need to be purged regularly in order to create space for life, joy and abundance. Creating a practice of attending to your grief not only allows you to feed the ancestors, but also to release and purge that which is stagnant in your body. If you are able to participate in structured grief rituals multiple times a year, this is ideal. Think of it like a seasonal grief cleanse! 4) Create rituals in your life. Rituals are like spiritual containers. They provide a sacred structure for touching the unseen, the hidden, the realms beyond the mundane. Ritual reminds us there is more to life beyond this veil of illusion. Rituals can be simple or extravagant. I'm suggesting simple, consistent rituals that help you touch into Spirit regularly. Creating daily touch stones to help you connect, is a helpful part of building a relationship with the ancestors. The simplest form of this is to simply make it a daily practice to pause and check, listen and notice. To not only bring presence to Spirit, but also your entire body- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Pause, check, notice and breathe. What is arriving? Where are you feeling connected? Disconnected? Can you feel a connection to Spirit? Or do you feel disconnected? What messages are arriving? 5) Spend time in nature. Remember that Nature is Spirit and Spirit is Nature. They are one and the same. When we spend sufficient time in Nature, we are more easily able to merge with Her wisdom. We align with the oneness that is inherent within all of us, and surrounding us. Nature can bring a sense of awe, and remind us how powerful Spirit truly is. Spend time with Nature daily if possible. Set an intention to use this as your time to connect with the ancestors. The ancestors live in rock, tree, sky, earth, animal and on and on. Notice what messages Spirit can share with you about your truth, purpose, and ancestral wisdom. Ask for messages and listen carefully for the answers. 6) Awaken your dharma. Your life path and purpose is the ultimate way to feed the ancestors. There is no greater gift to your lineage and to those who have come before you. As you align with your truth and inner wisdom, as you awaken and share your gifts with the world, you bless your lineage in the process. You and the ancestors are both blessed with the gifts and abundance of this journey. Dharma requires that you are willing to lean into your challenges, grief, pain, struggles and suffering. It implies that you are willing to transform, heal and grow as a result of honestly and courageously leaning closer to your shadow. Dharma is not a passive journey, and it is not for the faint of heart. However, the rewards go beyond this life time, beyond this earthly realm. Living your purpose, sharing your gifts in this world and helping others heal and awaken in the process, is the most powerful offering you could ever offer your lineage! Remember that your ancestors are always near. They are waiting anxiously for you to acknowledge them, to welcome them into your life. Allow yourself to be willing to receive their message- in all shapes and forms. Be curious and present in the ways they show up. Even if no messages arrive, keep showing up anyway. Eventually, the space you are creating for them to arrive will pay off. Above all, attend to your grief and lean into your healing journey. Aligning with your dharma is the most important reason for being alive in a human body. Ask your ancestors to guide you and support you in this process. Deepen your connection to the ancestors! In this class you will: - Learn how to connect with your ancestors and what that means. - Ways to feed the ancestors and build a relationship with them (even if you don't feel connected to them at all). - Places in the jyotish chart to understand your ancestral connection. - Important ancestral wisdom to support your healing journey. - Ritual and practices to support your ancestral connection. Please come with a willingness to learn, a desire to build a relationship with your ancestors and Spirit, as well as your jyotish chart! Listen to The Class Replay NOW I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Book Your Session: Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] |
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June 2022