The September new Moon arrives on the 9th, just after midnight. This Leo new Moon occurs at 12:02 am MT while Moon is in Purvaphalguni nakshatra. As the Moon waxes and expands in the cycle ahead, comforts, nourishment and relationships come to the forefront. Sun and Moon both transit Purvaphalguni nakshatra in Sidereal Leo at the time of the new Moon, receiving gaze from Mars. Mercury is also transiting Leo and currently in Magha nakshatra. The gaze from Mars empowers Sun, Moon and Mercury, while clarifying and strengthening desires and action steps. Leo is ruled by the Sun and notorious for bold expression. With Sun in its own sign right now, we may be feeling a surge in power, determination and strength. Put your focus into action, awaken goals and ask for what you need. The New Moon in Leo and Purvaphalguni invites increased creativity and sensuality to the cycle ahead. There is strong desire, empowerment and attention to relationships surfacing. Clear away emotional debris and make space for gains and advancements in your feeling center, the heart. As you clarify goals and intentions, make sure you are also being diligent with the action steps necessary to accomplish them. Watch for overdoing, pushing and forcing as well as imbalance with action and rest. Allow for leisure, increased pleasure, nourishment and ease but be mindful of overindulgence. Cravings are rooted in the shadow. What darkness is not being attended to with honesty and courage? Where can you let go and find more surrender? Where are you pushing and forcing, creating imbalance and incongruence? Purvaphalguni nakshatra is ruled by Bhaga, the god of pleasure, comforts and commodities. He gives excess, abundance and juiciness. Sensuality and sexuality come naturally as a result of his gifts and influence. Manifestation is enlivened with his life force energy. This constellation is like the nectar that bees flock to, expressing a spring-like quality with plenty of blossoming and fruiting. The sap is flowing, the bees are buzzing and the flowers are blooming! Can you feel it? Beauty comes alive within this portion of the sky and potential is dawning. Relationships are energized and strengthened with the influences of this constellation. Plant your seeds of desire, expand your dreams and focus on the bigger picture. Maybe it's time to ask for what you really want and need? Where are you receiving less than what you deserve? What is keeping you from rising and growing? Where are you resisting your power and greater purpose? This cycle reminds us: Don't settle for less than the best. Ask Nature to support your clarity and vision. Think bigger and be clear about your desires. Get focused and expand your reach. Use creative resources to awaken your life force energy. Make art! Dance and sing! Celebrate yourself! Meet new people, start new relationships, enliven the ones you already have. Allow more sensuality and sexuality into your life and let your life force energy flow more fully. Spend time receiving and remember your gratitude. Where do you feel abundant already? Where do you need more? Remember that getting the support you need and being able to receive, will strengthen your results. We don't succeed alone- ever! Gather who and what you need for growth. Creative Ritual Create A Life of Thriving With These Five Steps: Step #1 Write a list of all the things you are grateful for. List the people, experiences and parts of your life that truly make you feel glad to be alive. Are you grateful for your health? Your children? Your garden? Your amazing clients? Put it on the list! Step #2 As you look at your gratitude list, pause and be still. Where do you feel the sensation of gratitude in your body? Can you feel it rising up from your belly or spreading across your chest? Try to locate the sensation and clearly identify it. Use this physical body feeling as a tuning fork. Keep coming back to this sensation as a way to touch in with the feeling of thriving and nourishment. More of that please! This is what you want to create more of in your life! Step #3 Create an image of this feeling of gratitude and the sensation of nourishment it brings into your body. Use craypas, paints, collage, pen and ink or any other medium that inspires you. Use colors, textures and shapes to create your image. Take 20+ minutes to create your image then give it a title. Step #4 Move your image. Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. Step #5 Harvest in your journal some of your key findings from this process. Answer these statements: I sense___ I feel____ I imagine____ Bonus Step: Pick a few people to share your gratitude with. The best way to amplify this feeling is to share it with others! Use post it notes for a quick thank you or get more elaborate and write out a love note to someone special. Write a sweet message of gratitude to your child or give your neighbor a friendly mailbox surprise. I call myself the Dharma Midwife. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected]
August New Moon The month begins with a new Moon in Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra on the 2nd, instigating Sarpa energy for the waxing cycle. Use the August waxing cycle to maximize your heart power, inner energy and dharmic potential by finding your most essential core needs. Gather the resources and support necessary to find greater stability, support and strength. Gain from relationships as they are your most potent resource for healing, transformation and growth. If you're willing to do the challenging work to clear away toxicity, darkness and illusions within the heart, there is potential for increased love, passion and dharma. Your ability to remove the darkness within will determine how able you are to open new doors to self love. Jupiter in Virgo On August 11th, Jupiter makes the leap to Virgo. Jupiter transits are one year long and impact all levels of wisdom, knowledge, comfort and support. He leads you to your dharmic path and supports the nourishment gained along the way. Positive effects of Jupiter, or Guru in Sanskrit, bring comfort, support and understanding. He brings learning through understanding, awareness and expansion of consciousness. He is the ultimate teacher- for better or worse- providing some of the most poignant life lessons. Challenges with Jupiter include lack of support, knowledge, and dharma. Everyone can benefit from the helpful and supportive resources that Jupiter provides. Without his support, challenges and struggles increase- which often bring tragedy, trauma and chaos. The past year, Jupiter has transited through Leo. Half of this transit he has been conjunct Rahu. These energies oppose each other in dramatic ways. Jupiter is sattvic, pure and supports expanded dharma. Rahu is rajasic and brings base level human experiences, cravings and desires. It has been a conflict between light and dark forces on multiple levels- effecting ego, power, the masculine as well as father issues and relationships. As Jupiter moves out of Leo, he also moves away from Rahu, releasing and finalizing much of the masculine conflicts that have been unleashed in the past few months. Jupiter can step back into his role as the benefic, nourishing support that he is inclined to provide. Rahu will continue to work your ego, masculine and power issues acutely, but Jupiter can now offer his stability and support on a mental body level as he transits through Mercury's sign, Virgo, in the coming year. Jupiter moves into Virgo on August 11th for one year. This is considered a major planetary transit. Likely you are already feeling the effects. Read more about Jupiter in Virgo Wondering how this coming year-long transit of Jupiter will impact you? Already feeling the effects? Get details, resources, guidance and support for the months to come. Book a session with me Saturn Direct Saturn has been retrograde in Scorpio for many months in an on-again off-again dance with Mars. On August 13th, Saturn goes direct, causing depth and transformation to start moving in a forward motion. His retrograde motion has increased the inner awareness of many, causing challenges as he stirs the emotional body. As Saturn moves into direct motion, there will be an adjustment period. Honor the need for slow, steady steps right now. Pressures with eighth house matters will begin to move forward now- including debt, death, transformation, transcendence and shadow work. Stay in your body and enliven the physical channels for integration on all levels of your being. Read more about Saturn in Scorpio Sun in Leo Just before the full Moon, on August 16th at 06:46 MDT, Sun shifts to its own sign, Leo, joining a full house of planets. Venus, Rahu and Mercury are still transiting this fire sign that exudes masculinity and power. Sun is our inner and outer light source. It brings strength, ego, empowerment and a connection to the father with it. Just as Sun moves into its favorite sign, Leo will be on the horizon. This cycle brings an intense relationship with masculine power to the forefront. Your father’s lineage will play a major role in this process in the coming month. What parts of your father are helping you step into your masculinity and power more fully? What parts of your relationship with him and your relationship with his power are effecting your ability for self express? Relationships play an important role in this cycle as well, asking you to confront and awaken your inner power more fully. What is working? What is not? What needs are coming to the forefront and how can you get these needs met more consciously? Sun loves being seen, noticed and heard, which is also why he loves his own sign, Leo, so much. During this transit, expect your self expression to be confronted. Confusion, uncertainty, overwhelm and challenges arrive instead. As Sun moves closer to Rahu during this transit, problems may surface more acutely. There may be power struggles inside and out. Heal the wounds with your father and ask for support and guidance with this process. Notice who and what shows up on your path to help you transform and grow. Blockages to your Sun energy will provoke resistance to being seen, heard, noticed and acknowledged. Where are you resisting your power? Your self expression? How has your relationship with father effected this personal mythology with your own power? It’s time to shine more brightly! August Full Moon Full Moon arrives on the 18th as Moon steps into Aquarius and Dhanishta nakshatra. This constellation reiterates the need to shine, be seen and get noticed. It wants attention and to express its light. This full Moon brings wisdom and creativity with it, as well as dharmic insights and awareness. There’s ample courage available, if you lead from the heart. Read more about the full Moon in my August Full Moon Wisdom Mercury in Virgo As Mercury moves to its favorite sign on August 19th, there will be a moment of strength with mind and body. With Sun and Mercury feeling strong and stable, tasks can be accomplished more directly and progress can be made in a more empowered way. This stability lasts for under a week- before Venus arrives in Virgo. Venus is considered debilitated in Virgo, which will cause challenges and lack to rise to your conscious awareness. Mercury loves the focused and precise sign of Virgo, where he is considered both exalted and mulitrikona. Both Mercury and Virgo are airy and bring swift movement. The thinking mind will be strong in the coming weeks, but with Jupiter already in this Mercurial sign, there will be conflicts with the sattva of the guru and the mind stuff, chitta vritti. Jupiter is not fond of Mercury, but Mercury can tolerate Jupiter. Hopefully the guru can smooth and soften the mind and calm some of the inner turmoil. This Mercury cycle brings immense possibility for healing and creativity but it will require you dive deeply into your unconscious terrain. Finances play a major role in your growth process. Are you hitting up against your shadow? You’ll know because it will show up in the form of lack, resistance or avoidance of your finances and money. You can no longer afford to stay in the dark. Your inability to advance financially has everything to do with your willingness to step into your power more fully. It’s time to be very direct with your personal mythology. What is holding you back? Where are you not showing up for yourself? It’s time to crack open your shadow and shine the light more brightly on your needs and desires. Set your goals big, then notice where the resistance shows up to sabotage your success. Venus in Virgo Just as the 25th arrives, Venus leaps into Virgo, joining exalted Mercury and Jupiter here. This cycle of Venus provokes a lopsided energy of big, strong creativity, mixed with vulnerability and sensitivity simultaneously. The challenge will be to honor both and integrate the conflict of big and small, expansive and quiet. At the time when Venus moves into Virgo, Moon is also in its mulitrikona sign, Taurus, with Rohini on the ascendant. This increases the huge waves of creative energy during this cycle and builds momentum. Venus is considered debilitated in Virgo, which means that your life force energy this month will be very delicate and sensitive. It will require that you tend to your inner resources very consciously. Though Sun and Mercury will be provoking actions and imagination on a larger scale, understand that the body will be easily taxed and burdened by too much excess. Balance is a key element of this cycle. Be conscious of integrating inner and outer, masculine and feminine, power and vulnerability. Polarities will request your conscious awareness. Relationships, finances and health will be especially effected in this transit. These parts of your life are asking you to look more closely at your alignment with power, purpose and balance. Where are you avoiding or neglecting your inner work? Where do you need more support, new resources and tools to activate new results and greater change? Mercury Goes Retrograde Mercury will go retrograde in its sign of exaltation on August 30th. Mercury will be exalted in Virgo (not in its mulitrikona degrees) during this retrograde. An exalted retrograde planet becomes debilitated, impacting the expression of the planet and turning it inward, rather than outward. For over a week, the mental body will be on a unique, inward journey. On September 9th, Mercury will re-enter Leo, joining Sun and Rahu here. This will bring the mind more clarity and external focus, while supporting a unique and innovative process. The retrograde journey of Mercury will impact finances and comforts primarily. It will ask you to look more closely at your needs for financial support and stability, as well as self expression and communication. These themes are specifically tied to your visibility, empowerment and ego at this time. It is a cycle to re-visit and re-evalute your needs. You may find yourself re-visiting conversations, connections and communication until he goes direct on September 22nd. Use this time to clarify your sense of power and purpose. Seek clarity with your words and think outside the box in terms of getting seen and noticed in more creative and potent ways. Once Mercury goes direct in Leo, he won't re-enter Virgo again until October 3rd. As he re-enters his sign of exaltation, he joins Jupiter and Sun as well. At this point, we may finally get the positive effects of an exalted Mercury, with the expansive wisdom of Jupiter and the illumination of the Sun to support the awareness. A strong mind will bring more clarity, purposeful communication and potent resources. For the benefits of exalted Mercury to be felt, it will require patience and strong intentions. Stay true to your direction and continue to take action towards goals and desires. Increased financial support will come with your diligence. Work consistently and pro-actively on clearing limiting beliefs and mental/emotional blockages during this cycle- all that is hindering your ability to step more powerfully into financial abundance. Gather resources and support for this process. Jupiter will be activating your expansion, but only with the right guidance and support. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Focus on home and heart until mid month, then bring light into your romantic relationships, as well as children and intuition. Shine brighter and honor your gut wisdom more consciously. You're either helping your digestion or not. How can you support greater assimilation of the life's nourishment- mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Continue to dive into your deep, dark terrain and look at your shadow. Transformation is available right now but only through your willingness. As Jupiter makes the leap into your 6th house for the year to come, big changes take place with finances, career and self expression. It's time to make some progress. Taurus: Your heart, home and mother are a powerful focus this month. Be courageous and creative. Take steps towards your liberation and notice where you are avoiding or neglecting your soft inner realms. There is healing possible right now with masculine and feminine. Seek integration and alignment with your heart wisdom. This requires that you continue to restructure your offerings and career choices. You are also finding new balance with relationships. The challenges are resources. Keep clearing and releasing grief and shadow. As Jupiter moves to your 5th house, the father and solar plexus experience changes and growth. Gains are possible this year, but only through conscious alignment with your dharmic path. Nothing else will be tolerated. Gemini: Creativity and courage take center stage right now. Your hands are alive and active! Use them to re-create your life and bring your visions into form. Part of you is ready to leap forward and yet there are obstacles with the steps. This is where the healing begins. Where are you resisting and refusing to look at your shadow parts? Healing and gut continue to be potent resources and will show you where you are missing resources and refusing the support. Listen to your body wisdom for guidance. Keep refining your dharmic path and saying yes to your purpose. As Jupiter moves to your 4th house of home and heart for the coming year, career is activated. Inner and outer balance will be imperative. A cycle of deep transformation is awakening. Gather resources, support and guidance to support your process. Cancer: Your mouth is a big focus right now. What you say, eat, share and express are all powerful and charged this month. Learn to refine and refocus what goes in and out of your mouth. This is connected to your power and ability to be seen and heard. Let your words be potent, while staying true to your heart wisdom and compassion. Power is a primary focus for you right now. Progress is being made- but with stops and starts. Trust your steps and your ability to awaken. It is through your gut intelligence that this process is taking place. Support your digestion and integration process- physically and emotionally. As Jupiter shifts into your 3rd house for the coming year, a new focus on self expression emerges. Challenges and gains will arrive with relationships, but keep your focus and effort on dharma. Leo: This is a potent month for you. It’s as though everything is happening at once and yet things aren’t happening fast enough. Challenges and frustrations arrive with change and transformation. Stay true to your inner guidance system and learn to simplify. Heart is teaching you balance and integration, so keep showing up for your grief, pain and shadow. Relationships are teaching you about detachment and letting go. Let these mirrors be resources for your own inner awakening. You are looking at yourself. As Jupiter shifts to Virgo, communication expands. This cycle requires diligence with shadow work, deep personal mythology, healing, bad habits and career. Your plate is full! Find ways to lighten your load. Virgo: Deep liberation and letting go are arriving right now. Release and align within. Spend time alone and in meditation. Let yourself be on retreat right now. Integrate, balance, hit reset. You are digesting the final pieces of Jupiter in Leo which is the end of a 12 year cycle for you. It’s a poignant time. Meditation and inward time become more important as Jupiter moves to Leo, your 12th house mid month. Don’t push yourself. Continue to find balance with your hands, courage, creativity and parents. As Jupiter moves to your first house, a brand new cycle begins. He will ask you to look deeply at power and father issues in the year to come as well as activating your dharmic path more fully. Relationships will be a powerful resource for your growth. It’s time to step forward in more powerful ways. Libra: Gains are awakening and stirring you, however pausing is necessary in order to integrate the changes. Keep focusing on career and being seen until mid month, then step into your power more fully for maximum support. Relationships will be supportive for this process but use your words consciously and clearly. In order to receive an increase and more gains, you must first let go and close anything that is not serving you. Create more space for what will truly serve you. As Jupiter shifts into your 12th house for the year to come, transition, transformation and endings arrive. He brings changes to heart and home, your healing process as well as debt and shadow work. Gather resources and guidance to support this process. Scorpio: The cosmos are asking a lot of you right now. There’s so much willingness for change and transformation, yet resistance and obstacles hindering your steps. Goals and desires are intensifying. Where are the blockages within your heart that are keeping you from making more progress and bigger leaps? Parts of you are saying yes, while other pieces are keeping you in the dark. Keep landing in your heart. Continue to move towards joy and pleasure. Step more fully into your dharmic work. As Jupiter moves to your 11th house, gains come- but not without your conscious effort. Doors must close in order for new ones to open. Relationships and creative courage will be vital resources for the process. What are you saying yes to? What are you saying no to? Sagittarius: Dharma is fully charged and active right now. Are you stepping towards or away from your path and purpose? What obstacles are showing up to thwart your progresses? What resources are showing up to support you? Let your hands be a tool for activating your creative courage. Ask spirit for support with this process. Liberation and letting go are arriving with stops and starts. Trust your steps, but keep moving. As Jupiter lands in your 10th house for the year to come, your career takes on new shapes and forms. Home and heart expand, while income requires more focus and attention. Expand what is possible for yourself but gather new resources for the process. Capricorn: It's a deep and powerful time for inner transformation. This process is awakening your inner power, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Relationships are shining the light on where the inner work is. This theme of inner power intensifies in the coming weeks as Sun lands in your 8th house. Keep bringing light and awareness to your shadow, to pain, trauma and grief. Gains are arriving through this inner work. Share your process with others, with the world. Dance with your vulnerability and power, integrating and grounding more fully. As Jupiter arrives in your 9th house, dharma is activated. He will bring expansion to self, creativity and your inner power. Some protection arrives, but not without your steady, consistent steps. Aquarius: Relationships are proving to be a complex organism for you right now. There are resources and challenges showing up simultaneously. Are you gathering the insights and letting go of all that is not serving you? It’s time to be radical in the release. Heal, transform and renew. More light is coming this month which will shed even more awareness on your outer mirrors. You are looking at yourself, so be very aware of who and what shows up. These mirrors are effecting your career and how you are seen. Cut away the ego and get to the heart of it. As Jupiter moves to your 8th house for the coming year, depth and transformation come to the forefront. Addressing deep, hidden shadows, wounds and personal mythology will be essential. This is a time of powerful liberation. Make sure you get the necessary resources and support during this time. Pisces: Healing has been intense and powerful lately. Clear and clean your gut, in order for more clarity and precision with your awareness and intelligence. Old conflicts and challenges are rising to the surface. You are your own enemy. How can you befriend the challenges and let the darkness become the light? Lean into the transformation and liberation of your past. Digest and assimilate your past. Work diligently on finances and gathering new resources of support. Step consciously towards your dharma, even as challenges present themselves. As Jupiter moves to your 7th house, relationships become a strong focus for the year ahead. Gains come from your creativity and awakening your inner awareness. You must be willing to look closely at the mirrors arriving, as these are the resources for your own awakening. Now is an ideal time to check in with me for some personal guidance. How will the coming year impact you? What gifts and challenges will Jupiter bring? Schedule a session with me now
I still have some August sessions available. However, my sessions tend to book quickly so please connect with me immediately to insure an August appointment. |
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