Rahu in Taurus, Ketu in Scorpio: Integrating and Awakening the Extremes of Material and Spiritual Realms September 23rd, 2020 to April 12th, 2022 The Dance of Shadow and Light Whenever the darkness is not integrated and unified with the light, the effects will not be balanced or harmonious. The shadow always seeks the light and the light will always return to darkness. This is a Law of Nature- as they are one and the same. Ultimately, Rahu can not be denied, nor Ketu- his counterpart in karmic liberation. One's jyotish chart shows where the shadow is seeking light and how it will bring your awakening. The blessing of your courageous efforts and your willingness, is finding that within the darkest and most disturbing parts of yourself, you will actually find the missing pieces you are desperately longing for; your whole and empowered life. If you are truly willing to courageously look into your own shadows you will undoubtedly find the very gifts you so desperately long to receive. Your shadows in fact hold the gifts you seek for wholeness, for your dharmic giving, your offerings to the world, and for a meaningful life. We all have resistance. Finding the resistance within yourself and within your life, will point the way towards your own shadow parts. Remember that the energy you use to resist your own darkness takes incredible energy to maintain, and is a drain to the vital life force energy that could be put to good use elsewhere. Energy you could put into living your one precious life- actualizing your dreams, taking bold, fulfilling action steps! We each have an attraction and repulsion dynamic within us- a push and a pull. What you desperately long for and desire is the core of your shadow work and points the way to all the pieces of your darkness. What you deeply long for is seeking you in other words. And it's hidden beneath your shadows. This shadow, and working with one's darkness in order to awaken, is the juxtaposition of Rahu (shadow) and Ketu (light) in ones Jyotish chart, and why Rahu is both darkness and compulsions, as well as desires and insatiable needs. Let Rahu drive you towards your own wholeness. Let him show you what you long for, what you need the most in this life, and let him also show you what you are resisting simultaneously. Wherever Rahu sits in your jyotish chart (the house, the sign, the planets he interacts with, the nakshatra he resides in etc.) points directly to the main theme of your personal life story. Rahu and Ketu are quite literally karma points and they show you why you have incarnated into this body, into this life, and what you are here to learn. The dance of shadow and light, Rahu and Ketu, fully express your ability and your willingness to grow and awaken in this life time. Will you continue to resist your shadows, your darkness (Rahu)? Or will the compulsion to emerge from the illusions be strong enough to force your awakening and crack you open (Ketu)? The power within the shadow is two fold. When you resist your darkness, you refuse and resist the healing and the medicine that your life has to offer. You are essentially refusing and resisting awakening to your most essential gifts. These gifts always reveal your dharma, your life purpose, your reason for being alive, and thus there is an immense reward for your efforts- if you choose to take on the task fully. However, it is not the path of ease, numbness, ignorance and denial. In order to awaken, you must invite in your shadow parts, continue to go deeper into your darkness in unending cycles, to dive for pearls of truth tirelessly- as though your life depends on it. It does. This is why aligning with one's dharma, one's true reason for being alive, is not for everyone, and is in fact evasive for most people. For those who thrive on transformation though, the gifts are unending and continue to unfold. The shadows after all, hold your most potent power, and the wisdom you need for your life and your cycles of death and rebirth. The skill then becomes not just the willingness to go into your shadow, your darkness, but to also know when to let go of it, to release and shift into something new. Some will never walk into their shadows and bravely peel back the layers of their suffering and pain. For those willing to do this courageous work, you must also remember how to come up for air, to take a breath, to dance with both the darkness and the light, to heal and overcome the vow of brokenness, while continuing to bravely dance with your shadows cyclically. Clients who come to me are walking this fine edge of wanting to awaken; there is a desire to know what their life means and how to overcome their biggest obstacles- and yet simultaneously there is a strong fear to look. This is the attraction/repulsion dynamic at play, a true expression of Rahu driving us towards answers, yet fearful of what we will find once we get there. Rahu and Ketu are not planets at all, they are mathematical points on either side of the Moon with rather significant implications on our Self experience. The Moon is arguably the most influential part of the chart- indicating our experiences within the womb and our relationship with mother, as well as our inner nature. The Moon is our guide for emotional well being and our connection to our intuitive self. In fact, the Moon is so important to our life experience, the relationship the nodes have with the Moon indicates their impact on our emotional well being- among other things. Rahu and Ketu, the Moon and the rest of the chart, all create our own unique stories, mythologies and individual karmic dramas. The nodes, as Rahu and Ketu are referred to, are mischievous in nature. They present our karmas to us in this incarnation. Without them, and their very valuable life lessons, we would not have incarnated into a human body. They are essential to this lila, this play of life, that we are involved with in this dimension. Both Rahu and Ketu have their own unique array of offerings, but because they are shadow "planets" they often evade prediction. Their nature is to deceive, mystify, to be illusive, and to blind us from our true nature. They represent forces that can't be seen and are the parts of ourselves that go unnoticed and unrecognized. When, and if, the shadow or veil of illusion is removed, and we do see what has been hidden from us, it is often extremely painful. Rahu and Ketu request that we ask ourselves: What am I not seeing or what am I not willing to see? Where am I doubting myself or hiding from my truth? Where are my desires imbalanced or out of harmony with Nature? What is asking to awaken within my body and spirit? What am I clinging to or unable to let go of? Where can I lighten my load and allow loss? What trauma and grief needs to be honored, digested, transformed? Rahu + Ketu Transit: September 23rd, 2020 to April 12th, 2022 Rahu Exalted in Taurus and Ketu Exalted in Scorpio: On September 23rd, 2020, Rahu and Ketu change signs for the coming 1.5 years. They will be transiting their exaltation signs until April 12th, 2022. This is a powerful time for confronting and acknowledging your shadow work. Exalted planets are capable of expressing their results at 100% capacity- for better or worse. Don’t try to oversimplify the effects exalted and debilitated planets share. They have a variety of expressions, but the shadow nodes are notoriously unpredictable. The shadow planets are extreme in nature and this transit will offer big changes to material life, shadow work and grief work, as well as your material and spiritual progress. To understand how this upcoming transit will impact you, first identify what your personal mythology is based on your natal karma. The placements of Rahu/Ketu in your natal chart will share your life long shadow work with you and help you understand what you are here in this lifetime to awaken and transform. Next, look to Taurus and Scorpio in your natal chart. What houses do they occupy? What does your natal chart share with you about these signs and their placements? The placements of Taurus and Scorpio in your natal chart represent the parts of your life and body that will be experiencing the most karmic activation in the coming 1.5 years. My 2021 sidereal horoscopes for each rising sign will be shared in my 2021 Moon Wisdom Calendar. PRE-PURCHASE NOW Taurus correlates to the second house of the jyotish chart, supporting themes of food, mouth, throat, voice, money, as well as that which supports a new baby after birth. Second house matters are concerned with receiving nourishment and resources for life. Scorpio is an expression of the eighth house of vulnerability. This house of mystery is connected to occult and mystical spirituality, fear, the animal body and animal instincts, unconscious and subconscious parts of ourselves, as well as past lives, diseases and challenges that are challenging to overcome. It correlates to sex organs and organs of elimination. Eighth house issues can bring debt, terror, intuition, sexuality and our deep rooted fear to the surface. Not surprisingly, these two signs are mirrors of each other, expressing opposition through material and spiritual themes. Wealth vs. debt, material vs. spiritual, nourishment vs. loss, food vs. elimination, life vs. death. As the shadow nodes pass through these two signs in the coming 1.5 years, expect these themes to be highlighted in extreme ways. The planet is facing the extremes of life and death very acutely right now. The polarities of lightness and darkness will widen. It will be even more important than ever to declare your movement towards the light, life, that which is sustainable for your body, spirit, and for life on Earth. This is a powerful cycle to stay grounded in truth, body, Nature, and that which has lineage and integrity. Align with Natural Laws, the wisdom of the Earth, that which supports life. Remember that the nature of both Rahu and Ketu are extremes. They highlight our shadows to us so that we can actually see them. Expect material themes to amplify, while at the same time spiritual awakening to come to the forefront. The nodes express themselves suddenly, and in shocking ways- for better or worse. Ketu brings trauma, loss, and disconnection with him, while Rahu offers confusion, uncertainty and doubt. Ketu awakens us from the slumber that is Rahu. This is a cycle that can intensify binaries, polarities, opposing views, clashing dogmas, and extreme imbalances. We have already been seeing this in our world very clearly, but this transit will intensify these extremes. On a personal level, that which supports balance, integration, embodiment, and aligning with the middle way, will bring more harmony into life and body. Finding harmony between the spiritual and material realms will be nonnegotiable in the months ahead. Does your way of making money sustain you? Does it sustain the planet? Are you aligned with dharma or adharma? Are you moving in a direction that supports life or death? It's time to deconstruct, decolonize, destroy and dismantle the systems of harm that move us further away from sustainability and life force. This extreme cycle of polarities can pave the way for something new, more sustainable, but it will require each one of us playing our part. Awaken from your slumber and the shadows that keep you in lack. It's time to move forward in a big way towards your dreams, desires, joy, and inner wisdom. When you hide your gifts, you help no one. When you hide from your dharmic path, you are hiding from the ancestors and the well being of the whole planet. We are now at an extreme turning point on this planet. This is the crossroads. We have choices to make- for ourselves, our bodies, the land, the environment, the home we call Earth, each other. These choices impact the ancestors and future generations. What is sustainable? What is not? What supports peacefulness and love? What instigates binaries and hatred? We have decisions to make. Hard lines to draw in the ground. What is acceptable behavior as humans, and what is causing more harm and suffering? Right now, we have actions to take, postures to assume, stances to be firm in. It is no longer acceptable to be silent, numb, avoidant. We have decisions to make about the future that must be made today. Do you move in the direction of life? Do you support the life of this planet? Are you creating a way of life that supports the future of all humans and the land? The Rahu and Ketu cycle ahead is one that will force us to confront the shadows we have not been willing to face before. Challenges and loss are inevitable. Suffering is optional. This is a powerful time to get creative. Innovate, co-create, think outside the box, move towards your dreams and desires. Align with dharma and the purpose of your soul. Be mindful of getting lost, tangled, or immersed in extremes. Where can you find solid ground? What is your truth? What does your body tell you about landing, support, nourishment? What is real, and what is an illusion? Are you in right relationship with money and the material world? What are you creating for your life, for this planet? Are you integrating your spiritual and material realities? Are your desires running away with you? Stay connected to your inner wisdom, even as the outer world appears to go into chaos. Move closer to dharma, the ultimate integration of spiritual and material realms. Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself and your path. Weed out what is not moving you towards nourishment and joy. You are being asked to refocus on your dharma and not get lost in the darkness. During this major planetary transit, clarify what truly matters for your soul, and what needs your full attention and intention. If it doesn't move you closer to your soul purpose in life, it is likely adharma. Everything besides dharma is a waste of time and energy. Rahu in Taurus: Rahu transiting Mrigashirsha Nakshatra: September 23rd, 2020 to January 27th, 2021 Mrigashirsha is a soft and gentle nakshatra that reminds us to move towards the nourishment in life. Seek resources that support joy, nourishment and life force! The symbol of this constellation is a deer head and antlers, ruled by Soma. Herd animals, like deer, are constantly moving in the direction of a reliable food source. They move en masse towards the greener grass, safety, nourishment and fresh water. They move away from predators and are highly alert to challenges. Be like a deer and listen carefully. Are you alert and aware? Are you being proactive?Difficulties are a reminder to adjust and re-prioritize. Do your actions and choices support nourishment? Are you moving in a direction that supports life and joy? Are you moving towards your purpose in life or away from it? Rahu brings insatiable desires, confusion and questioning. Let the nourishment guide you and don’t get stuck in the doubt. This is a powerful time for growth and abundance. Use your energy wisely. Rahu transiting Rohini Nakshatra: January 27th, 2020 to October 5th, 2021 As Rahu moves through Rohini, you have the ability to create something new for yourself and your life. This is the most powerful constellation for creation, creativity and bringing desires into tangible form. Rohini is a fixed constellation, which offers stable results and dharmic support. Now is the time to make your dreams a reality and take the necessary action steps to manifest it into form. The nature of Rahu is to create extremes and doubt. Are you in right-relationship with your dreams, goals, desires? Is there a balance, harmony and right action with your desires? Get focused on the direction you are going in life. Make your dreams a priority and start creating a life you love! What brings you joy? What are you passionate about? What moves you closer to sustainable nourishment? Say yes to your creativity! What are you creating for your one, precious life? Rahu transiting Krittika Nakshatra: October 5th, 2021 to April 12th, 2022 A mixture of outcomes can occur with this portion of the sky. Agni rules this constellation. He supports transformational fire that supports life- in body and Nature. Fire removes excess and transforms matter into new forms. In this process of purification and clearing away excess, what remains is only the essential. Use this time to get clear, focused and aligned with your truth, power and purpose. Clear away the excess on all levels of life. If it doesn’t support dharma, get rid of it. Wherever there is excess that is not life supportive, you will be asked to purge it. Be prepared for loss, release and letting go in this cycle. With Rahu transiting this portion of the sky, the release could be extreme. Stay connected to your truth, inner wisdom, the light within. Let this light lead the way and don’t lose your focus. What is essential for your life path and purpose? What is in the way of your dharmic focus? What needs to be cut and cleared so you have space for your purpose and passion? Are you hiding behind the excess? Ketu in Scorpio: Ketu transiting Jyestha Nakshatra: September 23rd, 2020 to June 1st, 2021 Ketu illuminates and clarifies, supporting liberation. As he transits through the powerful constellation of Jyestha, expect powerful insights and truths coming to the light. Indra is king of the gods and rules over the senses and life force energy. He likes control of the bodily senses and its urges. Meditation, health and wellness routines, eating green foods, as well as spiritual alignment will be supported at this time. This constellation can be very serious as well as sharp and dreadful. It cuts, clears and destroys in dramatic ways. This is a reminder to move into right relationship with your spiritual path and purpose. Adharma won’t be tolerated by Indra and he will make that known with forcefulness. Pay attention to what is not in alignment with your dharmic path. Clear the mind of excess clutter, align with the wisdom of Nature, refocus your attention and intention on what truly matters. Listen to the call of your Spirit. Where are you distracted or misaligned? Where are you misusing your life force energy? How can you re-prioritize and adjust your routine, spiritual practices, and your dharmic focus? Ketu transiting Anuradha Nakshatra: June 1st, 2021 to February 8th, 2022 This constellation is soft and mild, which supports gentleness and compassion with self and others. A powerful transformation is taking place right now that can yield harmonious results. Friendships, alliances, and allies are even more important during this cycle. Do you have a solid support team in place? Honor all the steps that you’ve taken so far and acknowledge the success you’ve achieved. This is a powerful moment of pause and reflection for your path. Make necessary adjustments and keep moving towards the nourishment, support, and wisdom that feels good. Celebrate your successes and keep growing! Align with the details, precision, and focus necessary to get lasting results, but don’t get lost in perfectionism and over-achieving. Self love is vital right now. Are you asking for your needs to be met clearly? Where are you getting stuck in self harm? What feels good and nourishing on your path and in your body? What needs to be released, removed or transformed into something different? Ketu transiting Vishaka Nakshatra: February 8th, 2022 to April 12th, 2022 This constellation has a dual rulership with Indra and Agni. There is a duality present with this portion of the sky, but also a co-creation process. This is a powerful time to strengthen alliances, support systems, grow your team, and gather more guidance for your path. No one succeeds alone! This constellation is a powerful reminder of what we can accomplish when we join forces with supportive guidance. Even more important is the integration and balance of duality, and opposing forces. The need for harmony of both material and spiritual realms will strengthen at this time. Strengthen the ability to harmonize spiritual and material desires. Are you honoring both equally? Do you have guidance for both spiritual and material realms? Are you integrating spiritual and physical bodies intentionally? Where are you imbalanced or lop-sided? 2020/2021 Sidereal Horoscopes: Pre purchase my 2021 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar. Sidereal Horoscopes included for all signs. 2021 MOON WISDOM CALENDAR
Get 25% OFF PRE-PURCHASE NOW BONUS GIFTS! - My 2021 Sidereal Transit Podcast 120 minutes of insights, wisdom and guidance for the year ahead. - My 2021 Sidereal Horoscopes by Rising Sign PRE-PURCHASE YOUR 2021 CALENDAR NOW
This December Full Moon arrives on the 11th at 22:12 MT, while Moon travels through Taurus and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra. Moon's favorite sign is Taurus and truly loves this constellation of Soma where he is considered in his mulitrikona degrees, or his "office". Full Moon in Taurus supports earth magic in the cycle ahead so be clear on what you are manifesting and bringing into form. This is an important time to create something new. At the time of the full Moon, Mars, Mercury and Sun give their drishti to the Moon, creating sharp, clear and focused perception. Four planets are still navigating Sagittarius, including Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Ketu. Dharma and your spiritual path should be a strong focus right now. Move into right relationship with your dharmic path and purpose. Mrigashirsha nakshatra falls in Taurus and is ruled by the personification of Moon, the god Soma. From a Vedic perspective, the Moon is Soma itself, the divine nectar of life. From an Ayurvedic perspective, staring at a full Moon will allow you to soak up Soma directly and the Moon glow can even heal your eyes. A drink of Moon's Soma supports longevity, vitality and life force. The qualities of this constellation directly support increased Soma- on all levels of life. Soma is lord of the plants, giving them healing and nourishing qualities which are most potent in the waxing cycle. Symbolically, the constellation of Mrigashirsha correlates to the deer and its antlers. Traditionally, deer antlers were ground into a fine powder and used as an aphrodisiac. The quality of the deer and its antlers is constant movement and growth, branching out, extending, finding new green grass, new food sources, more abundance. Mrigashirsha is a soft, gentle constellation with fickle and changeable inclinations just like the Moon and the deer. This full Moon and the waning cycle ahead supports new growth, branching out, extending beyond your comfort zone and moving towards the new. Stagnation is a certain death for anyone born with this constellation placed prominently in their chart. A reminder to move in a new direction in the cycle ahead with conscious intention. Use this cycle to focus and align with your path, purpose and the direction you want to move in. Take action steps and be clear with your intention. Move in a life supportive direction. One that honors your growth, health, vitality and deepest desires. Look for and seek out opportunities that increase your nourishment. Open up new channels and pathways that support life. Expand and branch out. Are you moving in a direction that supports your nourishment? Where are you moving closer to your joy? Where are you moving further away from it? Where do you need to change direction or find a new path? Solstice arrives in the waning cycle ahead on December 21st at 21:19 MT. Considered a time when life seems to stop, or stand still, use this time for pause, meditation and silence. "The term Solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, meaning 'the Sun stands still'. This is because on this day, the Sun reaches its southern-most position as seen from the Earth. The Sun seems to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn and then reverses its direction. It's also common to call it the day the Sun turns around." - Via Time and Date As the still point arrives and the reversal of the light takes place, it is a powerful time for introspection and release. This is a time to attend to shadows, grief and undigested emotions. Clearing, purging and releasing lingering emotions from the past cycle will create space for the new, opening you to more life force in the months ahead. What needs to be cleared and released? What is undigested from the previous year, decade? What are you making space for in your life? In 2020, my complete Moon Wisdom offerings will only be shared in my Moon Wisdom Calendar. Don't miss out on my Moon cycle resources! Pre-purchase my 2020 Calendar at 25% off Now. Creative Ritual My unique, potent Creative Rituals support your ability to connect with your own body wisdom, deepen your embodiment practice, and harvest from your own creative intelligence. Creative Ritual for Nourishment: 1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of your nourishment. What does nourishment feel like for you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 20 minutes at minimum for this nourishment image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. What deeply nourishes me? What no longer nourishes me? Where do I feel support in my life? Where do I need more support? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Share your Full Moon harvest in the Embodied Dharma Tribe. Don't Forget!!I've been sharing my Sidereal New Moon and Full Moon Wisdom with the unique element of transformational Creative Rituals for nearly a decade now. I've also tirelessly offered my transit reports, cosmic wisdom, creative and embodiment resources as a way to support you in aligning with the cycles and rhythms of Nature, while also deepening your own body wisdom. The only way to access my 2020 Moon Wisdom, Creative Rituals, and Horoscopes in entirety will be within my 2020 Calendar. Looking forward to sharing the updated, extended version of my special Moon Wisdom, Horoscopes and Creative Ritual offerings with you in the coming year. Right now, you can pre-purchase my 2020 Moon Wisdom Calendar for 25% off. Offer ends DEC 21st. The June New Moon is in sidereal Taurus and Mrigashirsha nakshatra, the constellation of Soma, the immortal nectar. New moon is June 13th at 13:44 MT. Sun and Moon in Taurus receive gaze from the restructuring planet, Ketu. The emotional body will be feeling changes and release during and after the new Moon. Make good use of your emotional body wisdom in the coming weeks and honor the need for change. What needs to be released in order to make space for your deepest nourishment? Use the coming waxing cycle to pull up the weeds in your heart and clear the rubble from your emotional body. There is some very old grief that needs to be healed and released so you will have room for more of what you need and want. Clear, release, purge and let go. Align with your highest truth and deepest intentions. Make sure your actions support and honor your inner wisdom. Seek dharma, right action and align with your life path and purpose. There will be more resources and support in this cycle to help you clarify your dharmic path. Are you paying attention? Stay receptive to possible opportunities and guidance to help you get your needs met in new ways. The coming waxing cycle is influenced by the qualities of Mrigarshirsha, the constellation of Soma, a personification of the Moon, Chandra. This nakshatra is symbolized by the antlers of a deer, always growing, branching and out changing. Deer antlers have traditionally be used medicinally as well as for an aphrodisiac. Its nourishing qualities relate to Soma, the divine immortal nectar of the gods. Thus Mrigashirsha brings the possibility for deep nourishment, but only as a result of change, branching out and seeking new resources. Reach for more. Ask for what you really need. Become what you want to be. Allow yourself to change and grow. Move towards the nourishment. Where are you playing small and cutting yourself short? What needs to change so you can actually get what you need? What nourishment is missing from your life? Gather resources and support to help you clarify your path. Start deserving and receiving! There is a tight conjunction of Exalted Mars and Ketu occurring in Capricorn right now and into the next few weeks. Mars and Ketu will be in exact degrees on June 13th. There is a lot of heat and power in earthy Capricorn right now. Volcanoes are likely. Mars is the warrior planet and Ketu brings restructuring. Expect sudden changes and unexpected events. Explosive actions, emotions and choices can happen. Stay grounded, be methodical and avoid rash decisions and choices. Notice if you are pushing or forcing outcomes. Slow and steady wins the race- and prevents burns. Channel this powerful energy into positive, life supportive change. Align your action steps with your dharmic path and that which sustains and supports. Venus moves to Cancer on June 8th, joining Rahu here. The fiery combination of exalted Mars and Ketu give their direct gaze. Relationships feel the heat, pressure and restructuring. Feelings intensify and the emotional body may feel confused and challenged by uncertainty. Rahu brings questions to the surface as well as vagary. Seek emotional body clarity and keep your inner waters moving and purified. Release hurt, pain and grief safely. You will be asked to deepen your self inquiry. What do you need in order to be nourished- in relationships, Home and heart. Are you moving towards the nourishment? Or away from it?! Watch for overly rajasic tendencies in the coming days and weeks. The heat is on and the changes may be swift. With Saturn now back in Mula nakshatra, restructuring, release and pulling up weeds is occurring on a core structural level. You may feel the ground moving beneath you. Seek stability, support and grounding. Keep life as simple as possible and don't over complicate things. Use this time to move closer to your goals and gain momentum for your path and purpose. Clarify and focus your direction. Ask yourself: how bad does it have to get before I make life supportive changes? Creative Ritual1) Identify the strongest emotion you are feeling right now. If you could find this emotion living somewhere in your body, where would it be? Lean in closer. Notice the sensations you feel with this emotion in the body. 2) As you lean into this emotion living in the body, notice if it has a color, shape, or texture. If this emotion had a sound, what would it be? Let this sound out of the body until you feel complete. 3) If this emotion in the body could share a message with you, what would it say? What does it need? 4) Create an image of this emotion in your body, using craypas, paints, collage, or any other medium that inspires you. Spend at least 20 minutes on this image- until it feels complete. Give it a title. 5) Spend some time with your image and let it speak to you. If your image could share a message with you, what would it say? Let is respond to these statements: I am, I want, I need What have you harvested from the wisdom of your emotional body? I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Email me to see if I have any openings [email protected] The December Full Moon is on the 13th at 17:05 MST. Moon is in its mulitrikona sign, a great place for emotional expression and connection. Full Moon in Taurus and Mrigashirsha nakshatra brings reaching and extending into new territory and resources in the coming cycle. Branch out and seek new nectar for your soul. Attract more of what you need. Go out on a limb and try something new. Be bold in your action steps. Watch for fickle and flighty responses. Try to follow through and stick to your word. You may find yourself in challenges where you were not clear about your needs and intentions. Focus. Mrigashirsha nakshatra is ruled by Soma, another name for Chandra, the Moon. As ruler of the emotional body and the feelings within, Moon supports the experience of life through this uniquely human attribute. The Moon rules all the nakshatras, lunar constellations, the divine expressions of the subtle emotional body realms on a cosmic level. Moon is the fastest moving planet of the nine recognized Vedic planets, transitioning through each sign every 2.5 days. This expresses the fickle, ever changing nature of the Moon, emotions and the feminine. Soma is lord of the plants, and he gives the potency and nourishment that plants offer. In ancient times there was a Soma plant that had 15 leaves- each one correlating to the 15 tithis (Moon phases). Ideally, harvesting of medicinal plants is done on the full Moon, when the Soma is the strongest within the plant. Soma is pulled from the roots and into the leaves during a full Moon. Use this full Moon and coming cycle to strengthen your extending branches and allow your Soma to touch others, connecting and creating from your intentions. Trust your roots and reach your leaves and branches wide. Connect, co-create, reach out. The Moon is social and friendly, allow the nature of the Moon to support your interactions. This waning cycle marks the near closing of a lengthy process of a Kala Sarpa yoga. Mrigashirsha nakshatra is ruled by Mars, transiting Aquarius now, and will collide with the cutting nature of Ketu, before he ends the Kala Sarpa Yoga in the coming weeks. Watch for excess anger, aggression and passion- within and from others. There is a radical force taking place right now that can be delusional, violent and severe. Watch your emotional body carefully. Express and release emotions in a conscious and intentional ways. Be clear about your needs and expectations. Most importantly, let your anger be your teacher, your guru. Anger is a powerful change agent and often expresses parts of yourself that feel unfairly treated. Look closely at your personal mythology and notice what your ego is clinging to with tenacity. Can you find a softer, gentler place within to focus your attention, your inner gaze? Notice where boundaries need to be restructured- where you've been saying yes when you need to firmly say no. Emotional body flares are notoriously connected to leaky boundaries and lack of inner clarity. Attend to relationships with tact, clarity and the intention of loving-kindness. Be clear and firm with your needs. Use this cycle to honor a sense of liberation and letting go of parts of yourself and your life that are not feeding you. If it doesn't noursh you, radically remove it. This is a time of empowering, deep nourishment. What do you need to do for deeper sustainable abundance, comfort and support? Creative Ritual * Create a list of self care activities that nourish and support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. * Use the four level check in regularly as well as EFT for identifying and moving emotions. 1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of your nourishment. What does nourishment feel like for you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 20 minutes at minimum for this nourishment image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. What deeply nourishes me? What no longer nourishes me? Where do I feel support in my life? Where do I need more support? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? {Plant Your Seeds of Light and Wisdom} *FREE* Winter Solstice Web Class. On the darkest day of the year, there is a great opportunity for releasing and letting go of the past seasons. This is your still point. The pause. The sacred in-between. Linger here for a moment and create a deeper intention for your path in the coming months. Join me for a free Winter Solstice Web Class ::: Please RSVP to join the list: [email protected]
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