Early on August 26th, the full Moon in Aquarius and Satabisha nakshatra arrives. At 05:55 am MT, the Moon will be at it its fullest and most luminous. This is a particularly potent full Moon, supporting healing, opening and divine clarity for your path. On the other side of three eclipses and a Kala Sarpa yoga, the coming cycle supports new possibility for healing and awakening. Sun in its own sign of Leo sits on the Eastern horizon at the time of the full Moon, ushering in light, empowerment and strength for the cycle ahead. Ask the ancestors to support you in the coming days, as they will be the ones granting you blessings and ushering you forward. The Moon receives gaze from Jupiter at this time of the full Moon as well, gifting us with a sense of expansion and a readiness to open up to new nourishment. Saturn also gazes at the Moon offering restriction and steadiness. Together, these dynamics of expansion and contraction, provide balance and evenness. Honor these needs in the coming weeks. Seek steady steps, be consistent and allow yourself to receive the flow of resources arriving. The full Moon in Aquarius is a reminder to seek integration and balance with opening and closing. A dual ruled air sign, both Saturn and Rahu provide a sense of duality and contradiction here. Aquarius correlates to the 11th house of gains, however, gains come when we allow for losses. In other words, without letting go and supporting the release process, there isn't space to acquire or receive the gains arriving. Pluses and minuses must be honored in the cycle ahead. There will be losses and inevitable letting go. Just remember you are making space for the new. What do you need for deeper nourishment? Are you making space for what you need? What losses do you need to attend to and grieve? What gains do you need to celebrate and honor? Satabisha nakshatra is a powerful constellation of healing. This full Moon brings an important junction point to our journey of change and transformation. Varuna is the ruling deity of this portion of the sky. He rules Natural Law and sustains it through seeing everything- dishing out consequences for that which goes against the highest Laws of the Universe. Said to have "thousands of eyes", Varuna sees all actions, choices and behaviors. This gives him great wisdom, and allows him to be a great healer as well- as he can eradicate the root cause of disease. Sometimes Varuna is considered the king of kings for this reason as he rules over Natural Law, Universal Law, or Rta. Lakshmi and Soma are Varuna's children. Both offer the blessings, healing gifts and miracles that are required to transform the disdain and displeasure of Varuna's watchful gaze. This full Moon is an excellent beginning and fresh start- especially for healing purposes. Disease that begins under Satabisha is extremely difficult to heal, so being extra diligent with routine, diet and life style choices are nonnegotiable in the cycle ahead. This is an excellent time to start your fall cleanse, follow Ayurvedic guidelines more closely, get more rest, exercise and meditate regularly. Use self care in the days ahead and hit reset. If you've been falling far away from a healthy routine and choices, now is the time to reel it back in and realign with more structure for building immunity and inner strength. The cure for the critical gaze of this constellation is increasing nourishment, resources, support and vitality. This comes from simplicity, ease and gentleness- not force or punishment. Let this be a reminder for your healing actions and choices as you realign with your inner truth and inner knowing. The symbol of Satabisha is a drum or a circle, which reminds us of the healing power of this constellation, as well as containment and boundaries. There is inner and outer, self and other, inside and out. The sacred drum keeps time, supports our alignment with the universal rhythm and helps call us home to our own heart beat. Use the coming cycle to recommit to yourself, your own drum beat. Keep life simple, steady and slow. Find your pulse, find your rhythm. Let nature and her wisdom support your realignment. Where do you need to simplify and reconnect with your own inner knowing? Where are you getting lost, erratic and creating difficulty? What challenges are asking you to look more closely and reevaluate your choices and actions? How is your inner critic keeping you from the nourishment you seek? Use the coming cycle to come home to yourself and set the intention of healing your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Ask for guidance and seek out new resources where you see holes in your support team. Honoring your inner wisdom and truth is dharma. There is no other path. Creative Ritual Most people think of Jyotish Astrology as a means of charting the planets, the stars, the movements of the heavens. For those of us who subscribe to this very ancient body of Vedic knowledge though, we understand that there is a correlation between the cosmos and our own inner nature, our experience of life. There is a connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two are not separate, but dance, mingle and co-create. This divine interplay is what makes studying Jyotish so valuable. Self Tracking, Learning from the Wisdom of the Body 1) Sit, stand or lay down. Close your eyes and fall into the rhythm of your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest, the waves of breath moving in and out of your body. Take some time to relax into this rhythm. 2) As the body moves to greater stillness and relaxation through breath awareness, locate a sensation in the body. This sensation might show up as a tingling, a pulsing, or a sense of vibration. There might even be a color, a shape, a sound or a word that arrives in connection to the body part. Listen and honor whatever arrives for you. Don't filter the messages, judge or critique them. Your only job is to listen right now. Be curious, be interested, and be present to the body's messages. What body part emerges? What sensations are arriving? What messages are shared? Take note of this wisdom coming to you from your body. 3) Create an image of this physical body sensation that arrived through your self tracking. Use craypas or paint and put your experience on paper- so as to transfer the felt senses into a tangible, visual expression. This is a powerful part of the process and one that can shift us into deeper awareness of our body wisdom. 4) Once your image is complete, give it a title. Now, let it speak. What does your image have to share with you? If your image could speak, what would it say? 5) Pull out your Jyotish chart. What body part emerged in your self tracking exploration? What house of the chart is connected to this body part? Study this house within your chart. What do you notice? Use this to help you identify the houses. We can analyze the experience of the house by noting: What planets are sitting there, if any? What sign is located in this house? Do any planets give their drishti (gaze)? Finally, note the current transits and what planets might be effecting this house currently. Your body is sharing with you a very specific message. This message is directly connected to your needs, your desires, your deep longing for nourishment, comfort, safety and support on some core level. When we can access the wisdom of the body directly, we get very clear, unfiltered messages and insights. The cosmic intelligence of the jyotish chart can then help us further identify what is impacting us both macrocosmically and microcosmically. This is the vital information we need for deepening our healing and transformation process. Read More about Jyotish as Healing Resource + Listen to my short Self Tracking Meditation Podcast Jyotish Astrology Basics ~ for Transformation and Healing Still struggling to read your own jyotish chart? Are you seeking clarity, insights and wisdom for your healing path? Searching for your purpose and life path clarity? Wanting spiritual answers and an expanded understanding of your self? Wishing you could trust your self and your path more fully? Disappointed & dissatisfied with the astrological resources you've found so far? Desiring more depth, feminine wisdom, and a holistic approach to Vedic Astrology? Ready to finally learn the foundational pieces of your Jyotish chart so you can go deeper? My Jyotish Basics Classes for Transformation and Healing are just for you! GET THE DETAILS HERE Level 2 Begins September 1st!! I call myself the Dharma Midwife. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected]
Full Moon is early morning on September 6th at 1:02 am MDT. Moon transits Aquarius and Satabisha Nakshatra at this time, receiving direct gaze from Mercury, Mars and Sun. This cycle brings immense power and strength for change. How will you use your courage and readiness? Where do you direct this energy and your effort? Look at your jyotish chart and see what themes the Moon will be illuminating for you in this cycle. What house is Aquarius in your chart? What themes does this present? Satabisha is ruled by Varuna, the guardian of Natural Law. He sees everything through his thousands of eyes. He punishes those who do wrong and go against the Laws of Nature. He judges and criticizes; his job is to see everything. Varuna's intention is to keep you aligned with the wisdom of Nature, to move you closer into right relationship with the rhythms of the universe. His wisdom is immense and his awareness is powerfully all-knowing. This is a healing constellation, offering medicine and support for aligning with dharma, truth and satwa, purity. Satabisha often makes good healers because they see with great detail. When we see what is not working, we can then take necessary steps to heal, reconnect and harmonize. The shadow side of this constellation, however, brings extreme self hatred and self loathing as well as a disconnection from the very thing it yearns for- connection with inner knowing and Nature's wisdom. The critic can become intense and overwhelming, crippling self trust and inner wisdom. Watch for self criticism and judgement showing up in the waning Moon cycle. Shoulds, coulds, have tos, supposed tos may emerge on the mental body level. Emotions of depression, frustration, fear, uncertainty and confusion may arrive. What stories are surfacing in the mental/emotional bodies for you? Notice the emotions you are feeling closely. Let them rise to the surface and be conscious with them. Don't suppress, negate or resist the challenging thoughts and stories that you encounter. It's time to pull of these weeds once and for all. Tapping (EFT) is a wonderful resource for transforming mental/emotional patterns. See below for more resources and support. In the cycle to come, commit to your dharmic path and purpose more fully. Clarify and unleash your potential. What stories stop you in your tracks and keep you from moving towards more nourishment, pleasure and support? Identify your desires and needs. What stories keep you playing small and malnourished? What is keeping you from taking empowered action steps? Leading up to and during the full Moon, as well as in the waning cycle to come, it is important to be vigilant with your health, routine and Ayurvedic guidelines. Do what you know to do for health, wellness and inner resilience. Health calamities can manifest as Moon moves through Satabisha and are often challenging to cure or heal. Ayurveda offers ancient resources for staying in right relationship with the Laws of Nature. Honor the changing seasons and make necessary adjustments. Clean up schedules and routines while adding extra self care as well. Prevention is key right now. What are you confronting and noticing in your emotional body as the tides begin to slow down and recede? Creative Ritual Five Steps for Befriending the Critic: (Read the whole article here) Step #1: Before we can attend to the critic and its messages, we first need to identify it. Most people walk through life completely unaware of their inner thought processes. The mind is on auto-pilot and it never stops! I encourage you to get into a rigorous habit of using the four levels of awareness as a means of navigating your inner terrain. Doing consistent self tracking with a four level check-in is vital. What is a four level check-in? Can you identify the critic and its messages? What level of awareness does it usually come from? Step #2 In your sacred creative space, leave a chair open for your critic to "sit in". Or perhaps place a special reminder in your art space that symbolizes your critic. This is an open invitation to your critic. It is also your reminder that it may arrive, but you don't need to engage with its behaviors. Step #3 Get curious and ask it to share more with you. Create an image of your critic. Let it out of the closet, let it be seen and acknowledge its presence. What colors, shapes, textures and images arrive on the page? Use whatever art medium inspires you- craypas, markers, pens, scraps of paper etc. Give yourself 20+ minutes for this process. Step #4 Title your image. Give your critic a name. Clearly identify this part of your being. Who is it? Get curious. Then ask your image to share with you. If your image could speak, what would it say to you? Step #5: Ask your image to answer these questions: I am___ I want___ I need___ Now that you've harvested some vital information from your critic, it's time to look at your findings. What does your critic want and need? How does your critic help you? How does it harm you? Most importantly, does it have a gift to share with you? Notice the ways in which your critic serves you and acknowledge its messages. Honor this part of your being for trying to help you in some capacity. Now when it arrives, track it. Notice its arrival. Thank it and acknowledge it. You can choose to use the critic to support your creative process or destroy it. What choice do you make? How can you continue to befriend this part of yourself? Need more support? Try this Tapping Meditation for big emotions. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] |
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