“Where we think we need more self-discipline, we usually need more self love.” - Tara Mohr The second to last full Moon of the year comes on the 30th of November at 02:29 am MT while Moon is powerfully positioned in his favorite sign of Taurus. Moon is in its mulitrikona degrees at the time of the full Moon, while transiting Rohini nakshatra. A penumbral lunar eclipse opens the two week eclipse portal, supporting deep shadow work. This cycle is important for your creativity and manifestation. Awaken your big desires and dreams from their slumber. Stop playing small! Rohini nakshatra is a powerful place of manifestation in the sky. Ruling god Brahma and his wife Saraswati bring creative power and potential to Rohini. In the holy trinity of gods, Brahama is the creative force. Without him, life would not be possible. In Vedic lore, Lord Brahma created the entire universe from his navel. His wife Saraswati rules over the expressive arts as well as knowledge and wisdom, technology and machines. Together, Brahma and Saraswati spark desire and bring it into form. As an extremely creative and sensual constellation, Rohini can fulfill desires, support manifestation, awaken deep nourishment, and increase sexuality and sensuality. What desires need your attention right now? What are you creating on your path and what steps are you taking to make it happen? How can you come back to sensuality and pleasure more fully? What needs to be created, expressed, nurtured- in order for you to be fulfilled? What are you manifesting right now and why? This full Moon and penumbral lunar eclipse opens the two week eclipse portal. This eclipse cycle will close December 14th with a total solar eclipse at 06:33 am MT. Remember that eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. Leading up to and around the eclipse may be particularly uncomfortable. Lunar eclipses tend to especially intensify the emotional body landscape. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. The eclipse portal will open with a penumbral lunar eclipse on the 29th. The lunar eclipse begins on the 30th at 12:32 am MT and ends at 04:53 am MT, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 02:42 am MT. This eclipse will be visible in north America, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. This opens a two week cycle of shadow that is not good for starting new projects, new endeavors, or relationships. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused so don't make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. Use the eclipse day for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor you emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. Creative Ritual Full Moon Mandala Come to your drawing pad and draw a big circle. Use craypas, paints, pens, collage or any medium that speaks to you. Fill your circle (Full Moon) with what is nourishing you right now. Fill your circle with all your abundance, desires, prosperity, dreams and hopes. Nothing is too big, nor too small for this circle. Let your fullness be expressed in this mandala. Let these questions prompt your mandala creation: What gifts are you asking of Brahama and Saraswati in the cycle to come? What is supporting balance and harmony in your life? Who and what is feeling especially nourishing right now? What are you attracting and aligning with on your path right now? Give your full Moon Mandala a title. Let your mandala speak. If your full Moon mandala had a message for you, what would it say? 2) Harvest from your mandala. Answer these questions: I am, I want, I need I sense, I feel, I Imagine, I express What feels nourishing and fulfilling right now? Where do you need more nourishment? What are you opening to in the cycle to come? What are you closing to in the cycle to come? What are you manifesting and creating for yourself and your path? A possible next step would be to move your image. Use this mandala to inspire a movement exploration with your body. This will support an embodied integration of your powerful full Moon Mandala. What are you creating for your body and your life in 2021? Use my Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar to support your embodied Dharmic Path in the year ahead. Pre-purchase your 2021 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar at 25% OFF
This Week's Intention: This is an important cycle of self inquiry. Lean towards your challenges, pains, and hardships. There is something profound and important surfacing. Don't resist your awakening- even though it feels uncomfortable. We are inside the eclipse portal, which lasts until the solar eclipse on February 26th. This delicate two week period between lunar and solar eclipses requires a softening and leaning in to the emotional body. With Venus exalted right now, feelings are extra strong anyway. What are you noticing about your emotions, needs and beliefs? What stories are keeping you in the dark, in the shadows? Sun has just shifted to Aquarius as of Sunday the 12th. Sun moves to Aquarius at 07:46 am MST, joining the restructuring planet, Ketu here. This is a healing transit, if you choose to look closely at your challenges, setbacks and obstacles. Resistance to your darkness will provoke more challenges, so best to surrender and lean in. The soul and the ego are going through a transformation in the cycle to come, which lasts until March 14th. Read more about Sun in Aquarius Monday, February 13th Moon in 3rd tithi Tritiya Just as Monday begins, Moon shifts to Virgo, joining retrograde Jupiter here. Mercury and Venus give their direct gaze, while Saturn offers a stern stare from Sagittarius. Plant your seeds and visions, but make sure you back them up with clear action steps. Moon transits Uttaraphalguni the majority of the day. Sun and the ancestors require your focus and attention. Relationships and channeling your creative life force energy effectively, will appease the ancestral spirits. Don't lose sight of your goals, visions and highest purpose. Late evening, Moon shifts to Hasta. The light is dawning and Savitr arrives to support you. Face your shadows so the light can emerge. Tuesday, February 14th Moon in 4th tithi Chaturthi Moon continues through Virgo and Hasta nakshatra today, enlivening Savitr, who brings the dawn. Light is coming, shining on your darkness and shadows. This can be a painful process, but don't push it away. Pay attention to what is illuminated, what needs to be honored and addressed. It's time to face the parts of yourself that keep shining down, instead of shining up. It's time to take a radical look at how you negate your power, purpose and needs. Stop playing small, start stepping up. What needs to change in order for you to awaken your full potential and your desires? Today is Valentine's day for many. Honor yourself with self care, self love, self compassion and loving kindness. Spread the love. Wednesday, February 15th Moon in 5th tithi Panchami Moon arrives in Chitra nakshatra, and conjuncts retrograde Jupiter exactly. Precision, focus and extreme attention to detail arrives. Channel this effectively so the critic doesn't get out of control. Saturn, Venus and Mars give their exact gaze, intensifying the feelings of imperfection. Notice how this story keeps you from taking empowered action, trusting your steps and keeping yourself on track. Moon shifts to Libra midday, and Mars continues to give drishti to the Moon. Get honest about the shadow work that is necessary in order to clear the old disempowering mental thought patterns and stories. Where are you stuck and losing motivation? Where are you confused and misaligned with your intentions? What is the story connected to this? Use my Tapping Meditation to step into your power more fully. Thursday, February 16th Moon in 6th tithi Sashthi Just as Thursday begins, Moon arrives in Swati nakshatra, Rudra's domain. The wind god is associated with movement, swift change and momentum. Some will feel the power of change in positive ways, others will feel the sting of negative change. This is dependent upon your orientation to challenges and resources. During this eclipse portal, it is particularly important to look closely at your emotional body and the feelings surfacing. If you're not being fully honest with yourself, honest about all the emotions you've been stuffing into the dark corners of your being, you'll be facing them more acutely right now. Remember that your shadows are opportunities to create more light, but not without the necessary work it requires to transform darkness into light. Friday, February 18th Moon in 7th tithi Saptami Moon continues through Swati nakshatra until late afternoon. Ketu gives his restructuring gaze. Something is changing. Ride the waves of momentum and change. What are you creating? What is compelling you to move and transform? What action steps need to take place today- in order for you to activate and align with your goals? As Moon moves to Vishaka late afternoon, alliances and connections become more important. Reach out and ask for support, guidance and new resources. You can't succeed alone. Saturday, February 19th Moon in 8th tithi Ashtami Just as Saturday begins, Moon moves into Scorpio, its debilitation sign. Energy is moving slowly and requires your inward attention. Pause, check, notice. What emotions are surfacing right now? Pay close attention to the needs arriving. What you feel and what you need are intimately connected. As Moon continues through Vishaka until mid morning, resources, support, alliances and guidance become nonnegotiable. Reach out and ask for help. This is especially important as Moon moves into Anuradha nakshatra next. The capacity to which you ask for support and make connections, will determine your success and nourishment in the coming days and weeks. Where are you self isolating and pushing away the very things you need? Reach out to friends if you need a mirror. Ask them for a reminder of what needs to shift. Important transformation is taking place, allow yourself to unfold. Sunday, February 20th Moon in 9th tithi Navami The week ends at a still point. Make it a priority to land, pause and listen to your inner landscape. Lean closer to emotions and inner challenges. You need new resources, support and guidance. What is missing? What is working? What needs to change? Late morning, Moon moves to Jyeshtha nakshatra, Indra's domain. There is strength and power available today- especially with the mental body. This potency needs to be directed properly or it will be all-consuming. Clean up the mind, the stories, perceptions and unconscious mental body shadows that are keeping you stuck, unsuccessful and disconnected from your power and purpose. Use this Tapping Meditation to get clarity and step into your power more fully. Monday, February 21st Moon in 10th tithi Dashami The mind continues to strengthen today. Channel this power effectively or it will over-power you. Get clear on stories, illusions, perceptions and parts of your personal mythology that are keeping you stuck, in lack and unproductive. After noon, Moon leaps into the gandanta between Scorpio and Sagittarius, landing in Mula nakshatra, and in conjunction with Saturn. Rahu gives his gaze. There's a compression, a tightening and an overwhelm that arrives. This increases the chaos and uncertainty within. Notice how the chaos derails you, keeps you from taking effective, empowered action. Stay out of the mud and land closer to your body wisdom, your inner truth. Gather support, guidance, resources in order to help you strengthen your own inner wisdom. Don't succumb to the chaos, use it, channel it, harness that power in order to build momentum. * All timing used is Mountain Standard Time. When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go?
What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support. A rare triple impact full Moon takes place on February 10th. This Cancer full Moon occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse and a comet sighting shortly after, though barely visible from earth. Three cosmic events open the delicate two week eclipse portal. The full Moon occurs at 17:34 MST while Moon is at the edge of Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra (using Mean node calculations). In the Vedic calendar, this is considered Magha Purnima, which is connected to Leo and the ancestors. The penumbral lunar eclipse begins to emerge at 15:34 MST, reaching its climax at 17:43 MST, and finding completion at 19:53 MST. This eclipse will cast its shadow on Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is never advised to be outside during an eclipse, or to look at it directly. If you must be outside, make sure your head is covered. This also marks a delicate two week gap between lunar and solar eclipses. It is not advised to start new projects at this time, nor make big decisions. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously. Ashlesha nakshatra is ruled by Sarpa, the mystical serpent. For months the Sarpa energy has been a powerful influence because of the Kala Sarpa Yoga effects. The highs and lows of the cosmic serpent energy wreaked havoc on masculine and feminine energies through the end of 2016. Multiple planets touched the tail of the serpent (Ketu), deconstructing and transforming them into new possibilities and awareness. We are in the final phases of this emergence as Sun leaps to Aquarius on February 12th. Mercury will follow on the 22nd. Consider this full Moon and eclipse portal a final release process, an extraction and harvesting of months and months of upheaval. What is the theme of your past few months? What are you harvesting about your inner magic and the mysteries of life? Sarpa is notorious for his black magic and deceptive ways. He is illusion and confusion at his worst. At his best, he brings mystical wisdom and occult awareness. Snake medicine is indicative of Kundalini energy and the spinal column, as well as sexual potency. The lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu are expressions of serpent energy. First of all, they are not real, only shadows on the Moon, your inner wisdom and intelligence. Just as the nodes cause intensification, uncertainty, confusion and extremes, so does the energy of Sarpa. Highs and lows appear, as shadow merges into light and light moves back to darkness. What you see is not always what you get, or what you wanted. This full Moon and penumbral lunar eclipse opens a two week portal that ends with the annual solar eclipse on February 26th. It is a delicate window of time that opens up shadowed experiences and illusions. Profound mystical opportunities are possible as well as new awareness and understandings. Simultaneously it is also a time that increases misunderstandings, confusion and deceptive behavior. Be especially careful of toxic environments, foods, drugs and people. Ashlesha is notorious for excesses of all kinds- most notably toxicity with mind altering substances. This can include any form of deception or separation from your truth and inner knowing. At the time of the full Moon, Cancer, Ashlesha and the Moon are all on the horizon. Moon and the Ascendant are both sandhi, at the very edge of Cancer- which opens the gate between this water sign and fiery Leo. This is considered a major gandanta, or sacred gap, that marks upheaval, change and transformation- usually on the psycho-emotional level. Gandantas are notorious for creating challenge because the nature of change is some level of transformation or alchemy. The bigger the change process, the bigger the challenges. This eclipse portal brings emotional transformation, but through the mental body. Attend to your emotional waves and notice what stories are impacting them. The mind needs to be cleared of old toxic patterns and behaviors in order for you to release the shadow and illusions that are keeping you in the dark. Using the Emotional Freedom Technique is an excellent resource for clearing these blockages. Relationships become a major part of this transformation process. What are you learning about yourself as you look in the mirror? Let your heart wisdom guide you and become the guru. Use devotion, Bhakti, to strengthen your path and purpose. Get devoted to your self, your path and your purpose. Make love your dharma and dharma your love. Allow passion to feed you, stir your longings and provoke action steps. Where are you playing small- in matters of love and creativity? The immense healing that is possible in this two week cycle is dedicated to the inner change process, but in a heart centered way. It is through intimately navigating the chambers of your heart- how you love, who you love and what you love- that clarity, new awareness and release will emerge. Clean up the resistance and that which is clogging your heart chakra. It is especially important to release the critic and the parts of you that shut you off from feeling love, gratitude and acceptance. Lean into compassion and loving-kindness, towards your self and others. Drop the stories of right and wrong. Can you surrender to acceptance, trust and your highest vision? Speak your truth, but be mindful of your snake mouth. Make sure your words are the sweet truth and come from the heart. Creative RitualThis is a powerful time to align with your dharma, your soul's purpose, as Saturn moves through Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra. Nirrti, the dark goddess, rules the constellation Mula. She brings adharma (that which is against dharma) and can pull you off of your dharmic path through chaos, confusion and deception. The full Moon and coming cycle supports a deeper listening of your heart wisdom, your inner truth. Lean in closer and use my dharmic resources below to align with your highest potential. Right now, I'm sharing ample resources, guidance and support to help you align with your dharmic truth. What is your soul's true purpose? Use the resources below to activate and align with your dharmic path. These resources are only available for a short time. Last chance for 2017! Find clarity and a deeper purpose and follow along via my newsletter as I continue to share powerful resources this month for strengthening your soul's purpose. Six Steps to Awaken Your Soul's Purpose: Step #1: Planting Seeds Step #2: Gathering Resources Step #3: Overcoming Your Challenges Step #4: Transforming Struggles Step #5: Creating Your Vision Step #6: Making Your Dharma Real Ready for even more Dharmic Support? Don't miss these *free* Dharma Awakening Resources! I'll be pulling them from my website later this week. Last chance to listen for 2017! - Understand what your jyotish chart says about your life path and purpose. - Gather resources for overcoming obstacles and set backs on you path. - Discover what's holding you back from making money doing what you love. Listen to my three part Dharma Awakening Series When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go?
What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support. This Week's Intention: The emotional body is your resource for all that nourishes you in life. Are you awake enough to feel? The ability to touch your pleasure and pain is the basis of your creativity. Lean closer and listen to what's arriving. Moon is waxing this week, culminating in a Cancer full Moon on Friday that begins a delicate two week eclipse cycle. The penumbral lunar eclipse triggers increased emotional body waves, instigates fears and delusions and will require more compassion and gentleness towards ourselves and others. Sun also shifts into Aquarius on Sunday, sparking a conjunction with "the tail of the serpent", Ketu. There's a cutting taking place within the soul. What needs to be extracted and removed for more gentleness and ease? The week begins as Jupiter begins his retrograde motion back through Virgo. Jupiter will be retrograde until June 9th. Retrograde planets increase in strength, intensifying their indications. This transit of Jupiter through Virgo, is provoking the need for clarity, certainty, purpose and alignment with your highest ideals. There is a certain naivety and innocence that is available- for better or worse. Read more about Jupiter and Virgo and its impact on your rising sign. When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go? What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support. Monday, February 6th Moon in 11th tithi Ekadashi Moon lands in Mrigashirsha nakshatra just as Monday begins. This is the Moon's constellation, which enlivens Soma, the divine nectar of life. There is growth, ojas and immense creative power available in this portion of the sky. Through extending and expanding your reach, you will find the nourishment, the resources and resilience to thrive, succeed and become deeply nourished. Moon has entered its mulitrikona degrees, which still expresses strength and power from the emotional body. Jupiter expands and increases this feeling level. Where are you playing small and resisting the nourishment of life? What part of you is too afraid to take a powerful leap forward? Look carefully and notice where you are holding yourself back. Reach towards resources that support your full potential, your deepest nourishment. Early evening, Moon shifts to Gemini. Surrender to your creative spirit. Tuesday, February 7th Moon in 12th tithi Dvadashi Mars, Ketu and Saturn give their gaze to the Moon as she transits Gemini. Just as the day begins, Moon shifts into Rudra's domain, the storm god. This star is notorious for powerful explosive energy which must be channeled for effective results. There is usually a build up of emotion that leads to an outburst, or purge. Emotional release is inevitable, but requires that you lean into your inner resistance. Where are you missing your emotional body wisdom? What parts of yourself are being repressed and avoided? If you aren't in touch with you're emotions, you will be missing an important relationship with your power. Just before midnight, Moon lands in Punarvasu. Take a deep breath. Wednesday, February 8th Moon in 13th tithi Trayodashi As Moon moves through Punarvasu nakshatra, the mother of all goodness and resources, Aditi, arrives with her nourishment and support. It doesn't always come in tangible goods, but through wisdom, understanding and acceptance. She honors you with resources like a mother to a child, providing comfort and ease. In order to harvest the wisdom of the day, it will require a retracing of your steps. Re-visit some old ground in order to gather the riches. Early evening, Moon shifts to its own sign, Cancer, while Mercury and Sun give their gaze. It's time to get clear, focused and strategic. Where do you feel the lack of nourishment? Where are you resistant to getting your needs met? Just before midnight, Moon arrives in Pushya. Nourishment is in abundant supply. Are you able to receive it? Thursday, February 9th Moon in 14th Chaturdashi Moon moves through the nourishing star, Pushya, today. There is support and guidance, wisdom and deep holding, for those who are in right-relationship with Saturn (ruler of this constellation). As painful and grief inducing as Saturn is, he also upholds structure, support and the necessary containment for safety and security. He provides vital wisdom from the body if you slow down enough to listen. Your job is to lean in and get closer to your inner wisdom. Ask the body to share its secrets with you. This is the first step in getting your needs met more consistently. Late evening, Moon switches to Sarpa's domain, Ashlesha nakshatra. Deception and illusion are at play as the serpent energy and trickster, Sarpa, arrives in conjunction with a penumbral lunar eclipse. You create your own reality. Cut away the uncertainty and what do you have left? Friday, February 10th Moon in 15th tithi Purnima It's a full Moon day with an eclipse portal opening. Moon transits Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra, the domain of Sarpa, the mystical serpent. A rare triple impact full Moon takes place on February 10th. This Cancer full Moon occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse and a comet sighting shortly after, though barely visible from earth. Three cosmic events open the delicate two week eclipse portal. The full Moon occurs at 17:34 MST while Moon is at the edge of Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra (using Mean node calculations). In the Vedic calendar, this is considered Magha Purnima, which is connected to Leo and the ancestors. The penumbral lunar eclipse begins to emerge at 15:34 MST, reaching its climax at 17:43 MST, and finding completion at 19:53 MST. This eclipse will cast its shadow on Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is never advised to be outside during an eclipse, or to look at it directly. If you must be outside, make sure your head is covered. This also marks a delicate two week gap between lunar and solar eclipses. It is not advised to start new projects at this time, nor make big decisions. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously. Read more about the Cancer full Moon Late evening, Moon crosses the tricky gandanta (gap) between water and fire, landing in Leo and Magha nakshatra. The ancestors are enlivened. Pay your respects. Saturday, February 11th Moon in 1st tithi Pratipad Moon transits the gandanta constellation Magha today, colliding with shadow node Rahu. Ketu gives his gaze and restructuring. The impact of the eclipse is in full effect. Ruling planet of Leo, Sun, is now at the edge of Capricorn. Sun will drop out of the tail of the Serpent in the coming week as he moves through Aquarius- provoking soul transformation. Today, make your ancestors a priority. What is emerging from your lineage as a reminder right now? Pay close attention to your personal mythology. Old shadows and illusions are emerging right now- especially what was handed to you by your ancestors. It's time to release and let go of these old patterns- for you and for them. Late evening, Moon arrives in Purvaphalguni nakshatra and Bhaga brings his comforts and resources- depending on your relationship with him. Put your creative powers to good use! It's time to upgrade your self and your life. Sunday, February 12th Moon in 2nd tithi Dvitiya Moon moves through Leo and Purvaphalguni nakshatra today. Bhaga supports resources, comforts, sexuality and sensuality. He enlivens the Shakti, life force quality of life with creativity. Your creative intelligence is your highest power. Understanding how to take your shadow and turn it into light is creative intelligence in action. People who don't have this skill, and lack the ability to transform challenges into resources, are unable to increase life force, vitality, abundance and nourishment. Are you stuck in perpetual cycles of lack? It's time for an upgrade! You'll need specific resources, support, guidance and tools to learn this skill of harnessing your creative power. This is a powerful process for creating lasting, life change, using your immense creative power. Late evening, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttara. This is a Sun ruled constellation, which supports sustainable support from the ancestors. Sun has just shifted to Aquarius, which means that it is delicate and in weak degrees. Don't push, rest and listen closely to your soul's wisdom. Sun moves to Aquarius at 07:46 am MST today, joining the restructuring planet, Ketu here. This is a healing transit, if you choose to look closely at your challenges, setbacks and obstacles. Resistance to your darkness will provoke more challenges, so best to surrender and lean in. The soul and the ego are going through a transformation in the cycle to come, which lasts until March 14th. Read more about Sun in Aquarius Monday, February 13th Moon in 3rd tithi Tritiya Just as Monday begins, Moon shifts to Virgo, joining retrograde Jupiter here. Mercury and Venus give their direct gaze, while Saturn offers a stern stare from Sagittarius. Plant your seeds and visions, but make sure you back them up with clear action steps. Moon transits Uttaraphalguni the majority of the day. Sun and the ancestors require your focus and attention. Relationships and channeling your creative life force energy effectively, will appease the ancestral spirits. Don't lose sight of your goals, visions and highest purpose. Late evening, Moon shifts to Hasta. The light is dawning and Savitr arrives to support you. Face your shadows so the light can emerge. * All timing used is Mountain Standard Time. When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go?
What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support. This Week's Intention: Go slow and be patient with yourself. The coming days require your deep presence and holding. Your emotional body will be sharing very potent needs with you. Are you listening? It's a full Moon week, which occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse. The eclipse portal is closing, which means it will be intensifying themes and needs enlivened during this cycle. The emotional body waves will be extra strong, starting on Monday- day of Moon. Multiple planetary transits happen late in the week, stirring change and transition on multiple levels. The coming days require strong self care. Navigate your volatile inner landscape with tenderness, patience and presence. Go slow. Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now Monday, September 12th Moon in 11th tithi Ekadashi The week begins with Moon moving through UttaraAshada, shifting into Capricorn mid morning. Jupiter and Saturn give their gaze, requesting steady, consistent steps with attention to sadness, loss and grief in the coming days, as well as hard work and integration. Sun and Mercury are in exact conjunction today. The mind is hot and sharp. Stay cool. The Vishvadevas rule this constellation, requesting powerful actions and choices that align with your higher purpose. They provide the tenants for good character, integrity and nobility. The Vishva devas insist on dharmic action and will not settle for anything less. Where are you aligned with your dharmic path? Where are you misaligned? What adjustments need to be made? Early evening, Moon passes through the sacred nakshatra, Abhijit, opening a portal into the spirit world. This is a sacred time of connecting to higher forces and inner realms. The door is open until just after midnight. Pause, check in, meditate, spend time in nature. Connect with your dharmic truth and inner power. Say yes to your inner wisdom by showing up in presence. Tuesday, September 13th Moon in 12th tithi Dvadashi Moon transits Sravana, Vishnu's domain, bringing expansion, opening and awakening. Vishnu expresses the sustaining quality of the universe, which connects to dharma. Saturn and Jupiter continue to give their gaze to the Moon, bringing a certain pressure and expansion to the emotional body. Sun and Mercury continue in close conjunction. Keep the mind and body moving today. Feel your emotional body, but let the waves flow out and through. What is the need underneath the emotion? What is working? What is not? Gather your resources of support and nourishment. What brings you inner stability? Just before midnight, Moon shifts to Dhanishta nakshatra, the realm of the Vasudevas. Find your inner light source. Wednesday, September 14th Moon in 13th tithi Trayodashi Moon transits the domain of the Vasudevas today, moving through Dhanishta nakshatra. The Moon is expanding and filling, bringing the emotional body to the surface, requiring your diligence and presence. Just before noon, Moon shifts into Aquarius, asking for integration and unification. The challenge becomes how to unite your separateness, the illusion that you are not whole. Moon conjuncts Ketu here and will be cracked open, liberated, in the coming days, while Mars gives his warrior gaze. Expect an emotional body release. Simultaneously, Rahu, Sun and retrograde Mercury give their direct gaze, putting pressure, heat and shadow on the Moon. The Vasu devas only want your light to be seen, they want you to see your own light. What are you missing and where are you resisting receiving the nourishment of your life light? Who is reflecting this to you? What are you needing that you are not receiving? Your emotional body will be leading the way, offering answers, albeit through challenge. Listen carefully. Late evening, Moon moves to Satabisha nakshatra and the all-seeing, all-knowing gaze of Varuna stirs. Turn that gaze within. Thursday, September 15th Moon in 14th tithi Chaturdashi Moon transits Satabisha today, enlivening the watchful, attuned gaze of Varuna. He punishes misdeeds and lack of alignment with Natural Law. His request is balance and integration, respect and honoring the wisdom of Nature. When you are connected to Her rhythms and cycles, you are in sync with life force energy. Going against this wisdom- consciously or unconsciously- has consequences. Today requires slow attentiveness to your heart wisdom. Your inner knowing will lead the way. It will support your healing and fulfillment. This process requires presence, stillness and an attention to inner details that are often pushed past. Listen carefully today. Make space and take the time to connect within. Honor your emotional body messages. Ride the waves. Late evening, Moon shifts to Purvabhadra nakshatra, integration and balance are required. Hold both halves of yourself- sadness and joy. Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now Friday, September 16th Moon in 15th tithi Purnima Moon moves through Purvabhadra, ushering in the full Moon today at 13:05 MDT. Just after Sun shifts into Virgo on September 16th, the full Moon in Pisces occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse. This eclipse ends the unusually long eclipse portal that began on August 18th with an “almost” lunar eclipse. At the time of the full Moon (Purnima), the Moon has barely entered Pisces and will be under a degree- literally propping open the door between Aquarius and Pisces. This sandhi Moon is in very fragile and vulnerable territory, yet extremely spiritual as well. The penumbral lunar eclipse on the 16th will be visible in much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Western South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctica. It will not touch North America. The eclipse will begin at 10:54 am MDT, ending at 14:53 MDT. The maximum eclipse will occur at 12:54 pm MDT. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during the eclipse. Stay covered if you have to be out and about- especially your head and eyes. As the eclipse portal comes to a close, a release process is taking place. This may take several more days or weeks to integrate fully. Moon in Pisces and Purvabhadrapada nakshatra during the time of the full Moon amplifies themes of release and letting go during the coming waning cycle. Pisces correlates to the 12th house of the zodiac, the final bhava (house) of the jyotish chart, connected to endings, release, transformation and retreats. It is the house of marriage (a transformational process) and finality. The 12th house is also connected to the ancestors because it is a house of death, endings and release. The next step is the spirit world. Read more about the September Full Moon and Penumbral Eclipse Multiple back to back planetary changes occur mid September with Sun’s transit into Virgo starting the change process. On September 16th mid morning, only a few hours prior to the full Moon in Pisces, Sun moves out of its favorite sign and into Virgo. Sun won’t re-enter Leo for another year. The focus of the past few months on Leo and multiple planets moving through this fire sign, begins to shift towards Virgo and its earth based energy. Currently Jupiter is making his year long passage through Virgo, and Venus is finishing up its month long journey of debilitation here. As Sun enters Virgo, Leo is on the horizon, which puts the Sun in the 2nd house of speech and communication. Themes of verbal mastery continue and the Sun illuminates this tendency. Speech and diplomacy are necessary in this coming cycle. Refine your speech and word choice. This impacts your relationships greatly. Relationship challenges will be mitigated by thoughtful and compassionate connections, words and honesty. Read more about Sun in Virgo Early evening, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadra constellation, Uttarabhadra. The Moon is completing a full cycle around the zodiac. Endings and release are enlivened. Seek closer and attend to the process of letting go. Saturday, September 17th Moon in 1st tithi Pratipad Moon transits the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, finishing up its passage through Ahirbudhinya's domain. Uttarabhadrapada encourages depth and excavation below the surface, so that you can bring the unseen and hidden parts of yourself to the conscious mind. Resources come with this inner work and the process of diving deeply into your inner terrain. Jupiter, debilitated Venus and Sun are looking at the Moon today. There is heat and water, passion and steam. The emotional body begs you to look at it, to dive into its depths. What pearls of wisdom can you harvest from your challenging, choppy waters? Sun is in young degrees today, having just moved into Virgo. Venus is at the edge of its debilitation sign, Virgo, strengthening its effects. Relationships, love, money and comforts will feel vulnerable and extra challenging right now. Mars is also at the edge of Scorpio, a deep feeling sign. Allow the emotional body to release. Attend to grief with diligence and skillfulness today. Late afternoon, Moon moves to Revati, the final constellation of the zodiac. Pushan gives nourishment and resources for those who continue to align with their path and purpose. Move and transform. Meditate and get embodied. Spend time in nature. Reset, re-charge, re-boot, release. On the heels of the full Moon, Mars moves into Sagittarius after months of being in a tense, pressurized dance with Saturn in Scorpio. The tight conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio has been provoking tests, lessons and all out war, since Mars began his Scorpio transit late February of this year. He has since danced back into Libra and returned to Scorpio to finish off his tempestuous battle with his enemy, Saturn. Mars finally leaves Scorpio on September 17th, when most of us will finally get to take a long sigh of relief. This battle between opposing forces has occurred in the vulnerable sign of Scorpio, digging up your deepest, darkest and most challenging personal mythology. As Mars moves into Sagittarius, he lands in the chaos inducing nakshatra, Mula. This is Nirrti’s domain, the goddess of adharma. Her job is to pull you off your dharmic path, provoking chaos, turmoil and challenges simultaneously. Read more about Mars in Sagittarius Sunday, September 18th Moon in 2nd tithi Dvitiya The first half of the day, Moon continues to allow closure and endings to take place as it moves through Revati and Pisces. A month long cycle around the zodiac finds completion today. Release is active, while openings and beginnings linger on the horizon. Early afternoon, Moon leaps into Aries and Ashwini nakshatra, jump starting fresh beginnings and openings. Rahu gives his gaze, sharing his shadowed intensity and strong desires. There is healing and rejuvenation available today if you can lean into resources and healing tools. The Ashwini Kumara twins support health and wellness through Ayurveda and the healing arts. They want you to align and attend to physical well being and harmony. Creativity and wellness are potent resources supported under this constellation. What are you using to integrate and find balance today? Ending three days of back to back transits, Venus shifts to its mulitrikona sign, Libra, on September 18th. This cycle is relationship oriented and will ask you to address feelings and emotions connected to loss, separation, release and transformation. There is an uprooting process taking place that will require letting go of the old. What you let go impacts your sense of comfort and safety, as well as security. Are you clinging to outworn people, relationships and experiences because it feels safer then letting them go? It's imperative that you cut away the excess, the frivolous and the unnecessary. Clean, clear and purge your relationships and emotions so that you can create space for the new to enter. Refine your speech and communication so that you can speak more authentically and from a place that honors your feelings more fully. Speak powerfully from your heart. Read more about Venus in Libra Monday, September 19th Moon in 3rd tithi Tritiya Moon continues to transit Aries, but shifts to Bharani nakshatra late Monday morning. Rahu shares his powerful desires and intense cravings with the emotional body. The closing of the eclipse portal continues, requesting integration, digestion and assimilation of the past weeks. What challenges have you encountered? What resources have arrived? As Moon moves to Bharani nakshatra late morning, Yama brings his transformational energy. He needs restraint and simplicity, without elaboration or excess. His powers enliven the death process- a process of release and ending, as well as opening and beginning. How are you attending to your inner transformation process? What support and holding do you need? What is missing and where do you need more resources and guidance? Change and transformation are awakened right now with three planets having just changed signs in the past three days and Moon beginning a new transit around the zodiac. What are you opening to? What are you closing to? Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now
Need more support navigating your inner terrain and emotional body landscape? Let's connect for a session. Together we can create a plan of action for you. As September arrives, so does a unique planetary configuration known as Kala Sarpa Yoga. Once the Sun moves to the other side of Rahu, towards the edge of Leo on September 4th, a unique planetary yoga occurs. Many astrologers are talking about the various effects of this upcoming four month period when all planets will be scissored in between Rahu and Ketu. This unique combination will continue until late December, once Mars moves to the other side of Ketu. This is unique yoga called Kala Sarpa, The Serpent of Time. It will intensify each month as Moon enters Leo and moves into Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and through Aquarius. Moon mirrors and magnifies, so issues provoked by these signs and the planets in these signs, will be amplified as a result. Kala Sarpa Yoga's effects intensify the planetary combinations at play as all planets are essentially "hemmed in" by the malefic shadow nodes, Rahu and Ketu. The types of Kala Sarpa and the effects of this combination are widely disputed- probably because the nodes themselves bring confusion and uncertainty. Read more about this challenging planetary effect The eclipse portal continues until mid month, provoking another delicate layer of planetary effects. With all the elements of the masculine, father, power, purpose and empowerment that have been stirred and provoked over the past few months as multiple planets have moved through Leo, the September new Moon marks a poignant time of closure. What themes have you been healing with your father wounds? What is your intention moving forward? How can you honor your masculine needs with action steps, clarity, creativity? What does right-relationship with your power and dharmic purpose look like? Feel like? Read more about the waxing Moon cycle and this unique eclipse portal Mercury Retrograde- Mercury in Leo Mercury will go retrograde in its sign of exaltation on August 30th. Mercury will be exalted in Virgo (not in its mulitrikona degrees) during this retrograde. An exalted retrograde planet becomes debilitated, impacting the expression of the planet and turning it inward, rather than outward. For over a week, the mental body will be on a unique, inward journey. On September 9th, Mercury will re-enter Leo, joining Sun and Rahu here. This will bring the mind more clarity and external focus, while supporting a unique and innovative process. The retrograde journey of Mercury will impact finances and comforts primarily. It will ask you to look more closely at your needs for financial support and stability, as well as self expression and communication. These themes are specifically tied to your visibility, empowerment and ego at this time. It is a cycle to re-visit and re-evalute your needs. You may find yourself re-visiting conversations, connections and communication until he goes direct on September 22nd. Use this time to clarify your sense of power and purpose. Seek clarity with your words and think outside the box in terms of getting seen and noticed in more creative and potent ways. Once Mercury goes direct in Leo, he won't re-enter Virgo again until October 3rd. As he re-enters his sign of exaltation, he joins Jupiter and Sun as well. At this point, we may finally get the positive effects of an exalted Mercury, with the expansive wisdom of Jupiter and the illumination of the Sun to support the awareness. A strong mind will bring more clarity, purposeful communication and potent resources. For the benefits of exalted Mercury to be felt, it will require patience and strong intentions. Stay true to your direction and continue to take action towards goals and desires. Increased financial support will come with your diligence. Work consistently and pro-actively on clearing limiting beliefs and mental/emotional blockages during this cycle- all that is hindering your ability to step more powerfully into financial abundance. Gather resources and support for this process. Jupiter will be activating your expansion, but only with the right guidance and support. Sun in Virgo Multiple back to back planetary changes occur mid September with Sun’s transit into Virgo starting the change process. On September 16th mid morning, only a few hours prior to the full Moon in Pisces, Sun moves out of its favorite sign and into Virgo. Sun won’t re-enter Leo for another year. The focus of the past few months on Leo and multiple planets moving through this fire sign, begins to shift towards Virgo and its earth based energy. Currently Jupiter is making his year long passage through Virgo, and Venus is finishing up its month long journey of debilitation here. As Sun enters Virgo, Leo is on the horizon, which puts the Sun in the 2nd house of speech and communication. Themes of verbal mastery continue and the Sun illuminates this tendency. Speech and diplomacy are necessary in this coming cycle. Refine your speech and word choice. This impacts your relationships greatly. Relationship challenges will be mitigated by thoughtful and compassionate connections, words and honesty. The heart will require your patience and tenderness in the weeks to come. Integration and balance are essential. Passion and grief will both require equal attention and intention. Relationships will continue to be a place of learning and awakening- particularly emotionally and spiritually. Balance is essential. It may feel like you have one foot in and one foot out. This may bring a lack of clarity with your relationships. Understand that this is ultimately a reflection of your relationship with self. Are you in or out? Connected or disconnected? Embodied or numbed? Stay present, connected and in your body as much as possible. This is a powerful time to navigate your emotional body and use it as a resource for awakening. Connect heart and communication. Share authentically- but from a place of loving kindness. Learn the art of heart centered communication. This is a place that honors you as well as the recipient. Lead with your heart and this will create sustainable, lasting results. Full Moon in Pisces Just after Sun shifts into Virgo on September 16th, the full Moon in Pisces occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse. This eclipse ends the unusually long eclipse portal that began on August 18th with an “almost” lunar eclipse. At the time of the full Moon (Purnima), the Moon has barely entered Pisces and will be under a degree- literally propping open the door between Aquarius and Pisces. This sandhi Moon is in very fragile and vulnerable territory, yet extremely spiritual as well. The penumbral lunar eclipse on the 16th will be visible in much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Western South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctica. It will not touch North America. The eclipse will begin at 10:54 am MDT, ending at 14:53 MDT. The maximum eclipse will occur at 12:54 pm MDT. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during the eclipse. Stay covered if you have to be out and about- especially your head and eyes. As the eclipse portal comes to a close, a release process is taking place. This may take several more days or weeks to integrate fully. Moon in Pisces and Purvabhadrapada nakshatra during the time of the full Moon amplifies themes of release and letting go during the coming waning cycle. Pisces correlates to the 12th house of the zodiac, the final bhava (house) of the jyotish chart, connected to endings, release, transformation and retreats. It is the house of marriage (a transformational process) and finality. The 12th house is also connected to the ancestors because it is a house of death, endings and release. The next step is the spirit world. Read more about the September Full Moon and Penumbral Eclipse Mars in Sagittarius On the heels of the full Moon, Mars moves into Sagittarius after months of being in a tense, pressurized dance with Saturn in Scorpio. The tight conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio has been provoking tests, lessons and all out war, since Mars began his Scorpio transit late February of this year. He has since danced back into Libra and returned to Scorpio to finish off his tempestuous battle with his enemy, Saturn. Mars finally leaves Scorpio on September 17th, when most of us will finally get to take a long sigh of relief. This battle between opposing forces has occurred in the vulnerable sign of Scorpio, digging up your deepest, darkest and most challenging personal mythology. As Mars moves into Sagittarius, he lands in the chaos inducing nakshatra, Mula. This is Nirrti’s domain, the goddess of adharma. Her job is to pull you off your dharmic path, provoking chaos, turmoil and challenges simultaneously. This roughly three week period of Mars in Mula (until October 8th) will orchestrate uprooting, changes and release. Transformation of any kind brings turmoil, so understand that this is the nature of this time period. Simplify everything. Notice where you are addicted to the chaos. Are you creating it? Instigating the turmoil? Mula also has the propensity for great healing- as old pain and darkness is removed and released. You are creating space within your being right now- consciously or unconsciously. Be intentional about what you are filling yourself up with. What are you moving towards? What are you saying yes to? The transit of Mars through Sagittarius lasts until November 1st, marking a time of powerful healing and change. Mars is the warrior planet. He acts, moves, creates and activates. He supports powerful movement and momentum as he makes great strides through this fire sign. Passion is activated- channel this effectively and use it authentically. Touch your power in potent ways and use it to build momentum. Pursue dharma with steady, consistent steps. Use your emotional body wisdom to heal and gain awareness. It is your emotional body that is supporting your change. These changes will be felt on the mental and physical body levels as well. The mind is a powerful resource for healing and transformation. Focus your efforts on using your thoughts, words and stories to connect and co-create. Relationships will support this process. Passion is activated and enlivened. There is a lot of life force energy moving at this time; be intentional with how you use it and who you use it with. Endings are provoked, while simultaneously beginnings arrive. What are you letting go of in order to make space for more of what you want and need? Gather the resources, support and guidance that you need for more stability, support and wholeness. Venus in Libra Ending three days of back to back transits, Venus shifts to its mulitrikona sign, Libra, on September 18th. This cycle is relationship oriented and will ask you to address feelings and emotions connected to loss, separation, release and transformation. There is an uprooting process taking place that will require letting go of the old. What you let go impacts your sense of comfort and safety, as well as security. Are you clinging to outworn people, relationships and experiences because it feels safer then letting them go? It's imperative that you cut away the excess, the frivolous and the unnecessary. Clean, clear and purge your relationships and emotions so that you can create space for the new to enter. Refine your speech and communication so that you can speak more authentically and from a place that honors your feelings more fully. Speak powerfully from your heart. There will naturally be grief emerging in this Venus cycle. Your ability to honor your emotional body will impact the level of joy you receive in return. Where are you resisting your feelings? How can you deepen your relationship with your emotional body? Trust this process of breaking open that is occurring in your heart right now. Crack open so the light can enter. Be truly authentic with your heart wisdom and allow spirit to support your process of awakening in the weeks to come. Seek integration and balance with self and others, inner and outer, spirit world and human world. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Digest, assimilate and process. Attend to your gut intelligence right now as it’s able to help you transform past experiences, emotions and sensory input. Grief and your emotional body begin to stabilize later in the month, but it’s essential that you honor this cycle of release and letting go. As Venus shifts into your 7th house, stability, integration and balance arrive. Use your pelvis as a grounding resource. Honor and attend to relationships very consciously. They are a mirror for growth and deeper awareness about your needs. What is working? What is not working? What needs to shift and heal within you in order for more nourishment and support? The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your gains and empowerment. Trust your gut wisdom. Taurus: Some stability comes to relationships later in the month. Let the anger go. Move it. Change it. Underneath this is passion. Channel it and work diligently with sadness and grief. Heal relationships and use them as an awakening resource- a mirror of the self. Everything showing up is a powerful resource for inner change. Lean into the challenges and transform the heart pain into spiritual offerings. Let others into your pain and go deeper into your darkness. But be sure to use this as a resource for change, transformation and healing. The current Kala Sarpa yoga effects heart, home and career. Awaken through balancing giving and receiving. Gemini: Heart is expanding and finding more nourishment, let the illumination in later this month. Find balance and harmony with playfulness, romance and intuition. Use this as a resource for your offerings and how you share in this world. Digestion has been challenging and frustrating these past many months. Attend to constipation directly and honor this process of withholding through honoring Saturn and his requests. More stability and movement will be taking place later this month. Find your passion and connect with others! This current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your creativity and dharma directly. Use your challenges and turn them into gold by teaching others about what you are learning. Cancer: Get creative and lead with your heart. Find more stability and balance within your emotional body later this month. Turn challenges and obstacles with self power into resource. Speak, share, connect and co-create by leaning into your relationship with self. Digestion improves as Mars arrives into Sagittarius mid month. Use your words, voice and sounding to start the digestion process. What needs to be said? What do you need to voice and express? Where are you holding back from sharing your truth? Dig deep into your depths for this wisdom. The places that terrify you, the vulnerable parts of you, are your biggest resource. The Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your speech and vulnerability directly. Get comfortable with the discomfort. Leo: Self worth and self efforts gain some momentum later this month. Making money and self expression are a major focus right now. Channel your words into creative action after the 18th. Write, dance, paint, move, create. Relationships are a resource for your creativity. Share your spiritual insights and awareness. Heart and home find more stability in the second half of the month. It’s vital that you’re honoring your grief and emotional body pain simultaneously. Get clear on your offering in this world. Share your powerful wisdom and insights. This is your gift! The current Kala Sarpa yoga will impact you and relationships directly. Let the mirrors wake you up. Virgo: This is a powerful time of growth and expansion for you, even if there have been frustrations and setbacks simultaneously. You are refining your needs and finding a new sense of self and courage. Movement and momentum comes mid month. Seek stability, balance, integration and simplicity. Ground and honor your need for landing. How can you land more deeply within? Find nourishment and support with relationships. What are others teaching you about your need for intimacy and connection? The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your need for alone time and digestion. Find solace and sacred space- inside and out. Libra: Speaking and sharing your words becomes more refined as Mars leaves your 2nd house mid month. Focus on simple words and expression, but don’t hold back. There’s a tendency to resist sharing and connecting- especially from the heart. Lean into your emotional body very consciously and harvest the wisdom here. Then use it for full self expression. Work with release, endings, letting go. You are actively in a transformational cycle that supports closings. As you close doors, new one’s will open. Make space for the new. The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your gains and sense of empowerment. Release the ego and make space for the unknown. Scorpio: The career pressure of the past many months begins to shift and ease once Sun moves away from Rahu on the 16th. A whole new way of being is arriving. Mars moves away from Saturn finally- giving some new clarity and stability to your head. Venus begs for more support mid month. Outer and inner need more integration. Continue to focus on communication- especially in relationships. You’re learning how to express yourself, your needs and wants, very authentically. Lead with your heart. Your vulnerability is your power. Continue to crack open. The current Kala Sarpa Yoga will impact career and heart in all the right places. Turn your pain into your offering. Sagittarius: Your life offering has the potential to expand and nourish you in more powerful ways. Pay attention to what feeds your heart. Let your light shine in the coming weeks and step into your power more consciously. Speak and connect through your knowledge and wisdom. Attend to solace and silence, grief and release. Connect with friends and relationships later this month for more integration and balance with inner and outer life. The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your dharma and creativity directly. Move towards your passion and purpose, while fearlessly creating. Capricorn: Remarkable changes are occurring within you. You’ve been shining the light into some very dark and vulnerable territory for many months. Closure and release is taking place. Use the wisdom you’ve gathered on this powerful journey as a resource for your dharmic work. You learn best by teaching, so become both teacher and student very actively right now. Gains start to emerge and show up as you release the old and outworn patterns, behaviors and choices. Make space for what you really need and want. The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your speech and nourishment, as well as your vulnerability. Ask for what you really need. Aquarius: Your depth gets deeper. Just when you thought you couldn’t peel back another layer, you find another trap door. Career finds some momentum and strength later this month. Stay connected to purpose. Focus on stability and steady steps. Relationships bring power and challenges simultaneously. Navigate choppy waters with dignity and clarity. Watch your words. Relationships are in fact an important teacher for you right now. Later this month, this increases and relationships will become a potent and powerful guru. Everything and everyone is a mirror of the self. You are waking up right now. Crack yourself wide open and lean into the challenges. The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your relationships directly. Look in the mirror. Pisces: Relationships continue to be your biggest resource for growth, knowledge and wisdom. This amplifies later this month as Sun shifts into your 7th house. Dharma and life purpose are causing challenges and hardship. Use the challenge as a resource for awakening your passion. Share and connect, teach and advise, using the wisdom of your grief and pain. This is a resource for your spiritual awakening. Lean in closer. Momentum and action arrive with your offering and career once Mars moves to Sagittarius. Start putting your inner knowing into action. The current Kala Sarpa yoga impacts your health and healing, as well as your need for retreat and solace. Use your alone time specifically for healing and awakening. Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now
Need more support navigating your inner terrain and emotional body landscape? Let's connect for a session. Together we can create a plan of action for you. Just after Sun shifts into Virgo on September 16th, the full Moon in Pisces occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse. This eclipse ends the unusually long eclipse portal that began on August 18th with an “almost” lunar eclipse. At the time of the full Moon (Purnima), the Moon has barely entered Pisces and will be under a degree- literally propping open the door between Aquarius and Pisces. This sandhi Moon is in very fragile and vulnerable territory, yet extremely spiritual as well. The penumbral lunar eclipse on the 16th will be visible in much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Western South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctica. It will not touch North America. The eclipse will begin at 10:54 am MDT, ending at 14:53 MDT. The maximum eclipse will occur at 12:54 pm MDT. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during the eclipse. Stay covered if you have to be out and about- especially your head and eyes. As the eclipse portal comes to a close, a release process is taking place. This may take several more days or weeks to integrate fully. Moon in Pisces and Purvabhadrapada nakshatra during the time of the full Moon amplifies themes of release and letting go during the coming waning cycle. Pisces correlates to the 12th house of the zodiac, the final bhava (house) of the jyotish chart, connected to endings, release, transformation and retreats. It is the house of marriage (a transformational process) and finality. The 12th house is also connected to the ancestors because it is a house of death, endings and release. The next step is the spirit world. Purvabhadra is a constellation of integration, balance and harmonizing polarities. The ruling deity is Ajaikapada, a form of Shiva, Lord of the Dance. There is skillfulness with making money and doing challenging work. It is said that this constellation can cure the impossible. The symbol of this lunar constellation is a funeral cot, which speaks to themes of transformation, death and purification- all that is beyond the material plane of existence. Bhadra means auspicious in Sanskrit, while pada is foot. There is an ability to walk in two worlds- material and spiritual- through this constellation. These themes activate in the coming waning cycle. As the Moon turns your focus inward, spirit will support your inner awareness more fully. This cycle will also support healing and transformation through the emotional body landscape- for those who are willing to lean in closer to their grief, sadness and loss. The heart is being cracked open. Let the light and spirit enter your heart. The full Moon chart indicates a mixture of passion and sadness, which can create aggression or depression. How do you channel your powerful emotions? It’s vital that you use your emotional body intelligence to create, share, connect and communicate in authentic ways. Use your emotion as a resource, as a change agent. Scorpio and Anuradha nakshatra are on the horizon at the time of the full Moon, indicating that Mitra’s support will bring resources and connection in the days and weeks to come. He rules the “friendly star” which is symbolized by a decorated archway. There is triumph here and celebration. Friends, connection and community arrive. As an Aditya, Mitra’s role is to bring resources and support. He does it through connection, collaboration and relationship. Saturn rules this nakshatra, which indicates consistent, steady work is necessary for the resources to arrive. It also indicates that your steady steps will finally pay off- depending on your relationship with Saturn. As the planet of grief and sorrow, Saturn requires that you attend to your emotional body landscape diligently. With your attention to grief, he grants you more space in your heart for the joys of life. This is a cycle to pay close attention to your emotions and gather resources, support, guidance and community to weather the inner storms. In the coming days, it may feel like you have a foot in two world at times, but this is an essential part of your integration process. Connect with your different needs and honor your two halves. Work closely with balancing masculine and feminine energies as well as inner and outer realms. Use the coming weeks to move closer to your polarities, not away from them. As you lean in closer, you can begin to heal and integrate opposing energies within. This is an important part of closing the healing wisdom of the eclipse portal. Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now Creative RitualAs you move through this eclipse portal cycle, integrating and digesting the powerful themes of this shadowed time, there will be strong emotional body waves activated. This is a cleansing cycle, a time to move out grief and harvest rich inner wisdom that has long been covered up by your shadow. Use this Tapping Meditation as a resource for uncovering your emotional body pain, so you can find the needs underneath the big feelings. Then follow up with the Creative Ritual below. Attend to the space you've created with consciousness and presence. Step One: Grief Tapping Meditation Step Two: Awakening Inner Space ~ Creative Ritual We worked a lot in this Space Clearing the Heart Workshop with noticing the internal landscape, what is arriving. As we continued to cultivate inner presence during the class, I asked you to notice the space within your body. Where do you feel more space in the body? Where does this space arrive within you? How does it feel? This space within is ripe with potential and possibility. It is fragile and vulnerable, but also very powerful. This creative ritual will help you continue to cultivate a relationship with this inner space. 1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of the space you are cultivating a relationship with. What does this space feel like within you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 10 to 20 minutes at minimum for this image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your space image. Use the intention of "moving with this feeling of space in the body". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. * If you are in an acute grief phase, you may wish to simply hold a shape in the body, to mirror your space image, rather than move the image. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. How do you want to attend to this space within? What is your intention? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now
This Week's Intention: Notice the inner swells and find your grounding, your connection to Nature and her wisdom, as well as your connection to spirit. Surrender to the immense fertility being awakened in the environment- enlivened through potential and possibility. Allow the emotional body to move, change, transform and heal you. The week ahead brings a full Moon in Virgo with a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Vernal equinox has opened the door to spring in the northern hemisphere and the Holi celebrations spark the creative life force energy- inner and outer. Mercury is now debilitated in Pisces and Saturn will go retrograde this week as well. Be gentle with your emotions, mind and body. Monday, March 21st Moon in 14th tithi Just as Monday begins, Moon shifts to Purvaphalguni nakshatra, increasing creativity and life force energy. As the Moon moves through Leo, it is conjunct retrograde Jupiter and Rahu. All three planets receive drishti (gaze) from Venus, Ketu and Saturn. The emotional body is being asked to respond to complex energies. Find ways to ground into the body and spirit in order to awaken from repressed or contracted emotions. Emotional body tides are high now as Moon enters the 14th tithi (phase), nearing complete fullness. Allow your feelings to move through you and attend to your emotional body wisdom with care. Ruling deity of Purvaphalguni, Bhaga, is an Aditya who brings resources and support through the material. Let his potential bring you gifts. Notice ideas, excitement, new choices and actions, as these are ripe with possibility and new growth. Allow passion to stir you and increase your momentum. Open your heart and expand your flow of love. What space has been created with all the clearing and releasing of the eclipse portal? What still needs to be let go? What seeds are you planting now? Tuesday, March 22nd Moon in 15th tithi As Tuesday begins, the Moon moves to the final phase of the waxing cycle, Purnima- the 15th tithi. Just as the emotional body moves into fullness, it changes into the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni. Aryaman rules this domain and provides creativity, fertility and sustainability for connection, creation and relationship. He's especially associated with the ancestors and sustaining one's lineage through marriage, children and dharma. The Phalguni stars are particularly potent and creative. It is said that even the gods get married during the time of Phalguni- which honor spring, awakening and fertility and celebrations like marriage. Just before midday, the Moon moves to Virgo, receiving gaze from Sun and debilitated Mercury now. The emotional and mental bodies are stirred, focused and concentrated. Notice if clarity arrives, but soften the mind through meditation and mental/emotional body clearing. Fertility and creativity are enlivened during this full Moon time period, as it coincides with the Vedic Holi festival, also known as "the festival of colors". Holika Dahan (the night before Holi when the fires are lit) is on the 22nd this year, followed by the Holi festivities on the 23rd. This celebration in the Vedic calendar- which roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere- sparks creative potential, increased love, beauty and creativity. It takes place with the Phalguni Purnima as the Phalguni stars are ripe with sensuality, love, beauty and abundant resources. Wednesday, March 23rd Moon in 15th and 1st tithi The full Moon is March 23rd at 05:00 PDT while Moon is in Virgo and Uttaraphalguni. This full Moon coincides with a penumbral lunar eclipse, closing the two week eclipse portal that has been invoking challenging shadow work for many. The eclipse begins at 02:39 PDT, with the maximum eclipse being at 04:47 PDT, and ending at 06:54 PDT. This eclipse will be visible through much of Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Traditionally, it is not advised to look at an eclipse directly, or to be outside during the eclipse. Stay indoors, meditate, eat lightly or fast, set intentions and say prayers. Use this time as the sacred, inward time that it is. Being outside during the eclipse leaves you vulnerable to absorbing extra "shadow" which is not ideal. Since eclipses represent and intensify the inner shadow, taking precautionary measures to avoid gathering more shadow, is important. This full Moon marks the closing of the eclipse portal (the two week period between solar and lunar eclipses). It is now a better time to begin new projects, make decisions or start anything important. Full Moon in Uttaraphalguni supports increased creativity and nourishment in the cycle to come, but not without necessary change and transformation. The full Moon chart indicates nourishment through wisdom, the support of the ancestors and spirit for this process. Deepen your connection to your lineage and find ways to invite them into your life. Perhaps it's time to create an ancestor altar? Feed them good meals? Notice their constant messages? Pay attention to how they show up in your life. Read more about the full Moon + Eclipse in the March Moon Wisdom post. Late morning, the Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra and Savitr brings his awakening through light, wisdom and clarity. Increased light and wisdom arrives with his illumination. The hands are especially associated with Hasta- which can be used as a resource for more wisdom and awakening. With Sun and Mercury giving their gaze to the Moon right now, it will be the mental and emotional bodies that will provoke your inner light and wisdom, with the support of the spiritual body. Clear, cut, heal and transform the mind, emotions and physical body- in order to connect more deeply with your spirit. How can the hands support you in this process? Use art, EFT, movement and mudras as resources. Thursday, March 24th Moon in 2nd tithi The Moon continues through Hasta until late morning. Let Savitr support your awakening and increased light as you begin your day. Recite the Gayatri Mantra for gaining his guidance. As Moon shifts into Chitra, Vishvakarma arrives with an action-oriented agenda. His creativity and the action he puts behind it, can support great strides. He is considered "the divine architect" who created the zodiac. He is a powerful artist and has the energy to mass produce using both his creativity and the necessary steps and action in order to bring creativity into form. In this way he can support the creative process, any production and creativity. Ruling planet of this constellation is Mars, who is currently conjunct Saturn. This energy creates frustration and a tendency for confusion or delays. Slow, steady action steps are supported right now. Force, rush or push for outcomes and you will amplify anger, calamity and delays. As Saturn prepares to retrograde in the early hours of Friday morning, delays will be amplified. Moon leaps to Libra just before midnight. Ketu gives his gaze to the Moon, provoking emotional sparks as well as possible clarity in the days to come. This may bring new awareness with regard to relationships, the mirror of the "other", as well as with business ventures. Friday, March 25th Moon in 3rd tithi Saturn goes retrograde in Scorpio at 02:50 am PDT and will be moving in reverse until August 13th, 2016. Retrograde planets act like the nodes Rahu and Ketu, which adds to the intensity of the planet and how they will express themselves. As the slowest moving planet, Saturn causes the most prolonged challenges. It's important to play by his rules and honor his requests for slow, steady action, simplicity and alignment with nature's rhythms. His transit through Scorpio is digging up very old grief, emotions and challenges connected to subconscious and unconscious territory. This cycle is ultimately an opportunity for very powerful, deep and lasting transformation and healing for the psycho-emotional levels of your being. His retrograde motion will be felt on the days leading up to his reversal, amplified by the penumbral lunar eclipse and full Moon. As he retrogrades back through Scorpio, he will move closer to Mars, instigating further frustrations and outbursts due to the opposition of the nature of these planets. Once Mars retrogrades on April 16th, there will be two strong forces moving backwards in Scorpio. Scorpio is your unconscious inner terrain. It's your vulnerability, animal nature and your wild feminine within. The simultaneous retrograde motion of Saturn and Mars will provoke fierce internal change, transformation and healing- but you must be willing to do the work. Mars is action-oriented, yet Saturn can bring resistance, avoidance or contraction. It will take vigilance to find a balance between these energetic polarities within. Read more about Saturn in Scorpio Today, Moon continues through Chitra until just after Noon. Take action, get creative and attend to your artistic intelligence. As Moon shifts into Swati nakshatra, Vayu takes over. His immense strength, movement and ability to make sudden and swift changes, brings a necessary alignment with prana, the life force energy within. Use the breath to align with more balance and inner strength. Do you let the chaos of the changing winds provoke havoc and dis-ease, or do you channel this vital energy with conscious forces and diligence. Pranayama and yoga asanas are a good use of your energy today. Saturday, March 26th Moon in 4th tithi Moon continues through Libra and Swati nakshatra the majority of the day. Mind your breath, your life force energy, and notice if you are using it intelligently or squandering it. Be in right relationship with your inner life and let this spark increased energy and enthusiasm for living. Seek balance between inner and outer, polarities and conflicts. What parts of your being need resolution and more harmony? Let the breath help you find this union. As Moon shifts to Vishaka nakshatra late afternoon, the unification of opposing forces becomes more important. This is a constellation of co-creation. Vishaka can help you recognize difference as a vital resource for strength and support. Who and what can help you get your needs met in new ways? What are you trying to do yourself when you should be asking someone else to support you instead? Ruling deities Indra and Agni, are the representation of duality and yet these opposing forces are intimately reliant on each other. Indra is king, while Agni is priest. Neither can thrive without the support of the other. The kingdom would fall apart without strength and spirit aligned in partnership. How can you find more balance in your kingdom? More harmony between opposing forces? Sunday, March 27th Moon in 5th tithi Vishaka continues to rule the day, provoking unification and increased harmony within. Challenges are a reminder to make adjustments. Ask for support, call in new resources, gather your team of guidance. Where are you resisting the support you need? Where are your actions out of alignment with your inner knowing? Reach out, connect and receive. You can not thrive without increased support. As Moon shifts to it debilitation sign, Scorpio, midday, it joins retrograde Saturn and Mars here. This conjunction can bring intense emotional challenges through anger, sadness, grief and frustration. Tend to the emotional body diligently today. Find ways to help the mind and body release pent up or stagnant energy. Use the physical body as a resource for movement and release. Where do you feel stuck and resistant? Where do you feel this in your body? What emotions are arriving? Do you feel flat and frozen? Keep it moving. Tapping on your heart center and voicing your feelings can be a useful resource today. As evening arrives, Moon moves to Anuradha nakshatra. Details and Saturn's contraction can increase pain, struggle and grief. It can also increase numbing, resistance and a sense of being emotionally frozen. Where are you numbing or contracting? Soothe and support the physical body in order for thawing and releasing within. Use self care diligently. Monday, March 28th Moon in 6th tithi Moon continues to transit its debilitation sign, Scorpio, while moving through Anuradha nakshatra. Anuradha inspires growth from one's depths, rising from the mud and blossoming into wisdom and beauty- as is symbolized by the lotus flower. This constellation can bring precision and exactness, as well as inspiration and growth. It's mild and tender, extremely sensitive and thoughtful. Let your inner compassion help you soften and release wherever you're gripping too tightly. Ask for support for this release. Anuradha can give help through connection, friendship and outer support- but you must be receptive to receive. How can the physical body be a resource for increased receptivity? Attend to your sensitivity with diligence today. The emotional body will be in need of extra support, tenderness and compassion. Lean in and listen. As Moon and Mars are in exact conjunction today, releasing anger will be essential. This is a potent resource for increased momentum. Use it wisely. Jyotish for Transformation and Healing is Starting in April! Are you on the class list? Sign Up
Ready to start 2016 off with clarity and purpose? I am now booking April sessions. Let's connect! The Thing Is The thing is.. to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it and everything you've held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hand, your throat filled with the silt of it. When grief sits with you, its tropical heat thickening the air, heavy as water more fit for gills than lungs; when grief weights you like your own flesh only more of it, an obesity of grief, you think, How can a body withstand this? Then you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you I will love you again. ~ Ellen Bass Renewal, awakenings and beginnings arrive with the Vernal equinox on March 19th at 21:00 PDT. The length of light and darkness is almost equal on this day, which marks a turning point. For the northern hemisphere, days will be getting lighter (longer) as we move into spring and summer. This is the beginning of more light, more life. Shakti is stirring, inviting in more creativity in the coming days and months. This sense of opening moves us towards completion as the eclipse portal closes. Fertility and creativity are enlivened with this full Moon, as it coincides with the Vedic Holi festival, also known as "the festival of colors". Holika Dahan (the night before Holi when the fires are lit) is on the 22nd this year, followed by the Holi on the 23rd. This celebration in the Vedic calendar which roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, sparks creative potential, increased love, beauty and creativity. It takes place with the Phalguni Purnima as the Phalguni stars are ripe with sensuality, love, beauty and abundant resources. No matter the hemisphere you are in, both spring and fall are considered "sandhi" times of year- or in between seasons. These are sacred times, when the veil is thin, sensitivity is heightened. In Ayurveda, we attend to necessary physical rituals that help the body cleanse and purify. Holi comes at this sacred junction and is a time to "plant seeds" so to speak. It is a celebration of fertility, abundance and the awakening of Shakti within Nature. It is the marking of the gap, which is ripe with potential and possibility. The full enlivening of Ma is celebrated during Vasant Navaratri- the nine days of Mother Divine, beginning on the 7th of April this year. Consider Holi the "kick off" celebration in many ways- a time to plant your desires and create your fruits for the coming year. Let this Full Moon enliven a sense of spring and possibility. Use this week's Creative Engagement activity (below) for your cultivation process. The full Moon is March 23rd at 05:00 PDT while Moon is in Virgo and Uttaraphalguni. This full Moon coincides with a penumbral lunar eclipse, closing the two week eclipse portal that has been invoking challenging shadow work for many. The eclipse begins at 02:39 PDT, with the maximum eclipse being at 04:47 PDT, and ending at 06:54 PDT. This eclipse will be visible through much of Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Traditionally, it is not advised to look at an eclipse directly, or to be outside during the eclipse. Stay indoors, meditate, eat lightly or fast, set intentions and say prayers. Use this time as the sacred, inward time that it is. Being outside during the eclipse leaves you vulnerable to absorbing extra "shadow" which is not ideal. Since eclipses represent and intensify the inner shadow, taking precautionary measures to avoid gathering more shadow, is important. This full Moon marks the closing of the eclipse portal (the two week period between solar and lunar eclipses). It is now a better time to begin new projects, make decisions or start anything important. Full Moon in Uttaraphalguni supports increased creativity and nourishment in the cycle to come, but not without necessary change and transformation. The full Moon chart indicates nourishment through wisdom, the support of the ancestors and spirit for this process. Deepen your connection to your lineage and find ways to invite them into your life. Perhaps it's time to create an ancestor altar? Feed them good meals? Notice their constant messages? Pay attention to how they show up in your life. You must dig deeply, sifting through the rubble of your past, the shadow and illusion, in order to clarify your connection to Source, spirit and your ancestral team of support. There is a strong release process happening right now, intensified by the eclipse portal coming to a close. Your ability to release and create space for the new, the fertile, the life force, will determine how much living you do in the coming months. Right now, darkness and death, are dancing furiously with the light and creating your awakening. This tangled relationship calls for integration, harmonizing and more balance. The illusion of your separateness, your inner pain (and any addiction to this pain), is a result of not allowing your light and dark forces to co-create more consciously. This waning cycle calls for greater balance between your opposing forces. Previously, in the waxing cycle, you began to identify your separate parts. Binaries and polarities came to the surface for you to look at with more clarity. This caused discomfort, pain, struggle and most importantly, conflict. In fact, this is a necessary part of the change and transformation process. Now it's time to use what you've identified, as a resource for creating more integration within. As you continue to identify the challenges and what is not working, I encourage you to contemplate "what do I need moving forward in order for more comfort, support and nourishment?" What is the underlying need with this challenge or conflict? How can you ease the critic and forgive yourself for past choices and decisions as you move forward? As doors continue to close- both consciously and unconsciously- notice your response. Are you moving towards greater nourishment? Allowing in more wholeness? Or resisting the closure, the release and the necessary endings? Potential for increased growth and abundance arriving in this waning cycle, is solely determined by your ability to release. Gather the support you need for this process- on all four levels of your being- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The more help and support you in invite in, the deeper the nourishment you can absorb. Heal the separateness, the illusion of disconnection. Gather resources for deepening your inner connection. Let creativity be your ultimate resource for awakening. Awaken your imaginal as this can spark possibility. Allow desire to move you into action. In the waning cycle to come, Saturn will go retrograde until August, increasing stability and structure as well as grief and sadness. Mercury will move to Aries, starting a new cycle for the mind. Venus will enter its exaltation sign, increasing the flow of love and resources. The new Moon will arrive in Pisces with the beginning of Navaratri. Make space within your being for more connection to the Divine Mothers. Creative Ritual My Creative Rituals are intended to support your transformation and healing process in the cycle to come. Each ritual is in alignment with the cosmic tides- in order to help you adjust, shift and move more fluidly in balance with Nature's rhythms. Recycle this ritual more than once for added benefits. * Similar to exalted planets in that they are "full" and can't be "added to", a Full Moon (or Purnima) means that it is full to capacity, there's no more room for it to expand and grow; it is complete. In this way, we can interpret the Full Moon as a "New Moon" in that it marks the beginning of a new cycle of emptying itself and refilling itself (mirroring our internal process). Beginning a lunar month at the Purnima is called Suklanta and differs from starting the count from the New Moon (Amavasya) which is the point when the Moon is empty and is waiting to be filled by the Sun. Purnima is in the middle of the Lakshmi phase of the Moon cycle whereas Amavasya is the moment during the cycle where Kali and Durga meet. Clearly, the energy is quite different; mirrored in our internal experience as well. These different methods of starting the lunar calendar remind me of the saying "is your glass half empty or half full?!" When do we start our "New Moon" calendar and begin our new lunar month? When we are full and satisfied or when we are empty and needing to be nourished? It is with this question in mind that I came up with this week's Creative Engagement Activity. Read more about the importance of the Moon. Often for a New Moon or a Full Moon, I like to work with the image of a mandala. Mandalas help us to create and express fullness, to fill empty space, to work with what is. Mandalas are a container, filled, with our visions, creativity and desire- much like a metaphor for life. 1) With this idea of "creating within a container" as well as half the image of full/empty, I invite you to draw two large circle shapes on a piece of paper. Cover up one of the circles with a sheet of paper while you create within the other. 2) The theme for this first circle is "being filled". Fill in the first circle with what you desire for the cycle to come. What do you want to be filled with? 3) When you feel complete with the first circle, look at both circles on your paper. One is "full" and one is "empty". What thoughts come to you? What feelings? Then answer these statements under your first circle: I am, I want, I need 4) Then begin working on the second circle. The theme for this circle is "being emptied". What are you releasing and letting go of as you move into the cycle to come? 5) When you feel complete, write a few notes down about what you notice as you look at the entire piece. What thoughts come to you? What feelings? Then answer these statements under your first circle: I am, I want, I need 6) Finally, harvest your thoughts on this process. Circle ten words that leap out at you from the writing you've done. Form these words into a three to five line poem. (Adding extra words is ok). Share your poem below! * Extra credit for dancing (embodying) your images and poem at some point this week. Join me for a *free* Creative Ritual class on Sunday, March 20th in honor of the full Moon, eclipse portal and Holi celebrations. Gather resources to increase your creative potential! Join the List Ready to start 2016 off with clarity and purpose? I am now booking April sessions. Let's connect! |
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