The last new Moon of the year (and decade) is an interesting way to close this chapter, while opening to the new. On December 25th at 22:14 MT, the new Moon arrives in Mula Nakshatra with six planets transiting Sagittarius. Mercury and Mars change signs the same day, while the annual Solar Eclipse begins simultaneously. Many around the world also celebrate Christmas on the 25th, which creates another interesting dynamic with this very unusual new Moon. Six planets transit Sagittarius around the new Moon- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu. Four of these planets will be moving through the challenging constellation of Mula nakshatra at this time- Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. The same day of the new Moon, Mars enters his own sign, Scorpio, causing some instability for action. Mercury moves to Sagittarius on the 25th as well, leaping right into Mula nakshatra, conjunct five other planets. The mental body will be in a chaos of sorts in the coming days. Not a good time to make big decisions. Watch your money and communication. Sagittarius is a fire sign known for its spiritual inclinations. As the number nine, it naturally reflects the wisdom of the 9th house of dharma. Symbolized by an archer pulling his arrow back, this sign needs to remember to take action, not just prepare. There is a tendency for "over-preparation" with this sign, rather than taking focused, right-action. Notice where you are causing delays, creating obstructions, resisting forward momentum. The support will be here for you to move forward, but you must take the steps to make it happen. This sign wants fairness and justice, as well as truth. The shadow side to this sign is dogma, puritanical beliefs and ideals. The first constellation of Sagittarius is Mula, considered one of three gandantas in the zodiac- a gap between water and fire. Gandantas are notorious for uprooting the psycho-emotional body levels. This particular gandanta, or gap, is connected to the nakshatra, Mula. Ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti, this constellation is often disruptive for the dharmic path. Nirrti in fact is married to adharma, that which goes against dharma, causing calamities, chaos and misfortune on the path that obstructs or delays dharma. Four planets transit Mula nakshatra at the time of the new Moon- Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Expect your tap root to feel unstable at this time. A poignant uprooting is taking place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at this time. Grounding and stability are vital. Are you making choices that move you closer to dharma or further away from it? What are you releasing, removing or uprooting right now? What needs to be cleared and eliminated so that you can move forward in a different way? What needs are surfacing as you sift and sort through the rubble? What are you making space for and how do you want to move forward differently? The annual solar eclipse will intensify the instability surfacing so pay attention to what is emerging from your depths. This opens a two week cycle that will invoke the depth of your shadows. Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. We may get lost in the overwhelm and negativity during this two week cycle, so keep moving toward the light. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you've been overlooking. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. This eclipse portal begins with a solar eclipse on December 25th and lasts for two weeks, ending with a Gemini full Moon on January 10th with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The December 25th solar eclipse begins at 19:29 MT and ends at 01:05 am on the 26th, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 22:17 MT on the 25th. A reminder that this begins a two week cycle that is not good for starting new projects. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused so don't make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Even though this eclipse is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. Use the two week Eclipse cycle for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor you emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. This final new Moon of the year and decade is a dramatic closure, while ushering in a fresh start promising change and uprooting. The old stories you have been carrying with you need to be re-evaluated. Are they accurate and true? Do they really represent who you are and what you want for your life? You have a powerful opportunity with this new Moon eclipse cycle to eradicate the past, clear and remove the parts of yourself that no longer serve you. You must be willing to courageously see your darkness and shadow first. In the coming two weeks be diligent with your clearing and release process. The timing of this new Moon and eclipse at the end of year and decade is remarkable and poignant. Do not underestimate the power of this moment- for your life and your dharmic path. You have a unique opportunity to move forward in a completely different way- if you have the courage and willingness to create something new. Declare your intentions, desires and dreams. Commit to taking the bold action steps required to make this a reality in the coming year and decade. Creative Ritual As you move through this eclipse portal cycle, integrating and digesting the powerful themes of this shadowed time, there will be strong emotional body waves activated. This is a cleansing cycle, a time to release old, undigested grief and harvest rich inner wisdom that has long been covered up by your shadow. Use this Tapping Meditation as a resource for uncovering your emotional body wisdom, so you can find the needs underneath the big feelings. Then follow up with the Creative Ritual below. Attend to the space you've created with consciousness and presence. Step One: Tapping Meditation for Clearing and Release Step Two: Awakening Inner Space ~ Creative Ritual After you complete the Tapping Meditation and move some emotion, notice your internal landscape. What is arriving?! As you continue to cultivate inner presence, I invite you to notice the space within your body. Where do you feel more space in the body? Where does this space arrive within you? How does it feel? This space within is ripe with potential and possibility. It is fragile and vulnerable, but also very powerful. This creative ritual will help you continue to cultivate a relationship with this inner space. 1) Create An Image. Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of the space you are cultivating a relationship with. What does this space feel like within you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 10 to 20 minutes at minimum for this image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your space image. Use the intention of "moving with this feeling of space in the body". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. * If you are in an acute grief phase, you may wish to simply hold a shape in the body, to mirror your space image, rather than move the image. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine, I express. How do you want to attend to this space within? What is your intention moving forward? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? It's Not Too Late!!
My 2020 Jyotish Transit Class is December 29th @ 12pm MT Understand the four major transits coming in 2020 and how they will impact you and your path!! When you purchase my 2020 Moon Wisdom Calendar before the 28th, you will automatically be invited to join us live and receive this class recording! Pre-Purchase Your 2020 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar Now I've been sharing my Sidereal New Moon and Full Moon Wisdom with the unique element of transformational Creative Rituals for nearly a decade now. I've tirelessly offered my transit reports, cosmic wisdom, creative and embodiment resources as a way to support you in aligning with the cycles and rhythms of Nature, while also deepening your own body wisdom. The only way to access my 2020 Moon Wisdom, Creative Rituals, and Horoscopes in entirety will be within my 2020 Calendar. Pre-Purchase Your 2020 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar Now Looking forward to sharing the updated, extended version of my special Moon Wisdom, Horoscopes and Creative Ritual offerings with you in the coming year.
The October new Moon arrives on the 27th at 21:39 MT while Moon is transiting Libra and Swati nakshatra. This new Moon also coincides with the powerful celebration of light, Diwali, in the Vedic calendar. Diwali (or Deepavali) is a very significant five day festival in the Vedic tradition. The most significant day of the Diwali festivities is on the new Moon. Diwali is actually a five day celebration that honors light, Lakshmi, and the divine resources available to us. Lakshmi is the giver of health, vitality, nourishment and wealth. The festival of light spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. Three of the most important days are dedicated to Dhanvantari, Hanuman, and of course the new moon being the most important of all, which is solely dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Read more about Diwali and why this festival of lights is so important. This Libra new Moon is particularly delicate as it mirrors the vulnerability and weakness of the Sun- who is currently debilitated in Libra as well. This is a inward time of year for the Sun. The source of our light is dim and the new Moon highlights this lack of light. When Sun is debilitated, the physical body is more sensitive, but the spiritual body is more awake. Use this time to go inward, pause, rest and rejuvenate. This new Moon is a particularly powerful time for inner growth, deep listening, and self care. New Moon in Swati nakshatra brings a cycle of movement ahead. Change, travel, and wind come with this constellation. Vayu, the wind god, rules this portion of the sky and brings all kinds of movement with him. Subtle and small breezes, as well as powerful gusts, and everything in between, are all within his domain. What is your relationship with the wind right now? Vata may be particularly imbalanced in the coming weeks so be mindful of your prana. Avoid excess movement, travel and pushing to accomplish. Right now, less is more. Silence and rest are the best use of your time and energy. Jupiter is currently at the edge of Scorpio, poised for a major shift in the coming days. On November 4th, he will move into his own sign, Sagittarius, joining Saturn and Ketu here. For the next couple months, he will be transiting through the powerful gandanta of Mula nakshatra, ruled by the dark goddess, nirrti. This gap between water and fire supports immense uprooting, transformation and change on the psycho-emotional body levels. The awakening taking place with Jupiter in the coming months, supports the dharmic path and ushers in a whole new level of insight, wisdom and dharmic support. Right now, our relationship with support, guidance and wisdom is already shifting. Our Guru, Jupiter, is moving to a sign that he loves, which supports more balance and harmony with his natural qualities. It also means that he will not tolerate adharma, impurity, lack of wisdom and guidance on your path. Pay attention to the support and guidance showing up to support your dharmic path and start making this a priority. I'll be sharing more about this transit in an upcoming article. This is how the dark goddess, Nirrti, destroys your dharmic path. Creative Ritual Expanding your container, your capacity to hold and to release, can physically and metaphorically be done through the breath. With new Moon in Swati nakshatra, this is a good time to work closely with the breath, prana and your life force energy. 1. Breath Dance. Begin standing, lying down or sitting. Bring your awareness to your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Filling and letting go, opening and releasing, like waves moving in and out of the body. Track the movements and sensations in the body and let these guide you. The sensations will guide you into the physical body impulses, the messages of the body. As you continue to breathe and become more and more aware of the movements of the ribcase, let these movements exaggerate. These exaggerated movements are the making of your "breath dance". Continue to move from and with the movements of the ribcase as you breath. Explore, expand and develop your breath dance for at least 10 minutes. Let it evolve and as it does, continue to self track, noticing the body parts most alive and awake as you explore your body part sensations present. As you bring your breath dance to a close, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. 2. Create an image of your ribcase. What colors, textures, shapes and images arrive on the page as you draw your ribcase? I encourage you to get your hands involved in this process whether it be through painting directly with your hands, or smudging the craypas with your fingers. Let the hands be sensitized through the process. Get messy. Let the hands and fingers fully engage in this image. (Working with clay may be an alternate medium to work with). Title your image. Take at least 15 minutes for this. 3. Harvesting. When your image is complete, use it to harvest with further inquiry by asking it these questions: Ask your image if it has anything it would like to share with you: If your image could speak, what would it say? I am I want I need What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Are you curious what your Jyotish Chart can tell you about your souls purpose, your dharmic path? If used properly, Vedic Astrology can be one of the most straight forward, insightful tools you will encounter on your path. JOIN OUR NEXT FIVE DAY ONLINE DHARMA GATHERING!! Dharma Basics ~ Using Vedic Astrology REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW * You will be required to book a 15 minute dharma chat with me in order to be included in this event. Space is extremely limited so please register early. The June full Moon occurs on Monday the 17th at 2:30am MT while Moon is transiting Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra, a lunar constellation ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti. Moon joins the sensitive and complicated planets in exact conjunction here as well- Ketu and Saturn. We also have four planets conjunct in Gemini looking directly at Sagittarius, causing an intense emotional dynamic that will make this full Moon feel like a release of immense emotional build up. Mercury, Mars, Rahu and Sun are asking for intensified clarity, courage and creativity right now. Don't drop the ball. This is a powerful full Moon and waning cycle for your dharmic path. Don't miss the messages arriving to support you, nor the opportunity to clear your path. If used properly, this cycle can be of great benefit to your dharma, your life path and purpose. For others, immense calamity and confusion may arrive. Try to stay on path and don't let the goddess of adharma pull you from your inner wisdom. When any planet transits this portion of the sky, they go through a powerful uprooting process. Mula nakshatra is considered one of three gandantas- junction points in the sky that cause immense psycho-emotional body uprooting. This powerful transformation process can clear away blockages and obstacles so the path is clear, or it can create such confusion, calamity and misfortune that the dharmic path becomes unclear, misdirected and completely disconnected. It takes great strength, courage and intention to stay on path with Mula nakshatra. Those born under this star often go through painful life challenges that keep them from fully utilizing their innate gifts. They may struggle with such self doubt as a result of misfortune that they can't clearly see their purpose or offering in this world. The ruling deity of Mula nakshatra is Nirrti. Married to adharma (that which goes against dharma), the dark goddess of calamity, chaos and misfortune, presents unusual challenges on the dharmic path that can lead souls astray. It is therefor vital that when Mula is influencing us we take stock of our actions, choices and behaviors with honesty and truthfulness. Because this constellation is notorious for creating a sense of overwhelm, simplicity and editing our choices is important. Less is more with this constellation. Through simplicity and consistency, a deeper spiritual awareness is possible. Nirrti can clear the path of rubble and debris so that we can focus our attention and intention on what truly matters. However the diligence required takes great skillfulness and strength. Use the waning cycle ahead to clarify your path, purpose and offering. Where are you getting stuck in overwhelm, overdoing and fear? How is this impacting your results and behaviors? It's time to get truly honest about your focus, direction and desires. Are you making progress or spinning your wheels? Are you truly aligning with your highest potential, or settling for less than you deserve? Have you truly done all that you can to make sure your dharma is awakened, or is your self doubt keeping you stuck in painful choices and behaviors? The June full Moon is powerful opportunity to awaken your dharmic path and clarify your life purpose- however it will take your diligence and focused action steps. If you feel yourself getting off path or you realize that you are not aligned with your true purpose, it's time to make some adjustments. Make the necessary changes that puts your dharma first and allow your big dreams to be your top priority. Ask for the help you need and expand your vision. Step up and align with what truly matters to you. Your soul is asking for more. Are you ready to finally listen? Be very conscious in this cycle of what is moving your closer to dharmic alignment and what is moving you further away from it. Sun has now shifted to Gemini, joining Mars, Mercury and Rahu here as well. He transits the air sign of communication and creativity until mid July. This transit illuminates communication- physically and mentally- supporting a deeper understanding of your body and its self expression. Challenges may occur with self expression and creativity as well. Blockages are resistance in disguise so be willing to address your shadows and illusions. Watch for self doubt and uncertainty as Sun collides with Rahu. Break through the old stories, patterns and behaviors that are keeping you stuck, playing small and stuck. It's time to expand your creativity and self expression. Use a multi-modal approach through dance, writing, painting and music. Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) occurs on Friday, June 21st at 09:54 am MDT. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the longest day of the year in terms of daylight. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, it is the shortest day of the year and is known as the Winter Solstice. Solstice comes from the Latin words sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning to come to a stop or stand still. On the day of the June Solstice, the Sun reaches its northernmost position, as seen from the Earth. At that moment, its zenith does not move north or south as during most other days of the year, but it stands still at the Tropic of Cancer. It then reverses its direction and starts moving south again. The opposite happens during the December Solstice. Then, the Sun reaches its southernmost position in the sky - Tropic of Capricorn - stands still, and then reverses its direction towards the north. This is a potent time to take stock of your life, your actions and choices. Think of it like a tipping point. What direction are you moving in? Are you actively moving towards your desires and life purpose? What shifts and changes need to take place in order to align with your inner light, your souls offering in this life time? Creative RitualClarifying Your Dharma. Turning Dreams into Reality. Use this Creative Ritual, to deepen and cultivate more presence with your dharma. Allow your dharmic vision to come alive! 1) Creating Your Dharmic Vision. Get out your drawing pad and craypas. Create an image of your dharma, fully realized and activated. Maybe this feels impossible, but try anyway. If you feel stuck, pick a color and just start running it across your paper. Notice carefully what begins to emerge within you. What colors, images, textures and shapes express your dharma? Let that gentle sensation that arrived from reading your passion list carry you through this activity. Keep returning to the list, adding to it if you need to, and creating an image that expresses the feelings you receive from looking at your passion list. Get into this and let yourself play, fully arriving into the reality of joy and passion. Let this image serve as your reminder, your dharmic map. Hang it up on your wall and let it inspire your action steps. Be sure to title your image. Once your image is complete, let it answer this question: If your image could speak to you, what would it say? Take 20-30 minutes for this unless you feel like extra time would serve you. 2) Activating Your Dharma. The next step requires the physical integration of this joy and passion. Moving it from the imaginal realms, and letting it become a recognized, physical sensation in the body. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Look at your image and let a certain part of your drawing attract your attention. Let a color, shape, or image draw you in. This is your starting point. Begin to move this part of your drawing with your body. Let your body move in response to the image. Develop your dance using the intention of increasing awareness, activation of your desires, and the sensation of joy and passion. This is both an activation of your desires, as well as an exploration of your body's messages and sensations. Invite in the information. Remember, you are activating your dharmic map! Let this be your intention. As your timer rings, hold the shape of your body, as though you are a statue. Let a word or phrase come to you that describes your statue. Declare this! Take at least 20 minutes for your dance. 3) Harvesting and Planting Seeds. Once you have completed your image and your movement exploration, it's time for some harvesting and further activation. Answer these baseline statements in your journal separately: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. Circle one of these baseline statements that speaks to you most loudly. Create an action step for yourself that will help you honor and activate this sensation. How does this aligns with your passion list? If your statement is "I feel joy", then affirm that you will take an action step that creates more joy for yourself, perhaps doing something on your passion list for example. Clearly identify an action step and then make a doable goal with it. Such as "I will work in my garden once a week which makes me feel joyful." Write your goal down on a piece of paper. Now, look at your image, recall your dance exploration, and read your baseline statements once again. How does your action step and goal align with the dharmic vision you have created? Remember you can recycle this process again and again, finding different options for yourself (which I encourage you to do). Keep exploring and taking these action steps. Let your passions be your focus and set an intention for at minimum, once a week (daily is best), working directly with these sensations you've uncovered in this process. Let them motivate you. Remember, these sensations are like seeds. Tend to them gently, honor and nourish them. You are well on your way to creating your dharma. Step by step! Share your harvest with us in the Embodied Dharma Tribe! Clarify Your Dharmic Path
Study your Jyotish Chart for even more dharmic clarity Get the first 20+ pages of my Jyotish Astrology eBook for free! In my Jyotish Astrology Ebook you will discover: - Why Jyotish ( Vedic Astrology) is so special. - What makes Jyotish Astrology different than Western Astrology. - The different types of karma - Identify your rising sign. - Discover the 12 houses and their meanings. And so much more... Access My FREE Jyotish eBook NOW As the Moon becomes dark and empty this month, themes of uprooting, untangling and destruction arrive. Just days before the new Moon, Sun shifts into his month long transit through Sagittarius. The December new Moon brings a collision of Moon, Saturn and Sun- all in Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra. The process of uprooting will be happening on multiple levels- including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Radical release is taking place and will require as much grounding as possible in order to navigate the chaos and change process. Stay close to the body. The new Moon occurs on December 17th just before midnight Mountain time. At 23:31 MT, Moon is completely empty and Sun, Moon and Saturn conjoin in the domain of the dark goddess, Nirrti. The constellation of Mula is synonymous with change and transformation. Uprooting on the psycho-emotional level will take place as Moon, Sun and Saturn shift through this notorious gandanta (gap). Ruling deity of this portion of the sky is Nirrti, who brings calamity, misfortune and chaos in her wake. As a result of these challenges, deep healing, insights and wisdom can occur. But without diligence, the chaos and adharma (that which goes against dharma) can also keep one from finding their way back to the path. This is an extremely fragile cycle. Do not take unnecessary risks in the coming days. This coming cycle destroys and uproots the parts of you that are disempowered. Seek truth, purpose and dharma above all. These are the sources of light that will help shine the light on your path. Seek your light source and tirelessly move closer to your shadow, the parts of you refusing to awaken. Crack open your ego. fearlessly lean into your inner masculine, and look closely at your fear. Why are you resisting your vulnerability, your heart and emotions? This is a time of immense healing, but it requires strength, willingness and courage to make strides. Pull the weeds from your garden. What is choking the life out of you? What is clogging your channels of nourishment and life force? What is keeping you playing small and pretending to be insignificant? Your power is immense. Let the strength and wisdom of your heart lead the way. Unpack the dynamics within your relationships and let them mirror to you what you need the most. Listen to your gut and let it share its wisdom with you. What are your deepest needs for nourishment? Ask the ancestors for support. As you attend to this powerful release process, intentionally create space for the new. What are you making space for in your life? What needs to be healed or released before you can fully receive these needs? Read more: Six Ways to Feed the Ancestors Creative Ritual The gut, or solar plexus, is the seat of power and connects us to the masculine, power and by default the fifth house of the jyotish chart, as well as the sign of Leo. The metaphors for gut have to do with digestion and assimilation as well as elimination. What are you digesting and assimilating? How effectively do you eliminate and release what you no longer need, what is no longer nourishing you? We use this process of digestion in our lives on multiple levels; with our assimilation of environment, our internal/external landscapes, with words, ideas and life's experiences. The gut is connected to intuition, our "gut responses". Stomach problems are associated with "the inability to process and assimilate impressions received from our outer environment. Our ability to eliminate, or how we eliminate, is connected with the abdomen. In Eastern traditions, the belly is considered the center of the body, and the place form which a state of balance emanates. The abdomen acts as a transit area between the upper and lower areas of our body." -The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy by Daria Halprin. 1) Use movements such as "cat and cow" and gentle spinal twists to activate the gut. Notice if your breaths are going all the way to the base of the stomach, or stopping short. Lie on your back and place your hands on your belly. Feel the gentle undulations of its rise and fall with each breath. Gently knead your gut with your fingers. Notice any sore spots or lumps? Move around the navel in a circular pattern. Stop and let your body relax and respond to the touch of your hands on your belly. Move and connect with your stomach for 10-20 min. 2) As you complete your movement exploration, pause and check. What do you notice in your belly? What sensations and feelings arrive? Notice if any images, colors or shapes are present within. If your belly could share a message with you, what would it say? 3) Come to your drawing pad. Draw an image your belly. What feelings and images were invoked during your body part exploration? Let your image express these feelings and sensations. Spend 10-20 minutes on your image. Give your image a title then answer these questions: If your image could speak to you, what would it say? What am I releasing? What am feeding myself with? I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Deepen your connection to the ancestors! In this class you will: - Learn how to connect with your ancestors and what that means. - Ways to feed the ancestors and build a relationship with them (even if you don't feel connected to them at all). - Places in the jyotish chart to understand your ancestral connection. - Important ancestral wisdom to support your healing journey. - Ritual and practices to support your ancestral connection. Please come with a willingness to learn, a desire to build a relationship with your ancestors and Spirit, as well as your jyotish chart! Join the Class List: With all three gandantas open right now and three retrograde planets, it feels like we are traversing the netherworlds! You may be asking yourself: Has anything really changed since last year? It feels like the same old ground. Lots of foggy uncertainty, not sure what is real, or how to move forward. You may be questioning since the Aries new Moon: How can I shift and change the challenges that are re-emerging right now?! What are you noticing?! What is returning?! How does it feel?! Moon is transiting Gemini until Monday, May 1st. This is Mercury's sign and will invite in more mental body returns. What stories and connections are showing up as reminders?! These are places where you might need to do more mental body clean up. All three gandantas are open once again- now that Mercury has retrograded back into Ashwini nakshatra. Gandantas are points in the zodiac between water signs and fire signs (Pisces/Aries, Cancer/Leo, Scorpio/Sagittarius). These points are notorious for causing immense upheaval, as deeply rooted knots within your being get released. Ashwini, Mula and Magha are nakshatras situated in these powerful gaps that trigger immense change processes to take place. These nakshatras are also ruled by Ketu, a non planet notorious for sudden release, forced letting go and remarkable changes. His goal is to support your moksha, liberation, to release you from your attachments. Mercury is currently retrograde moving through Ashwini. This is impacting the mental body. Clean up the mind, restore and harmonize. Rejuvenate and spend time in nature. Meditation and health resources such as Ayurveda will be especially important for this transit. The mind is getting uprooted, retracing old stories, and overheated as it conjuncts with exalted Sun. Mercury goes direct on May 3rd but will continue to transit Ashwini until May 23rd, which keeps the gandanta propped open most of the month. Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra. Mula nakshatra is ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti, responsible for adharmic activity- that which is against dharma. She is notorious for causing chaos, calamity and misfortune, while also pulling you from your dharmic path. There is a risk in this year of losing your path, getting stuck in the storm of uncertainty, confusion and misalignment. If you find yourself lacking clarity about your life purpose, or confusion seems to increase, it's time to seek support and guidance. Resources, guidance and support will be even more important at this time because it will be so easy to fall into the chaos and confusion that Nirrti provokes. With great diligence however, this can also be a time of strengthening your determination, focus and alignment with dharma. Do not lose hope. Do not get lost in Nirrti's perfect storm. Stay connected and aligned with your dreams, desires, goals and passions. These are important resources to help you honor your dharmic path. Rahu is always moving in reverse and is currently in the gandanta situated in Leo and Magha nakshatra. This transit is bringing ancestral karma to the surface, intensifying shadows and woundology that is connected to the masculine and father. Old karmas, lineage karmas, karmas related to the masculine, are asking you to look more closely, clear and release. The spiritual body is impacted by this transit as Magha closely relates to the ancestors. What challenges are you noticing with these planetary themes? Gandantas are door openers. They are portals of the in-between. Neither here nor there. Due to their nature of uprooting, they can cause a sense of ungroundedness and sudden, painful loss. You may be noticing a lack of footing, clarity and purpose. Much uncertainty is arriving right now- mentally, spiritually and physically. You may be feeling uncertainty in the spiritual, mental and physical bodies as a result. Stay as close to your body and its wisdom as you can right now. More inner resourcing is important, and in many ways can be easier to do as a result of the liminality of these gandantas and the current transits moving through them. What are you noticing- spiritually, mentally and physically? I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Video #1: Who is The Dark Goddess?! Why the Dark Goddess, Nirrti, is so enlivened right now and how to tell if she's impacting your life. Video #2: What to Expect From the Dark Goddess. As Saturn moves through the domain of the Dark Goddess, you can expect these radical changes. Here's what to expect in the months ahead. Video #3: Saturn, Chaos, Structure and the Missing Link Identify and honor the chaos arriving in your life, by using the wisdom of your body. Video #4: Disconnection, Trauma and Adharma Understanding the ancestral link between trauma and adharma, and how this impacts your dharmic path. Video #5: Adharma and Your Mental Body Identify how the mental body can keep you from your dharmic path. Video #6: The Six Signs of Adharma Are you stuck in one of these six signs of Adharma? Video #7: This is Keeping You From Your Dharma How to tell if you are sabotaging your Dharmic Path. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Saturn shifting to Sagittarius and the constellation, Mula, for the majority of 2017, brings dharmic themes to the surface. Many will hone and align with their highest purpose, others will lose complete sight of their dreams and desires, succumbing to the chaos of this cycle. Those who choose dharma consciously, will be required to face challenges and obstacles head on, in order to continue to align and clarify their path. Read more about Saturn in Sagittarius Dharma is Sanskrit for the path of your soul, your highest purpose. If Dharma is your life path, your soul's true purpose, then Adharma means that which goes against your dharma. What is Adharma? When you lose your path, your joy, passion and what lights you up. When you do not fully align with your soul's purpose, or when you fall off the path, this is considered adharma. Anything that causes you to lose sight of your destiny, dreams, goals or visions, can also be considered adharma. The impact of Adharma can be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 6 Signs of Adharma 1) Chaos, confusion, and uncertainty about your purpose and dharmic path. Especially note if this dharmic confusion is systemic in your family and lineage. 2) Thought patterns that keep you stuck, misaligned, resistant or avoidant. Often rooted in the story of "I can't do it because..." 3) Behaviors and choices that sabotage alignment with your soul's purpose. Toxic mental, emotional, physical or spiritual patterns that shadow your inner wisdom and truth. 4) Spiritual by-passing and avoidance of challenges, hardships, struggle and pain. Watch for stories like: "It wasn't meant to be" or "everything happens for a reason." These are often rooted in avoidant behavior. 5) Getting stuck in repeated cycles of loss, failure, challenge and hardship- without clear transformation or change. 6) Lack of joy, pleasure, passion and enthusiasm for what you do and how you offer it to the world. These six signs are key reminders that you are stuck in adharmic patterns, cycles and behaviors. Many of these adharmic tendencies are ancestral and given to you by your lineage. This is actually part of your path- to unravel the legacy of adharmic actions, choices and behaviors. If you can say yes to any of these signs of Adharma, it's time to be realistic about your path! You will need new resources, consistent support and greater clarity to create change and transformation on a deep, lasting level. It is vital that you learn how to move beyond your "stuckness" and get targeted guidance for your journey- or the adharma will not change. Clarifying and honing your dharmic path can not (and should not) be done alone. It is a process of unfolding that requires consistent support, resources and guidance along the way. I know you are feeling the chaos of Adharma because it is so alive right now in the environment and society! This is why I'm sharing my Dharma Foundations Course with you. This is the last chance to join for 2017! Will this be the year you finally clarify your soul's purpose? Will this be the year you finally say yes to your passion, joy and wisdom? Will this be the year you stop denying your inner truth? Or will you stay powerless and let another year go by where you stay stuck in pain, confusion and uncertainty? Join Dharma Foundations 2017 This is a no fail approach to identifying, clarifying and fully embodying your dharmic path- while up leveling your life and self expression at the same time!!! LAST CHANCE!! Doors close FEB 10th!! Due to an overwhelming response, this class is almost full. Only a few spots left! Don't let Adharma win again this year. Don't let Adharma continue to destroy your destiny. Don't let Adharma rob your soul's purest desire. JOIN NOW Let's walk together! Swati* Did you miss these Dharmic Steps?! Last chance!! Only a few more days to use these *free* resources..... Step #1: Planting Seeds Step #2: Gathering Resources Step #3: Overcoming Your Challenges Step #4: Transform Your Emotional Blockages Step #5: Creating Your Vision Step #6: Making Your Dharma Real When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go? What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support. The Nature of Saturn Saturn is a powerful planet, one that dishes up our karmas to us- but not on a silver platter. He is our greatest suffering and sorrows, but ultimately our enlightenment. He moves slowly and methodically, taking 2.5 years to move through each sign. What Saturn offers us is the depth of our being, our humanness, whether through experiencing the human form, the physical body, or through the reactions of our actions. Life might be easier without him, but it would truly lack depth, lessons learned, and the necessity for consistent effort which is necessary for us to grow and evolve. As per my article, Ripening Slowly with Saturn: "Saturn brings both the blessings and the curses of life- as he gives his wisdom only through the slow ripening of time, effort, suffering, loss and age. It takes time to learn the deepest, hardest and most important wisdom of life. This wisdom has to be worked for and requires effort to receive. Thus, Saturn pays us in enlightenment for the work, effort, steady actions, that we make over a long period of time. If we don't adhere to his rules for wisdom, he will make us suffer the consequences." Saturn is worth studying, working with, not against. Being very familiar with his ways is vital for life and living. This will cause less suffering, less misery, fewer health issues, and less depression and despondency. For on the other side of suffering is great alliance with Nature and her wisdom, as well as the sacred Laws of the Universe. This is one of the gifts that Saturn grants us when we are in alignment with Source. Saturn in Sagittarius Saturn shifts to Sagittarius on January 26th, 2017 at 02:55am MST for his first pass through this sign. He will be in Mula nakshastra the majority of 2017. This is a powerful re-structuring transit. As the planet of grief moves through the star notorious for adharma (that which is against dharma), it is imperative to stay close to resources, support and guidance that will help you stay true to your inner wisdom, your dharma and life path. Sagittarius correlates to the 9th house of your natal chart, which is the house of dharma. The 9th house is considered the most auspicious house of the chart, offering support and resources, more than challenges and struggles. It is also the house associated with teachers, but most importantly, one's guru. These days, most people have many gurus- so how you receive knowledge and who guides and supports you on your path, is also honored by this house. This can include coaches, therapists, healers, teachers of all kinds and anyone who shows up in a support role. The ninth house is spiritual, wisdom oriented and connected to higher education. There is also a correlation to the father, but most often the step father- as the guru was in ancient times. For everyone, understanding their natal 9th house, and how it expresses itself in the chart, will be important right now. As Saturn enlivens the themes of the 9th house during this transit, he will also by default, be activating your natal 9th house themes. This year, Saturn spends the majority of his time in Mula nakshatra- the first constellation situated in Sagittarius. It will be easy and tempting to succumb to fear and anxiety with this transit. It will provoke challenges and discomfort that might make you lose hope, trust or certainty with your inner light, your inner truth. Through facing your fear directly, using it as a resource for deep inner growth and transformation, you can awaken in very spiritual and empowering ways in the coming months. This transit of Saturn in Mula can bring great awakening, but only through your diligence, willingness and consistently showing up for your inner wisdom. This process will take your resolve. You must show up for yourself and others repeatedly in order to harvest the power of this process. What is your highest truth? What intentions are you aligning with right now? What is your heart and soul longing to bring forth into this one precious life? Saturn will stay in Mula nakshatra until June 21st of 2017. Part of this transit includes his retrograde dance back through this chaotic gandanta (gap). Saturn will retrograde on April 5th, 2017. Saturn will then re-enter Scorpio on June 21st for another four months, before re-entering Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra on October 26th, for the remainder of his 2.5 year transit through this fire sign. Saturn stays in Sagittarius until January of 2020. As Saturn shifts into Sagittarius, Rahu in Leo gives his gaze directly to this heavy, challenging planet of hard work and structure. When the energies of Rahu and Saturn come together, storm energy is enlivened, the power of Rudra (the Storm God) is invoked. This offers immense strength, but it must be channeled effectively in order to be utilized properly. With great power, comes great responsibility, Channel this power, force and strength effectively, and you will feel the wind in your sails. Allow this storm energy to control you, and it will induce more struggle, suffering and calamity. Find the calm within the storm and activate grounding, embodiment and core strength. This ongoing lengthy transit will be the most provocative and transformational since Saturn is the slowest moving planet and the grief giver. He impacts the physical body directly and brings ongoing duress because he is so heavy, old and slow. As the planet of grief, this is also an important time to pull out the roots of grief that have been living in your bodies unconsciously. Attending to your grief process and healing old wounds will be especially important in 2017. Everyone will be forced on some level to look directly at their suffering and pain. Hopefully this will bring new awareness. Why is this transit so provocative? Mula nakshatra is ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti, responsible for adharmic activity- that which is against dharma. She is notorious for causing chaos, calamity and misfortune, while also pulling you from your dharmic path. There is a risk in the coming months of losing your path, getting stuck in the storm of uncertainty, confusion and misalignment- losing your path by succumbing to fear, doubt, and challenges. If you find yourself lacking clarity about your life purpose, or confusion seems to increase, it's time to seek support and guidance. Please reach out to me. Resources, guidance and support will be even more important at this time because it will be so easy to fall into the chaos and confusion that Nirrti provokes. With great diligence however, this can also be a time of strengthening your determination, focus and alignment with dharma. Do not lose hope. Do not get lost in Nirrti's perfect storm. Stay connected and aligned with your dreams, desires, goals and passions. These are important resources to help you honor your dharmic path. As challenging as this Saturn transit will be for many, it is also an opportunity to do some very powerful healing work in ways that will support deep, lasting change for the physical body. Saturn has not transited Sagittarius since December of 1987. You might recall what took place for you from the end of 1987 to December 1990, the length of Saturn's transit through Sagittarius. This will give you a good idea of what to expect in the next few years. You can also look at your jyotish chart and notice where Sagittarius is for you specifically. As painful as this process of letting go and uprooting will be in the coming months, it's also an opportunity for great change and transformation. Release and letting go allows new space and possibility to arrive- on all levels of your being. How you work with your pain, grief and challenges will determine your outcome. Remember that there's always a resource hidden in the challenges. The trick is to find them! It will be important to get extra support, resources and guidance in the months to come to help you transform challenges into possibility. Do not lose sight of your visions and dreams, goals and aspirations. Stay close to your body and breath and deepen your inner roots. Use resources to help you expand your creativity and what you think is possible for yourself. Try to keep life as simple and stable as possible. Saturn enters PurvaAshada nakshatra on November 27th 2018 for one year. Saturn enters UttaraAshada nakshatra on December 27th 2019 until he moves to Capricorn on January 23rd 2020. Horoscopes |
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