Dharma Summit Intention: Devotion to Purpose, Path, & Body
Navaratri is one of the most sacred times of year in the Vedic Calendar.
During this nine day and night Vedic Celebration, Nature is undergoing a powerful transformation process. She is awakening and enlivening on all levels of life- including within our own bodies.
This sacred celebration honors the goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati, reminding us to transform, receive, and awaken- on all levels of life.
It is a reminder to align with your dharmic path, your souls purpose, and conquer the darkness within.
Navaratri is one of the most sacred times of year in the Vedic Calendar.
During this nine day and night Vedic Celebration, Nature is undergoing a powerful transformation process. She is awakening and enlivening on all levels of life- including within our own bodies.
As Nature enlivens and transforms, the powerful goddess Durga is said to be battling the Rakshasa (demon), Mahishasura. An epic battle between light and dark forces is climaxing during the sacred celebration of Navaratri.
For nine days and nine nights, Goddess Durga is embodying dharma.
During this sacred ten days, Durga is transforming, changing forms, facing the darkness directly- making sure the Demon does not prevail.
On the tenth day, we celebrate her victory over evil, darkness, and ignorance.
The tenth day is the most potent day and concludes the celebration. This is the day that the Divine Feminine regains her maximum strength and power- ushering in a new cycle.
As this epic battle is taking place, we experience a deep transformational process within our own lives and bodies.
This powerful battle with darkness is taking place within each one of us- reminding us that the Divine Feminine will always win, that light will always overtake the darkness, that dharma must always prevail!
Celebrate with us during this sacred ten days!
Gather resources, tools, wisdom, rituals, and guidance for your dharmic path.
Awaken, transform and enliven your divine soul purpose.
Remember your powerful inner light!
Connect with like hearts and minds at this sacred time.