A powerful Full Moon arrives on the last day of January at 06:26 am MT while Moon transits sidereal Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra, awakening the serpent energy of Sarpa. Coinciding with this full Moon is a total Lunar Eclipse, opening a two week gap that is particularly vulnerable for heart matters. This eclipse portal begins with the full Moon on January 31st and ends with the new Moon and a partial solar eclipse on February 15th. Eclipses are notorious for forcing us to address our shadow parts and inner illusions. Sarpa, the serpent who rules the constellation of Ashlesha, exemplifies this. He is responsible for provoking uncertainty, inner questioning and self doubt, however if we are willing to lean closer to these parts of our personal mythology, we have the chance for great awakening and transformation as well. The intersection between mental and emotional bodies is awakened. We must look at the dynamics between our thoughts and feelings at this time. How do these two bodies influence each other? How do they influence you? Sarpa energy is associated with occult and mystical knowledge, rather than more traditional surface or sattvic wisdom. He supports a deep dive into the transcendental realms, provoking immense transformation and change. The dark side of this energy can get you lost on a path of darkness and deception, following false wisdom and those with poor or harmful intentions. An important reminder for Ashlesha nakshatra is to align with knowledge that comes from ancient sources and sattvic resources. Ashlesha nakshatra encourages awakening, however it is not through traditional means. This constellation supports Kundalini rising and transcendence through unusual means. The dark side of this nakshatra can cause adharma, getting lost on one's path through intoxicants, shadowed knowledge, the dark arts and deception. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. In this cycle, and throughout the Eclipse Portal, align more closely with your heart wisdom and deepen your connection with your emotional body. Pay attention to your shadow work and don't spiritual by-pass. Positivity must be integrated with negativity, light and dark must intersect. Don't push away your shadow, lean closer to it. Your spiritual ego might keep you from seeing the shadow clearly. Move closer to your fears, doubts and uncertainties. Allow your trauma to inform your deepest needs for support and nourishment. Your emotional body has a lot of wisdom to share with you. Without honoring its wisdom, you will miss the crucial resources you need for deeper nourishment. Don't by-pass your grief and big emotions. Use them to support your awakening. What do your emotions tell you about your core needs? During this full Moon, Venus collides with Ketu and combusts Sun. Mercury conjuncts these three planets, causing a certain fragility with the mental, physical and spiritual bodies. The emotional body is impacted by this intensity, however the physical body is particularly vulnerable in the coming cycle. Life force is easily drained and burned up. Guard your health and vitality. Don't push too hard or over work. Slow, steady and gentle steps are best. Take ample pauses and extra rest. There is something important bubbling up from your depths that will support your dharmic path, but you will miss the messages if you are moving too fast. The pressure you are feeling needs to be released. Find ways to lessen the stress and get to the root of your limiting beliefs. Why are you pushing yourself so hard? Unpack your scarcity story. What is the story that keeps you playing small? Relationships are particularly vulnerable in this cycle. Watch out for illusion and deception showing up in your relationships. You may feel unsupported and misaligned with others. You may feel emotionally drained and challenged. Pay attention to these emotions and let them guide you towards a deeper understanding of what you need. What boundaries do you need to clarify? What relationships need to be released and set free? Who and what do you need in your life in order to feel more supported and well resourced? Cut away and release what is not able to hold you and honor your depths. Ask for and gather supportive resources and guidance. Build new relationships and alliances that honor your wholeness, not your separate parts. This full Moon coincides with a full lunar eclipse- the first of 2018. The eclipse begins January 31st at 03:51am MT and will end at 09:08 am MT. The maximum eclipse is at 06:29 am MT. The eclipse is visible in North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North/East Africa, North America, North/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. The coming two week eclipse portal will intensify the shadow and your personal mythology around the emotional body, relationships, dharma, integrity, guidance, support, spiritual knowledge, occult and mystical wisdom, shadow work and transformation. Seek resources and guidance that are trustworthy, traditional and in right-relationship with the shadow. Pay close attention to the needs surfacing at this time. These needs will continue to provoke your actions and choices in the months to come. Be gentle with yourself and honor your emotions, heart and home. Creative RitualThis Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into your creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotions telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? I call myself the Dharma Midwife. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected]
The first New Moon of the year arrives on January 16th at 19:17 MST while Moon is transiting sidereal Capricorn and UttarAshada nakshatra. Just before the new Moon, on Sunday, January 14th, the returning of the Sun arrives. Makar Sankranti in the Vedic Calendar marks the movement of Surya/Sun into Capricorn and the beginning of more light and longer days. Mentioned in the Mahabharata, this solar festival is estimated to be about 5,000 years old. Mark this timing with intention and invite in the return of the light. What are you inviting in and ready to receive?! Hours before the new Moon, Mars shifts into its own sign, Scorpio, until March 7th. Planets in their own signs tend to offer more balance. Expect the warrior planet to ask you to dive deeply into your personal mythology. Look within and peer into your shadows and illusions. Use fear as a resource and let it guide you towards meaning and purpose. Superficiality won't be tolerated in this cycle. Put your muck boots on. Fiery Mars is considered exalted in Capricorn and four planets collide in this earthy sign at the time of the New Moon. Venus and Sun are too close for comfort still, creating a combustion. When fire (Sun) and water (Venus) conjunct, steam is created. How do you direct this passionate energy? Don't get burned out. Watch for depletion of your life force energy and overworking. Rest, silence and least force is vital right now. Venus, Sun, and Moon collide with the Moksha planet, Ketu as well. Ketu always brings restructuring and release which deepens at the time of the new Moon. Watch for sudden changes and transformations. What are you releasing and letting go of? What needs to be burned, cut, restructured or transformed in order to create space for the new? What personal mythology is keeping you stressed, overworked and misaligned? The constellation of UttarAshada is fixed- which gives stable, lasting results that offer great benefits. Vishvadeva rules this portion of the sky and provides integrity and alignment with ones highest purpose. Adharma (that which goes against dharma) is not tolerated. Integrity is key with this constellation. The all-gods who rule this domain remind us of virtue, goodness, truth, determination, talent, time, enjoyment, firmness, sight, fame and leadership. These are non-negotiable attributes of one's dharmic path. Where are you aligned with your purpose? Where are you misaligned? Use this waxing cycle to make radical improvements within your life path. This is a time of great healing and transformation. Seek balance, integration and strength. Clarify your needs and what is missing on your path. What resources and support do you need for greater ease and alignment? Where are you making life harder than it needs to be? Open you heart by leaning into your darkness and shadow. Not sure what this looks like for you? Notice where you are resisting or sabotaging your success, your needs and your nourishment. Attend to your gut, digestion and power. Watch for conflicts and misunderstandings. Seek peaceful solutions, without avoidance. Use your fire carefully. Creative Ritual PART #1 1) If I could do anything I wanted without the fear of failure what would it be? 2) What is stopping me right now from taking the first step? 3) How can I overcome what is stopping me? PART #2 Where do you want to be six months from now?! Step 1: Write down your vision. Journal it into your full awareness. Step 2: Create your vision. Draw, paint or collage your vision into form. Give it a title. Step 3: Harvest your vision. If your image could speak to you, what would it say?! Step 4: Make your vision a reality. What steps need to take place for your vision to become a reality six months from now?! What action step can you take today?! I call myself the Dharma Midwife. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] FREE NEW MOON CLASS Gather resources for your healing path. Join me for a special free New Moon class- for healers and healing. Dive into your jyotish chart and clarify what you need in order to heal, transform and grow. Bring your jyotish chart and come with your questions. - AM I AN HSP? Identify the markers of being highly sensitive and why this is crucial to understand your life path and purpose. - WHAT IS MY DHARMA? Deepen your understanding of Dharma and what your purpose is in this life time. - HOW CAN I HEAL MY TRAUMA? Understand where trauma lives in your body and how the jyotish chart can tell you with detailed accuracy. - WHERE AM I DISCONNECTED? Discover where you are disconnected and exactly how to reconnect in order to fully heal. - AM I HEALER? Learn how to tell if you are a healer and what type of healer you are! Class ReplayI am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Book Your Session: Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] |
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