The March Full Moon occurs on the 20th at 19:42 MDT while Moon transits Uttaraphalguni and sidereal Virgo. This Full Moon coincides with the Vedic fertility festival of Holi, enlivening vitality, life force energy and creativity. Uttaraphalguni is a constellation that correlates to the ancestors. It gives powerful, creative life force energy and resources that support and sustain lineage. Aryaman rules this portion of the sky, offering resources like love, marriage, family, children, and that which perpetuates the ancestral line. Life force energy is enlivened here, which brings to life ones desires and helps them arrive into manifest form. What seeds are you planting right now? Rahu and Ketu have now changed signs for the next 1.5 years, causing massive shifts in our karma. The Vedic celebration of Holi, often roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring (for the Northern Hemisphere and fall for the Southern Hemisphere). The Equinox arrives on March 20th this year with Holi the next day. Holi is a Vedic fertility celebration which sparks immense creative life force energy. Potential, possibility and creative power are enlivening. Step into your Divine Feminine power! Ask your ancestors to guide you with the process of creating and manifesting your desires. "On the equinox, night and day are nearly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it's called an “equinox”, derived from Latin, meaning “equal night.” However, in reality, equinoxes don't have exactly 12 hours of daylight. Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about 23.4° in relation to the ecliptic plane, the imaginary plane created by the Earth's path around the Sun. On any other day of the year, either the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere tilts a little towards the Sun. But on the two equinoxes, the tilt of the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the Sun's rays." - Time and Date No matter the hemisphere you are in, both spring and fall are considered "sandhi" times of year- or in between seasons. These are sacred times, when the veil is thin and sensitivity is heightened. From an Ayurvedic perspective, we attend to necessary physical rituals that help the body cleanse and purify. Holi comes at this sacred junction and is a time to "plant seeds" so to speak. It is a celebration of fertility, abundance and the awakening of Shakti within Nature. The full enlivening of the Divine Feminine, is celebrated during Vasant Navaratri- the nine days of Mother Divine- which begins on April 4th this year. Consider Holi the "kick off" celebration. Use this time to plant your seeds of desire. Honor the sense of spring and possibility, hope and awakening. Deep transformation and turmoil are taking place with this full Moon and in the cycle to come. This waning cycle offers more focus and precision. A new clarity is emerging, but you must create it. Pull up the weeds crowding your vision and uproot the parts of yourself that are holding you back from greater empowerment. You may have confusion about your power and purpose, but use this time to create a clear path and remove the rubble. Let go of the parts of yourself that hinder you from stepping into your power more fully. Dream big! Allow yourself to expand what you think is possible for yourself. Where are you limiting yourself? What stories have you been telling yourself that keep you stuck and playing small? What is holding you back from full manifestation of your goals, dreams and desires? The mental body stories stuck on repeat in your unconscious mind, must be brought to the light, released and transformed- in order for you to step into a more powerful future. Cut, clear and delete the stories that are keeping you from powerful action steps. Gains come when you radically release the addiction to scarcity consciousness and lack. You deserve more nourishment. Clear away the parts of yourself that don't yet feel deserving or capable of greater power. How long has this painful story been on repeat? How long will you keep playing it? Use the cycle ahead to get radical, clear, focused and determined. Confront your goals head on. What is in your way of accomplishment and greater power? Uproot the old weeds in your mind and plant new seeds of life and nourishment. Get creative! Expand the possibilities you see for yourself- but keep it simple. There is something within you that needs to be healed and released so you are free to move forward. Pay attention to your heart wisdom for insights. Creative Ritual My Creative Rituals are intended to support your transformation and healing process in the cycle to come. Each ritual is in alignment with the cosmic tides- in order to help you adjust, shift and move more fluidly in balance with Nature's rhythms. Recycle this ritual more than once for added benefits. Similar to exalted planets in that they are "full" and can't be "added to", a Full Moon (or Purnima) means that it is full to capacity, there is no more room for it to expand and grow; it is complete. In this way, we can interpret the Full Moon as a "New Moon" in that it marks the beginning of a new cycle of emptying itself and refilling itself (mirroring our internal process). Beginning a lunar month at the Purnima is called Suklanta and differs from starting the count from the New Moon (Amavasya) which is the point when the Moon is empty and is waiting to be filled by the Sun. Purnima is in the middle of the Lakshmi phase of the Moon cycle whereas Amavasya is the moment during the cycle where Kali and Durga meet. Clearly, the energy is quite different; mirrored in our internal experience as well. These different methods of starting the lunar calendar remind me of the saying "is your glass half empty or half full?!" When do we start our "New Moon" calendar and begin our new lunar month? When we are full and satisfied or when we are empty and needing to be nourished? It is with this question in mind that I came up with this week's Creative Engagement Activity. Read more about the importance of the Moon. Often for a New Moon or a Full Moon, I like to work with the image of a mandala. Mandalas help us to create and express fullness, to fill empty space, to work with what is. Mandalas are a container, filled, with our visions, creativity and desire- much like a metaphor for life. 1) With this idea of "creating within a container" as well as half the image of full/empty, I invite you to draw two large circle shapes on a piece of paper. Cover up one of the circles with a sheet of paper while you create within the other. 2) The theme for this first circle is "being filled". Fill in the first circle with what you desire for the cycle to come. What do you want to be filled with? 3) When you feel complete with the first circle, look at both circles on your paper. One is "full" and one is "empty". What thoughts come to you? What feelings? Then answer these statements under your first circle: I am, I want, I need 4) Next, begin working on the second circle. The theme for this circle is "being emptied". What are you releasing and letting go of as you move into the cycle to come? 5) When you feel complete, write a few notes down. What do you notice as you look at the entire piece? What thoughts come to you? What feelings? Then answer these statements under your first circle: I am, I want, I need 6) Finally, harvest your thoughts on this process. Circle ten words that leap out at you from the writing you've done. Form these words into a three to five line poem. (Adding extra words is ok). Share your poem below! * Extra credit for dancing (embodying) your images and poem at some point this week. Ask for the help you need- in order to truly transform your life!
I help sensitive, gifted women deepen their self trust and awaken their dharmic wisdom, so they can shine brightly in this world. Together, I believe we can transform this planet. Every week I offer two free dharma coaching sessions to women who are ready to strengthen their path and become the leaders of their life. Is this you? Email me to book your session: [email protected]
Shivaratri arrives this year on March 4th just before the new Moon (Amavasya) on March 6th. This is a time of deep silence and strong potential. It is the marriage celebration of Shiva and Shakti, a symbolic union of wholeness- when the absolute unmanifest, conjoins with the pulse of life force energy. Masculine and feminine merge and create life- and the ability to manifest becomes amplified. From this place of union, we can ignite the power of being, the power of life. Transformations abound right now- inner and outer. Are you paying attention to polarities in your life? What dualities are you aware of and what is needed for their integration? This is a powerful time for meditation and reciting the Mrityunjaya Mantra: oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam ǀurvārukam-iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt ǁ Shivaratri supports planting seeds of potential through the depth of silence. Shiva as destroyer, is at one with this awakened state of creativity. His role is to support your collapse into concentrated, focused alignment with the harmony of existence- that which is pure consciousness, deep, unaltered silence and awakening. This is where your creativity resides, your ability to manifest, create and transform- over and over again. Through the transcendence, you can easily touch this silence in its pure form. Shiva reminds us to use this silence to release, simplify and transform. From a silent and awakened state, you can plant the seeds of life more intentionally and powerfully. Use your deep inner silence for stirring your creative desires. Next, the fertility festival of Holi, will activate your silent seeds, helping them become more fully awakened with the creative wisdom of Nature. What are you creating for your powerful life? What is your vision? Let your imagination move you into being. Create life! The March new Moon takes place at 09:04 am MT while transiting Aquarius and Purvabhadra nakshatra. This is the realm of the sky ruled by Ajaikapada, a form of Shiva standing on one foot. There is a strong need for balance and integration of opposing forces in this domain. Two realms are represented- both material and spiritual. The power of Rudra and the creative strength of Vishvakarma express themselves in this nakshatra. Restraint and tapas are necessary, while simultaneously great material wealth is possible. This constellations offers a foot in both worlds and those born with this constellation often have success with both the spiritual and material realms. Balancing the impossible is in fact possible under this constellation, though great strength is required. The symbol of this nakshatra is a burning funeral cot. Endings and release are taking place. Purification and death support deeper understandings of life and bring greater awareness to the wholeness of existence. In this waxing cycle, your strength will be required in order to balance opposing forces, integrate polarities, and harmonize inner conflicts. Dark and light require your equal attention. Are you holding both- shadow and light- equally? Material progress is possible in the days ahead, but attend to spiritual matters for deeper purpose. Burn away the excess and simplify all areas of your life. It's time to purify and release what has been feeling heavy and burdensome. It takes much less energy to be in right relationship with all parts of ourselves- rather than resist and avoid. Hold both your darkness and your light, honor all of your being. This is why your shadow is so important. As we enter this new lunar cycle, multiple changes are taking place in the cosmos. Mercury is debilitated in Pisces and goes retrograde on the 5th. Rahu and Ketu change signs for the next 1.5 years on March 7th, causing upheaval, change and new levels of resistance. The relationship with our karma is shifting and will bring vastly different results in the months ahead. Jupiter is at the edge of Scorpio right now, preparing for his unusual dance into Sagittarius before he retrogrades until this fall. Listen to my FB Live Class for more about the life changing transit of Rahu and Ketu. We are straddling the edge of major change and life may feel uncertain, vulnerable and tumultuous in the days ahead. Keep life as simple as possible and prune away any excess. Clean your life up and stop over-doing, over-giving, and over-being. Challenges will surface where we are being unconscious. Less is more. Creative Ritual Use this Creative Ritual for supporting integrating and harmonizing your polarities: 1) Identify the polarities at play within you and your life. Make two distinct lists. What are the challenges that you face right now? What is not working right now in your life? What are the resources in your life right now? What is working well for you right now? Name each category and see if you can identify the theme of each polarity that is arriving. 2) Create two images. One image is your challenge image. The other image is your resource image. Spend 10-20 minutes creating each image. Use craypas, paints, pens, collage or any medium that speaks to you. Title each image separately. Then ask each image to give you their message. If this image could speak, what would it say to you? 3) Harvest from each image. Answer these questions for each image separately. I am, I want, I need I sense, I feel, I Imagine, I express What have you harvested from this process? What does each part of you say? What does each part of you need? Deepen this process by using my Tapping Meditation for integrating polarities I help sensitive women become the leaders of their lives.
I am on a mission to help sensitive souls (like you) clarify your inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with your powerful purpose and innate leadership skills. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two free Dharma Coaching sessions to sensitive, gifted women who are ready for life change. Is this you? Email me to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius: Spiritual Awakening and Creative Awareness + Horoscopes3/4/2019 On March 7th 2019, our karmas shift. Rahu moves to creative, airy Gemini and Ketu shifts to Sagittarius, joining Saturn in this spiritual, fire sign. This 1.5 year transit will last until September 23rd, 2020. During this transit, both planets will move through mulitrikona degrees, then into exaltation, creating even more intensified results with our shadows. Why We Need the Shadow. Read more about the powerful impact of Rahu and Ketu. Ketu in Sagittarius: The combination of Ketu and Saturn in Sagittarius will make for a bumpy ride during 2019- as old grief is cleared, dismembered and released. Sagittarius is a highly spiritual fire sign. It aims high, but rarely hits the target because of hesitation to pick a direction. When focused and determined, Sagittarius creates pure, spiritual desire that can lead to alignment with dharma, inner growth and right action. A new sense of space and awareness is being created within you and your life during this transit- unlike anything you've experienced before. In the months ahead, it's important to ask yourself: What am I making space for? How do I want to use this space? How can I simplify my life even more? What past trauma needs my attention? Saturn is the planet of grief. He is heavy, slow and old. He will show you where undigested grief is living within your life and body. This old, cold and heavy planet represents established, traditional structures, as well as progress that comes through slow and steady steps. His transits take 2.5 years in length, the longest of all the planets. Read more about Saturn's transit through Sagittarius. Ketu is a planet that changes in the blink of an eye, like a flash of lightening. The contradictory nature of Saturn and Ketu will cause challenges with speed, focus, and outcomes, while creating sudden, lasting impact. Perhaps the positive experience with these two planets is that both can offer very spiritual awareness and support awakenings in various forms. Trauma, sudden loss and terror come with Ketu. The coming transit may force us to revisit past traumas or losses. Use this time to stay as close to the body as possible and keep life simple and slow. Gather resources, support and guidance to help heal and re-pattern old traumas. Saturn's enlightenment comes through years of consistent action and putting in a great deal of effort. He polishes the lump of coal through constant heat and pressure, eventually revealing the diamond. Ketu, however, serves his Moksha suddenly- through flashes of insight, shocking revelations, and instant shifts in awareness. He can bring trauma and sudden loss with him as he sheds layers of illusion. Though the intention of both planets is transformation and awakening, they go about it in totally different ways. When their differences collide, it may be challenging to stay grounded and connected to the body. The house that Sagittarius occupies in your jyotish chart will show the area of your life that will be impacted by this incompatible relationship. What themes are present? Ketu in UttaraAshada: March 7th to May 9th, 2019 Ketu transits UttaraAshada Nakshatra until May 9th, 2019. Use this time to sever, clear, and release past habits, behaviors and identities. The harder you cling, the more struggle you will experience. Less is more. Let go and hand whatever you can over to Spirit. Honor and acknowledge traumas and triggers surfacing. Your ego identity going through a massive upgrade. The more you can accept and release, the easier this process will be. Align with integrity and right action as much as possible. Don't lose sight of your goals and direction. Ketu in PurvaAshada: May 9th, 2019 to January 15th, 2020 Once Ketu arrives in the 2nd constellation of Sagittarius, he moves into exact conjunction with Saturn. This triggers a powerful release process that will result in sudden changes. The tight Saturn/Ketu conjunction will force release of old, outworn patterns and behaviors. Relationships will change and shift in unpredictable ways. Your physical body will require your attention right now. Notice the urge to force and push for results. Where can you slow down and let go even more? You are in a powerful purification process. Support the clearing taking place physically and spiritually. Don't get lazy. Ketu in Mula Nakshatra: January 15th, 2020 to September 23rd, 2020 As Ketu moves to Mula nakshatra, the entire world will feel a deep uprooting taking place. It's important to understand that everyone on the planet will simultaneously be experiencing the instability of this transit. None of us will come out of this cycle the same person. Mula is considered a gandanta, notorious for pulling up the weeds within the psycho-emotional body levels of our being. The dark goddess, Nirrti, rules this constellation- often causing havoc, chaos and choices that lead to adharma. This is a time period that will provide immense, radical clearing in very unpredictable ways. The planet as a whole may feel very unstable as a result. The best use of your energy is to stay close to your dharmic path and do not get derailed. Slow down even more. Don't take unnecessary risks and focus on staying close to the body. Gather even more support than you think you need. You will need it. Read more about the impact of the dark goddess and Mula nakshatra. Rahu in Gemini Rahu in Gemini will create forceful shifts and strong, unpredictable movement. This transit also brings stormy energy and powerful currents, making sweeping, sudden changes. As the shadow of desire, Rahu intensifies whatever he comes into contact with. Desires may become irrational and inflated, as well as overly materialistic. However, this is also an important creative transit that can lead to new ideas, innovations, and immense worldly success. Creativity and the imagination will be wild and untamed. Imagination can be used as a powerful boon or a dangerous dragon of illusion. The mind will need you to keep it tame. Remember that the mental body is the imaginal. Don't believe everything you think. The wild imagination emerging can be put to good use if you are an artist, musician, writer, dancer or entrepreneur. Money, commerce and communications may expand and grow quickly, but will likely experience loss and change just as suddenly. Nothing about Rahu is predictable- so never expect his results to last or endure. Do not put all your eggs in one basket and don't count your chickens before they hatch. If he gives you gains, change this into a new form so that you are able to keep it. Don't let your greed get in the way of common sense and rational behavior. Mind the mind in this cycle. Take time for meditation, pranayama, and yoga. Spend extra time in Nature, walk barefoot and hug trees. Stay grounded and commune with Spirit. Eat more greens, clean up your diet and routine. Get creative and try new things. This is a great cycle to learn a new creative skill or upgrade your passions and talents. Focus on upgrading your communication skills and be sure you are speaking clearly. Put everything in writing and don't make assumptions. Intuition may be stronger than normal, but not everyone can read your mind. Gemini brings the arrival of the third, transformation and transcendent. From the churning and storms, the amrita arrives. Through the creative process, awareness and understanding emerges. The symbol of Gemini, from a Jaimini perspective, is the two lovers. Their union creates a third energy, a powerful expression of love. Rahu may inflate the desire to create, procreate, and fall in love. Don't rush, slow down, and don't get lost in just the idea of love. Make sure there's actually something solid behind the vision. Something new is being created right now and it may not happen exactly how you think it should. Trust the process of what is being created. This will require your deep surrender. Look at your jyotish chart and notice where Gemini lives. The house that Gemini occupies will show you the themes activated through this transit. What do you notice? Rahu in Punarvasu: March 7th, 2019 to September 11th, 2019 This is an important time to seek more guidance and support, but you will also be asked to look at your own shadows and illusions even closer. Are you willing to dig deeper? Don't fall for false gurus or materialistic approaches to spirituality. Upgrade your creative resources and try something new. Take a new class, gather new wisdom, and expand what you believe is possible for yourself. Find the wholeness, and be open to receive more nourishment from all sources. Ask for what you need and open up to the abundance of life. Clear the blockages keeping you from receiving- especially on the mental body level. Rahu in Ardra: September 11th, 2019 to May 20th, 2020 When Rahu moves to Ardra nakshatra, storm god, Rudra, takes center stage. His powerful energy increases exponentially with the magnification of Rahu. Big waves are likely- physically, materially and within Nature. Sudden, unpredictable surges of power will occur. Be very mindful how you use this big energy or the storms will swallow you up. This is a time period to be very diligent with staying grounded. Stay on top of the mind and don't let the imaginal realms pull you off path. Strengthen your roots so the storms don't destabilize you. Emotions will be strong, overpowering and challenging at times. Are you in right relationship with your emotional body waves, or are you getting lost in the depths of the ocean? Be careful with yourself and others. Challenging people may surface just to test your strength. Diligence with your shadow work is non-negotiable right now. Take responsibility for your own triggers and feelings. Gather even more resources and support to help you navigate the choppy waters. Rahu in Mrigashirsha: May 20th, 2020 to September 23rd, 2020 As this powerful transit of the shadows comes to a close, Rahu moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra. This is a constellation of Soma, the immortal nectar of life. It has an important lunar quality that brings pure nourishment, growth and branching out in new directions. The shadow side of this portion of the sky is erratic behaviors and choices, as well as excess movement. It can be highly ungrounded and lose too much life force energy from over-activity. At the same time, Ketu will be in Mula nakshatra- another highly ungrounded portion of the sky. Changes will be taking place at immense speed during the final months of this transit. Simplifying life on every level may be the only way to stay sane. Rahu in Mrigashirsha could amplify desires for growth and expansion- both positively and negatively. Tame the beast of cravings and get back to the basics. Some movement is good, but get honest about how you are using your energy. Plug the leaks and notice where you are frittering away your life force energy. Take a good look at over-indulgance and clean up your diet and routine. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Take risks with immense caution. Horoscopes for Your Shadow Work ~ |
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