“Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others.” — Pema Chödron The last new Moon of the year occurs while Moon is debilitated in Scorpio and Jyestha nakshatra with a Solar Eclipse. On December 14th at 09:17 am MT, five planets are transiting Scorpio, including the Moon. Venus, Sun, Mercury, Ketu and Moon navigate the sign of shadow and death at this time. This new Moon is ripe with solace and transformational depth. The northern hemisphere is in the shadowy darkness right now, moving towards the darkest day of the year on the 21st. Be mindful that this new Moon could bring the emptiness and death of winter to the surface. Jyestha is the king of the devas, or sattvic god qualities within you. His weapon is a thunderbolt and he rules over all weather that involves water and rain. Essentially, Indra is prana, life force energy. To control your prana, is to control your life. This also supports sensory control and becoming your own master of body, emotions, and mind. Indra can give you the power to control your body, your life, your life force. He wants you to have control over your self and your life and he can go about that in harsh ways. Indra and this portion of the sky supports thorough investigation through knowledge and wisdom. He does things fully and with passion. There is no half way with him. Dive in completely or don’t bother at all. He does everything with devotion and selfless service. Offer your efforts to the highest good, to dharma. Is your path serving you? Are you fulfilled? What needs to change, shift, transform in order for you to feel the nourishment? Where are you skimming the surface when you should be exploring the depths? Are you being excessive, rather than precise? What steps can you take towards mastery and authenticity? Listen to My 2021 Transit Podcast + Pre-Purchase Your 2021 Moon Wisdom Calendar This new Moon brings the close of an intense two week eclipse portal. Solar eclipses tend to intensify our relationship with power, the masculine, authorities, and purpose. Confront undigested emotions, fear, resistance and inner conflict directly. Likely your personal mythology will be intensifying at this time so you can clean up any shadows that are keeping you in the dark. Pay attention to what is emerging from your depths. This solar eclipse closes a two week cycle of intense shadow work. Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for right now. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you've been overlooking. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. This eclipse portal closes with a total solar eclipse on December 14th. The solar eclipse begins at 06:33 am MT and ends at 11:53 am MT, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 09:13 am MT A reminder that this closes a two week cycle that has not been good for starting new projects, new endeavors, or relationships. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may have been less clear and focused the past few weeks. Let the shadows clear over the coming days before making big decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Although this eclipse is not visible from the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse- or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. This is a powerful time to honor your emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. Solstice Solstice arrives on the 21st at 03:02 am MT bringing the shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere, and longest day of the year for the Southern Hemisphere. On this day, the Sun appears to stand still. This is the still point. Silence, pause, reflection is felt around the globe. Use this time for contemplation, meditation and quiet introspection. What are you turning towards? What are you turning away from? Listen to My 2021 Transit Podcast + Pre-Purchase Your 2021 Moon Wisdom Calendar Creative Ritual New Moon Mandala The new Moon and the closing of a year is upon you. As you empty your cup and let go of the last cycles, you are given the opportunity for creating something new and cultivating renewal. Mandalas are my preferred activity for both new Moon and full Moon as they symbolize wholeness, a sacred container, and unlimited creative potential. 1) Come to your drawing pad and draw a circle. Use craypas, paints, pens, collage or any medium that speaks to you. On the outside of the circle write down the pieces of life you are discarding, that aren't working, that need to be let go of. These are the pieces of your self and your life that aren't bringing you harmony and joy and you no longer want to carry with you. 2) Fill the inside of your Circle. The inside of your circle is where you are free to create what you are moving towards. What fulfills you? What do you need right now? What are you making space for in your life? What are you creating and manifesting in your life and on your path? 3) Harvesting. Title your mandala and let it speak to you. What message does it have for you? Let your mandala answer the questions below. Harvesting Questions: I am, I want, I need What am I filling my Self with? What am I emptying my Self of? What am I letting flow towards me? What am I moving away from? What am I making space for in my life? What am I no longer willing to take with me on my journey? Share Your Harvest in the Embodied Dharma FB Group What are you creating for your body and your life in 2021? Use my Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar to support your embodied Dharmic Path in the year ahead. Pre-purchase your 2021 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar at 25% OFF
The last new Moon of the year (and decade) is an interesting way to close this chapter, while opening to the new. On December 25th at 22:14 MT, the new Moon arrives in Mula Nakshatra with six planets transiting Sagittarius. Mercury and Mars change signs the same day, while the annual Solar Eclipse begins simultaneously. Many around the world also celebrate Christmas on the 25th, which creates another interesting dynamic with this very unusual new Moon. Six planets transit Sagittarius around the new Moon- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu. Four of these planets will be moving through the challenging constellation of Mula nakshatra at this time- Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. The same day of the new Moon, Mars enters his own sign, Scorpio, causing some instability for action. Mercury moves to Sagittarius on the 25th as well, leaping right into Mula nakshatra, conjunct five other planets. The mental body will be in a chaos of sorts in the coming days. Not a good time to make big decisions. Watch your money and communication. Sagittarius is a fire sign known for its spiritual inclinations. As the number nine, it naturally reflects the wisdom of the 9th house of dharma. Symbolized by an archer pulling his arrow back, this sign needs to remember to take action, not just prepare. There is a tendency for "over-preparation" with this sign, rather than taking focused, right-action. Notice where you are causing delays, creating obstructions, resisting forward momentum. The support will be here for you to move forward, but you must take the steps to make it happen. This sign wants fairness and justice, as well as truth. The shadow side to this sign is dogma, puritanical beliefs and ideals. The first constellation of Sagittarius is Mula, considered one of three gandantas in the zodiac- a gap between water and fire. Gandantas are notorious for uprooting the psycho-emotional body levels. This particular gandanta, or gap, is connected to the nakshatra, Mula. Ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti, this constellation is often disruptive for the dharmic path. Nirrti in fact is married to adharma, that which goes against dharma, causing calamities, chaos and misfortune on the path that obstructs or delays dharma. Four planets transit Mula nakshatra at the time of the new Moon- Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Expect your tap root to feel unstable at this time. A poignant uprooting is taking place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at this time. Grounding and stability are vital. Are you making choices that move you closer to dharma or further away from it? What are you releasing, removing or uprooting right now? What needs to be cleared and eliminated so that you can move forward in a different way? What needs are surfacing as you sift and sort through the rubble? What are you making space for and how do you want to move forward differently? The annual solar eclipse will intensify the instability surfacing so pay attention to what is emerging from your depths. This opens a two week cycle that will invoke the depth of your shadows. Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. We may get lost in the overwhelm and negativity during this two week cycle, so keep moving toward the light. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you've been overlooking. Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need. This eclipse portal begins with a solar eclipse on December 25th and lasts for two weeks, ending with a Gemini full Moon on January 10th with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The December 25th solar eclipse begins at 19:29 MT and ends at 01:05 am on the 26th, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 22:17 MT on the 25th. A reminder that this begins a two week cycle that is not good for starting new projects. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused so don't make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Even though this eclipse is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. Use the two week Eclipse cycle for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor you emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment. This final new Moon of the year and decade is a dramatic closure, while ushering in a fresh start promising change and uprooting. The old stories you have been carrying with you need to be re-evaluated. Are they accurate and true? Do they really represent who you are and what you want for your life? You have a powerful opportunity with this new Moon eclipse cycle to eradicate the past, clear and remove the parts of yourself that no longer serve you. You must be willing to courageously see your darkness and shadow first. In the coming two weeks be diligent with your clearing and release process. The timing of this new Moon and eclipse at the end of year and decade is remarkable and poignant. Do not underestimate the power of this moment- for your life and your dharmic path. You have a unique opportunity to move forward in a completely different way- if you have the courage and willingness to create something new. Declare your intentions, desires and dreams. Commit to taking the bold action steps required to make this a reality in the coming year and decade. Creative Ritual As you move through this eclipse portal cycle, integrating and digesting the powerful themes of this shadowed time, there will be strong emotional body waves activated. This is a cleansing cycle, a time to release old, undigested grief and harvest rich inner wisdom that has long been covered up by your shadow. Use this Tapping Meditation as a resource for uncovering your emotional body wisdom, so you can find the needs underneath the big feelings. Then follow up with the Creative Ritual below. Attend to the space you've created with consciousness and presence. Step One: Tapping Meditation for Clearing and Release Step Two: Awakening Inner Space ~ Creative Ritual After you complete the Tapping Meditation and move some emotion, notice your internal landscape. What is arriving?! As you continue to cultivate inner presence, I invite you to notice the space within your body. Where do you feel more space in the body? Where does this space arrive within you? How does it feel? This space within is ripe with potential and possibility. It is fragile and vulnerable, but also very powerful. This creative ritual will help you continue to cultivate a relationship with this inner space. 1) Create An Image. Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of the space you are cultivating a relationship with. What does this space feel like within you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 10 to 20 minutes at minimum for this image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your space image. Use the intention of "moving with this feeling of space in the body". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. * If you are in an acute grief phase, you may wish to simply hold a shape in the body, to mirror your space image, rather than move the image. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine, I express. How do you want to attend to this space within? What is your intention moving forward? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? It's Not Too Late!!
My 2020 Jyotish Transit Class is December 29th @ 12pm MT Understand the four major transits coming in 2020 and how they will impact you and your path!! When you purchase my 2020 Moon Wisdom Calendar before the 28th, you will automatically be invited to join us live and receive this class recording! Pre-Purchase Your 2020 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar Now I've been sharing my Sidereal New Moon and Full Moon Wisdom with the unique element of transformational Creative Rituals for nearly a decade now. I've tirelessly offered my transit reports, cosmic wisdom, creative and embodiment resources as a way to support you in aligning with the cycles and rhythms of Nature, while also deepening your own body wisdom. The only way to access my 2020 Moon Wisdom, Creative Rituals, and Horoscopes in entirety will be within my 2020 Calendar. Pre-Purchase Your 2020 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar Now Looking forward to sharing the updated, extended version of my special Moon Wisdom, Horoscopes and Creative Ritual offerings with you in the coming year. The January new Moon comes with a partial solar eclipse, opening a two week eclipse portal that will end on January 20th with a full lunar eclipse. This Sagittarius new Moon mirrors and magnifies the challenges taking place in this spiritual fire sign right now. Currently Sun and Mercury are in tight conjunction with the restrictive and oppressive Saturn energy- all transiting Sagittarius. Physical, spiritual and mental bodies are feeling the pressure and stress- causing fear, anxiety and forcing simplicity and pruning away of excess. As Moon transits Sagittarius and marks the emptying of the past cycle, she amplifies the intensity happening in the fiery, focused sign of Sagittarius which is often connected with dharmic pursuits. Are you on your dharmic path or off? Where are you feeling the pressure in your life? A reminder that wherever Saturn is putting pressure on you, he is asking for simplicity and alignment with natural cycles and rhythms. Where do you need to make some adjustments? There is no denying that this new year begins with layers of challenging planetary dynamics and the eclipse portal adds to the intensity. Eclipses always come in pairs. In between eclipses is a two week period of shadow work and challenges with our natal karma. This is a time period to be alert and aware of what challenges are surfacing and attend to release, transformation and liberation. Eclipses, and the cycle between eclipses, is not a time to start new projects or be reckless in actions and choices. These are spiritual time periods meant to support moksha and awakening- however often through intensity, upheaval and change. Individual themes for the eclipse cycle ahead can be seen from Sagittarius in your natal chart. Notice the house and themes that are offered from this part of your chart. These themes will be magnified and intensify as we move through the shadow work of this eclipse cycle. This new Moon occurs on the 5th at 18:27 MT with a partial solar eclipse beginning at 16:34 MT. The eclipse will end at 20:48 MT, while the maximum eclipse will be at 18:41 MT. This eclipse will not be visible for North America, only for northeast Asia. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle. In the waxing cycle ahead, focus on your path and purpose. Sagittarius loves a one-pointed focus that has value, insight, spiritual purpose and powerful intentions for the greater good. Are you in alignment with your higher purpose or playing small and feeling insignificant? It's time to step up and play bigger- especially on the level of spirit. Align, awaken and co-create with nature, the ancestors and the spiritual realms. Allow spiritual wisdom and insights to influence you. Material pursuits and ego driven actions won't be supported right now. If you're having challenges and progress feels slow, it's time to make some adjustments. Spiritual and dharmic endeavors will be supported at this time but materialistic desires won't be. New Moon in PurvaAshada nakshatra welcomes transformation in the body and allows the inner waters to purify, release and clarify. Movement, yoga, dance, creativity and pleasurable activities will allow the emotional body to move from stagnation to fluidity. Are you supporting your emotional body intelligence or bypassing it? Emotions are connected to your inner waters. This is also your connection to creativity, nourishment, life force energy and wealth on all levels of life. Apas is the ruling deity of the constellation PurvaAshada. As the goddess of water, she supports purification on every level of life- either through gentleness or force. Water can be soft, misty rain, or forceful waves and stormy hurricanes. She can be immense flooding or a trickling stream. Without water, however, there is no life. Consider what needs purification and cleansing in your life. Where are you feeling the stagnation of your inner waters? How can you support the water of life to flow more freely in your body and life? Wondering what to expect in 2019? Read my new year horoscopes! Creative RitualThis Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into a creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotion telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? Listen to my Podcast "How to Befriend Your Emotional Body" Are You A Sensitive Soul?! I am on a mission to help sensitive souls (like you) clarify your inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with your powerful purpose and innate leadership skills. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] Shivaratri arrives FEB 13th just before the new Moon (Amavasya) on February 15th. This is a time of deep silence and strong potential. It is the marriage celebration of Shiva and Shakti, a symbolic union of wholeness- when the absolute unmanifest, conjoins with the pulse of life force energy. Masculine and feminine merge and create life- and the ability to manifest becomes amplified. From this place of union, we can ignite the power of being, the power of life. Transformations abound right now- inner and outer. Are you paying attention to polarities in your life? What dualities are you aware of and what is needed for their integration? This is a powerful time for meditation and reciting the Mrityunjaya Mantra: oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam ǀurvārukam-iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt ǁ Shivaratri supports planting seeds of potential through the depth of silence. Shiva as destroyer, is at one with this awakened state of creativity. His role is to support your collapse into concentrated, focused alignment with the harmony of existence- that which is pure consciousness, deep, unaltered silence and awakening. This is where your creativity resides, your ability to manifest, create and transform- over and over again. Through the transcendence, you can easily touch this silence in its pure form. Shiva reminds us to use this silence to release, simplify and transform. From a silent and awakened state, you can plant the seeds of life more intentionally and powerfully. Use your deep inner silence for stirring your creative desires. Next, the fertility festival of Holi, will activate your silent seeds, helping them become more fully awakened with the creative wisdom of Nature. What are you creating for your powerful life? What is your vision? Let your imagination move you into being. Create life! NEW MOON The February New Moon occurs on Thursday the 15th at 14:06 MT with a partial solar eclipse. This closes the eclipse portal that has been open since the full lunar eclipse on January 31st. The partial solar eclipse begins at 11:55 am MT and concluding at 15:47 MT. The maximum eclipse will be at 13:51 MT. The eclipse will only be visible in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. The new Moon occurs in sidereal Aquarius and Dhanishtha nakshatra, the constellation of the Vasu Devas, the bearers of light, jyoti. They want visibility, awakening and creative purpose. Powerful action can be ignited here- if in right relationship with dharma and right relationship with your life path. By the time the new Moon arrives, Sun and Mercury have now entered Sidereal Aquarius. Balance polarities and integrate opposing forces. Face your shadow and grief with authenticity. Find new ways and resources in order to navigate your challenges. The same challenges are present for you, but in order to get different results you'll need to try some new, more innovative options and choices. Learn from your past mistakes and don't repeat them. This is a time to deepen your empowerment- which comes through integration and strengthening digestion. Use this cycle to maximize your dharmic pursuits and gather the necessary guidance and resources to support you in this. There is a strong focus on life path in this cycle. Don't neglect this. More support awakens as you move closer to your shadow and limiting beliefs. Courageously lean into your darkness in order for the light to arrive. Shine light on your unconscious and unseen realms. Clear away the rubble and move towards new nourishment and desires. Where are you resisting change, solutions, possibility and your deepest desires? What is stopping you from taking action steps? What limitations are keeping you from stepping into your power and purpose? In the cycle to come, you will be asked to face your grief- with your self and your relationships. Clear and release- in order to make room for more life. Strengthen inner support and physical body support. Uproot and release support that is no longer helping you and create space for the new. Trust your gut wisdom and ask for its guidance. Clear and purify your gut intelligence in order for a stronger intuition and empowerment. Deepen your sense of balance- inner and outer. What does this feel like in your body? The closing of the eclipse portal with a partial solar eclipse, brings emphasis on the physical and spiritual bodies. Needs emerge around the masculine, structure and support. The Sun illuminates the solar system and brings life and light to us. As the Sun's light gets partially obstructed, so will the light within. This is not a time to make big decisions or start new projects. Wait a few days until the light returns and notice what themes arrive in your personal mythology at this time. Close doors that need to be closed and be willing to open new ones. Creative RitualSelf Tracking, Learning from the Wisdom of the Body 1) Sit, stand or lay down. Close your eyes and fall into the rhythm of your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest, the waves of breath moving in and out of your body. Take some time to relax into this rhythm. 2) As the body moves to greater stillness and relaxation through breath awareness, locate a sensation in the body. This sensation might show up as a tingling, a pulsing, or a sense of vibration. There might even be a color, a shape, a sound or a word that arrives in connection to the body part. Listen and honor whatever arrives for you. Don't filter the messages, judge or critique them. Your only job is to listen right now. Be curious, be interested, and be present to the body's messages. What body part emerges? What sensations are arriving? What messages are shared? Take note of this wisdom coming to you from your body. 3) Create an image of this physical body sensation that arrived through your self tracking. Use craypas or paint and put your experience on paper- so as to transfer the felt senses into a tangible, visual expression. This is a powerful part of the process and one that can shift us into deeper awareness of our body wisdom. 4) Once your image is complete, give it a title. Now, let it speak. What does your image have to share with you? If your image could speak, what would it say? 5) Pull out your Jyotish chart. What body part emerged in your self tracking exploration? What house of the chart is connected to this body part? Study this house within your chart. What do you notice? We can analyze the experience of the house by noting: What planets are sitting there, if any? What sign is located in this house? Do any planets give their drishti (gaze)? Finally, note the current transits and what planets might be effecting this house currently. Your body is sharing with you a very specific message. This message is directly connected to your needs, your desires, your deep longing for nourishment, comfort, safety and support on some core level. When we can access the wisdom of the body directly, we get very clear, unfiltered messages and insights. The cosmic intelligence of the jyotish chart can then help us further identify what is impacting us both macrocosmically and microcosmically. This is the vital information we need for deepening our healing and transformation process. Want more support with this process? Read More + Listen to the Guided Podcast I call myself the Dharma Midwife.
I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] A powerful Full Moon arrives on the last day of January at 06:26 am MT while Moon transits sidereal Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra, awakening the serpent energy of Sarpa. Coinciding with this full Moon is a total Lunar Eclipse, opening a two week gap that is particularly vulnerable for heart matters. This eclipse portal begins with the full Moon on January 31st and ends with the new Moon and a partial solar eclipse on February 15th. Eclipses are notorious for forcing us to address our shadow parts and inner illusions. Sarpa, the serpent who rules the constellation of Ashlesha, exemplifies this. He is responsible for provoking uncertainty, inner questioning and self doubt, however if we are willing to lean closer to these parts of our personal mythology, we have the chance for great awakening and transformation as well. The intersection between mental and emotional bodies is awakened. We must look at the dynamics between our thoughts and feelings at this time. How do these two bodies influence each other? How do they influence you? Sarpa energy is associated with occult and mystical knowledge, rather than more traditional surface or sattvic wisdom. He supports a deep dive into the transcendental realms, provoking immense transformation and change. The dark side of this energy can get you lost on a path of darkness and deception, following false wisdom and those with poor or harmful intentions. An important reminder for Ashlesha nakshatra is to align with knowledge that comes from ancient sources and sattvic resources. Ashlesha nakshatra encourages awakening, however it is not through traditional means. This constellation supports Kundalini rising and transcendence through unusual means. The dark side of this nakshatra can cause adharma, getting lost on one's path through intoxicants, shadowed knowledge, the dark arts and deception. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. In this cycle, and throughout the Eclipse Portal, align more closely with your heart wisdom and deepen your connection with your emotional body. Pay attention to your shadow work and don't spiritual by-pass. Positivity must be integrated with negativity, light and dark must intersect. Don't push away your shadow, lean closer to it. Your spiritual ego might keep you from seeing the shadow clearly. Move closer to your fears, doubts and uncertainties. Allow your trauma to inform your deepest needs for support and nourishment. Your emotional body has a lot of wisdom to share with you. Without honoring its wisdom, you will miss the crucial resources you need for deeper nourishment. Don't by-pass your grief and big emotions. Use them to support your awakening. What do your emotions tell you about your core needs? During this full Moon, Venus collides with Ketu and combusts Sun. Mercury conjuncts these three planets, causing a certain fragility with the mental, physical and spiritual bodies. The emotional body is impacted by this intensity, however the physical body is particularly vulnerable in the coming cycle. Life force is easily drained and burned up. Guard your health and vitality. Don't push too hard or over work. Slow, steady and gentle steps are best. Take ample pauses and extra rest. There is something important bubbling up from your depths that will support your dharmic path, but you will miss the messages if you are moving too fast. The pressure you are feeling needs to be released. Find ways to lessen the stress and get to the root of your limiting beliefs. Why are you pushing yourself so hard? Unpack your scarcity story. What is the story that keeps you playing small? Relationships are particularly vulnerable in this cycle. Watch out for illusion and deception showing up in your relationships. You may feel unsupported and misaligned with others. You may feel emotionally drained and challenged. Pay attention to these emotions and let them guide you towards a deeper understanding of what you need. What boundaries do you need to clarify? What relationships need to be released and set free? Who and what do you need in your life in order to feel more supported and well resourced? Cut away and release what is not able to hold you and honor your depths. Ask for and gather supportive resources and guidance. Build new relationships and alliances that honor your wholeness, not your separate parts. This full Moon coincides with a full lunar eclipse- the first of 2018. The eclipse begins January 31st at 03:51am MT and will end at 09:08 am MT. The maximum eclipse is at 06:29 am MT. The eclipse is visible in North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North/East Africa, North America, North/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. The coming two week eclipse portal will intensify the shadow and your personal mythology around the emotional body, relationships, dharma, integrity, guidance, support, spiritual knowledge, occult and mystical wisdom, shadow work and transformation. Seek resources and guidance that are trustworthy, traditional and in right-relationship with the shadow. Pay close attention to the needs surfacing at this time. These needs will continue to provoke your actions and choices in the months to come. Be gentle with yourself and honor your emotions, heart and home. Creative RitualThis Creative Ritual will also help you work directly with your challenges- emotion or otherwise. Take your challenge into your creative process and see what develops! Step #1 Movement Exploration. What emotion are you feeling? Is it anger, depression, frustration, chaos, uncertainty? Start dancing this emotion. What does it feel like in your body? Do the "dance of anger" for example. What emerges as you do your anger dance?! Remember to let sounds out! Move and develop your dance for at least minutes. When you feel a sense of closure, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine. Step #2 Create an image of your emotion. What does it feel like? Put it on paper using colors, textures and shapes. Create an image that expresses your experience with this emotion and whatever emerged in your dance. Spend at least 5 to 20 minutes creating this image. I suggest using paints or craypas and a large piece of paper. Title your image. In your journal or on the back of the drawing answer this question: If your image could speak what would it say? Step #3 Harvesting. Answer these baseline statements and questions in your journal once you have completed the previous steps. I am___ I want___ I need___ What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Recycle this process whenever strong emotions emerge. Remember they arrive to give you important messages. Listen carefully and honor them with deeper listening. What is the emotions telling you? What do you need for deeper nourishment in your life? I call myself the Dharma Midwife. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] The August new Moon occurs on Monday the 21st at 12:31pm Mountain Time while Moon transits Leo and Magha nakshatra. This new Moon coincides with a total Solar eclipse which begins 09:46 am MDT and ending at 03:04pm MDT. The maximum eclipse will be at 12:25pm MDT. The total solar eclipse marks the closing of the two week long eclipse portal. Lunar and solar eclipses happen in pairs. A lunar eclipse always occurs about 2 weeks before or after a solar eclipse. On some occasions, a lunar eclipse can be both preceded and followed by a solar eclipse. This lunar eclipse kicked off a two week eclipse portal that closes with a full Solar eclipse on the new Moon August 21st. The upcoming solar eclipse is particularly important for the United States as it will shadow the majority of the USA. It is the first total solar eclipse in 99 years to cross coast-to-coast and the first to pass through any part of the lower 48 states in 38 years. Though the solar eclipse is an astonishing astrological event and an extremely rare occurrence, the Vedic perspective does not advise looking directly at the eclipse or being outside during the eclipse. From a Vedic perspective, it is never advised to be outside during an eclipse, or to look at it directly. If you must be outside, make sure your head is covered. Essentially you are absorbing shadow when you look at or are out during the eclipse- especially if it is visible in your location. It is like taking on more Rahu, or serpent energy, and is thought to bring more calamity and "shadowed awareness" into ones life. The lunar eclipse also marks a delicate two week gap between lunar and solar eclipses. It is not advised to start new projects at this time, nor make big decisions. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously. This eclipse portal ends on the 21st of August. This Leo new Moon incites ancestral power and wisdom as Moon and Sun collide in Magha nakshatra, the magnanimous star of power, force and aggression. Symbolized by a throne room or palanquin, suggesting royalty, privilege and elitism. Magha likes to be treated well, as special, and ego can often get in the way of empathy and compassion. Excessive masculinity and force must be tempered and balanced with kindness, listening skills and understanding of others' needs. The desire for swift movement and change emerges in this waxing cycle. Temper it with caution, slow, steady steps and leaning into the emotional body. Relationships come to the forefront as well as the need for balance, integration and harmony. Extremes and polarities are heightened, so finding balance between opposing forces is paramount. Chip away at the heart and release past traumas, pains and illusions that keep you from being nourished, loved and fed by life. Reach, extend and dream big! As strong as the desires are, go slow and be methodical. Rushing, pushing and forcing outcomes will result in long term struggle and heart break. Go slow, lean in and acknowledge your desires. What is the underlying need? Gains come in this cycle with visibility, reaching out to new people and relationships, asking for your needs to be met as well as through new resources, guidance and support. New resources yield new results. Be mindful of your powerful voice. Use it for awakening, but don't hurt others with the storm in your mouth. Be aware of deception and illusion as well as fears that cloud judgement. Look closer at this fear and how it impacts the ego. Only by honoring and acknowledging the needs of your fear can you open new pathways of nourishment and life force energy. Inner and outer dynamics may feel imbalanced. Seek support for greater balance and harmony. The gateway is your emotional body and the wisdom it holds. Don't negate its messages. Go slowly so you can hear and acknowledge what it has to share with you. Dig in, lean closer and let your inner waves guide you towards new resources as well as self inquiry. What does your emotional body tell you it needs? What is missing? What is the nourishment you seek? There is growth, strength and movement towards dharma in the days and weeks ahead. Align your steps with your path and purpose. Release and let go of choices and behaviors that keep you from highest passion and joy. Ask the ancestors to help you with this process. Let them know you need the right resources to get clarity. What mental body illusions and deceptions are keeping you in the dark? The mental body stories that keep you playing small and pretending you're powerless to change your circumstances? This is the root of what needs to change. Determine the mental body stories that are adharmic (against your dharma) and begin to change, transform and release these painful attachments once and for all. Creative Ritual This is a powerful time to align with your dharma, your soul's purpose, as the eclipse portal awakens dharma and purpose. The full Moon and coming cycle supports a deeper listening of your heart wisdom, your inner truth. Lean in closer and use my dharmic resources below to align with your highest potential. Use the resources below to activate and align with your dharmic path. These resources are From my Dharma Foundations Course and only available for a short time. Six Steps to Awaken Your Soul's Purpose: Step #1: Planting Seeds Step #2: Gathering Resources Step #3: Overcoming Your Challenges Step #4: Transforming Struggles Step #5: Creating Your Vision Step #6: Making Your Dharma Real Ready for even more Dharmic Support? Don't miss these *free* Dharma Awakening Resources! - Understand what your jyotish chart says about your life path and purpose. - Gather resources for overcoming obstacles and set backs on you path. - Discover what's holding you back from making money doing what you love. Listen to my Dharma Awakening Series NOW When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go? What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] The August full Moon coincides with a Partial Lunar Eclipse, opening a two week eclipse portal that awakens dharma, right action and purpose. Are you aligned or misaligned? On August 7th at 12:10 pm Mountain time, the Capricorn full Moon arrives as Moon transits Sravana nakshatra, the domain of Vishnu. The Partial lunar eclipse begins at 09:50 am Mountain time with the maximum eclipse at 12:20 pm Mountain time, and ending at 14:50 mountain time. During a lunar eclipse, Sun, Earth and Moon align and the Earth casts its shadow on the Moon. Because this is a partial lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth will only cover a portion of the Moon. Lunar and solar eclipses happen in pairs. A lunar eclipse always occurs about 2 weeks before or after a solar eclipse. On some occasions, a lunar eclipse can be both preceded and followed by a solar eclipse. This lunar eclipse kicks off a two week eclipse portal that closes with a full Solar eclipse on the new Moon August 21st. The upcoming solar eclipse is particularly important for the United States as it will shadow the majority of the USA. It is the first total solar eclipse in 99 years to cross coast-to-coast and the first to pass through any part of the lower 48 states in 38 years. Though the solar eclipse is an astonishing astrological event and an extremely rare occurrence, the Vedic perspective does not advise looking directly at the eclipse or being outside during the eclipse. From a Vedic perspective, it is never advised to be outside during an eclipse, or to look at it directly. If you must be outside, make sure your head is covered. Essentially you are absorbing shadow when you look at or are out during the eclipse- especially if it is visible in your location. It is like taking on more Rahu, or serpent energy, and is thought to bring more calamity and "shadowed awareness" into ones life. The lunar eclipse also marks a delicate two week gap between lunar and solar eclipses. It is not advised to start new projects at this time, nor make big decisions. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously. As the lunar eclipse and full Moon arrive on Monday, an emphasis on dharma and right action awakens. The full Moon in Capricorn and Sravana invite in Vishnu's powerful sustaining energy. He is responsible for maintaining dharma, lineage, wisdom and right-action. When you are aligned with your purpose fully, there is ease, support, and progress. When you are going against dharma and right action, there is challenge, calamity and misfortune. However, even with challenge, there is opportunity for learning, growth and transformation. Do you know what it feels like to be aligned with your dharmic path? This full Moon and eclipse portal requests balance, integration and alignment. Right action is a focus and priority. Use action with awareness and wisdom. Take consistent steps towards goals and intentions. Build momentum based on your previous actions and choices. What moves you closer to your dharmic truth and life purpose? What moves you away from it? Rahu and Ketu are currently transiting the gaps between Leo and Aquarius, preparing to transit into new signs on August 18th, just prior to the total solar eclipse. Rahu and Ketu are eclipse points, the shadow nodes. They show us our biggest karma in this life time as well as where trauma and disconnection lives within the body. As Rahu prepares to move to Cancer and Ketu shifts to Capricorn for the coming 1.5 years, we are all feeling the impact of shifting karma. Look for a special article about the impact of this transit in the coming days. Are you on my newsletter list? Though the eclipse portal is not the time to start new projects and endeavors, it is a time to work directly with your shadow, wounds and challenges. You may notice more confrontation with your own darkness and mirrors from others. What do you notice about your shadow work? Are you leaning closer or pushing past it? Are you listening to the messages or avoiding them? Look at your jyotish chart and notice where Rahu and Ketu sit in your natal chart. What themes do they enliven in the houses and signs they sit in? What other planets and houses do they impact from their positions? These themes will be enlivened during the eclipse portal so pay attention to what shows up. Rahu and Ketu also impact our dharma and life purpose as they show why we have incarnated in this life time. What do they tell you about your life path? Sun and Mars transit Cancer at the time of the full Moon and lunar eclipse, setting the tone for the eclipse portal. As they move through Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpa energy is enlivened. Sarpa is a mischievous serpent energy that can bring darkness and deception as well as mysticism and occult knowledge. It is time to shed and release your old skin. Where are you still clinging to parts of yourself that aren't serving you? Where are you stuck in your own darkness and illusion? Where are you by-passing and avoiding your grief, pain and heart ache? Move into right-relationship with your shadow and seek balance with light and dark forces. Use the resources below to confront and identify your path and purpose more directly. Use this time to set intentions and goals. What big life goals have yet to bear fruit? What actions and choices need to be taken so you can be in alignment with your path more fully? What support and resources do you need in order to move forward? Creative Ritual This is a powerful time to align with your dharma, your soul's purpose, as the eclipse portal awakens dharma and purpose. The full Moon and coming cycle supports a deeper listening of your heart wisdom, your inner truth. Lean in closer and use my dharmic resources below to align with your highest potential. Use the resources below to activate and align with your dharmic path. These resources are From my Dharma Foundations Course and only available for a short time. Six Steps to Awaken Your Soul's Purpose: Step #1: Planting Seeds Step #2: Gathering Resources Step #3: Overcoming Your Challenges Step #4: Transforming Struggles Step #5: Creating Your Vision Step #6: Making Your Dharma Real Ready for even more Dharmic Support? Don't miss these *free* Dharma Awakening Resources! - Understand what your jyotish chart says about your life path and purpose. - Gather resources for overcoming obstacles and set backs on you path. - Discover what's holding you back from making money doing what you love. Listen to my Dharma Awakening Series NOW When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go? What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
Currently I have one spot available in my Dharma Foundations Course. Is this course the right fit for you? Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Let's connect! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected] On February 26th, the new Moon takes place in Aquarius at 07:59 am MST with the annual solar eclipse and four planets transiting the medicine star, Satabisha. Amavasya is the empty Moon, or new Moon- ripe with potential, fertility and possibility. It is always connected to Pitr, the god of the ancestors, particularly the father's lineage. There is an emptying out of the masculine taking place right now. A release is occurring in powerful ways. Lean into this process of letting go in order to maximize the healing potential arriving. Months of provocative themes have been emerging around the masculine, father, patriarchy and misogyny. Months of confrontation with power, strength, empowerment and the inner authority have emerged in brutal, challenging ways. Inner conflicts have intensified with the masculine and feminine. These themes have shown up in relationship dynamics, losses, pains and struggles, and with inner and outer needs. A new balance is arriving, but not without painful restructuring. This new Moon is particularly poignant and life-altering. As the annual Solar eclipse coincides with this Amavasya, new Moon, a breaking free, a certain release, is awakened with the masculine. Sun is the expression of all things masculine, father and authority. With the conjunction of Sun and Ketu at this time, a powerful restructuring is taking place with the tail of the serpent. Don't try to hold on or hold back. Don't resist the changes occurring within you and around you. Don't deny the transformations taking place within you and within your relationships. There's no turning back. This solar eclipse marks the close of the eclipse portal, a cycle that has forced a certain confrontation of inner shadows. As the portal closes, a very old chapter also finds closure, release and ending. What are you letting go of within your personal mythology? With the masculine, father, men and relationships? What stories with the inner authority are finding their release right now? Satabisha is considered the "star of a hundred medicines" and is ruled by both Rahu and Varuna- who has thousands of eyes. His many eyes see everything, often intensifying the critic and its gaze. This can be helpful for the healing process, as nothing is missed. However the scrutiny is particularly painful. The inner critic can often feel excessive, extremely challenging and hurtful- if not channeled effectively and put to good use. Varuna often feels more like a punishment, forcing repentance for one's many sins, rather than a blessing of awareness and support. Use this time to notice your inner critic and its messages. What does it tell you about yourself and your sense of deservability? What stories are emerging that keep you in lack, pain and struggle? What battles are you fighting with not feeling "enough"? How is this impacting your ability to be nourished and fed by life? How is this story of lack, scarcity and feeling unworthy of love keeping you malnourished and disempowered? Lean in and listen, then lean in again. There are important pieces of wisdom arriving right now. Once the eclipse portal closes, the shadow of deep awareness will dissipate, leaving you in the dark once again. It may feel painful to look more closely at your challenges, but without truly honoring your hardships and inner darkness, you will not be able to awaken the light and transform your suffering. Use this time wisely. The annual solar eclipse begins at 05:10 am MST, peaks at 07:58 am MST and completes at 10:35 am MST. The eclipse will not be visible from North America, but South/West Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica will receive the shadow. Nonetheless, in the Vedic tradition, it is never advised to be outside during the eclipse. It is considered a time to meditate, fast, clarify, purify and purge the shadow. Use your Sunday morning for spiritual practices that move you closer to silence, inner listening and your wisdom within. Clarify intentions for the coming cycle as we near the fertility of Holi and Navaratri. What seeds are you planting? What do you wish to take root in the coming months? Attend to your garden now and pull of the weeds. Are you disconnected from your First Chakra? Use this easy test to find out how embodied and connected you are to your First Chakra- and why it matters so much for your health and vitality. Watch My Short Video Now Creative Ritual The theme of empowerment and clarifying your dharmic purpose is alive right now. It's a powerful time to confront the challenges and struggles you are facing- with honesty and authenticity. As you move closer to what isn't working, you can then get clear on what you really want and need, and what action steps must be taken. 1) In your journal, identify and confront your challenges: What challenges are you facing? What is keeping you from fully aligning with your path, purpose and dharma? Next, create an image of the challenges you face- using craypas, paints, pencils, collage, or any medium that you feel aligned with. Spend 10- 20 minutes creating this challenge image. How do your challenges feel? Frustrating, isolating, enraged, sad, etc? Bring these feelings into your image using color, texture and shapes. Give your image a title. If your image could speak, what would it say? 2) After you write down your challenges, get clear on where you want to go. Next, write down your goals and vision for your fully empowered life. Get clear on your desires. Where would you like to be six months from now? Now create an image of your fully empowered, activated path and purpose- using craypas, paints, pencils, collage or any other medium you feel aligned to work with. How does it feel to fully activate your soul's purpose? What are you doing? How are you showing up in your life, for others, for your self? Bring these feelings into your image using color, texture and shapes. Give your image a title. If your image could speak, what would it say? 3) Finally, use my tapping meditation for empowerment. Clear away the blockages holding you back so you can activate and align with a deeper sense of power and purpose. Take Action Now Don't Miss My *free* Embodied Chakra Class!
- Gather resources, tools and guidance for deepening your connection to all seven Chakras. - Discover essential manifestation resources in order to up-level your life. - Awaken the chakras and step into greater clarity and purpose. - Identify and release blockages keeping you from fully embodying your full chakra power. - Understand what your jyotish chart shares about your chakras. Join the List This Week's Intention: Have you found it yet? The one missing piece that has kept you from your pleasure, purpose and joy? The clear, inner knowing that gifts you with trust, clarity and alignment? What stands in the way of your opening and awakening, of hearing your truth? Cleanse and clear away the shadows that keep you in struggle. The Moon continues to wane this week as it nears Amavasya (emptiness) on Sunday. This is also the final week of the eclipse portal, signifying closer, endings and harvesting of shadows and illusions. Look for the wisdom, the silver linings and the deeper threads that bring meaning to your lessons. The annual solar eclipse also takes place with this week's new Moon. Themes with the masculine surface yet again. Are you noticing themes of support, stability and safety arriving? Are stories being triggered that correlate to the masculine, father and your relationship with power? Lean in and notice what is being cracked open. As Sun conjuncts Ketu exactly this week, a powerful restructuring is taking place within the masculine. How will you re-assemble the pieces and rebuild? Monday, February 20th Moon in 10th tithi Dashami The mind continues to strengthen today. Channel this power effectively or it will over-power you. Get clear on stories, illusions, perceptions and parts of your personal mythology that are keeping you stuck, in lack and unproductive. After noon, Moon leaps into the gandanta between Scorpio and Sagittarius, landing in Mula nakshatra, and in conjunction with Saturn. Rahu gives his gaze. There's a compression, a tightening and an overwhelm that arrives. This increases the chaos and uncertainty within. Notice how the chaos derails you, keeps you from taking effective, empowered action. Stay out of the mud and land closer to your body wisdom, your inner truth. Gather support, guidance, resources in order to help you strengthen your own inner wisdom. Don't succumb to the chaos, use it, channel it, harness that power in order to build momentum. Tuesday, February 21st Moon in 11th tithi Ekadashi Mula begins the day, which brings confusion and uncertainty on some level. What are you noticing? Where does the chaos land within you? What is your response to it? What parts of you are resisting? Resistance causes the chaos. Best to lean in, surrender, and acknowledge the tension. Turning your back on the chaos and confusion will only strengthen it. Find the courage to lean in and listen to the storm. Pull up the weeds that are strangling your clarity, purpose and power. Early afternoon, Moon shifts to Purvashada, and Apas brings the water. This may come in the form of tears, waves of emotion, cleansing from the rain or snow, or even being in or near water. Allow the cleansing to take place. Water the seeds of desire you are planting. Get courageous about what you ask for. Where are you holding back and playing small? Sun and Ketu are in exact conjunction today. He'll be dropping through the tail of the serpent in the coming days, getting dismembered in the process. The masculine within is getting completely restructured right now. Gather resources for more support, stability and grounding. Read more about Sun in Aquarius Wednesday, February 22nd Moon in 12th tithi Dvadasi Apas continues to awaken today, bringing water, cleansing and purification with her. Let the waters move through you. Find release and align with simplicity and clarity. Spend time in or near water for extra support. Surf your inner waves. Release grief, sadness and loss. Find your ground, your body, your inner support. Early evening, Moon arrives in Uttarashada, and the all gods arrive to offer wisdom, resources and alignment with inner knowing. Your truth is your integrity. Don't get disconnected. Stay aligned with the Laws of Nature, right action. Your heart will lead the way. February 22nd, mid morning, swift moving Mercury arrives in Aquarius- joining Sun and Ketu here. This marks the last planet that will conjunct Ketu after months of all planets being hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu during the Kala Sarpa Yoga. Though this malefic yoga technically ended once Mars shifted into Pisces weeks ago, the conjunction of Sun and now Mercury with Ketu, is significant. There is closure taking place and certain death to old mental behaviors and patterns. The mind will be disconnected, restructured and transformed. Think of this like an internal re-boot. Read more about Mercury in Aquarius Are you disconnected from your First Chakra? Use this easy test to find out how embodied and connected you are to your First Chakra- and why it matters so much for your health and vitality. Watch My Short Video Now Thursday, February 23rd Moon in 13th tithi Trayodasi The Vishva Devas continue to offer support, resources and alignment with truth today. Just as Thursday begins, Moon shifts to Capricorn, and a request for tangible resources, structure and dharma arrives. When you know your truth, you are aligned with your purpose, your dharma. Any disconnection from your inner wisdom is adharma, that which is against dharma, your soul's path. Through self-generated sin, adharma is perpetuated. The medicine is to return, again and again, to the Self, the soul, the Atman. The Vishva Devas help you stay true to yourself and your inner knowing, while also aligning with your power and purpose. Stay connected. Jupiter gives his gaze to the Moon today, providing extra support. Around noon, Moon moves to the sacred nakshatra, Abhijit. This is the 28th constellation- associated with spirituality and sacred wisdom. This sacred portal stay open until early evening. Listen carefully to what arrives. Spend time in silence, in nature and meditating so you don't miss the messages arriving. Are you disconnected from your First Chakra? Use this easy test to find out how embodied and connected you are to your First Chakra- and why it matters so much for your health and vitality. Watch My Short Video Now Friday, February 24th Moon in 13th to 14th tithi Trayodasi to Chaturdashi Moon transits Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra, Vishnu's domain. As the sustainer of dharma and right-action, Vishnu brings resources, support and wisdom that uphold your path, purpose and truth. He is all-pervasive and is often affiliated with Akasha (space) for that reason. Dharmic wisdom comes through your inner knowing, the wisdom within. Are you listening to what is arriving? Or is there too much noise, distraction, chaos, Adharma in your way? Don't miss the messages. Don't skip this important step. Dharma is the only reason your soul incarnated. It's time to align and shine! Moon enters Dhanishta nakshatra early evening. The light arrives. Shine your brightest and let your light be seen and heard. Where are you keeping yourself in the dark? Where are you resisting your power and purpose? Shivaratri arrives just before the new Moon (Amavasya) on February 24th. This is a time of deep silence and strong potential. It is the marriage celebration of Shiva and Shakti, a symbolic union of wholeness- when the absolute unmanifest, conjoins with the pulse of life force energy. Masculine and feminine merge and create life- and the ability to manifest becomes amplified. From this place of union, we can ignite the power of being, the power of life. Read more about Shivaratri Saturday, February 25th Moon in 14th and 15th tithi Chaturdashi and Amavasya Moon travels through Dhanishta nakshatra, enlivening the Vasu Devas, the bearers of light (jyoti). Late morning, Moon arrives in Aquarius, joining Mercury, Sun and Ketu here. The Moon is almost completely empty and Sun is poised for its annual eclipse. Mind, body, soul and emotions are getting cut, restructured, and severed. Deeper reconnection and a new sense of alignment will be required in the coming day as the tail of the serpent demands deep, inner change. The Vasu Devas bring visibility, brightness, being seen and heard- because of the light they provide. Through their brightness, we are seen, acknowledged, witnessed and recognized. Their light shines on your gifts, your dharma, and supports your ability to step into your power more fully. From this place of visibility and alignment, resources and support arrive. Sunday, February 26th Moon in 15th tithi and 1st tithi Amavasya to Pratipad The new Moon takes place in Aquarius at 07:59 am MST with the annual solar eclipse and four planets transiting the medicine star, Satabisha. Amavasya is the empty Moon, or new Moon- ripe with potential, fertility and possibility. It is always connected to Pitr, the god of the ancestors, particularly the father's lineage. There is an emptying out of the masculine right now. A release is taking place. Lean into this process of letting go in order to maximize the healing potential arriving. Months of provocative themes have been emerging around the masculine, father, patriarchy and misogyny. Months of confrontation with power, strength, empowerment and the inner authority have emerged in brutal, challenging ways. Inner conflicts have intensified with the masculine and feminine. These themes have shown up in relationship dynamics, losses, pains and struggles with inner and outer needs. The annual solar eclipse begins at 05:10 am MST, peaks at 07:58 am MST and completes at 10:35 am MST. The eclipse will not be visible from North America, but South/West Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica will receive the shadow. Nonetheless, in the Vedic tradition, it is never advised to be outside during the eclipse. It is considered a time to meditate, fast, clarify, purify and purge the shadow. Use your Sunday morning for spiritual practices that move you closer to silence, inner listening and your wisdom within. Clarify intentions for the coming cycle as we near the fertility of Holi and Navaratri. What seeds are you planting? What do you wish to take root in the coming months? Attend to your garden now and pull of the weeds. Read more about the new Moon Moon shifts to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra early evening, bringing a need for deeper balance. You are poised for change and transformation. Clarify your next steps. Monday, February 27th Moon in 2nd tithi Dvitiya As Moon continues to transit Aquarius, with Sun, Mercury and Ketu, all receive gaze from Saturn. There is contraction, compression and focus requested as the emotional body releases and transforms. Purvabhadra nakshatra requests balance. There is great potential available with this star, but not a great deal of action. Instead, use this time to hone and clarify your steps. Action comes next. Around noon, Moon moves to the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, joining Mars and exalted Venus here. Retrograde Jupiter gives his gaze. Relationships are finding a new sense of order and alignment. What are you noticing about your inner relationship, your relationship with self? With your inner balance and harmony? Early evening, Moon moves to Uttarabhdra nakshatra. Ahirbudhnya is requesting more depth from you. Dive deeply into your unconscious terrain. What missing pieces are emerging today? You will need this information to clarify your next steps and align more clearly with your needs- especially in relationships. Clarify what is not working, and what you are calling in. Get specific. Don't Miss My *free* Embodied Chakra Class! - Gather resources, tools and guidance for deepening your connection to all seven Chakras. - Discover essential manifestation resources in order to up-level your life. - Awaken the chakras and step into greater clarity and purpose. - Identify and release blockages keeping you from fully embodying your full chakra power. - Understand what your jyotish chart shares about your chakras. Join the List Moon shifts into Purvaphalguni nakshatra just before Thursday, September 1st begins, moving into the domain of Bhaga, the resource and pleasure provider. At 03:03, the new Moon officially arrives, bringing an emptiness and release with it. The new Moon is in sidereal Leo and Purvaphalguni nakshatra, coinciding with the annual solar eclipse. This particular solar eclipse will not be visible in North America, but will touch Southern Asia, Western Australia, Much of Africa, the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Antarctica. The eclipse will begin at 00:13 MDT on the 1st and continue until 06:00 am, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 03:01 am MDT. Eclipses are a time to meditate and do spiritual practices. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse, nor start new projects during the eclipse portal (the two week gap between solar and lunar eclipses). The new Moon day, is an inward, lunar day which will require emotional body attention. Plant seeds and attend to your creativity in gentle, intentional ways. Bhaga supports the senses- sensuality, creativity, feelings, resources and that which brings pleasure and passion. He brings resources and grants your desires into form. As an Aditya (a god who brings resources and support) Bhaga shares wealth and happiness, luck and fortune, as well as blessings from past incarnations. He brings marital unions and creates love, affection, sexuality, sensuality and pleasure. The ruling planet of this constellation is Venus, currently debilitated in Virgo. This impacts the Bhaga's ability to support the resources he provides. Purvaphalguni is synonymous with the arts and all creative expression. What stirs your being and excites your spirit? Do that, but do it gently in the days to come. Cancer is on the horizon at the time of the new Moon, provoking heart, tenderness and emotion. With Moon transiting Leo at the time of the new Moon, conjunct Sun and shadow node Rahu, big feelings and the need to express them will be themes for the coming weeks. The eclipse will make sure that this process feels extra challenging, however. Expect the shadow element to provoke stronger needs and desires. Are you in right-relationship with these needs or are they running away with you? The eclipse portal softly opened on August 18th with the Aquarius full Moon and an "almost" eclipse. This new Moon and solar eclipse kicks off the strongest portion of the eclipse portal, which won't end until the full Moon on September 18th. Remember that eclipses bring shadows to the surface so you can attend to them while also allowing a clearing and release process to take place. The healing available at this time is optional- meaning you must do the work it takes to get the job done. This waxing cycle provokes strong articulation of words and the need for self expression. Big feelings, emotions and inner tides will provoke and activate a new awareness of self- in relation to others. There are frustrations and challenges with this self expression, which invokes a certain drama with this particular eclipse portal. Words and thoughts may not be shared poignantly. Some people may be withholding or resisting self expression all together, creating intensity and excess challenge unnecessarily. Speak from the heart- with tact and truth. Let the chips fall as they may. The necessity is for you to honor your need for self expression. Speak the sweet truth and know that your words are rooted in compassion. Use this cycle to refine the art of communication and self expression. Strengthen your ability to articulate words so that you are honoring your feelings more accurately. What is being left unsaid? There's a tendency to be confused about feelings and emotions, resulting in not knowing what you need. If you don't know what you need, you can't express the needs. You can't get your needs met if you can't express them! This will result in dissatisfaction and either self loathing or aggravation with others. Your job is to deepen your relationship with your emotional body so that you know what you need. From here you can express these needs and learn the art of compassionate communication. Join me for a *free* 14 Day Emotional Body Challenge! I'll be sharing resources, tools and extra guidance to navigate these choppy cosmic tides in the coming weeks. Get the Details Relationships become a sort of guru in the coming weeks. A resource for helping you awaken and become more fulfilled. This requires your willingness and courage to explore the self more intimately and investigate all your shadows that keep you feeling disappointed, discouraged and locked in your scarcity story. Life force energy is vulnerable and requires your gentleness right now. As creative as this cycle is, it also requires your diligence and careful attention to health and inner resources. You may notice that relationships feel extra challenging in the coming weeks. Use your relationships as mirrors of your own self. Any discomfort from the "other" is an opportunity for you to look at places in yourself that are not fully aligned with your needs. Use this as a time for clean up and work with your shadow and grief very intentionally. With all the elements of the masculine, father, power, purpose and empowerment that have been stirred and provoked over the past few months as multiple planets have moved through Leo, this new Moon marks a poignant time of closure. What themes have you been healing with your father wounds? What is your intention moving forward? How can you honor your masculine needs with action steps, clarity, creativity? What does right-relationship with your power and dharmic purpose look like? Feel like? This can be a creative and fruitful time- if you work with it gently and slowly. Forcing outcomes will not provide fruitful results. There will be stops and starts with creative endeavors, sensuality, playfulness and relationships, so take this into consideration as challenges arrive. Your hands and voice become important resources to support digestion and assimilation as well as greater self power. Work intentionally with these body parts. Use the hands their function of open and close, grasping and releasing to integrate and awaken. The hands and voice can support your process of artful self expression. Get innovative and think outside the box. Balance worldly and spiritual desires. Work diligently on clearing mental and emotional body blockages that negate and suppress your full creative expression. Open your channels of self expression and notice what is keeping you locked in resistance and avoidance of your full power and potential. Ask for guidance and support with this process. Creative Ritual With all the focus on Leo during this new Moon Solar eclipse, as well as the past months of multiple planetary passages through this sign, working with the gut is very timely. Leo correlates to the 5th house of the Jyotish chart and is connected to the solar plexus, father, intuition, playfulness and romance. The metaphors for gut have to do with digestion and assimilation as well as elimination. What are you digesting and assimilating? How effectively do you eliminate? You can use this Creative Ritual process for multiple levels- to support assimilation of environment, your internal/external landscapes, digestion of words, ideas and life's experiences. The gut is connected to intuition- our "gut responses". Stomach problems are associated with "the inability to process and assimilate impressions received from our outer environment. Our ability to eliminate, or how we eliminate, is connected with the abdomen. In Eastern traditions, the belly is considered the center of the body, and the place form which a state of balance emanates. The abdomen acts as a transit area between the upper and lower areas of our body." -The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy by Daria Halprin. 1) Start by using movements such as "cat and cow" and gentle spinal twists to activate the gut. Notice if your breaths are going all the way to the base of the stomach, or stopping short. Lie on your back and place your hands on your belly. Feel the gentle undulations of its rise and fall with each breath. Gently knead your gut with your fingers. Notice any sore spots or lumps? Move around the navel in a circular pattern. Stop and let your body relax and respond to the touch of your hands on your belly. 2) Movement exploration. Stand, sit or lie down. Notice any impulses in the gut and belly. Move from these sensations, these impulses. Let your movements be in response to the impulses you notice. Spend 5 to 10 minutes moving. Keep tracking sensation. As you bring your movement exploration to a pause, answer this statement. "I sense." Repeat your statement aloud three times. 3) Come to your drawing pad. Draw an image of your belly. What images were invoked during your body part exploration? What colors and textures are enlivened? Put them in your image. Ask your Self "Are there 'leftovers' that I am digesting still?" Does your gut have more to say, more to digest and assimilate? Spend 10 to 20 minutes creating your image. Title it. Then answer this question: If your gut could talk, what would it tell you? Join me for a *special* workshop to clear your heart and awaken your emotional body wisdom. {Space Clearing the Heart} Discover how to transform your emotional body in a creative and embodied way. Get the Details
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