There was no way I could have predicted exactly how the last seven years of my Ketu Maha Dasha would impact me. During this seven year cycle, I've also been navigating my second Sade Sati. When I look back over this period of time now, I don't even feel like the same person. It feels like a life time ago. Ketu Maha dasha and Sade Sati have been nothing short of a transition point for me, a major, life-altering pivot. One that I endured kicking and screaming for the most part. I don't share my story to scare anyone, but being honest about our life experiences is vital for making the most out of any cycle we move through. This is also the brilliance of Jyotish- a map of sorts to help us see- even if we don't want to see it. I've spent my entire life so far in very challenging dasha cycles. Born into nineteen years of grief thanks to Saturn Maha Dasha. During that time my birth father died tragically- which set me up for a life time of unpacking grief I couldn't possibly understand at one year of age. Then onto 17 years of Mercury- which essentially became a spiritual cycle, but only after intense darkness, addiction, turmoil and self hatred that almost killed me. The darkness that emerged through this process was the catalyst for deeper self healing and it helped me gather more tools for my growth process. Days into my seven year Ketu Maha dasha, my mother called me to share that she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The shocking ways of Ketu were already well under way. He takes no prisoners and forces change in dramatic, life altering ways. You can not prepare for Ketu. To say that "timing is everything" would be an understatement. Ketu would take my mother from me three weeks later- only days after Maha Navaratri 2012, during a powerful full Moon. My life would never be the same. To this day, I am still sifting and sorting through the rubble, fumbling my way through the grief process that came from this heart rupture. I learned very quickly how Ketu operates. His agenda is to take our attachments- with or without willingness. The stronger the attachment, the greater the pain, trauma, loss. What I didn't realize at the time is just how much grief I would be moving through. Undigested, overwhelming, endless grief. Grief from the first half of my life. Grief from my previous life times. Grief from my mother. Grief from my father. Grief from my family members still alive. Grief from society, the land, the ancestors. So many layers of grief. Ketu brought the movement, the clearing, the space. He has brought my grief to the surface, helped it move and release, while supporting something new to emerge. Not what I wanted exactly, nor what I had envisioned, but space is what he's gifted me with. Plenty of space. In the days, months and years after my mom's passing, I had no ground. I lost my grounding cord, my root chakra (what I had thought was my root anyway). While my connection to Spirit strengthened, my connection to body was completely dismantled and destroyed. I had nothing material to support me. I realized that Mercury Maha Dasha had left me with some spiritual resources but nothing much material. I had no job, no friends, no purpose, very little family, no hope for the future, no partner or children. I only had my two dogs, was living in Texas, in an environment that didn't support me, with no community. So I started building. Out of desperation, out of lack, out of emptiness. Brick by brick. Need by need. This is what Ketu supports. A rebuilding, a starting over. From bed, in my pajamas, in between sobbing and sleep, I started to build my business online. I wrote blog posts, I did jyotish sessions, I shared my thoughts on grief. Not as an expert or someone with all the answers. I shared what was real for me, what I was personally experiencing. (This is now what I call your authentic Dharmic offering). I noticed the clients who were coming to me all had challenges with grief, loss, pain of some sort. It was manifesting in their body and I could see the reason for this in their jyotish chart. I started to feel a sense of purpose. Something that helped me move beyond my own grief. When I helped someone else with insights for their healing path, suddenly life didn't seem quite so dire. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time, I strengthened my dharmic path, grew my dharmic business, created an offering for this world that filled my heart with joy, passion, nourishment. Despite the swiftness of Ketu in certain areas of my life, the building and growth of my dharmic path has been slow and incremental. For nearly a decade now, I have shared my wisdom authentically. There have been no shortages of insights thanks to Ketu. No shortage of clarity and painful realizations. The nature of Ketu can peel back layers of illusion instantaneously- which is normally not very comfortable. I've used these insights courageously and thankfully Ketu has gifted me as a result. This week is another major life pivot for me. My 20 year Venus Maha Dasha begins. Part of me is excited and ready to leave Ketu. The rest of me is a bit apprehensive to make the shift based on Ketu's traumatic start. We feel these dasha shifts months in advance and some of the insights I've already experienced are directly related to Venus. After all of the clearing, all of the space, all of the letting go, I have room to invite in the blessings and nourishment of Venus. This is the growth phase of my life that has not yet been supported by my previous dashas. Through these tumultuous seven years of Ketu, life has gone through many forms, shapes and cycles. There's been immense loss and letting go. Now at the end of this life changing dasha cycle, I have created a life that truly nourishes me. I didn't think I'd end up in the mountains of Colorado surrounded by nature and animals. I couldn't have imagined that I would have two dogs, a cat and a horse, nor the cottage of my dreams with an aspen grove in the backyard. I couldn't have imagined the amazing clients I work with daily- helping sensitive gifted women awaken their own dharmic dreams and create success in their own lives. I couldn't have imagined the grounding in my body, the strengthening roots and branches that have grown as a result of planting in the mountains. After all the clearing, Ketu has gifted me with the nourishment I've been seeking all my life. It takes loss, in order to make space for the new. With Venus Maha Dasha arriving, there is a desire for more expansion, growth, connection these days. Part of this is due to Venus Maha Dasha, and part of it is because I used the last seven years to clear and release the grief that has been keeping me stuck. It feels timely to create an offering for my mother, for the Divine Mothers, for celebrating the path of Dharma. As a way to mark this powerful transition point in my own life, I've created a Navaratri Dharma Summit. My work is dharmic, for dharma, for spiritual evolution. Navaratri has been a meaningful celebration all my life. My mother's passing on Maha Navaratri created an even stronger connection to Navaratri for me. The Divine Feminine is in powerful transformation at this time of year, supporting our deep inner change. If we use this time with intention, Nature supports immense transformation, change and growth within us. I am honored to create a powerful Navaratri offering that will support so many women on their dharmic paths. In the memory and legacy of my mother, The Dharma Summit is a powerful offering that has the potential to be a catalyst for women around the world. Mark this immense life changing moment in time with the wisdom of Navaratri. I invite you to celebrate with me- as I shift into the next phase of my dharmic work. After seven years of Ketu, I'm ready to welcome the power of Venus. It's time for me to celebrate! We are starting soon! Some amazing dharmic leaders will be joining me! Looking forward to ushering in the fullness and wisdom of the Divine Feminine with you! JOIN THE 2019 DHARMA SUMMIT My deep gratitude to those of you who are walking with me. Some of you have been walking with me since the beginning- when I was just starting my dharmic business. To you I say a special thank you for continuing to grow with me! And of course, I will continue to share the gifts and wisdom of Venus with you in the coming years. Grateful to be walking with you and looking forward to sharing Maha Navaratri with you this year. Swati* It's Your Time to Transform, Awaken and Celebrate!
Maha Navaratri occurs from September 29th to October 8th this year. Join us for a FREE transformational 10 day celebration- to awaken your inner wisdom, divine gifts and dharmic path. JOIN THE DHARMA SUMMIT Daily Wisdom Session with powerful Dharmic Leaders. Empowering resources and rituals for the Divine Feminine. Support and guidance for your dharmic path. Tools to activate your souls purpose. JOIN THE DHARMA SUMMIT NOW!
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