Shivaratri arrives FEB 13th just before the new Moon (Amavasya) on February 15th. This is a time of deep silence and strong potential. It is the marriage celebration of Shiva and Shakti, a symbolic union of wholeness- when the absolute unmanifest, conjoins with the pulse of life force energy. Masculine and feminine merge and create life- and the ability to manifest becomes amplified. From this place of union, we can ignite the power of being, the power of life. Transformations abound right now- inner and outer. Are you paying attention to polarities in your life? What dualities are you aware of and what is needed for their integration? This is a powerful time for meditation and reciting the Mrityunjaya Mantra: oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam ǀurvārukam-iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt ǁ Shivaratri supports planting seeds of potential through the depth of silence. Shiva as destroyer, is at one with this awakened state of creativity. His role is to support your collapse into concentrated, focused alignment with the harmony of existence- that which is pure consciousness, deep, unaltered silence and awakening. This is where your creativity resides, your ability to manifest, create and transform- over and over again. Through the transcendence, you can easily touch this silence in its pure form. Shiva reminds us to use this silence to release, simplify and transform. From a silent and awakened state, you can plant the seeds of life more intentionally and powerfully. Use your deep inner silence for stirring your creative desires. Next, the fertility festival of Holi, will activate your silent seeds, helping them become more fully awakened with the creative wisdom of Nature. What are you creating for your powerful life? What is your vision? Let your imagination move you into being. Create life! NEW MOON The February New Moon occurs on Thursday the 15th at 14:06 MT with a partial solar eclipse. This closes the eclipse portal that has been open since the full lunar eclipse on January 31st. The partial solar eclipse begins at 11:55 am MT and concluding at 15:47 MT. The maximum eclipse will be at 13:51 MT. The eclipse will only be visible in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don't absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. The new Moon occurs in sidereal Aquarius and Dhanishtha nakshatra, the constellation of the Vasu Devas, the bearers of light, jyoti. They want visibility, awakening and creative purpose. Powerful action can be ignited here- if in right relationship with dharma and right relationship with your life path. By the time the new Moon arrives, Sun and Mercury have now entered Sidereal Aquarius. Balance polarities and integrate opposing forces. Face your shadow and grief with authenticity. Find new ways and resources in order to navigate your challenges. The same challenges are present for you, but in order to get different results you'll need to try some new, more innovative options and choices. Learn from your past mistakes and don't repeat them. This is a time to deepen your empowerment- which comes through integration and strengthening digestion. Use this cycle to maximize your dharmic pursuits and gather the necessary guidance and resources to support you in this. There is a strong focus on life path in this cycle. Don't neglect this. More support awakens as you move closer to your shadow and limiting beliefs. Courageously lean into your darkness in order for the light to arrive. Shine light on your unconscious and unseen realms. Clear away the rubble and move towards new nourishment and desires. Where are you resisting change, solutions, possibility and your deepest desires? What is stopping you from taking action steps? What limitations are keeping you from stepping into your power and purpose? In the cycle to come, you will be asked to face your grief- with your self and your relationships. Clear and release- in order to make room for more life. Strengthen inner support and physical body support. Uproot and release support that is no longer helping you and create space for the new. Trust your gut wisdom and ask for its guidance. Clear and purify your gut intelligence in order for a stronger intuition and empowerment. Deepen your sense of balance- inner and outer. What does this feel like in your body? The closing of the eclipse portal with a partial solar eclipse, brings emphasis on the physical and spiritual bodies. Needs emerge around the masculine, structure and support. The Sun illuminates the solar system and brings life and light to us. As the Sun's light gets partially obstructed, so will the light within. This is not a time to make big decisions or start new projects. Wait a few days until the light returns and notice what themes arrive in your personal mythology at this time. Close doors that need to be closed and be willing to open new ones. Creative RitualSelf Tracking, Learning from the Wisdom of the Body 1) Sit, stand or lay down. Close your eyes and fall into the rhythm of your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest, the waves of breath moving in and out of your body. Take some time to relax into this rhythm. 2) As the body moves to greater stillness and relaxation through breath awareness, locate a sensation in the body. This sensation might show up as a tingling, a pulsing, or a sense of vibration. There might even be a color, a shape, a sound or a word that arrives in connection to the body part. Listen and honor whatever arrives for you. Don't filter the messages, judge or critique them. Your only job is to listen right now. Be curious, be interested, and be present to the body's messages. What body part emerges? What sensations are arriving? What messages are shared? Take note of this wisdom coming to you from your body. 3) Create an image of this physical body sensation that arrived through your self tracking. Use craypas or paint and put your experience on paper- so as to transfer the felt senses into a tangible, visual expression. This is a powerful part of the process and one that can shift us into deeper awareness of our body wisdom. 4) Once your image is complete, give it a title. Now, let it speak. What does your image have to share with you? If your image could speak, what would it say? 5) Pull out your Jyotish chart. What body part emerged in your self tracking exploration? What house of the chart is connected to this body part? Study this house within your chart. What do you notice? We can analyze the experience of the house by noting: What planets are sitting there, if any? What sign is located in this house? Do any planets give their drishti (gaze)? Finally, note the current transits and what planets might be effecting this house currently. Your body is sharing with you a very specific message. This message is directly connected to your needs, your desires, your deep longing for nourishment, comfort, safety and support on some core level. When we can access the wisdom of the body directly, we get very clear, unfiltered messages and insights. The cosmic intelligence of the jyotish chart can then help us further identify what is impacting us both macrocosmically and microcosmically. This is the vital information we need for deepening our healing and transformation process. Want more support with this process? Read More + Listen to the Guided Podcast I call myself the Dharma Midwife.
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