A rare triple impact full Moon takes place on February 10th. This Cancer full Moon occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse and a comet sighting shortly after, though barely visible from earth. Three cosmic events open the delicate two week eclipse portal. The full Moon occurs at 17:34 MST while Moon is at the edge of Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra (using Mean node calculations). In the Vedic calendar, this is considered Magha Purnima, which is connected to Leo and the ancestors. The penumbral lunar eclipse begins to emerge at 15:34 MST, reaching its climax at 17:43 MST, and finding completion at 19:53 MST. This eclipse will cast its shadow on Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is never advised to be outside during an eclipse, or to look at it directly. If you must be outside, make sure your head is covered. This also marks a delicate two week gap between lunar and solar eclipses. It is not advised to start new projects at this time, nor make big decisions. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously. Ashlesha nakshatra is ruled by Sarpa, the mystical serpent. For months the Sarpa energy has been a powerful influence because of the Kala Sarpa Yoga effects. The highs and lows of the cosmic serpent energy wreaked havoc on masculine and feminine energies through the end of 2016. Multiple planets touched the tail of the serpent (Ketu), deconstructing and transforming them into new possibilities and awareness. We are in the final phases of this emergence as Sun leaps to Aquarius on February 12th. Mercury will follow on the 22nd. Consider this full Moon and eclipse portal a final release process, an extraction and harvesting of months and months of upheaval. What is the theme of your past few months? What are you harvesting about your inner magic and the mysteries of life? Sarpa is notorious for his black magic and deceptive ways. He is illusion and confusion at his worst. At his best, he brings mystical wisdom and occult awareness. Snake medicine is indicative of Kundalini energy and the spinal column, as well as sexual potency. The lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu are expressions of serpent energy. First of all, they are not real, only shadows on the Moon, your inner wisdom and intelligence. Just as the nodes cause intensification, uncertainty, confusion and extremes, so does the energy of Sarpa. Highs and lows appear, as shadow merges into light and light moves back to darkness. What you see is not always what you get, or what you wanted. This full Moon and penumbral lunar eclipse opens a two week portal that ends with the annual solar eclipse on February 26th. It is a delicate window of time that opens up shadowed experiences and illusions. Profound mystical opportunities are possible as well as new awareness and understandings. Simultaneously it is also a time that increases misunderstandings, confusion and deceptive behavior. Be especially careful of toxic environments, foods, drugs and people. Ashlesha is notorious for excesses of all kinds- most notably toxicity with mind altering substances. This can include any form of deception or separation from your truth and inner knowing. At the time of the full Moon, Cancer, Ashlesha and the Moon are all on the horizon. Moon and the Ascendant are both sandhi, at the very edge of Cancer- which opens the gate between this water sign and fiery Leo. This is considered a major gandanta, or sacred gap, that marks upheaval, change and transformation- usually on the psycho-emotional level. Gandantas are notorious for creating challenge because the nature of change is some level of transformation or alchemy. The bigger the change process, the bigger the challenges. This eclipse portal brings emotional transformation, but through the mental body. Attend to your emotional waves and notice what stories are impacting them. The mind needs to be cleared of old toxic patterns and behaviors in order for you to release the shadow and illusions that are keeping you in the dark. Using the Emotional Freedom Technique is an excellent resource for clearing these blockages. Relationships become a major part of this transformation process. What are you learning about yourself as you look in the mirror? Let your heart wisdom guide you and become the guru. Use devotion, Bhakti, to strengthen your path and purpose. Get devoted to your self, your path and your purpose. Make love your dharma and dharma your love. Allow passion to feed you, stir your longings and provoke action steps. Where are you playing small- in matters of love and creativity? The immense healing that is possible in this two week cycle is dedicated to the inner change process, but in a heart centered way. It is through intimately navigating the chambers of your heart- how you love, who you love and what you love- that clarity, new awareness and release will emerge. Clean up the resistance and that which is clogging your heart chakra. It is especially important to release the critic and the parts of you that shut you off from feeling love, gratitude and acceptance. Lean into compassion and loving-kindness, towards your self and others. Drop the stories of right and wrong. Can you surrender to acceptance, trust and your highest vision? Speak your truth, but be mindful of your snake mouth. Make sure your words are the sweet truth and come from the heart. Creative RitualThis is a powerful time to align with your dharma, your soul's purpose, as Saturn moves through Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra. Nirrti, the dark goddess, rules the constellation Mula. She brings adharma (that which is against dharma) and can pull you off of your dharmic path through chaos, confusion and deception. The full Moon and coming cycle supports a deeper listening of your heart wisdom, your inner truth. Lean in closer and use my dharmic resources below to align with your highest potential. Right now, I'm sharing ample resources, guidance and support to help you align with your dharmic truth. What is your soul's true purpose? Use the resources below to activate and align with your dharmic path. These resources are only available for a short time. Last chance for 2017! Find clarity and a deeper purpose and follow along via my newsletter as I continue to share powerful resources this month for strengthening your soul's purpose. Six Steps to Awaken Your Soul's Purpose: Step #1: Planting Seeds Step #2: Gathering Resources Step #3: Overcoming Your Challenges Step #4: Transforming Struggles Step #5: Creating Your Vision Step #6: Making Your Dharma Real Ready for even more Dharmic Support? Don't miss these *free* Dharma Awakening Resources! I'll be pulling them from my website later this week. Last chance to listen for 2017! - Understand what your jyotish chart says about your life path and purpose. - Gather resources for overcoming obstacles and set backs on you path. - Discover what's holding you back from making money doing what you love. Listen to my three part Dharma Awakening Series When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go?
What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support.
1 Comment
2/23/2017 04:29:28 pm
Wow, this reading is spot on! You are brilliant! Thank you so much Swati!
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