Awaken Your True Self I've shared over the past few weeks, the many challenges of the Eclipse Portal. How it intensified challenges and obstacles, the shadow, in order for deeper healing to take place within. Though the Eclipse Portal has closed, working with the shadow continues. I, like many, used the eclipse portal to meet my challenges head on. Deep, oozy grief emerged within me. Rather than pushing it away and forcing myself to "keep it together", I allowed myself to get messy. If my grief has taught me anything, it's that I need to allow the mess within me to have a voice, to speak. Through daily tapping, creative rituals, movement, rest, staying in my pajamas and laying in bed for days on end, I eventually emerged on the other side of this mess, with a new understanding of my shadow, and a deep, powerful release as well. Attending to my shadow very consciously, allowed me to clear, move and release my shadow. I was able to transform it and in the process, create space for something more powerful to flow through me- my creativity! As I let go of the layers of suppressed anger and sadness, I began to grieve a very old part of myself. Much to my surprise, this was my inner teenager! Her wild ways and strong ferocity had not been honored in many years. In fact, I had to dismiss her, negate her wisdom and intelligence for survival many years ago. I took vows to keep her locked away and hidden. Suppressing her wild, creative wisdom has cost me dearly. Her Durga-like energy is in fact my True Self, so not being fully aligned with her is a loss I can't afford. As I used my resources to transform the anger and sadness, suddenly more space was created within me. Space that allowed my creative energy to flow more dynamically. This space was created by integrating inner conflict, finding harmony between my polarities and honoring the wisdom of my wild feminine wisdom. With my inner Durga awakening, her untamed wisdom no longer in my shadow, a new burst of energy has emerged in me. One that has allowed me to align with my dharmic work more fully, more authentically. In fact, the clarity that emerged from this process, has allowed me to create an even more powerful course to support your healing and transformation process. Deepen and awaken your inner feminine wisdom with jyotish, embodiment and creativity! I'm so ecstatic to share this offering with you! Get the Details Here. I'll be sharing more resources in the coming days- during the nine day Vedic Celebration of Navaratri- to support your own transformational process and help you align with your feminine wisdom. I've also posted a new tapping meditation podcast below to support you with leaning into your feminine wisdom. As you deepen your relationship with your wild, feminine wisdom, trust your steps. The journey is not necessarily easy, or comfortable, but the results are well worth navigating the rocky terrain of your inner landscape. Pulling up old roots, in order to plant new seeds, will provide you with a rich and potent harvest. Five steps to remember as you deepen your relationship with Her: - Any obstacle or blockage can be overcome by increasing your creative intelligence. Where is your resistance to this life force energy? To the nourishment? - Aligning authentically with your True Self requires the removal of any vows you have taken (consciously or unconsciously). These vows block your creative life force energy and keep you resistant to change. Many are tribal, familial, cultural or ancestral. - Your emotions and your emotional body wisdom will show you the way. Emotional body literacy helps you identify needs and will help you find new resources for your growth. Your feelings will tell you everything! - Receptivity, being able to receive fully, is vital for increased creative flow and nourishment. Where are you resisting the flow? - Self care practices increase your receptivity, the ability to receive nourishment. Make sure you're attending to self care on all four levels of your being- Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Notice where there are holes in your Self Care practices. Increasing Your Receptivity Your Creative Intelligence is your wild feminine wisdom. Increase your ability to receive Shakti, life force energy, and you will increase your Creativity Intelligence naturally. What's keeping you from fully embracing all the nourishment that surrounds you? What is keeping you from receiving the abundance of Nature and Her gifts? What type of relationship do you have with your Divine Feminine wisdom? Simply put, you have blockages in the way, keeping certain channels clogged, restricted, overburdened with toxins. When your channels of receiving are restricted, the flow can't move through you fully. These blockages may be on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual body levels- or all four pathways. Removing the blockages from all four levels of your being, is essential for maximum life force energy to be received. Navigating your inner terrain very consciously is essential for identifying these obstacles and blockages. As you identify these blockages, you can then strategically use this information to make deep, inner change. Removing blockages that hinder your life force energy is essential for more life force energy and more flow. Increased creative flow, more life force energy, will increase your ability to receive money, health, vitality, love, relationships, comforts, ideas, artistry and inner harmony. Both Moon and Venus symbolize these factors in your jyotish chart. Their placements in your natal chart will show you where there is restriction. The effects the other planets have on your Venus and Moon will either support or hinder this flow. The other planets in your chart will also show you what channels are open and which ones are blocked. This is why jyotish is such a powerful resource for healing and transformation. The trick to changing and transforming the blockages is working with your full range of being, your entire inner landscape- not just the parts that you like, or feel good. Leaning into what is not working, the obstacles and challenges, can be the most effective way to clear your pathways for increased flow. Challenges and blockages are the mirror you need to identify what needs to change. Integration is Essential for More Flow This divine Shakti flow is essential in order to deepen your relationship with creativity. Creativity brings more ideas, more imagination, more money, more health and vitality, more passion, more pleasure. More of the good stuff! If you want more of the good stuff, you have to clear the blockages keeping you from receiving more. It may seem obvious, but if you can't receive this creative nourishment, you won't be able to increase this in your life. The Divine Feminine wisdom within is your receptive energy. She is your ability to be in receiving and feel the juicy, goodness of your life. This requires that you are in harmony with your feminine energy (expansion, opening, fluidity) and your masculine energy (containment, restriction, the known). Most people (men and women) have never learned how to use masculine and feminine energy in a way that promotes balance, inner harmony and vitality- rather than depletion and chaos. When the masculine and feminine polarities are at odds with each other, this conflict will increase fear, resistance, deep inner challenge, turmoil, overwhelm, self-sabotage behaviors and intensified shadow to emerge. This inner conflict is at the root of all major dis-ease. These inner conflicts will often manifest externally as a way to help you identify the imbalances. What relationships are you in conflict with? So many of these imbalances within the masculine and feminine energies are expressed by the conflicts in the world. How do you know if your masculine and feminine energies are in conflict? Notice the parts of your self that are saying yes, when the rest of you is saying no. Some parts may be saying no, while other parts are saying yes. Remember that outer conflicts are just bright, flashing mirrors that are being held up for you to look more closely so you can identify your own inner conflicts. Who and what are you in conflict with? This battle is at play within you as well. Can you tell? Integrating polarities, healing the conflicts and finding harmony between your opposing forces is the fast track to deeper receptivity and receiving more nourishment in life. When inner polarities align, all the energy that was being used to stay in battle, is suddenly freed up. This energy can then be used in life supporting ways. Your energy will naturally start moving in a direction that supports greater nourishment and harmony. Learning how to integrate polarities and deepen your receptivity is a powerful resource for awakening your full potential. Your feminine wisdom is vital for increasing more nourishment in your life. She will show you the way and help you navigate the uncharted territory of your inner terrain. I'm so passionate about supporting women in this process of inner integration! So many women are not using their divine inner wisdom in the most potent and powerful ways. They stay in lack, without stepping into their brilliance fully. What a shame when you've come all this way, arrived in a female human body, in order to learn how to be more receptive! My work is here to support your growth and inner wisdom. To help you deepen your feminine gifts and inherent creative intelligence. So that you can feel more nourished and vital in your life. Ready to step into your Divine Feminine gifts? Join me for my special 2016 Spring/Summer classes. Jyotish Astrology for Transformation and Healing. Discover how to integrate and align your polarities in order to step into your power more fully. Get the Details. Deepen Your Receptivity ~ Tapping Meditation Use this Tapping Meditation to increase creative flow and inner harmony. Remember that we always start with "truth tapping" by expressing feelings and experiences that feel challenging. This is a vital part of the process and paves the way for transformation and healing. In the podcast below, I share a tapping (EFT) sequence with you that will guide you through transforming and releasing the old stories and invite in more receptivity. Remember, we start with identifying the challenges, then moving into possibility and desires in order to transform our shadow into light. Use this podcast as you tap through these points: Karate chop point (side of the hand). Crown of the head. Eyebrow point (above the eye). Side of the eye. Under the eye. Under the nose. Chin point (crease of the chin). Throat point (collar bone/throat chakra). Heart point (center of chest). Stomach point (above the navel). Side body (nipple line at side of chest). Tap six to ten times on each point and just keep cycling through the points. Repeat the phrases I use aloud. Notice any thoughts, stories, memories or emotions that emerge as you tap. These are important pieces to return to, do more tapping on, as a way to clear blockages. As always, if the words I use don't work for you, change them to support your process more fully. Share your experiences below! What emerged for you in this process? Excited to hear from you!
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