The September new Moon is at the final hour of Tuesday, September 19th. At 23:30 Mountain time, Moon enters the first tithi (phase) of the waxing half, closing the door on the last cycle. Amavasya, or the new Moon, is a seed planting time- ripe with potential and possibility. Release and letting go must take place in order for you to plant your seeds in the cycle to come. What is it that you are letting go of- in preparation for the new, the ripening and harvest to come? This new Moon occurs in Virgo where Sun has newly entered. Both Sun and Moon will be in the latter half of the Phalguni constellation- Uttaraphalguni. This is a constellation ruled by Aryaman and the ancestors. As a god of resources, sustenance and health, Aryaman brings support for marriage and that which pleases the ancestors- like perpetuating the lineage and honoring dharma. The Phalguni constellations are notorious for ripeness, fertility and giving the fruits of your efforts; they are symbolized by a bed- a place of creation, rest, rejuvenation and pleasure. These stars correlate to love, sexuality, sensuality and relationships. Purva phalguni connects more to the lower half of the body, while Uttara phalguni correlates to the upper half of the body as well as the future and lasting results. Fruitful outcomes occur through the Phalguni constellations. It is a powerful time to create contracts that you want lasting support and results from. In the waxing cycle to come, it's powerful time to gather your harvest for the past season. What are you taking with you? What are you leaving behind? What is still digesting and integrating? What are the new needs showing up? What grief are you still carrying that needs to be released and digested? Movement, expansion and momentum come in the weeks ahead. Make changes that help you align with new nourishment and growth. It's time to move forward and be bold with your desires. Make sure your actions, choices, words and desires match your long term expectations. What are you moving towards? What needs to be released in order to make room for the new? Where are you holding grief, clogging the channels and keeping you from deeper receptivity? Digest, release and integrated grief from the past cycle. This is a cycle of healing and preparation. Don't move too fast. Slow down and be methodical with your steps- as tempting as it may be to rush. Move towards new nourishment and make room for the new by clearing and releasing the unconscious terrain that keeps you stuck and striving but never arriving. What stories of lack are in your way of abundance and deeper love? This new Moon kicks off a powerful cycle of transformation and release during the Navaratri celebrations. The nine days of Mother Divine begin just after the new Moon on September 20th. Equinox arrives two days later on the 22nd. Fall equinox for the Northern Hemisphere and Spring equinox for the Southern Hemisphere. Nava means nine and ratri means night in Sanskrit. Each day and night of this powerful junction point, correlates to the epic battle between the goddess Sri Devi Mahatmyam and the demon Mahishasura. Maha Devi Mahatmyam is connected to both Durga and Shakti, powerful forms of divine feminine energy that awaken, clear, transform and heal. Sri Devi is understood to be the supreme creation power of the universe, the Tridevi, or triple goddess, as she expresses the creation, sustaining and destructive energies that perpetuate all forms of life. In the sacred text known as the Sri Devi Mahatmyam, composed between 400 and 600 CE, the many forms of the goddess are expressed. "She is presented, through a language of praise, as the one who dwells in all creatures, as the soul, as the power to know, the power to will and the power to act. She is consciousness of all living beings, she is intelligence, she is matter, and she is all that is form or emotion." - Via Wikipedia During the nine day and night Navaratri celebration, the battle between light and dark forces enlivens, ending on the 10th day with Victory Day, Vijaya Dashami. This battle between light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, transformation and healing, is taking place within all beings at this sacred junction point. It is a time to heal and integrate polarities within. Read more about Navaratri. Creative RitualUse this simple process to help you harvest a message from your grief. Use my short podcast to support your inner resourcing and discover the message of your grief. Use this process daily for deepening the relationship with your grief. Read More I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever!
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1 Comment
9/19/2017 05:32:32 pm
Wake up solution help plese right sugesan an solution
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