The Nature of Saturn Saturn is a powerful planet, one that dishes up our karmas to us- but not on a silver platter. He is our greatest suffering and sorrows, but ultimately our enlightenment. He moves slowly and methodically, taking 2.5 years to move through each sign. What Saturn offers us is the depth of our being, our humanness, whether through experiencing the human form, the physical body, or through the reactions of our actions. Life might be easier without him, but it would truly lack depth, lessons learned, and the necessity for consistent effort which is necessary for us to grow and evolve. As per my article, Ripening Slowly with Saturn: "Saturn brings both the blessings and the curses of life- as he gives his wisdom only through the slow ripening of time, effort, suffering, loss and age. It takes time to learn the deepest, hardest and most important wisdom of life. This wisdom has to be worked for and requires effort to receive. Thus, Saturn pays us in enlightenment for the work, effort, steady actions, that we make over a long period of time. If we don't adhere to his rules for wisdom, he will make us suffer the consequences." Saturn is worth studying, working with, not against. Being very familiar with his ways is vital for life and living. This will cause less suffering, less misery, fewer health issues, and less depression and despondency. For on the other side of suffering is great alliance with Nature and her wisdom, as well as the sacred Laws of the Universe. This is one of the gifts that Saturn grants us when we are in alignment with Source. Saturn in Sagittarius Saturn shifts to Sagittarius on January 26th, 2017 at 02:55am MST for his first pass through this sign. He will be in Mula nakshastra the majority of 2017. This is a powerful re-structuring transit. As the planet of grief moves through the star notorious for adharma (that which is against dharma), it is imperative to stay close to resources, support and guidance that will help you stay true to your inner wisdom, your dharma and life path. Sagittarius correlates to the 9th house of your natal chart, which is the house of dharma. The 9th house is considered the most auspicious house of the chart, offering support and resources, more than challenges and struggles. It is also the house associated with teachers, but most importantly, one's guru. These days, most people have many gurus- so how you receive knowledge and who guides and supports you on your path, is also honored by this house. This can include coaches, therapists, healers, teachers of all kinds and anyone who shows up in a support role. The ninth house is spiritual, wisdom oriented and connected to higher education. There is also a correlation to the father, but most often the step father- as the guru was in ancient times. For everyone, understanding their natal 9th house, and how it expresses itself in the chart, will be important right now. As Saturn enlivens the themes of the 9th house during this transit, he will also by default, be activating your natal 9th house themes. This year, Saturn spends the majority of his time in Mula nakshatra- the first constellation situated in Sagittarius. It will be easy and tempting to succumb to fear and anxiety with this transit. It will provoke challenges and discomfort that might make you lose hope, trust or certainty with your inner light, your inner truth. Through facing your fear directly, using it as a resource for deep inner growth and transformation, you can awaken in very spiritual and empowering ways in the coming months. This transit of Saturn in Mula can bring great awakening, but only through your diligence, willingness and consistently showing up for your inner wisdom. This process will take your resolve. You must show up for yourself and others repeatedly in order to harvest the power of this process. What is your highest truth? What intentions are you aligning with right now? What is your heart and soul longing to bring forth into this one precious life? Saturn will stay in Mula nakshatra until June 21st of 2017. Part of this transit includes his retrograde dance back through this chaotic gandanta (gap). Saturn will retrograde on April 5th, 2017. Saturn will then re-enter Scorpio on June 21st for another four months, before re-entering Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra on October 26th, for the remainder of his 2.5 year transit through this fire sign. Saturn stays in Sagittarius until January of 2020. As Saturn shifts into Sagittarius, Rahu in Leo gives his gaze directly to this heavy, challenging planet of hard work and structure. When the energies of Rahu and Saturn come together, storm energy is enlivened, the power of Rudra (the Storm God) is invoked. This offers immense strength, but it must be channeled effectively in order to be utilized properly. With great power, comes great responsibility, Channel this power, force and strength effectively, and you will feel the wind in your sails. Allow this storm energy to control you, and it will induce more struggle, suffering and calamity. Find the calm within the storm and activate grounding, embodiment and core strength. This ongoing lengthy transit will be the most provocative and transformational since Saturn is the slowest moving planet and the grief giver. He impacts the physical body directly and brings ongoing duress because he is so heavy, old and slow. As the planet of grief, this is also an important time to pull out the roots of grief that have been living in your bodies unconsciously. Attending to your grief process and healing old wounds will be especially important in 2017. Everyone will be forced on some level to look directly at their suffering and pain. Hopefully this will bring new awareness. Why is this transit so provocative? Mula nakshatra is ruled by the dark goddess, Nirrti, responsible for adharmic activity- that which is against dharma. She is notorious for causing chaos, calamity and misfortune, while also pulling you from your dharmic path. There is a risk in the coming months of losing your path, getting stuck in the storm of uncertainty, confusion and misalignment- losing your path by succumbing to fear, doubt, and challenges. If you find yourself lacking clarity about your life purpose, or confusion seems to increase, it's time to seek support and guidance. Please reach out to me. Resources, guidance and support will be even more important at this time because it will be so easy to fall into the chaos and confusion that Nirrti provokes. With great diligence however, this can also be a time of strengthening your determination, focus and alignment with dharma. Do not lose hope. Do not get lost in Nirrti's perfect storm. Stay connected and aligned with your dreams, desires, goals and passions. These are important resources to help you honor your dharmic path. As challenging as this Saturn transit will be for many, it is also an opportunity to do some very powerful healing work in ways that will support deep, lasting change for the physical body. Saturn has not transited Sagittarius since December of 1987. You might recall what took place for you from the end of 1987 to December 1990, the length of Saturn's transit through Sagittarius. This will give you a good idea of what to expect in the next few years. You can also look at your jyotish chart and notice where Sagittarius is for you specifically. As painful as this process of letting go and uprooting will be in the coming months, it's also an opportunity for great change and transformation. Release and letting go allows new space and possibility to arrive- on all levels of your being. How you work with your pain, grief and challenges will determine your outcome. Remember that there's always a resource hidden in the challenges. The trick is to find them! It will be important to get extra support, resources and guidance in the months to come to help you transform challenges into possibility. Do not lose sight of your visions and dreams, goals and aspirations. Stay close to your body and breath and deepen your inner roots. Use resources to help you expand your creativity and what you think is possible for yourself. Try to keep life as simple and stable as possible. Saturn enters PurvaAshada nakshatra on November 27th 2018 for one year. Saturn enters UttaraAshada nakshatra on December 27th 2019 until he moves to Capricorn on January 23rd 2020. Horoscopes |
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