This Week's Intention: Changes are happening within you and around you. Use your creative powers within to strengthen your steps and purpose. Allow vulnerability to create possibility- rather than defeat and fear. Integrate and unify opposing forces and let harmony be your guide. The week begins with a waxing Moon and Venus just arriving in Gemini, a friendly sign. The heated war between Sun and Venus pauses as Venus shifts to Gemini on June 12th. The previous weeks have purified, clarified and helped you simplify life, relationships and needs. This trend continues once Sun hops into Gemini on the 14th. Once again, watery Venus will be closely conjunct fiery Sun, causing a heated combustion to take place. This war story continues for the coming months- on again and off again. Pay close attention to themes with relationships, money matters, self worth and power issues as they will be flaring up as a result of this dynamic. Remember this is an opportunity for you to clarify your needs and do the necessary clean up both inner and outer. Mars retrogrades back into Libra late week. Some space is created between Mars and Saturn and the conflict between these opposing forces downgrades to an exchange of signs. In this way, they can give each other more support, rather than excess conflict. Enjoy a bit more increased momentum in the coming weeks. Monday, June 13th Moon in 9th tithi Navami The mental body is activated today as Moon moves through Mercury's sign, Virgo. Just as Monday begins, Moon shifts to Hasta nakshatra- insight and awakening arrive. Savitr rules this constellation, ensuring that light, wisdom and truth will be present within you. What are you not seeing? What have you been refusing to acknowledge or accept? Today, the vision will be bright, your sight will be illuminated. Pay attention and move towards the light. Clarify and activate your inner truth. Your inner knowing will be strong so listen carefully. Tuesday, June 14th Moon in 10th tithi Dashami Mid morning, Moon shifts to Chitra nakshatra and Vishvakarma brings his focused action steps and momentum. Mars rules this star and he is now in the gap between Scorpio and Libra. The door is open between these signs, causing energy to circulate between vulnerability and balance. Use the unknown to cultivate new possibility. Chitra translates as "the brilliant" and is symbolized by a shining jewel. It's a highly creative constellation, bringing the creative process to life. As Moon moves through the 10th Moon phase today, dharma is enlivened. Put your dharmic work into action. Carve out your path. Create through your inner brilliance. Let your subtle realms be the resource for awakening your steps. Late evening Moon moves into Libra, stirring creative energy and the need for balance. Go slow and use the body as a resource for finding stability. Just before noon, Sun moves to Gemini, joining Venus here, continuing their heated battle between fire and water, precision and flow, human and soul needs. This cycle is a potent refinement process that will ask you to be get clear and focused about your desires. There is ancestral support and guidance for those who lean into this spiritual resource. Mars gives his gaze to Gemini (until he shifts back into Libra), which is a challenging sign for him as the warrior and mind don't get along (the ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury). However, Mars does connect well with both Sun and Venus, so he lends his support for action and momentum nonetheless. Ketu's gaze to Gemini, shifts the focus, bringing disconnection and restructuring, while at times offering disassociation as well. Read more about Sun in Gemini in my June Horoscopes Wednesday, June 15th Moon in 11th tithi Ekadashi Moon moves into Swati nakshatra late morning as Sun continues to land in Gemini. Our light source is- both inner and outer will feel vulnerability enlivened as he adjusts to his new home, rejoining close proximity to Venus simultaneously. As Moon moves through Libra, a Venus ruled sign, it mirrors the need for balance, stability and grounding today. Swati nakshatra undermines this need with its constant movement- often increasing distraction and detachment, rather than balanced forces within. The winds will be blowing in and around you so find your earth based resources and the support you need to counter the air quality. Are you stuck in excess movement, or can you stop, pause and attend to your roots more consciously? Thursday, June 16th Moon in 12th tithi Dvadasi The first half of the day is connected to Swati's movement and the winds of Vayu who continue to rule the day. Ground, stabilize, make friends with your prana. After noon, Moon shifts into Vishaka nakshatra and duality arrives. Finding the integration between opposing forces is vital. The split in your being undermines your empowerment, clarity and strength. What is the need underneath your opposition? The part of you resisting your power and purpose? Seek unity with all parts of you. You must befriend the part of yourself that is resisting and saying no. This is where your greatest resources reside. Friday, June 17th Moon in 13th tithi Dvadashi Late morning, Moon moves to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, passing over sandhi Mars who will move to Libra later today. Moon will also conjunct Saturn in the coming days as it transits through Scorpio. This impacts the emotional body with contraction, tenderness and grief. Suffering is unleashed from the emotional body. Do you surrender to the waves or resist and suppress the pain? The emotional body is requesting your attention and diligence in the coming days. Soften and lean in. Give yourself extra time and space to honor the pain emerging. Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra late afternoon, bringing support through transformation and regeneration, as well as through friends and loved ones. Go slow and honor the emerging emotions rising within. Some may feel a certain flatness. That's your emotional body going into freeze. Find resources to help you thaw. On June 17th, retrograde Mars returns to Libra. Mars has been in retrograde motion since April 15th, transiting Scorpio with Saturn- who is also retrograde right now. Normally, Mars would be excited to transit his own, familiar territory, however, an intruder also occupies his home. Right now this enemy (Saturn) is in his enemy’s sign and uncomfortable digging up the depths and subconscious territory of Scorpio. Read more about Sun Mars in Libra in my June Horoscopes Saturday, June 18th Moon in 14th tithi Chaturdashi Moon transits Scorpio and Anuradha nakshatra today. The Moon is in its final phases of the waxing cycle. Mitra, the ruling deity of Anuradha, brings support from friends and tradition, but requires you to dive into your depths for transformation and change. There's a certain rising from the ashes, growing from the mud and reaching for the sky. Your body wisdom will be the catalyst for this momentum- for your grounded sense of self and your steady steps. Late afternoon, Moon shifts to Jyeshtha and collides with retrograde Saturn. The mental and emotional bodies will be sensitive and needing your extra attention. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Go slow, be steady. Ground from within. Attend to your inner sensitivity, your grief and all that is stirring and transforming within. Tides are high, surf your inner ocean. Sunday, June 19th Moon in 15th tithi Purnima Moon embarks on the final stages of the waxing cycle, entering fullness and stirring the chaos of release and transformation. The Moon finishes up its time in Scorpio and debilitation, separating from conjunction with Saturn and completing its movement through Jyeshtha nakshatra today. Indra is the ruler of this constellation, bringing with him deep sensitivity as well as strength, power and passion. It's vital that you attend to your emotional body, likely stirred and provoked by the mental body, stories, old paradigms, your unconscious terrain today. This is a time to break open, break free, release and transform your old woundology. Where are you resisting? How can you lean in closer and listen with your presence? Early evening, Moon makes the leap into Sagittarius- from water into fire- landing in Mula nakshatra. Nirrti, the goddess of adharma provokes your transformation and change. Deepen your relationship with the chaos, but separate yourself from the addiction to it. Monday, June 20th Moon in 15th to 1st tithi Purnima to Pratipad The June full Moon is on Monday the 20th at 05:02 am Mountain Daylight time. Moon will be transiting Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at the time of the full Moon. Rahu gives his shadowy gaze to the Moon, as well as the tempestuous pair, Sun and Venus, currently combust in Gemini. The heat and uncertainty will be palpable in the cycle to come, increasing overwhelm and confusion. The necessity for uprooting, creating change and moving into right-relationship with the chaos principle, will be imperative. Movement, change and momentum will increase through branching out, reaching and extending. Imagine it, then create it. Explore new possibilities, try new resources, ask for support in new ways. Communicate your needs and reach towards that which will increase your nourishment. Many will feel stuck in the chaos and unable to see past the turmoil, undermining your ability to create and manifest. This cycle is an opportunity to work with the chaos, to use it as a resource for deep transformation and change. It is also Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere today. The light, inner and outer, is at its peak. Read More about the full Moon and Solstice in my June Full Moon Wisdom As evening arrives, Moon shifts into the second constellation of Sagittarius, PurvaAshada. Let the water flow. Allow the wisdom of Apas, the water goddess, to support the movement and flow of your inner ocean. What is your relationship with "it's never enough"? Join me for a special June Abundance class! From Scarcity to Abundance. An embodied and creative approach to increasing your wealth. Early Bird pricing ends June 20th. Get the Details Need some personal guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Join me for my weekly Jyotish Astrology Classes. Learn how to re-pattern, transform and heal karmic blockages. Study your jyotish chart in a creative and embodied way. Register for July Classes now. Get the Details
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