This Week's Intention: Use the energy and power of this week to turn more deeply within. This is a radical time of inward excavation. Use it to clarify, awaken and respond to your inner call. The week begins with a dose of change and new power. The full Moon in Taurus is on the rise and Mars has just shifted into Aquarius, bringing a different sense of strength. This week Sun also moves into the delicate gandanta between Scorpio and Sagittarius, landing in Mula nakshatra. How do you dance with the chaos? An exchange of energy between Saturn and Mars continues for the coming weeks, this time through the signs Scorpio and Aquarius. This is a time to radically release shadows and misconceptions- all that is holding you back from self realization and empowerment. Be fearless in your extension and reach. Notice where you resist, hold back and play small. Look at the behaviors and choices that keep you playing small- including foods, drugs/alcohol, schedule, over-giving and under-giving, lack of clarity about your needs etc. As we move towards the darkest point of the year (Northern Hemisphere) it's a time of radical inner excavation and awareness. Dive deep. Mars moves to Aquarius on December 11th at 05:54 am MST, joining Ketu here. Both receive direct gaze from Rahu which will instigate a certain closing of the Kala Sarpa Yoga effects. No doubt there will be an intensification of the rocky past few months as Mars nears exact conjunction with Ketu on December 27th. There will be some final release and forced letting go as a result of these two fiery planets conjoining in the sign of duality. There may be confusion about how to integrate porlarities and extremes until Mars shifts to Pisces on January 20th. Mars is the warrior planet- not a thinker, but an action taker. He does not lead with his mind or his heart, but with his action-oriented approach to life. "Doing" is his claim to fame. Ketu brings cutting, sudden shifts and changes, awakening through release, as well as trauma through sudden loss. He is the tail of the serpent energy that Rahu instigates. As the Kala Sarpa Yoga comes to a close with this Mars cycle, expect themes with polarities to present themselves more aggressively. This is a time of radical integration and alignment with your True Self. Read more about Mars in Aquarius Monday, December 12th Moon in 14th tithi Chaturdasi Moon is nearing Purnima (fullness) and emotional waves increase to high tide. Moon transits Krittika nakshatra, Agni's domain, sparking the fire of life, the powerful force of alchemy and transformation. Moon is exalted for the first hour of the day, promising a potent week ahead. As the morning takes hold, Moon moves into its mulitrikona degrees- still strong, but the intensity dwindles. Just after noon, Moon moves to Rohini nakshatra, the highly creative star notorious for manifestation and material wealth. What are you manifesting in the cycle to come? Get clear on your goals, action steps and intentions. {Plant Your Seeds of Light and Wisdom} *FREE* Winter Solstice Web Class. On the darkest day of the year, there is a great opportunity for releasing and letting go of the past seasons. This is your still point. The pause. The sacred in-between. Linger here for a moment and create a deeper intention for your path in the coming months. Join me for a free Winter Solstice Web Class ::: Please RSVP to join the list: [email protected] Tuesday, December 13th Moon in 15th tithi Purnima Moon continues to move through Taurus, its mulitrikona sign and Rohini nakshatra. Sun, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter give their gaze, offering confusion with expansion and empowerment. Mulitrikona planets can exert their energy at 75% strength, which means that this full Moon and emotional body expression is strong and may feel overpowering. Channel this energy and deep feelings into conscious manifestation. What are you calling in, creating and aligning with at this time? Late morning Moon shifts to Mrigashirsha nakshatra, inviting in reach, extension and nourishment. Say yes. Sun is at the very edge of Scorpio right now. The delicate gandanta (gap) between water and fire signs is opening radical changes with the masculine. Stay close to your grounding cord. Early evening, Moon shifts to Gemini. Find your creativity and access this inner wisdom for new possibilities. The December Full Moon is on the 13th at 17:05 MST. Moon is in its mulitrikona sign, a great place for emotional expression and connection. Full Moon in Taurus and Mrigashirsha nakshatra brings reaching and extending into new territory and resources in the coming cycle. Branch out and seek new nectar for your soul. Attract more of what you need. Go out on a limb and try something new. Be bold in your action steps. Watch for fickle and flighty responses. Try to follow through and stick to your word. You may find yourself in challenges where you were not clear about your needs and intentions. Focus. Read more about the full Moon. Wednesday, December 14th Moon in 1st tithi Pratipad Moon transits Gemini and receives gaze from Mercury, ruling planet of this air sign, as well as Ketu, the planet of cutting and forced release. Notice where you are stuck in old mental/emotional body patterns. Intercept the thoughts and replace them with attention to the sensations in the body. Restructure and reframe. The Moon is waning now, but still quite full and energized. As the lunar energy shifts into Ardra nakshatra mid morning, Rudra brings his immense strength and power to the day. This is a Rahu ruled constellation and is known for intense emotional waves and expressions. The symbol for this portion of the sky is a tear and the body part associate is the eyes. Allow the emotional body waves to move through you today in healthy, safe and constructive ways. Wash your self clean. The capacity to which you allow the release, is the capacity to which you are able to hold the arrival of the new. Attend to your grief consciously. This may emerge as sadness or anger. Sun is at the edge of Scorpio, leaving his tight conjunction with the grief planet, Saturn. Attend to your inner light, the masculine, physical and spiritual bodies, and the ways in which your grief may be surfacing through these channels. Thursday, December 15th Moon in 2nd tithi and 3rd tithi Dvitiya to Tritiya Just after Thursday begins, Moon shifts to the softer and gentler constellation of Punarvasu. Aditi and the planet Jupiter rule this part of the sky. Aditi is the abundant mother of all goodness, resources, generous material gifts and support from the universe. Since it is the day of Jupiter (Thursday) as well, the expansive and nourishing support of Jupiter is offered two-fold. Expand towards what you need for deeper nourishment. Where are you resisting the abundance of yourself and your life? Where are you malnourished and playing too small, neglecting your inner source, your inner power? Receiving the abundance of life requires that you rise to the occassion and can say yes to being bigger, bolder and more powerful. Brighten your life light. Late evening Moon moves to its own sign, Cancer, finding deeper nourishment, ease and sensitivity. The emotional body becomes central in the coming days. Sun shifts out of Saturns energy, away from conjunction with this heavy, planet of grief, on December 15th, arriving in Sagittarius at 08:02 am MST. As our light source lands in this fire sign, he enters the challenging gandanta of Mula. There are only three of these junction points in the zodiac, but this is a particularly important one- notorious for uprooting and chaos. This is an important two week period for the masculine, ego and sense of empowerment. Expect deep transformation, uprooting and release on the levels of your masculine self- as well as with the male relationships in your life. This is a restructuring phase and will impact how your relate, as well as who you relate to. For months there have been an intesification of masculine themes and confrontation with male based ego, the weak masculine and excess aggression. This is an opportunity to align with masculine parts of yourself that are more about right-relationship, conscious relating and deep intention for integration and balance. Use this time to uproot that which is not serving you, that which is overtly aggressive- towards yourself and others. Read more about Sun in Sagittarius {Plant Your Seeds of Light and Wisdom} *FREE* Winter Solstice Web Class. On the darkest day of the year, there is a great opportunity for releasing and letting go of the past seasons. This is your still point. The pause. The sacred in-between. Linger here for a moment and create a deeper intention for your path in the coming months. Join me for a free Winter Solstice Web Class ::: Please RSVP to join the list: [email protected] Friday, December 16th Moon in 4th tithi Chaturthi As Friday begins, Moon arrives in Pushya nakshatra, Brihaspati's domain. He is another expression of Jupiter and his benevolence through wisdom, brings sattva (purity) and expansion towards the positive in life. Moon continues through its own sign, Cancer, which increases the emotional body receptivity and sensitivity available. The direct gaze of Venus provides increased focus on relationships, the feminine and creativity. Pushya nakshatra, the star of nourishment, supports more availability for getting needs met, being held and supported. Are you allowing the resources to show up for you? Are you accepting the support presenting itself? What are your deeper needs and where might you be resisting the nourishment? Increasing your emotional body intelligence will support your ability to identify your needs more directly. Lean in and listen to your feeling level, your inner wisdom. What is it telling you about your need for more holding, support, comfort and safety? Saturday, December 17th Moon in 5th tithi Panchami Saturday arrives as Moon shifts to Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpa's domain. This is the domain of the serpent, the shadowy, mysterious and deceptive energy of the snake. There is often confusion, misdeeds and misuse of power with this constellation. The positive, more life supporting energy of the Sarpa power is found through the Nagas- serpents of the deep, subconscious terrain. Sarpa energy can be transformed into Naga energy, but through restraint, commitment to purity and transformational practices. Sarpa energy is particularly poignant right now because of the Kala Sarpa yoga effects. Notice where you are misaligned with your needs and intentions. Notice where your relationship with power and the masculine needs adjustments. Notice where you are not in right-relationship with your inner wisdom and inner truth. Lean closer to your shadow self, not further away. Read more about the Kala Sarpa Yoga effects Sunday, December 18th Moon in 6th tithi Sashthi Sunday, day of Sun, opens with Moon moving to Leo (sign of the Sun) and Magha nakshatra. There are several layers of the masculine, Sun energy being offered today, coupled with Moon moving through the constellation of the ancestors, particulary the father's lineage. Magha is considered a junction point, a gap, known as a gandanta. It is a place of uprooting, unraveling and deep change. As Sun arrives in Leo, it conjoins Rahu, head of the serpent, once again. Mars and Ketu give their gaze as does Saturn. There is an intensity and fire provoked today that will need to be navigated consciously. Use this time consciously for releasing disempowering thoughts and behaviors. Notice where you are not aligned with your inner power, your masculine energy. What would right-relationship with the masculine feel like for you- within and within your relationships? How can you channel your power in authentic, life supporting ways, that nourish yourself and others? Monday, Decmeber 19th Moon in 7th tithi Saptami The week begins with Moon shifting into Purvaphalguni nakshatra and into exact conjunction with Rahu, once again starting a two week cycle of Kala Sarpa yoga effects. Moonis waning and half way through the empting cycle now. Mars will break the Kala Sarpa yoga on the 28th of December, but won't officially leave Aquarius until January 20th. There is still extreme ups and downs, polarities and binary energy at play. Integration and harmonizing opposites and extremes is vital right now. As Moon transists Purvaphalguni, Bhaga, the god of resources and material enjoyment is enlivened. There's a tendency to overspend and over indulge right now. Watch how your shadows are impacting excess and extremes. This includes finances, eating habits, food, drugs and alcohol, as well as your relationships and behaviors. Seek simplicity, gentleness with yourself and others, as well as clarity with boundaries, and needs. Find more stability- inner and outer- rather than overwhelm through pushing or forcing outcomes and agendas. * All timing is Mountain Standard Time. Prepare for the year ahead with clarity, direction and right action. Get support with dharma, clarify your purpose and life path. Gather insights for your healing path and health challenges, shadow work and your grief process, finances and relationships. Clarity, resources, guidance and support are life changing! Book A Session Now booking for January sessions. *** Please note that I will be shifting my business focus in the new year towards more local and community based offerings here in Boulder, CO. This means that I will have fewer single session openings and online offerings. Please book your session now to insure that I can fit you in. ***
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