This Week's Intention: Your depth, pain and healing path invite you to take a closer look. There's no room for disassociation or disconnection anymore. Invite in all your experiences- light and dark- as resources for your awakening and transforming. Moon continues to wax this week, allowing the emotional body to fill and activate more potently. This is a powerful week of big transition and shifts. The war between Jupiter and Rahu comes to completion for now. The battle between light and dark forces finds some closure. Hopefully you have done the necessary clean up during this past cycle with father, masculine and relationships, so you can find resolution in the months to come. Jupiter shifts to Virgo for an entire year, bringing expansion and wisdom to sixth house matters. Saturn finally goes direct, offering forward momentum with shadow work and inner transformation. Mercury and Rahu are in tight conjunction the first half of the week as they both move through Leo and Purvaphalguni nakshatra. Fertility, creativity and life force are activated on the mental body level. Is this conscious or unconscious terrain for you? Now is an ideal time to check in with me for some personal guidance. How will the coming year impact you? What gifts and challenges will Jupiter bring? Schedule a session with me now Monday, August 8th Moon in 6th tithi Sashti The week begins with Moon moving through the last pada of Virgo, moving through Chitra nakshatra. This is Vishvakarma's domain, the chief of the celestial architects. He builds, plans and structures the cosmos. As his name offers, he is connected to action, including karma yoga- powerful deeds that provide seva. He also supports thousands of arts and brings powerful action steps with him. Moon moves to Libra mid day, receiving gaze from Ketu. Anger and rage may be provoked. How can you channel this energy into more potent actions and choices. Remember that underneath the anger is your power. Touch your raw power and use it mindfully. Just before midnight, Moon moves to Swati nakshatra and the wind god, Vayu, is activated. Stay grounded. Tuesday, August 9th Moon in 7th tithi Saptami Moon moves through Swati nakshatra today, inviting in the wind and movement of Vayu. Your inner prana is shifting, moving and transforming. Are you moving with or against these currents? Vayu is one of the eight Vasu Devas, he brings illumination, dharma and strength as he is connected to Rudra as well. Vayu however represents the wind as he is air itself, whereas Rudra energy is the chaos of the storm itself. The strength of Rudra's energy however comes from the wind, Vayu. How do you use this inner strength, this power? Use it intentionally to move your forward. Misuse it and your energy will be scattered. Harness your inner winds and direct the currents for maximum gain. Wednesday, August 10th Moon in 8th tithi Ashtami Just as the day begins, Moon shifts to Vishaka nakshatra and duality is enlivened through Indragni. Vishaka provokes co-creation and inter-dependency as Indra is the king, while Agni is the priest. Both rely on each other for power and support. This combination is powerful and mighty, but requires self-less service. Who and what can you align with today for more power and potency? What is the underlying intention for this union? Just before midnight, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, joining the challenging relationship of Mars and Saturn. Tend to your emotional body. Thursday, August 11th Moon in 9th tithi Navami As Moon moves through its sign of debilitation, Scorpio, today, a deeper inward gaze is offered. Moon joins Mars and Saturn in this sign of depth and darkness. Stops and starts, fast and slow, old and new are awakened and the Moon mirrors all of these feelings through exact conjunction with Mars and Saturn today. You'll feel the depth, challenges and confrontation of polarities in the coming days as Moon continues through Scorpio. What integration of opposites do you need for greater inner harmony? Get in the body! Unite and integrate opposing forces with conscious intention. As Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra mid morning, the constellation of Mitra awakens. Friends bring their power and support. Connect with who and what nourishes you and offers their helpful guidance. You are rising up from the thick mud like a lotus blossom. Gather all the resources you need in order to unfold your petals. The year long transit of Jupiter in Virgo officially begins today at 07:56 MDT. Jupiter transits are one year long and impact all levels of wisdom, knowledge, comfort and support. He leads you to your dharmic path and supports the nourishment gained along the way. Positive effects of Jupiter, or Guru in Sanskrit, bring comfort, support and understanding. He brings learning through understanding, awareness and expansion of consciousness. He is the ultimate teacher- for better or worse- providing some of the most poignant life lessons. Challenges with Jupiter include lack of support, knowledge, and dharma. Everyone can benefit from the helpful and supportive resources that Jupiter provides. Without his support, challenges and struggles increase- which often bring tragedy, trauma and chaos. Read more about Jupiter in Virgo Now is an ideal time to check in with me for some personal guidance. How will the coming year impact you? What gifts and challenges will Jupiter bring? Schedule a session with me now I still have some August sessions available. However, my sessions tend to book quickly so please connect with me immediately to insure an August appointment. Friday, August 12th Moon in 10th tithi Dashami Moon continues to feel the heat and pressure today, but a bit of lightness arrives as Moon moves out of tight conjunction with Mars and Saturn. Late morning, Moon moves to Jyeshtha nakshatra, stirring Indra and his strength and purpose. He is the king of the gods and rules the rain- either opening or closing the sky gates. He has a strong sense of dharma and purpose. He leads by example and invites a strong mental body as Mercury rules this constellation. There is strong sensitivity combined with his pwer and strength- especially with regard to the senses. Don't overstimulate today. Less is more. Honor the subtle energies and find time to meditate. Saturday, August 13th Moon in 11th tithi Ekadashi Saturn has been retrograde in Scorpio for many months in an on-again off-again dance with Mars. On August 13th in the early morning, Saturn goes direct, causing depth and transformation to start moving in a forward motion. His retrograde motion has increased the inner awareness of many, causing challenges as he stirs the emotional body. As Saturn moves into direct motion, there will be an adjustment period. Honor the need for slow, steady steps right now. Pressures with eighth house matters will begin to move forward now- including debt, death, transformation, transcendence and shadow work. Stay in your body and enliven the physical channels for integration on all levels of your being. Late morning, Moon moves to Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra. The goddess of adharma, Nirrti, is provoked, bringing her calamity and misfortune to the surface. As she provokes chaos and disconnection, she also brings an opportunity for finding your grounding cord and right relationship with your turmoil. It's more important than ever to stay in your body. This is your connection to source, to presence, to your life force. Be here now. Sunday, August 14th Moon in 12th tithi Dvadashi The first half of the day continues to be ruled by Mula and Nirrti. Stay grounded. Watch for calamity and chaos. Are you getting sucked in, or can you stay in the calm of the storm? Nirrti tears things apart and disconnects. She loves destruction. Your job is to put the pieces back together and find your center. Mid day, Moon shifts into the domain of the water goddess, Apas. The power of jala (water) can destroy or harmonize, deconstruct or rejuvenate. Just as water does, Apas flows, moves and cleanses. Water relates to the emotional body, the waters within. Allow your inner waters to flow today- let them move you into more clarity and awakening. Spend time in water and near water today in order to purify from the inside out. Monday, August 15th Moon in 13th tithi Trayodasi The first half of the day continues to awaken the wisdom of Apas and PurvaAshada. Break open, break free! Let your inner waters cleanse you. Allow them to move through you and move you. Dance with your emotional body and let it be a resource for touching your inner wisdom. Mid day, Moon shifts to Uttarashada, enlivening the Vishvadevas. These are the Laws of Nature- the rulers of life and order. They require integrity and purpose, truth and righteousness. Ruling planet is Sun, now at the edge of Cancer. Shine as brightly as you can from your heart wisdom. Align and honor the light in your lungs. Be truthful to yourself and your path. Stay true to your purpose. * All timing is in Mountain Daylight Time. To determine the current nakshatra for your time zone, add or subtract time based on your distance to Mountain Time.
Wondering how this coming year-long transit of Jupiter will impact you? Already feeling the effects? Get details, resources, guidance and support for the months to come. Book a session with me
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