The new Moon is powerfully silent, coinciding with Shivaratri and a total solar eclipse. As the Moon empties entirely, the connection to your inner landscape deepens. This is an opportunity to plant seeds of desire very intentionally. During the eclipse portal (March 8th to 23rd) your soil will be tilled, old roots will be dug up, rocks and debris will be removed. It's a time of clearing and cleaning- of preparation. Shivaratri begins on the 7th late in the evening, which is a time period that supports planting seeds of potential through the depth of silence. Shiva as destroyer, is at one with this awakened state of creativity. His role is to support your collapse into concentrated, focused alignment with the harmony of existence- that which is pure consciousness, deep, unaltered silence and awakening. This is where your creativity resides, your ability to manifest, create and transform- over and over again. Through the transcendence, you can easily touch this silence in its pure form. Shiva reminds us to use this silence to release, simplify and transform. From a silent and awakened state, you can plant the seeds of life more intentionally and powerfully. Use your deep inner silence for stirring your creative desires. As the full Moon and the lunar eclipse arrive on March 23rd, the fertility festival, Holi, will activate your silent seeds, helping them become more fully awakened with the creative wisdom of Nature. What are you creating for your powerful life? What is your vision? Let your imagination move you into being. The new Moon arrives March 8th at 17:55 PST, while Moon is in Aquarius and Purvabhadrapada nakshatra. The solar eclipse begins at 15:19 PST, continuing until 20:34 PST. The strongest time of the eclipse will occur at 17:59 PST. The eclipse will be visible in South/East Asia, North/West Australia, Pacific and Indian Ocean. Though this eclipse will not touch North America directly, the same rules apply to all during the eclipse. It's not advised to look at the eclipse directly, or to be outside during the eclipse. Stay indoors, meditate, eat lightly or fast, set intentions and say prayers. Use this time as the sacred, inward time that it is. Being outside during the eclipse leaves you vulnerable to absorbing extra "shadow" which is not ideal. Since eclipses represent and intensify the inner shadow, taking precautionary measures to avoid gathering more shadow, is important. During the eclipse portal (the two week period between solar and lunar eclipses) it is not recommended to start new projects, make big decisions or begin anything important. Wait until after the 23rd for this. New Moon in Purvabhadrapada, instigates the power of ruling deity Ajaikapada- an expression of lord Shiva in the form of Lord of the Dance. His ability to balance the impossible, challenge and resource, life and death, material and spiritual realms, gives him his power and strength. As Moon transits through Aquarius, polarities are activated and encountered. Just as ruling planets Saturn and Rahu give Aquarius its dual nature, Ajaikapada expresses the two-sided nature of existence. As a Rudra, he has immense strength, overcoming obstacles and rising to the task at hand. The symbol of Purvabhadrapada is a two-faced man, reiterating the dual nature of this constellation and the essential need for balance, harmony and integration of seemingly opposing forces. The reminder with Aquarius is that one door must close in order for another to open. Essentially, there must be a loss, in order to have a gain. What are you ready to release and let go of, in order for the new to arrive? Notice where you are resisting the release. You'll know because there will be challenge, pain or struggle. Lean in and notice what is arriving. This waxing cycle is ripe with release on all four levels of your being- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The combination of five planets in Aquarius at the time of the new Moon, all receiving gaze from Mars, retrograde Jupiter and Rahu, provoke a certain intensity within the inner realms. Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus will be conjunct Ketu, the moksha planet. Ketu instigates disconnection through cutting, burning or severing. This is why Ganesha is associated with Ketu, as his head was chopped off by his father, Shiva, and replaced with a wise elephant head instead. As a result his wisdom increased. Ketu propels one into the change and transformation process, often forcing the disconnection or release from attachments. As Moon (emotional body), Mercury (mental body), Sun (spiritual and physical bodies) and Venus (shakti or life force energy) all come into contact with Ketu during their Aquarius transit, release and transformation will occur in your entire being. Do you allow this change process to take place by leaning into what's arriving? Or are you resisting the change process on some level? Remember, the pain and challenge is a reminder that you are gripping on some level. Can you locate where this challenge is arriving within? Are you being effected mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually- or all of the above? This is your reminder to seek resources, support and guidance for your transformation process. Where do you need help with this change? What resources and extra support are missing for you? Call in what you need and ask spirit to support your journey. Relationships and matters of the heart are instrumental for your change and transformation process in the coming weeks- especially during the eclipse portal. Some relationships will need be released, others will need to be transformed. Shadows and excess baggage from the past (including mental body stories, energies and old wounds) must also be released and transformed. These relationships may just be stories you continue to carry, cling to or hold on to, yet they are effecting you the same. The heart will be instrumental in this release and transformation process. There may be pain, heart burn or new passions stirring in the heart chambers so pay close attention to the messages arriving through your emotional body. Part of you is saying yes, while the rest of you is saying no. Get clear on what you need for greater nourishment and support. What does this inner nourishment feel like in your body? Who and what helps you identify this feeling within yourself? Who and what does not support this feeling within? There will be a tango in your head and heart between wants and needs. These are different, so pay close attention to their messages. Do you notice your wants overshadowing your needs? Are you only feeding the loud wants, rather than listening and softening to the needs arriving within you? Your emotional body will be the messenger of your needs. Create time and space for sacred pause, listening and honoring the wisdom of the divine feminine within. Shakti, the consort of Shiva, is the great creative spark of life. Together Shiva and Shakti empower, uplift, transform and create- over and over again. Life is given through their union. What are you creating with your silence and dynamism? How can you find more balance between these seemingly opposing forces within? Honor your masculine and feminine energies in more intimate ways. Notice where you are feeding one energy more than the other and make adjustments. As the eclipse portal deepens, inner shadows will be enlivened. Cravings, desires and wants will increase and activate. Can you take on this beast or does it swallow you whole? Simultaneously challenges and obstacles will intensify forcing you to look more closely at wounds and personal mythology that is keeping you in the dark. How do you work with these shadows with conscious awareness? What guidance, support and resources do you need for greater transformation? I'll be sharing more details about the eclipse effects on each rising sign within my Waxing Moon Horoscopes. Creative Ritual My Creative Rituals are intended to support your transformation and healing process in the cycle to come. Each ritual is in alignment with the cosmic tides- in order to help you adjust, shift and move more fluidly in balance with Nature's rhythms. Recycle this ritual more than once for added benefits. Deepen your relationship with nourishment and the wisdom of your feelings with this Creative Ritual. Use the immense silence available at this time to connect more intimately with your needs and your inner wisdom. * Create a list of self care activities that nourish and support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. * Use the four level check in regularly as well as EFT for identifying and moving emotions. 1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of your nourishment. What does nourishment feel like for you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 20 minutes at minimum for this nourishment image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your nourishment image with an intention of "moving with your feelings of nourishment". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. What deeply nourishes me? What no longer nourishes me? Where do I feel support in my life? Where do I need more support? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Join me for a *free* Creative Ritual class on Sunday, March 20th in honor of the full Moon, eclipse portal and Holi celebrations. Gather resources to increase your creative potential! Join the List
Ready to start 2016 off with clarity and purpose? I am now booking March sessions. Let's connect!
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