The March Full Moon occurs on the 20th at 19:42 MDT while Moon transits Uttaraphalguni and sidereal Virgo. This Full Moon coincides with the Vedic fertility festival of Holi, enlivening vitality, life force energy and creativity. Uttaraphalguni is a constellation that correlates to the ancestors. It gives powerful, creative life force energy and resources that support and sustain lineage. Aryaman rules this portion of the sky, offering resources like love, marriage, family, children, and that which perpetuates the ancestral line. Life force energy is enlivened here, which brings to life ones desires and helps them arrive into manifest form. What seeds are you planting right now? Rahu and Ketu have now changed signs for the next 1.5 years, causing massive shifts in our karma. The Vedic celebration of Holi, often roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring (for the Northern Hemisphere and fall for the Southern Hemisphere). The Equinox arrives on March 20th this year with Holi the next day. Holi is a Vedic fertility celebration which sparks immense creative life force energy. Potential, possibility and creative power are enlivening. Step into your Divine Feminine power! Ask your ancestors to guide you with the process of creating and manifesting your desires. "On the equinox, night and day are nearly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it's called an “equinox”, derived from Latin, meaning “equal night.” However, in reality, equinoxes don't have exactly 12 hours of daylight. Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about 23.4° in relation to the ecliptic plane, the imaginary plane created by the Earth's path around the Sun. On any other day of the year, either the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere tilts a little towards the Sun. But on the two equinoxes, the tilt of the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the Sun's rays." - Time and Date No matter the hemisphere you are in, both spring and fall are considered "sandhi" times of year- or in between seasons. These are sacred times, when the veil is thin and sensitivity is heightened. From an Ayurvedic perspective, we attend to necessary physical rituals that help the body cleanse and purify. Holi comes at this sacred junction and is a time to "plant seeds" so to speak. It is a celebration of fertility, abundance and the awakening of Shakti within Nature. The full enlivening of the Divine Feminine, is celebrated during Vasant Navaratri- the nine days of Mother Divine- which begins on April 4th this year. Consider Holi the "kick off" celebration. Use this time to plant your seeds of desire. Honor the sense of spring and possibility, hope and awakening. Deep transformation and turmoil are taking place with this full Moon and in the cycle to come. This waning cycle offers more focus and precision. A new clarity is emerging, but you must create it. Pull up the weeds crowding your vision and uproot the parts of yourself that are holding you back from greater empowerment. You may have confusion about your power and purpose, but use this time to create a clear path and remove the rubble. Let go of the parts of yourself that hinder you from stepping into your power more fully. Dream big! Allow yourself to expand what you think is possible for yourself. Where are you limiting yourself? What stories have you been telling yourself that keep you stuck and playing small? What is holding you back from full manifestation of your goals, dreams and desires? The mental body stories stuck on repeat in your unconscious mind, must be brought to the light, released and transformed- in order for you to step into a more powerful future. Cut, clear and delete the stories that are keeping you from powerful action steps. Gains come when you radically release the addiction to scarcity consciousness and lack. You deserve more nourishment. Clear away the parts of yourself that don't yet feel deserving or capable of greater power. How long has this painful story been on repeat? How long will you keep playing it? Use the cycle ahead to get radical, clear, focused and determined. Confront your goals head on. What is in your way of accomplishment and greater power? Uproot the old weeds in your mind and plant new seeds of life and nourishment. Get creative! Expand the possibilities you see for yourself- but keep it simple. There is something within you that needs to be healed and released so you are free to move forward. Pay attention to your heart wisdom for insights. Creative Ritual My Creative Rituals are intended to support your transformation and healing process in the cycle to come. Each ritual is in alignment with the cosmic tides- in order to help you adjust, shift and move more fluidly in balance with Nature's rhythms. Recycle this ritual more than once for added benefits. Similar to exalted planets in that they are "full" and can't be "added to", a Full Moon (or Purnima) means that it is full to capacity, there is no more room for it to expand and grow; it is complete. In this way, we can interpret the Full Moon as a "New Moon" in that it marks the beginning of a new cycle of emptying itself and refilling itself (mirroring our internal process). Beginning a lunar month at the Purnima is called Suklanta and differs from starting the count from the New Moon (Amavasya) which is the point when the Moon is empty and is waiting to be filled by the Sun. Purnima is in the middle of the Lakshmi phase of the Moon cycle whereas Amavasya is the moment during the cycle where Kali and Durga meet. Clearly, the energy is quite different; mirrored in our internal experience as well. These different methods of starting the lunar calendar remind me of the saying "is your glass half empty or half full?!" When do we start our "New Moon" calendar and begin our new lunar month? When we are full and satisfied or when we are empty and needing to be nourished? It is with this question in mind that I came up with this week's Creative Engagement Activity. Read more about the importance of the Moon. Often for a New Moon or a Full Moon, I like to work with the image of a mandala. Mandalas help us to create and express fullness, to fill empty space, to work with what is. Mandalas are a container, filled, with our visions, creativity and desire- much like a metaphor for life. 1) With this idea of "creating within a container" as well as half the image of full/empty, I invite you to draw two large circle shapes on a piece of paper. Cover up one of the circles with a sheet of paper while you create within the other. 2) The theme for this first circle is "being filled". Fill in the first circle with what you desire for the cycle to come. What do you want to be filled with? 3) When you feel complete with the first circle, look at both circles on your paper. One is "full" and one is "empty". What thoughts come to you? What feelings? Then answer these statements under your first circle: I am, I want, I need 4) Next, begin working on the second circle. The theme for this circle is "being emptied". What are you releasing and letting go of as you move into the cycle to come? 5) When you feel complete, write a few notes down. What do you notice as you look at the entire piece? What thoughts come to you? What feelings? Then answer these statements under your first circle: I am, I want, I need 6) Finally, harvest your thoughts on this process. Circle ten words that leap out at you from the writing you've done. Form these words into a three to five line poem. (Adding extra words is ok). Share your poem below! * Extra credit for dancing (embodying) your images and poem at some point this week. Ask for the help you need- in order to truly transform your life!
I help sensitive, gifted women deepen their self trust and awaken their dharmic wisdom, so they can shine brightly in this world. Together, I believe we can transform this planet. Every week I offer two free dharma coaching sessions to women who are ready to strengthen their path and become the leaders of their life. Is this you? Email me to book your session: [email protected]
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