It's the climax of an intense election cycle tonight. Many Americans are feeling uncertain and challenged by what this country has endured through the past few months. The tension has been building, but tonight the end is near. I'll stay out of the partisan mud and stick to the energy at play and how the transits support this. If you've been following along with my posts and transit reports, you know it's a challenging time. Then again, even without studying the planets, I imagine you can feel it. Sun is still debilitated (why America always chooses to elect its president during a debilitated Sun cycle, is beyond me!) and thus the lowest point of the year for our inner light. Mercury just moved to Scorpio today and is weak. Venus is transiting Mula, a very challenging nakshatra. The aggressive planet, Mars, is currently exalted, while Saturn sits in an enemy's sign. Spiritual planet, Jupiter, struggles to integrate with the earthy sign of Virgo. All while the effects of a Kala Sarpa Yoga continue to intensify the highs and lows of feelings and experiences. This combination of transits is provoking an intense confrontation with all that is broken- all that needs to be fixed, healed and transformed, inside and out. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you have been confronting polarities in the past months. As I have recently written about, the election in the USA is the epitome of this dance between opposing forces. What's interesting about the current Rahu/Ketu transit is that it's ripe with ripping off the veils of illusion, the masks that keep the status quo in check. Rahu moving through Leo is forcing ego to face the shadow, particularly masculine-centric ego and ideals. We see this being exposed on every level of the political system and campaign process right now, and with both major candidates. The culture of misogyny that is so deeply rooted into our society is being exposed, confronted and questioned in more blatant ways. Finally. Meanwhile, the feminine has been unleashed in a very prominent and forceful way over the past many months as well. I see this as a very positive part of this entire election. There is a undeniable rise of the feminine and Her bold expression. Personally, I felt some new awakening this evening stirring within me, moving through me. A new declaration of my feminine wisdom and power. I feel this is both personal and collective. There is a shift towards the feminine that feels palpable right now. The feminine power is the strength that holds together the entire universe. She is the power of all powers. The purpose of the masculine is to give Her form, shape and structure so that She can manifest fully. However, the role of the masculine has been too overpowering for centuries, at the complete negation and rejection of feminine strength, power and wisdom. Yet, now is the time when She is reawakening, stirring us awake, forcing Her power back into our awareness. I feel Her rising and at the same time I sense the discomfort between this new set point. The masculine shadow is very challenged by this change and it feels uncomfortable. There will be back-lash, resistance and a refusal to change as masculine structures crumble, but rest assured the feminine always conquers. Nature will always win. Make the Most of This Time: It is important to witness this dance of masculine and feminine taking place within you- within your own personal mythology. This dance of masculine and feminine is provoking important changes within you right now- whether you are aware of it or not. It's a time to strengthen your creativity, your inner knowing and your divine purpose. It is a potent time to align with your inner compassion and the resource of loving-kindness, even as aggression and violence is stirred. This aggression is intensifying within us and around us. Track yourself carefully. The microcosm is the macrocosm and vice versa. Use the coming days to deepen your connection to dharma, your feminine wisdom, intuition and Spirit. Gather yourself and get embodied. Stay close to breath and find your still point. Move closer to Her. Move closer to your inner power, your souls purpose. She is alive within you and is asking you to awaken right now in bigger ways. This may arrive as fear, conflict, anxiety, resistance or numbing. Challenges, pain and suffering are a reminder- not to resist and avoid the pain- but move closer to it. - Break free from cycles of illusion and confusion. - Deepen your understanding of your own unique healing journey. - Clarify what the purpose of your pain and challenges are. - Understand what your biggest challenges and shadow work are meant to teach you. - Learn how to make the most of your coming year and avoid more struggle. - Strengthen your dharmic steps and life purpose. Last Chance to Book A Session With Me This Year! Close your year with clarity, focus and support. This is the last chance to book a session with me until later next year. If you've been holding off on "getting a tune up", now is the time! I only have a couple sessions left so please respond immediately to guarantee your spot. Jyotish is the key to creating ease and bringing the light (jyoti) to your darkness. Book A Session
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