As the planet of expansion, satwa (purity) and akasha (space), Jupiter brings us knowledge and wisdom as well as new awareness. The Sanskrit name for Jupiter is guru (teacher), expressing the support and nourishment he provides. As Jupiter moves around the zodiac, he sparks learning and growth through wisdom, guidance, support and resources. Whatever he touches, he expands- which may feel helpful or uncomfortable at times. On October 11th, 2018, Jupiter moves to sidereal Scorpio and will be here until November 4th, 2019. Rahu gives his gaze to Jupiter until March 7th of 2019, intensifying the themes of this transit for the first portion of the journey. When Rahu touches Jupiter, he brings shadow to the purity of the guru. This can bring even more increase and excess, tainting the wisdom and support of Jupiter with worldly, foreign, unusual and impure experiences. Jupiter transits are roughly one year long and impact all levels of wisdom, knowledge, comfort and support. He leads you to your dharmic path and supports the nourishment gained along the way. Positive effects of Jupiter bring comfort, support and understanding. He brings learning through greater awareness and expansion of consciousness- which of course is not always comfortable. He is the ultimate teacher (for better or worse) providing some of the most poignant life lessons. Challenges with Jupiter include lack of support, knowledge, and dharma. When Jupiter is not strong in the chart, there may be little to no support offered, few resources or missed opportunities. Everyone can benefit from the helpful and supportive resources that Jupiter provides. However, without his support, challenges and struggles increase- which often bring tragedy, trauma and chaos. As the guru, he represents teachers of all sorts- including coaches, healers, guides, mentors, therapists, wisdom keepers and shaman. Receiving the blessings of Jupiter requires that you allow the nourishment and wisdom of this type of support to be received. Negative influences upon Jupiter in the jyotish chart, will create challenging experiences with teachers and a resistance to knowledge and wisdom. Whereas positive influences upon Jupiter in the jyotish chart will offer nourishing and supportive experiences with teachers, wisdom and guides. If Jupiter is a naturally benefic or positive planet in your chart, this transit will bring natural gains, expansion and support in the areas of depth, awareness, transformation and healing. There will be new insights with death, depth, darkness and hardship. This cycle may support the integration and deeper awareness of past suffering and struggle. However, If Jupiter is challenging in your jyotish chart, expect difficulties in these areas of your life to surface. You may not be able to hear the wisdom arriving or you may stay stuck in old patterns and behaviors that increase your struggles. Scorpio is not a surface level sign. It requires (and often forces) one to dig below the mundane, surface level of understanding. For those unwilling or unfamiliar with this type of depth, it can be painful and downright terrifying! This transit will require you to look at your shadows, unconscious inner terrain and acknowledge your undigested grief. The 8th sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, correlates with the 8th house- house of the unseen, hidden forces at play in life. I relate this house to our animal body, ripe with emotion, passion, feelings and unconscious awareness. Willingness to dive into your depths and shadows will help this transit move more smoothly and support deeper healing and transformation. Scorpio and the 8th house of death, is one of our greatest teachers we can encounter. The depth of the 8th house shows us our fears, losses, disease and those things that we try to avoid because of certain pain and misery. It is associated with vulnerabilities, the past and the future, sex, mysticism, the private parts and excretory organs. The letting go, releasing of the known, the surrender of past and present, the depths of life that go way beyond the surface of life. It's a sign and a house that can not (and should not) be avoided. On the positive spectrum of things, the 8th house is linked to transformations and transcendence, as well as mystical and occult knowledge. It is also deeply connected to our sexual nature. When life gets tough, we naturally get tougher; which is the essence of the eighth house. It forces us to surrender. To disarm and let go. Through our suffering, we are determined to change, re-direct ourselves, to rise above and move out of the trenches. The eight house is indeed hidden, unseen, and thus relates to the unseen and hidden realms- both internally and externally. Our pain after all is solely connected to our shadow. A Scorpio is determined to shed its shadowed self which is why Ketu (the "planet" of liberation and moksha) is considered exalted here. READ MORE ABOUT THE SIGN OF SCORPIO Use this cycle to liberate yourself from addictions, rather than getting stuck in them. Addictions of all kinds may come to the surface in the year ahead- depending on how this transit impacts you. Are you actively looking at your shadows, wounds and struggles? Or are you avoiding, negating and suppressing them? Addictions are a mechanism of avoidance, numbing and suppression. This prolongs our suffering. Until we are ready to lean closer to our shadows, wounds and grief, and use them as a resource for our awakening, the darkness continues to control us unconsciously. Don't get stuck! Be sure you have plenty of support in this cycle- more than you think you need. In the year ahead, gather the necessary resources, support and guidance to transform your inner darkness, grief and pain. This can be a powerful cycle of healing and transformation, but it will require that you are proactive and not complacent. Depending on where Scorpio sits in your chart, there may or may not be mitigating factors. I will share general guidelines for each sign in my horoscopes below. Please consult with me directly for more chart specific guidelines. Jupiter in Scorpio Horoscopes for |
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