Looking Ahead January 8th: Mercury Direct January 12th: Full Moon in Gemini and Punarvasu Nakshatra January 13th: Sun in Capricorn January 14th: Makar Sankranti January 20th: Mars to Pisces January 26th: Saturn to Sagittarius January 27th: Venus to Pisces, its exaltation sign + New Moon in Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra February 3rd: Mercury to Capricorn February 5th: Jupiter Retrograde February 10th: Full Moon in Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra February 12th: Sun to Aquarius Mercury Direct in Sagittarius Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius on January 8th. Mercury transits Sagittarius for an extended stay, starting on November 28th. The entire transit will last until February 3rd, an unusually lengthy dance of forward and backwards for this swift moving planet. Mercury will retrograde on December 19th for roughly three weeks, until January 8th. This prolongs his stay in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, who is fortunately a friend. Retrograde planets increase the strength of the planet and its indications, expressing themselves more as the nodes do- with excess, confusion and intensity. As Mercury arrives in Sagittarius at the end of November, he also lands in Mula Nakshatra. This constellation is notorious for sparking change, transition, release and uprooting. As the planets continue to move through this portion of the sky (Sun next, then Saturn in the first part of 2017) inevitable shifts take place. Mercury will be in Mula for a lengthy stay in the coming months, moving in and out of this challenging gandanta of change. Mercury will leave Mula for the first time on December 8th, but will return on December 28th for over three weeks, until January 21st of 2017. The dance of Mercury in and out of Mula, will provoke deep mental body changes and challenges in the coming months. This is a powerful opportunity for uprooting old, outdated personal mythology with all things Mercury. This includes communication, connections, commerce, business, money, creativity, writing, computers and all resources of connection. This transit of Mercury impacts the mental body, the mind, stirring a change process that impacts relationships, money, the feminine and creative powers. The cycle ahead supports change towards nourishment, fluidity and ease. An ability to arrive in the love and stay oriented towards the heart is possible- with courage and commitment. Get clear on what works for you and what doesn't. Communicate your needs authentically and purposefully, but through loving kindness. Work towards clarity with your inner authority and notice when you go against your needs out of fear or a misuse of your power. Use this cycle to step into your creative powers more fully and bring more beauty into your home and heart. Seek balance- inner and outer. Move closer to your emotional body and deepen your feminine wisdom. Say yes to integration of fluidity and structure. Find your middle ground. Land and reconnect. Full Moon in Gemini The January Purnima (full Moon) day is on Thursday, January 12th as the Moon travels through Punarvasu nakshatra, but at the edge of Gemini. Sun and Mercury give their direct gaze to the Moon at this time. The full Moon is at 04:34 am MST with Saturn and Scorpio on the Eastern horizon at this time. Aditi brings her blessings of abundance, nourishment and support- through resources, wisdom and wholeness. The coming cycle brings Mercurial resources and support, but will require unraveling the challenges, chaos and confusions of your mental body in order to gain the rewards. Align with spirit, get quiet, listen carefully. Meditation will be an important resource in the coming days to help you clarify your purest intentions and gather the insights and wisdom that Aditi provides. Read more about the full Moon Sun in Capricorn Sun shifts to Capricorn on January 13th at 18:46 MST, beginning a new cycle of increased light and brightness- inside and out. As Sun arrives in Makara, an Earth sign, a steadiness and work oriented dynamic is enlivened. Jupiter gives his nourishing gaze to the Sun (both friends), although Jupiter's debilitation sign is Capricorn. Increased support and strength begins to shine more brightly- with relationships, support, resources and connections. Saturn gives his gaze to Capricorn (his own sign) and Jupiter as well, bringing increased balance and integration between expansion and contraction. When Jupiter and Saturn align, great balance is possible. This supports an integration and harmony with the Sun, your power source. Challenges with power, authority, the masculine and father have the opportunity to find resolution and new resources in the coming cycle. It's time to step out more powerfully, to align with your purpose more intentionally and strengthen your dharmic steps. This will require you honor your power, your light, and your inner masculine energy with more clarity, focus and commitment. Make an intention this month to build a deeper relationship with your heart, and to engage in relationships with a more heart-centered approach. Strengthen your compassion and loving kindness and see what you attract and how you draw it closer. Watch your words- harmonize thoughts and expression. Think before you speak and make sure what you are saying is both truthful and kind. Look closely at fears and shadows that are keeping you in lack, malnourishment and scarcity. As the light increases, look closely at parts of yourself that are resisting the brightness. Fears about comfort, support and stability are rising to the surface. Notice what is keeping you from your power. Makar Sankranti January 14th is the auspicious Vedic celebration of Makar Sankranti. This marks an important movement towards a more auspicious time of year (spring and a time of growth) in the Vedic calendar. This day of the Sun's movement into Capricorn is named Makar Sankranti. Interestingly, unlike the majority of Vedic celebrations which are calculated by the placement of the Moon, this celebration is calculated by the position of the Sun. Sun is connected to father, knowledge, power, the Soul and the light within. As Sun will be in transition and considered sandhi (in the gap/the in between realms) until Sunday, we may notice a slow start to the new light. Get organized and be methodical in your approach to work and your own shining. This is a powerful time to set intentions and goals for the 2017 in order to have a rich harvest. Did you miss my free* Dharma Class?! Discover how to awaken your path, purpose and inner knowing + resources for using your jyotish chart as a powerful resource for dharmic awakening. Join my newsletter for the details. Mars in Pisces Mars moves to Pisces on January 20th just as the day begins. He shifts out of conjunction with the Ketu- who has brought sudden and sharp changes over the past few months. Mars in Pisces supports passion, creative and relational potency, as well as clarity with liberation. Expect momentum and courage with release and letting go, while strengthening your resolve, inner embers, passion and the fire of life. Endings naturally support openings. What are you ready to clear, release and let go of? Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, while Mars is the passionate and fiery planet with a warrior spirit. This is a potent combination for going after your dreams. This is a potent transit that supports clarity and healing. It will require confrontation and may provoke conflict with regard to relationships, imbalances and lack of alignment with your self. Change is inevitable with this transit. What direction are you headed? Get really clear about your needs and don't get lost in the winds of change. There is a tendency to feel turmoil, overwhelm and chaos. This is a choice. Take your power back and get clear on your needs so you can align with right action and more support. Spiritual resources and counsel will be important to help you get the clarity and guidance you need. Align with the ancestors and let them help you right now. Changes are taking place- inner and outer. Are you allowing these changes to take place or resisting the transformation? Don't try to do this alone. This metamorphosis requires more holding, guidance and support so you feel safe to fully emerge. Saturn in Sagittarius Saturn shifts to Sagittarius at 02:55 am MST, and into Mula nakshastra, where he will be transiting the majority of 2017. This is a powerful re-structuring transit. As the planet of grief moves through the star notorious for adharma (that which is against dharma), it is imperative to stay close to resources, support and guidance that will help you stay true to your inner wisdom, your dharma and life path. It will be easy and tempting to succumb to fear and anxiety with this transit. It will provoke challenges and discomfort that might make you lose hope, trust or certainty in your inner light, your inner truth. Through facing your fear directly, using it as a resource for deep inner growth and transformation, you can awaken in very spiritual and empowering ways in the coming months. This transit of Saturn in Mula combination can bring great awakening, but only through your diligence, willingness and consistently showing up for your inner wisdom. This process will take your resolve. You must show up for yourself and others repeatedly in order to harvest the power of this process. What is your highest truth? What intentions are you aligning with right now? What is your heart and soul longing to bring forth into this one precious life? Read more about Saturn in Sagittarius + Horoscopes Did you miss my *free* Dharma Class?! Discover how to awaken your path, purpose and inner knowing + resources for using your jyotish chart as a powerful resource for dharmic awakening. Join my newsletter for the details. Venus in Pisces At 07:21 am on January 27th, Venus arrives in its exaltation sign, Pisces, joining Mars here. This will be an extended stay for Venus in its most powerful sign. Normally Venus transits are about one months long, but Venus will be here until May 31st. Part of this transit, Venus will be retrograde (from March 3rd to April 15th) rendering her effects debilitated. Expect highs (exalted) and lows (retrograde) with all things Venus during this transit. The impact of Venus will effect relationships, finances, creativity, health and the feminine. Jupiter gives his gaze to Venus and Mars seven houses away, creating a necessity for balance between spiritual and material desires. Jupiter rules over the gods (devas), while Venus rules over the demons (asuras). These are the inner dynamics of all human beings- light and dark. A new sense of balance is taking place within you, within your polarities and opposing forces- particularly the masculine and feminine principles. This is why relationships will be particularly poignant in this transit, as relationships mirror the self. Dharma is a powerful part of the coming four months as Moon, Sun and Sravana nakshatra are all on the horizon at the time of Venus's arrival into Pisces. Your dharmic path will require immense courage and bravery, but in fact there's much support arriving for you if you are willing to receive it. It's the heaviness and burdens that are in your way of thriving. Release the burdens that are holding you back and step powerfully into your creative intelligence. Speak, express and articulate through creative outlets. Share your wisdom with others and align with your highest truth. Listen to my podcast about Exalted Venus to understand the impact on you personally New Moon in Capricorn New Moon occurs at 17:07 MST, while Moon is in Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra. Jupiter gives his expansive and nourishing gaze. Saturn has just moved to Sagittarius and the chaos inducing nakshatra, Mula. There is nourishment available in the coming cycle, but not without ample digging, upheaval and release of unconscious and subconscious parts of yourself. Relationships are at the forefront of this process, sparking deep renewal and potential. Through wisdom and knowledge, and the courage to change, more nourishment is possible. There is ample support and guidance available to you right now. Are you receiving it? Are you allowing the resources to penetrate your fears, resistance and avoidant behaviors? These are the places that refuse to change. It is your own fear to change, that is keeping you from the very nourishment you seek. This is a powerful time to start shifting towards the light. Not through by-passing and negating the dark, but by looking directly at your own darkness and attending to it head on. Read more about the new Moon in Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn Mercury lands in Capricorn at 00:33 MST on February 3rd, joining Sun here. Both receive gaze from Jupiter, which offers a soft landing and increased wisdom during the transit. Mind sharpens, as Mercury leaves the gaze of Rahu. This cycle presents and opportunity for expanding the heart, while also finding strength and clarity with your needs, purpose and inner awareness. Cut away the excess, get laser focused on your needs and desires. Notice where you are allowing yourself to get distracted and sabotage your success. You'll need clear action steps in this cycle in order to maximize the potency and power of it. What needs to be clarified in order for you to succeed? Remember, aligning with the chaos and overwhelm is a choice. When you decide to get really clear and align with your inner order, you will also find your inner truth. Your only job is to honor this truth arriving and support it with clear, focused actions steps. Everything else is just a distraction or a mechanism of avoidance, resistance or refusal to change. Gains come through your powerful momentum and willingness to change, move and grow. Reach, extend and awaken parts of yourself that have been dormant. Take a risk. Put your hearts desire into action and don't look back. Relationships are a vital part of this transit, which lasts until February 22nd. Clarify, motivate, expand and transform your connections and partnerships. There is immense strength available in this cycle, but you'll need to gather support, resources and your connections in order to make the most of it. Build your team and alliances as there are strength in numbers. Full Moon + Eclipse A rare triple impact full Moon takes place on February 10th. This Cancer full Moon occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse and a comet sighting shortly after, though barely visible from earth. Three cosmic events open the delicate two week eclipse portal. The full Moon occurs at 17:34 MST while Moon is at the edge of Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra (using Mean node calculations). In the Vedic calendar, this is considered Magha Purnima, which is connected to Leo and the ancestors. The penumbral lunar eclipse begins to emerge at 15:34 MST, reaching its climax at 17:43 MST, and finding completion at 19:53 MST. This eclipse will cast its shadow on Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Read more about the full Moon + Eclipse Sun in Aquarius Sun moves to Aquarius at 07:46 am MST today, joining the restructuring planet, Ketu here. This is a healing transit, if you choose to look closely at your challenges, setbacks and obstacles. Resistance to your darkness will provoke more challenges, so best to surrender and lean in. The soul and the ego are going through a transformation in the cycle to come, which lasts until March 14th. Allow yourself to be stripped, shredded and release illusions that are keeping you in the dark. Your ability to awaken from your slumber will be determined by your courage to look at your shadows. Do you know how to transform your darkness into light? Do you have the necessary skills to take your challenges and turn them into resources? Can you harness your immense creative power and use this for your awakening? This journey requires skills, awareness, guidance and support. It's time to upgrade your skills and resources in order to start getting some very different results. Staying stuck is no longer an option, but your resistance to asking for guidance and support will prolong the pain. Relationships are a big part of this transformational process you are undergoing. Illusions about yourself are coming to the surface as you confront challenging parts of yourself. Lean in and look closely. What needs to be released in order for you to find a deeper, more sustainable inner strength and stability? What stories and illusions are keeping you resistant to self love and compassion? You are boundless, immense love. Why continue to withhold the abundance of Nature from yourself?! Why are you keeping the walls up, the resistance in place? It's now time to receive the nourishment of life more fully. What needs to change in order for more receptivity and empowerment? HoroscopesAries: Children, romance and gains continue to be vulnerable, so don’t drop your guard. These areas of your life need your focus and attention. Be diligent. Career is powerful and activated as Sun transits your 10th house. Take consistent action, get noticed and step into your power more fully. Continue to focus on health and healing. Share your wisdom with others, but get more support for your needs as well. You will need to balance rest and activity, outer and inner, in the coming weeks. Make sure you don’t neglect your meditation and alone time, while simultaneously being courageous and powerful in your career. Outer depends on inner. Saturn’s shift into Sagittarius brings your focus to dharma. Seek deeper alignment with your soul’s purpose in 2017. Dissatisfaction sets in with anything that doesn’t fulfill your passion and true calling in life. Clarify what truly nourishes you. Taurus: Heart, home and emotions continue to get your focus, while career demands your attention. You are learning to step into your power more fully and learning from power, playfulness and desire. Step out and be seen, be heard and get recognition for your wisdom. Dharma is your focus right now. Shine the light on your path, and let your path be more aligned with the light. Gains are coming. What are you prepared to do in order to get more support? Let go of the past in order to hold more of what you want and need. As Saturn shifts into your 8th house for most of 2017, you will be working diligently with your subconscious and unconscious terrain. Dive deeply and release the undigested grief that lurks in your shadows. Gemini: Keep working on your courage and bravery, as well as your creative powers. Expand and open your heart, while learning how to balance boundaries and inner needs. This is a time of pause and honoring your darkness. As Sun transits your 8th house, it’s time to turn the light on your unconscious inner landscape and look at your shadows directly. What is keeping you from truly awakening your dharmic path and purpose? What is holding you back from truly shining and being seen? Gains are coming, but you must clear space for the abundance to nourish you. As Saturn shifts into your 7th house of relationships for the majority of 2017, chaos comes in the form of the “other”. This is a powerful time of growth as you look into the mirror more directly. Clear relationship grief, past hurts and pain. Make room for more of what you truly want and need in your life- the type of relationships that can fully support you on every level of your being. Cancer: Watch your speech and focus on getting the nourishment you need. This comes from diving deeply into your unconscious inner terrain. There are parts of yourself that need to be woken up. These very hidden parts of your being are sharing their wisdom with you right now so that you can get your needs met in more nourishing ways. Lean in and listen- especially to the discomfort. Relationships are lit up right now, helping you find more compassion and light through others. Open your heart and step out of your comfort zone. It’s time to learn more about how to be in right relationship with yourself and others. Upgrade your skills and ask for more support and guidance. As Saturn shifts into your 6th house for the coming year, you will be asked to look more directly at your inner conflicts. Healing is required in a big way. Don’t try to do this alone. Seek new resources, guidance and support. Leo: You are trying to expand and grow, and at the same time feeling very challenged by it. Your head is in the shadows and it’s hard to see where you’re going right now. Relationships are requiring your diligence and helping you awaken to yourself in new ways. This is a time of shining the light on your conflict zones. What are you resisting and refusing to change? Where are you stuck? Nourishment on every level is required right now. How do you refuse the food of life? Where are you saying no to the very things you long for? As Saturn moves to your 5th house for the majority of 2017, grief and heaviness can settle in. Do what you can to stay playful and light, while also remembering to allow the waves of sadness to move through you. Don’t bypass or neglect your emotions. Seek balance with inner and outer. Virgo: This is a powerful time of self growth and inner expansion. What are you learning about yourself? What are you learning from your relationships? Great healing is possible right now, when you look at your inner conflicts and challenges directly. Cut, clear and release the parts of you that are in battle with the nourishment you long for. You don’t have to resist any more. Address your fears head on. Awaken your power, purpose and potential. What is keeping you stuck and playing small? Relationships become a powerful resource of nourishment and expansion in the coming months. Are you ready to receive? As Saturn moves to your 4th house for the majority of 2017, more balance within your head and heart arrives. There will be chaos with home and heart as well. Stay grounded and connected to your emotional body wisdom as much as possible. Clear the heart and release the pain. You don’t need it as much as you think. Libra: Relationships continue to bring confusion and fascination. What are you learning about yourself? Open your heart and look within. The answers you seek and the uncertainty you are confronting requires your willingness to dive deeper. Sun is bringing light to your heart wisdom right now. Activate bhakti (devotion) and lean in closer to your feelings, emotions and inner waves. Don’t hold back this power. Healing past relationship wounds is vital for attracting more harmony and nourishment from your current and future relationships. Do your grief work and let the pain digest fully. Time alone, on retreat and in meditation will serve you well. As Saturn shifts into your 3rd house for the coming year, courage and bravery will beckon you. This is a call for more dharmic alignment. It’s time to activate your creative powers and true passions. Where are you resisting these truths? Scorpio: Radically step into your courage and creative power and don’t hold back! Go for what you long for and activate your biggest desires. Where are you playing small and resisting the nourishment of life? Your heart wisdom continues to guide you and awaken you to life and living. More thriving is on the way, so make room for the abundance. Release, let go of, and separate from the parts of you that keep you playing small, in lack. Allow yourself to be fed by joy and pleasure. Can you receive the gifts of your efforts? As Saturn moves to your 2nd house for the majority of 2017, your focus is on nourishment and uprooting the parts of yourself that have systemically kept you in lack. Clean up your relationship with food, finances and speech. New pathways and structures with sustenance are on the way. Stay true to course by peeling back the layers of your limiting beliefs. Sagittarius: There is such a longing to be clear on your path and purpose, and yet so much confusion surfacing simultaneously. Continue to seek resources and support to align with your dharma and get radical about this desire. This is taking great courage and commitment- stay true to your hopes, dreams and passions. The heart is a powerful resource for your clarity and truth in the coming month. Listen and awaken through your heart wisdom. Share this with others and speak your truth and light. Shine brightly! As Saturn moves to your first house for the majority of 2017, you enter a powerful cycle of transformation and change. Use this time to radically release parts of yourself that are no longer serving you. Seek spiritual resources to help you expand and grow your consciousness. Ask for guidance and support with your journey. You are restructuring yourself from the inside out. Capricorn: The light bulb is on in your head! You are shining brightly and people are taking notice. Where are you directing your powerful light? Do this with deep intention and don’t squander this auspicious time. Get clear on your needs for nourishment and speak your truth loud and clear. Your dharmic work is activating and taking on new shapes and forms. Teach, share and get noticed for your innate wisdom. Creativity is about to take a powerful upswing. Step into your creative powers more fully and say yes to your courage and body wisdom. Move, create, express and paint your dreams into reality! As Saturn moves into your 12th house for the majority of 2017, retreats, alone time and release are deeply important. This is a powerful restructuring of your dharmic path. Ask the ancestors to support this process and get rid of anything standing in the way of your path. Aquarius: Relationships are still causing confusion and uncertainty, as well as growth and wisdom. You are learning a lot about yourself in the process and gaining new awareness along the way. It’s time to cut the cords and separate from people and situations that cause you pain and suffering. These are parts of yourself that need to be healed and looked at more closely. As you look in the mirror and acknowledge your own shadows, you can also release your attachment to the pain they cause. This requires owning your shadow parts and letting them teach you their wisdom. Be still, meditate, find time alone and quiet the mind. As Saturn moves to your 11th house for most of 2017, structured gains arrive as well. You will be learning how to release and let go, so you can make space for more of what you truly desire. Learn the art of letting go and get clear on what you’re calling in. Pisces: You are learning and growing from relationships and beginning to understand what you deeply need for support, stability and safety. Gains come from your clarity, although it’s taking courage. Expansion and resources are arriving to help you feel more abundant. Be open to receiving on multiple levels and allow the prosperity to flow. What is blocking you from receiving fully? Where are you shutting off your ability to attract, align and receive the nourishment you need? Gains come from you shining brighter and showing up in more visible ways. How can you shine even brighter? What is in your way and holding you back? More abundance is coming so be open to receive and make room for even more nourishment. As Saturn moves to your 10th house of career for the majority of 2017, put a powerful foot forward. Changes are coming with your career and purpose. Expect some restructuring and clarify what you really want to use your power for. Let go of the places you waste your energy unnecessarily. Hone in on your life purpose and dharmic vision. It’s time to activate! * All timing is Mountain Standard Time. Love what you're reading? Appreciate the daily guidance and support? Please make a donation to keep these resources available. Donate Now Prepare for the year ahead with clarity, direction and right action. Get support with dharma, clarify your purpose and life path. Gather insights for your healing path and health challenges, shadow work and your grief process, finances and relationships. Clarity, resources, guidance and support are life changing! Book A Session Now booking for February sessions. *** Please note that I will be shifting my business focus in the new year towards more local and community based offerings here in Boulder, CO. This means that I will have fewer single session openings and online offerings. Please book your session now to insure that I can fit you in. ***
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