I spent the first part of my day marching with large groups of women and men in Denver, CO- all rallying for change, equality, love and acceptance in varying forms. It was a powerful expression of Democracy and it filled me with hope. People are gathering in large numbers right now, wanting change, a better world- for all of us. At the root of this desire for change and betterment, I believe, is the soul's longing. People are listening to their inner light. This warms my heart and keeps me optimistic. Want to know the only way to truly change this planet?! Align with your soul's purpose, your dharma. Imagine if everyone on this planet listened to their unique inner call- the call to do their deepest soul's mission here on planet Earth. Imagine if everyone on this planet, not just listened, but took action- to awaken their inner wisdom. Imagine if you allowed the light of your soul to truly shine out and through you- brightening the world, giving others permission to do the same. When you say yes to the reason you were born, your soul's divine purpose, the whole universe rejoices! Yoga stah, kuru karmani Established in Being, perform action. (Chapter 2, verse 48 of the Bhagavad Gita) When you align your deepest inner truth, your inner knowing, with your karma (right action), the wisdom of your Being awakens within. This is dharma. The biggest liberation you can create for yourself and this entire world, is to unshackle the burdens of "shoulds, have tos, supposed tos" and move beyond the fears that are holding you back! Changing this planet is an inside job. The truth is, dharma is a radical notion these days, yet it is truly the only way to change the world. This is a time like no other. It is perhaps the most important moment in history- to align with and activate your soul's purpose, your unique and precious dharma. Start Activating Your Dharma Now! Use the steps below and take action now + Listen to my *free* class link below. More to come.... In the next few days, I'll be giving you *free* access to my 3 Part Dharma Awakening Series. Use these three powerful classes to help you deepen your dharmic understanding and overcome blockages hindering your success. Don't wait! Get resources, tools and guidance to step into your powerful life purpose right now! Use the steps below to start awakening your soul's purpose. Stay connected in the coming days as I continue to share steps, resources and guidance to help you awaken your inner wisdom, your truth and your powerful purpose. Here's to your sacred, inner awakening, Swati* PS: Did you miss my first three Dharma Awakening Steps? Align With Your Dharma What is really keeping you from stepping onto your dharmic path? Dharma: Your Soul's True Purpose. * Identify what is holding you back. * Transform resistance into clarity and action. * Step into your power and get focused! * Discover how to awaken your soul's true purpose. * Learn how to work with fear and also why it is necessary for your success. * Understand what your jyotish chart says about your dharmic path. Did you miss this *free* class? Listen Now *This class is only available for a limited time.
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