Life is full of polarities. I'm convinced that's all there is! As well as what emerges when two opposing forces merge and co-create. In the Expressive Art Therapy realm, we call this "the Third". Some know it as the Transcendent, or simply the emergent. The sign Gemini in fact symbolizes this creative process, as it expresses "the Third" quite literally. Not only is Gemini a number three, but in the Vedic tradition, the symbol is two lovers who co-create, bringing forth a third energy. I have been particularly interested in polarities myself because my personal jyotish chart is full of them! This began to fascinate me (or challenge me rather) many years ago when I began studying my chart. I knew there were extremes presented, and I experienced them within me, yet I didn't know how to reconcile this. Starting with a Scorpio ascendant- which truly symbolizes the transformational energy of polarities combining. I also have a powerful combination of fire and water in my chart. And we all know what happens when fire and water meet! This theme of fire and water began to emerge over and over again in my paintings and movement practice. The polarities wouldn't leave me alone! I have danced with the question of integration for years, and recently I had a break through! If you're interested in your inner harmony, read on! And join me for my new, revolutionary weekly Jyotish Astrology Group Coaching Classes just for women. Jyotish speaks to the mystery of polarities very intimately. Each sign in fact shares some level of this dance between polarities. Other parts of jyotish express polarities in different ways- whether it is through the masculine and feminine, the elements, the deities, Natural Laws, cycles, rhythms, life and death, Sun and Moon, inner realms and outer realms, etc. Because Vedic Astrology is a science based on the cosmos, it is deeply connected to cycles, rhythms and movement. When we track the cosmos, we are tracking our own inner cosmic nature. Thus, Jyotish can tell us a lot about our own dance with polarities. Even the lunar nodes, or shadow points, in your chart are polar opposites of each other, and always look directly at each other seven houses away. Not surprisingly they can tell you a lot about your inner dance with polarities and what inner conflicts you are here to harmonize and integrate in this life time. I'm convinced that this is in fact the secret to inner peace, unity, enlightenment. The non-dual, the non conflict within. What is yoga? Union! How is this achieved? Through harmonizing polarities within the body- the masculine and feminine energies, essentially. When we boil polarities down to their essence, it will always connect you back to the masculine and feminine. This is the most vital ingredient for your inner harmony. But how do you integrate these extremes? There are many methods for uniting the polarities within and the Vedic tradition is arguably the most ancient resource for this process. As with all branches of the Ved, they support the process of union, or enlightenment. My favorite resource is Vedic Astrology because it is truly a road map for one's life quest- inner and outer. Jyotish is a light source for identifying the blockages within you- Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. These blockages are keeping you from fully integrating your polarities. The wisdom of jyotish is an immense and powerful resource for healing and transformation. Here's what to look for in your jyotish chart: For starters, identify your rising sign, Sun and Moon signs. Notice their symbol. What does their symbol say about who you are and what you need in this life? Your rising sign will tell you how you see the world. It is the main influence of your chart because it organizes all other factors. For example, a polarity can exist if you have a water sign with your Sun sitting in it. This would be a very exact conflict between masculine and feminine energies. Individual planets may express themselves through conflict as well. Let's say your natal Moon is in a nakshatra ruled by the Sun. Or if the soft, gentle and friendly Moon is in a harsh or fierce nakshatra, this will naturally stir conflict within- especially within the emotional body. Any planet in opposition with another planet will also cause a "war" or constant battle within. Mars and Saturn for example, if conjunct, will battle over action and non action. The jyotish chart can show you quite directly where the polarities are within you. More importantly, where the conflicts are. These conflicts within are occurring on different levels of your being- Physically, Mentally, Emotionally or Spiritually. Think about when you are in an argument with someone. What happens to you- on the four levels of your being? You may feel tense, contracted, heated, stressed or all of the above. Think about your mental body being in this state constantly on some inner level of your being? Your emotional body? Physical or Spiritual bodies? Your jyotish chart can tell you where these conflicts are rooted in your being. This identification can be used as a resource to unravel the inner conflict, to harmonize or integrate the extremes within you. When any part of your body is in conflict with another part, there will be a an inability to be fully nourished, or unified. I encourage and advocate a well rounded healing process so that there is full support and awakening for the entire being- not just one part of it. I've written extensively recently about the signs of inner conflict. In fact, challenges and obstacles in life are nothing more than mirrors being held up to show you where you are not fully harmonized or integrated. Other signs are self sabotage, chaos, stress, overwhelm, etc. Challenges don't just happen! These are parts of your being asking for your attention. When the challenge manifests on the conscious or visible level, you know this is an inner conflict asking for your attention. Read my article and use my Tapping Meditation Podcast to identify inner challenges. Since the ultimate polarity always comes back to masculine and feminine, I think it's important to understand this dynamic very intimately. Working with these Laws of Nature are vital for working with these parts of yourself and others, so that you are not always pushing against the natural tendencies they offer. First, it must be noted that both masculine and feminine have their own polarities as well. There are shadow sides to both the masculine and feminine, which can often misconstrue the way we see them. Ready to take your inner growth to the next level and deepen your relationship with your inner feminine wisdom? Integrate polarities, strengthen Creative Intelligence, clarify your strength and purpose! Join me for my Jyotish Astrology Coaching + Classes for Transformation and Healing. Classes begin April 2016. Doors Close This Week! Get the Details Are you in balance with your masculine and feminine energies? Identify which attributes you exhibit and then notice if you have more masculine or feminine traits. Traits of Masculine Energy: - Likes to focus on a task for a designated amount of time. - Timely in meals, waking, bed time, etc. - Clear, concise communication. - Punctual and honors time, time frames and deadlines. - Uses strategy and clear follow through. - Thinks in terms of outcome, goals and intentions. - Prefers structure and wants guarantees. - Likes "to know" and have answers. - Solution oriented. Wants to "solve" problems. - Gives input and shares with others. - Externally focused. - Oriented towards giving (power role). - Aggressive, warrior spirit. Likes to win. - Action oriented behavior and mentality. - Thinks more than feels. - Science is truth. Prefers facts, statistics, scientific validation. - Does not rely on intuition for decision making. - Always thinking, ruled by the mental body. - Oriented towards structure, containment. - Has clear boundaries, sets clear boundaries. - Focuses on challenges and obstacles. Traits of Feminine Energy: - Easily surrenders and releases the need to know. - Process oriented rather than product. - Sees the value in the unknown, the uncertain. - Prefers fluidity and movement to structure. - Receptive, receives input. - Internally focused. - Feels more than thinks. - Expansive, open, fluid. - Oriented towards receiving (receptive role). - Prefers to not use a schedule or forgets to use it. - Lack of time perception. - Attuned to Creative Intelligence. - Enjoys co-creation and values working as a team. - Always learning, growing, expanding. - Oriented towards nurturing, resources, nourishment. - Feels more than thinks. - A "love conquers all" mentality. - Intuitive alignment. A strong trust in this inner knowing. - Always dreaming and uses imagination regularly. - Enjoys the imaginal, possibility, potential. - Lack of boundaries. Ideally, integration, harmony and the ability to vacillate between masculine and feminine energies as needed, is ideal. Ultimately, flexibility is the desired result. Use my podcast below to support you in this process. Potential and possibility are the gateway for greater harmony and integration. Opening to Potential Tapping Meditation Use this Tapping Meditation to increase integration between masculine and feminine energies- when you feel stuck, afraid or resistant to change. Remember that we always start with "truth tapping" by expressing feelings and experiences that feel challenging. This is a vital part of the process and paves the way for transformation and healing.
In the podcast below, I share a tapping (EFT) sequence with you that will guide you through transforming and releasing the old stories and invite in more receptivity. Remember, we start with identifying the challenges, then moving into possibility and desires in order to transform our shadow into light. Use this podcast as you tap through these points: Karate chop point (side of the hand). Crown of the head. Eyebrow point (above the eye). Side of the eye. Under the eye. Under the nose. Chin point (crease of the chin). Throat point (collar bone/throat chakra). Heart point (center of chest). Stomach point (above the navel). Side body (nipple line at side of chest). Tap six to ten times on each point and just keep cycling through the points. Repeat the phrases I use aloud. Notice any thoughts, stories, memories or emotions that emerge as you tap. These are important pieces to return to, do more tapping on, as a way to clear blockages. As always, if the words I use don't work for you, change them to support your process more fully. Share your experiences below! What emerged for you in this process? Excited to hear from you!
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