* Please note, the format for my horoscopes has changed. I will now be sharing in-depth monthly Horoscopes only. Thanks for following along. June begins with a new Moon in Taurus, it's exaltation sign. Moon will be in strong degrees, in Rohini nakshatra at the time of the New Moon on June 4th. There will be confusion between inner and outer in the cycle to come, so finding balance between external needs and internal needs will be important for the first half of the month. At the time of the new Moon, Sun, Moon and Venus are all in exact degrees, placed in the highly creative Moon ruled nakshatra, Rohini. All three planets receive direct gaze from retrograde Saturn and Mars, adding pressure and heat to the mix. There is a deep purification process happening with relationships, money, comfort and support in the waxing cycle to come. Clarify what you are creating, burn away what doesn't serve or honor your needs, turn the discomfort into resources for inner and outer change. Read more about the New Moon and Waxing Moon Cycle in my Moon Wisdom. The month concludes with a full Moon in Sagittarius on June 20th, while Moon moves through Mula nakshatra. This is s Tikshna nakshatra, sharp and dreadful. Mula is connected to uprooting and the chaos that comes with transition, transformation and change. The healing that can take place with this dramatic upheaval can be profound, but many influenced by this star become addicted to the turmoil, rather than using it for cleaning and clearing, renewal and growth. What is your relationship with your inner chaos? Where is your grounding cord. Find it and hold on. Mercury in Taurus June 7th, Mercury shifts to Taurus, joining the heated dynamic of combust Venus and Sun who continue to track each other closely. Retrograde Mars and Saturn also give their gaze to these three planets, which causes heat and pressure to intensify. The mind heats up in this transit and may feel extra sensitive, vulnerable and charged as a result. This cycle will provoke inner excavation and transformation within the mental body. Explore places where you are stuck, resistant or refusing to make change. There is liberation possible for those who directly face bad habits, inner conflicts and the opposing forces within. Relationships will prove to be a profound mirror for this change process. Notice where you are rejecting the very nourishment you crave. There is an inner authority behind your torment. What does it tell you about your malnourishment? Where can you lean in closer to hear its need? This inner need is the same balm that you must use for healing the wound. You'll find the nourishment you crave deep within you. By leaning in closer to your darkness, you'll find the answers you seek, the tenderness you desire, the love and acceptance that feels so far way. Feed your inner realms first, before asking others to meet all your needs. Mercury in Gemini As June closes, Mercury makes another transition, moving into Gemini- joining the combust pair Sun and Venus. Late evening on June 26th, Mercury shifts into Gemini, its own sign, marking a month long transit of mental body clean up. The mental body likes this thought provoking, creative sign, but will meet some heat and conflict with the tumult of Sun and Venus during this transit. This trio will continue to track each other closely through the end of July, so be mindful of the heat and keep your mind cool. The burning heat of the Sun provokes a purification process, this time influencing the mental body. However it may not be comfortable or even effective during the transit. This cycle is intimately connected to release, transformation and uprooting- especially with regard to relationships and the "other". It will require great balance and skill on your part to integrate all parts of your being- without negating or avoiding your needs. Cut away and clear out the rubble, the distractions, the illusions. The parts of you that avoid the truth. What is standing in your way of being fully supported- feeling safe to land within your power, purpose and brilliance? If you want it, create it, but realize you're going to need support. What kinds of support are you attracting to yourself? Do you have the resources, guidance and tools you need? Venus in Gemini The heated war between Sun and Venus pauses as Venus shifts to Gemini on June 12th. As Venus enters a friendly sign, it separates from the fire of the Sun for a moment. Though Mars still gives his gaze to watery and creative Venus, he charges her up, rather than burns her out. This is a very powerful cycle for creativity and potent manifestation. The previous weeks have purified, clarified and helped you simplify life, relationships and needs. This trend continues once Sun hops into Gemini on the 14th. Once again, watery Venus will be closely conjunct fiery Sun, causing a heated combustion to take place. This war story continues for the coming months- on again and off again. You may notice relationships, money matters, self worth and power issues to be flaring up as a result of this dynamic. Purification is taking place as Sun burns away the impurities of Venus, the planet of harmony and love, money and relationships. Venus is also an asura, or demon, representing our human self. While Sun is represents the spark of the soul, connecting you to spirit and your physical body. In this release process that is taking place, a powerful energy of transformation is also enlivened. As you create space for the new, be intentional with what you fill that space with. Venus enjoys the creative, connective, co-creative sign of Gemini, which inspires the creative process and your inner creative powers to increase. However, the Sun's focus on this energy will be asking you to clarify your steps and the purpose of your efforts. Less will be more as Sun inspires precision. Venus will prefer flow, expansion, movement and uncertainty. Can you harmonize these opposing forces? You are in a re-creation process, finding your core truth and values. Your willingness to release will support the ease of this cycle. What are you invoking and manifesting through this purification process? Who and what do you need to support you in this process of change? Ketu's gaze upon Venus insures there will be a release and letting go process taking place, but honor that you are still refining your needs. Can you honor that whatever is being taken from you is necessary on some level in order to help you step into your new being? How do you surrender to the changes? Do you say yes to abundance, by letting go of the parts of yourself that keep you in endless struggle, lack and disappointment? Why settle for lack, when you can have all that you desire? Trust that if the there is pain, challenge or struggle, it means you are in misalignment on some level. Your job is to clarify and simplify your steps, actions and choices so that you are attending to only the essentials. Clarify what you need and don't be misguided by excess. Gains come to those who can honor simplicity, while not resisting the nourishment that is arriving to offer its support. You can only receive when you let go of something else and create space for it. What's standing in your way of the increases and gains? Sun in Gemini Sun moves to Gemini on June 14th, joining Venus here, continuing their heated battle between fire and water, precision and flow, human and soul needs. This cycle is a potent refinement process that will ask you to be get clear and focused about your desires. There is ancestral support and guidance for those who lean into this spiritual resource. Mars gives his gaze to Gemini, which is a challenging sign for him as the warrior and mind don't get along (the ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury). However, Mars does connect well with both Sun and Venus, so he lends his support for action and momentum nonetheless. Ketu's gaze to Gemini, shifts the focus, bringing disconnection and restructuring, while at times offering disassociation as well. This Sun cycle has a strong spiritual element to it, if you can move beyond the pain, struggle and challenges. Allow spirit to help you align with your core truths, your inner knowing and the essence of who you are and what you need. Further refinement and release will be essential with relationships. Forced connection will lead to pain, struggle and torment. It should not be hard, but serendipitous and gentle. The heart and the head may still feel confused, resistant, chaotic and overwhelmed, so allow this challenge to become a resource for how you move forward. Do you know how to use your struggles as resources for powerful change? The gift is hiding in the pain. Part of you is resisting the truth and your inner awareness. Your job is to find the essence of your being, stripped of the haunts and shadows that keep you in the dark. Keep purifying and allowing the inner conflicts and battles to be resources for finding your core truth. All parts of you deserve to be seen, heard, noticed and honored. Your resistance to your own pain is what keeps you locked in the struggle. Ask for new resources, support and guidance to lead you home. Let Spirit be a part of this journey and remind the ancestors that you need their wisdom as well. Mars in Libra On June 17th, retrograde Mars returns to Libra. Mars has been in retrograde motion since April 15th, transiting Scorpio with Saturn- who is also retrograde right now. Normally, Mars would be excited to transit his own, familiar territory, however, an intruder also occupies his home. Right now this enemy (Saturn) is in his enemy’s sign and uncomfortable digging up the depths and subconscious territory of Scorpio. As Mars moves through Libra, your focus on balance, stability and comfort may intensify. There will be an exchange of energy between Libra and Scorpio now as Mars rules Scorpio and Saturn is considered exalted in Libra. This may balance out the conflicting energy of both planets, helping polarities to harmonize and integrate more fully. Simultaneously it will be necessary to clarify tasks, goals and business structures in order to move forward without delays and frustrations. Relationships and finances will also request your focus, insisting that you pay attention in more concentrated ways. The need for balance and harmony with these areas of your life will be provoked, transformed and upgraded. Support this process by aligning with the theme of balance and honoring inner and outer needs. Forcing and pushing will result in excess frustrations and delays. Slow steady steps will win the race and help you move forward in a sustainable way at this time. Mars goes direct on June 30th and must travel back through Libra once again, covering the territory he already moved through. This will take him until July 12th when he re-enters Scorpio. As Mars moves back to Scorpio, he rejoins Saturn here, this time until September 18th. In total, Mars will march through his own sign the majority of the year. Because he must contend with Saturn as well, there is ample opportunity in the coming months to truly integrate polarities that are causing you disconnections and disassociation. The misalignment may activate in charged, passionate and contentious ways, however, the healing that can take place within Scorpio’s territory is like no other. The nature of this sign is depth and transformation. If you are willing to lean into the hidden parts of your being and diligently dive into your subconscious and unconscious territory, you will harvest pearls undoubtedly. However, those who resist, avoid and continue to suppress their emotional body messages, will find their discomfort and challenges amplified. The soreness and pain is nothing more than a request to lean in closer, look, notice and allow the shadow to emerge. As your dark matter rises, it can find its natural way of release. Movement is the medicine. Remember that the majority of this Mars and Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu will be active as well. Your darkness is requesting more wisdom on multiple levels as a result. Themes for this coming Mars transit strongly include unifying polarities and extremes within your being. This may be through masculine and feminine forces, authority and subordinates, shadow and light. You may identify that your force versus surrender needs more integration. Strong themes of opening and closing will emerge in forceful and dramatic ways. Be prepared to let go. Clinging will only intensify the pain. Trust this process of release as it is moving you closer to your inner truth, the purpose of your life and path. Dharmic awakening is possible as old doors will close swiftly. Are you willing to open new doors? Reach for the knob even if you’re in the dark. Work with your power authentically and consciously. Be true to your needs and move towards your strength, but notice when you are misaligned with your empowerment. True power is the harmony of masculine and feminine forces. Can you feel this within your body? Let the spine be an integration point and notice the sensations that strengthen and support this understanding. Expand what you think is possible for yourself. What are you willing to risk, to let go of, in order to receive more nourishment, truth and power? Move towards the nourishment of balance. Can you find the simplicity in the complexity? *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: The past becomes present, the old comes back to the forefront. Remain present to the mirrors showing you what needs to be re-seen, re-noticed, re-evaluated- within yourself. You may gain inspiration and a new clarity about what you need and how you want it. Particularly pay attention to your relationship with power. How do you use this part of yourself? With consciousness or unconsciousness? This is a time to start awakening your unconscious use of energy. Where you let it go, where you are not in right-relationship with it. Your nourishment is directly connected to your power source. It behooves you to be very conscious with how and where you direct your energy. This month nourishment will turn into courageous and creative acts. And your conscious use of power will direct the flow. Gains continue to come by letting go, allowing the release to take place. Where are you gripping too tightly? Taurus: The heat and passion in your head is creating steam and excess clouds. You may not be seeing clearly as a result. The tendency is to push or force outcomes and agendas rather than landing softly within. Pushing and forcing outcomes and steps doesn't guarantee a powerful outcome. Since this confusion in head can also be attributed to confusion in your heart, neither part of you is getting a clear signal. This is impacting your ability to connect, create and align with truth, choices and your vision. Part of you is ready to leap ahead, but at the cost of leaving the rest of you behind. There is uncertainty with your direction and path which makes progress feel unsteady. The truth resides in your body. In every sensation, in the wisdom of your physical being. Let your steps be grounded. Notice your connection to earth with every step. Especially notice when you force or push past your body wisdom. Ask spirit to support your movement and give you clear messages for momentum. Gemini: The release process you've been going through is preparing you for the cycle to come. As Sun moves to your first house mid month, it's time to rise and shine. You'll still need to take extra time for meditation, pauses and rest with Mercury in your 12th house, but the tides are changing. Clearing up bad habits and stories from your past will go a long way in helping you move forward and create a new foundation for yourself. You begin a new Sun cycle after the 14th, which brings renewal, openings and possibility. How are you preparing for this beginning and fresh start? Seek support, guidance and wisdom to help you step forward more powerfully. Call on friendships, relationships and partners to help you increase your reach and momentum. There's confusion about how to delegate and truly get the support you need in order to move forward. What is hindering you from getting your needs met? What part of you is resisting feeling more supported and nourished? Cancer: Nourishment is a powerful, continuous theme that influences how you share and who you share with. Healing, change and transformation must take place in order for you to accept, invite and create space for the new. There's some resistance to the new, so be aware of where you are stuck or refusing to allow in change, new resources or extra support. You are working with power and how to be in right relationship with a more powerful flow- instead of on again and off again inner resources. This wisdom arrives in your heart in the coming weeks, so listen carefully and turn within to gather these rich pearls. Clearing and cleaning away residue from your depths and unconscious territory is ultimately what is going to move you in a more progressive, life serving direction. Allow for ample pause and check-ins, slow and sacred steps this month. It's easy to miss the messages unless you slow down, so don't wait until your body wisdom forces you to. Start now with consciously slowing your pace. You'll be able to resource from within more powerfully. Leo: Life is leaping ahead, but at what cost? Where are you present? Where are you checked-out? Relationships continue to be disconnected or more spiritually oriented. This is a time to be more focused on the self and to re-establish a new sense of Self. There's confusion and uncertainty about this, but as you align with your heart center in more conscious ways, you'll feel more authenticity with your inner power. Heart and emotions are frustrated at times, but will turn into more courageous actions and choices later in the month. Passion and power in your offerings and services bring momentum, but try not to negate your need for grounding and stability. Steam is rising and causing excess heat within you. Be diligent about when and where you are forcing or pushing for outcomes, trying to skip steps or putting your physical needs on the line. Go slow and acknowledge your soft, silent center. This is in fact where your true power resides. It's inside out, not outside in. Virgo: The deep transformations and release of this past month turn into wisdom and inner knowing this month. Suddenly more support and guidance arrives to help you learn and grow with new conviction and purpose. Clear away toxicity and liberate yourself from the people and things that dis-empower you. Keep your gut clear and eat simply. Courage is coming- but with stops and starts. After the 17th there's more drive to increase nourishment and support as your inner warrior returns to the 2nd house. Take this drive and action into dharmic pursuits. Align your steps with your inner wisdom and ask for extra support from guides and gurus to help you clarify your use of power. Simultaneously creativity and passion stirs in your 10th house of career, which invites in new ideas, growth and expansion. How will you say yes to your creative power and let it be an offering to the world? Libra: Money, resources and nourishment seem to be challenged by lack of fluidity. Here today and gone tomorrow. This confusion with resources and comfort has been stirring the pot, increasing fear and pressure. What are these challenges teaching you about your needs? About your inner power? Find new ways to feel your value, while clearing away the unconscious territory that keeps you in a perpetual state of lack. Notice where you are out of alignment with your boundaries. Where you say yes far more than you say no. This is depleting you of vital nourishment and clarity with your needs. You're reaching out more than you're reaching in. The energetic imbalance is starting to take its toll. Slow everything down. Don't make any decisions without sacred pause and slower steps. You'll be learning a lot about your energy reserves, inner power and ability to relate consciously with yourself and others in the month to come. Challenge yourself to stay present, fully present, to whatever is arriving within yourself. Stay with it. Scorpio: The confusion comes from a restructuring of how you use your power source. You are no longer willing to force outcomes or force the process of production. It feels foreign, unusual, even lazy at times. But in fact, this is a vital emergence for you. A restoring of balance and inner harmony in a way that you've never felt or seen. You're learning how to live life as though you're in energetic vacation mode, yet still get tasks completed and take necessary action steps. This shift in energy use is a game changer for your offerings and services, the way you give and receive. The panic is releasing, the anxiety around having or being enough. The medicine is aligning with your quiet, creative center. Your relationship with magic will continue to shift as a result. Trust, allow, receive, repeat. Let this be your mantra for all layers of your life. There's really no need to rush, force or speed up the process. Sagittarius: Liberation is coming but not without effort and working consciously with your unconscious terrain. This becomes more necessary in the coming month so notice where you are stuck in limiting beliefs and old mental body programming. Courageously cut and clear away relationships that feel unsupportive, allow spirit to be a resource for connecting with resources that help you gain more support and clarity with your needs. Guides, teachers and gurus play an important role in how you get extra support right now. Cut through the illusions and false truths. This is you learning how to trust your inner wisdom more. Clear away bad habits that are not aligned with your need for deep nourishment and support. Watch your diet and ask for support with cleaning up your diet and digestion. You are still trying to digest some very old relationship challenges. Purge the anger in conscious and safe ways. Find your release valve. Capricorn: Being dramatic with your cutting and clearing process is how you are creating a new baseline of stability and support for yourself. This doesn't come without pain and sadness, grief and loss. But in the long run, your awakening core wisdom is the catalyst for monumental change- inner and outer. It's easy to push too hard and use brute force, rather than the wisdom of your soft, silent center. Pushing too hard will result in immense challenges- especially physical. Honor your new set point, the slower, steadier steps, the sacred pause to check. This is you regaining a deeper sense of Self, a new relationship with your inner power source. Your depths are transforming you. Trust in this cycle of evolutionary change. Allowing the integration of your fast and slow steps will produce gains. The slow is a drop in, the fast brings momentum and change. Find your dance. Do you call it a rumba, salsa or a cha-cha? Aquarius: The refinement continues. Clearing away that which doesn't serve your highest good can be painful, especially when there's strong attachment. Your head is hot and getting hotter. Some relief comes early in the month once Mars returns to Libra. He won't be giving his gaze directly to your head. Heart and relationship matters continue to intensify, causing confusion, pain and heartache. It's time to seek out new resources, guidance and support in order to change these patterns and behaviors keeping you locked in cycles of pain and trauma. Mid month, you'll be ready to use the pain as a resource for change and healing. Step towards your inner knowing and trust your intuitive guidance. When in doubt, lean into your body wisdom for answers. Get familiar with your mind and its stories, it likes to derail you if you let it. Pisces: You are learning how to lose and let go, although reluctantly. It's vital that you clear up your gut and inner guidance system. Part of you is still not listening to this inner intelligence. It's time to sift through your unconscious terrain and re-pattern the places within you that keep going back to the conflict. What is this addiction to pain? You are getting passion and pain confused, heart burn mixed up with a good love story. The bottom line is you aren't getting your needs met. The first step is to clarify what you need, then radically release the parts of yourself that are getting in the way of you getting the nourishment you so desperately desire. The pain in your heart is a reminder that it's time to try a different approach. Courageously clean up your mind and let your hands be a resource for your recreation process. Ask for extra support and guidance for your change process. You need a mirror that can remind you of your greatness. Learn more about your karmas and how to overcome blockages hindering you from being well fed by life. Please join me for my June Jyotish Astrology Classes. 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