Coinciding with the still point of the year, the December Full Moon comes in with a powerful roar in Ardra nakshatra. Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) occurs on December 21st at 15:23 MT, a time when life seems to stop, or stand still. "The term Solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, meaning 'the Sun stands still'. This is because on this day, the Sun reaches its southern-most position as seen from the Earth. The Sun seems to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn and then reverses its direction. It's also common to call it the day the Sun turns around." - Via Time and Date As the still point arrives and the reversal of the light takes place, it is a powerful time for introspection and release. This is a time to attend to shadows, grief and undigested emotions. Clearing, purging and releasing lingering emotions from the past cycle will create space for the new, opening you to more life force in the months ahead. As the darkness strengthens right now, lean closer. Lean into your fears, challenges, pain and grief. Let it speak to you. Honor its wisdom and validity Remember that ignoring your darkness only makes it stronger. Your capacity to feel the joy of life is determined by how much grief you have in your body. The natural cycles of darkness support the healing and release of grief within your body- if you honor and acknowledge it. Pay attention to your darkness and listen carefully. The Sun (light) has just left Scorpio, the darkest of the twelve signs. He's now in the gap between Scorpio and Sagittarius in a notorious gandanta- Mula. You may be feeling this instability and uncertainty surface in your life right now. Notice it and don't turn away. What changes are needed in order to find more ground? With all the layers of darkness present right now, it's an important time for honesty- with ourselves and others. As we arrive at the still point of the year, deep presence is possible. What are you noticing? What do you see? What are you acknowledging- even though it's hard to look at? Be courageous in your presence. Honor the dark wisdom arriving. Show up for yourself and your shadow. Be with your darkness so you can find the other side, the light. The December Full Moon occurs hours after the transition of the Sun, occurring on the 22nd at 10:48 am MT. This is a particularly powerful full Moon as it takes place in the portion of the sky ruled by the storm god, Rudra. He is notorious for big emotional expression- the release of grief through anger, tears and violence. He brings big waves within the emotional body and activates release, purging and destruction. Rudra rules the portion of the sky called Ardra nakshatra which falls within the sign of Gemini. This constellation is considered Tikshna, which means sharp and dreadful. It cuts, severs and attacks. It is particularly useful when harsh, destructive or painful actions must be taken. Though Ardra nakshatra can offer immense pain and suffering, the relationship with grief must be acknowledged here. Suffering intensifies when we resist the darkness, the struggles, the pain and losses we experience. The intensity of Ardra nakshatra (and Rudra) occurs when the powerful emotional body within is ignored, suppressed, avoided or disconnected. The violent inner storms increase when the waves are not attended to regularly, when they are not honored or acknowledged as normal, valid and valuable parts of the human experience. Ardra nakshatra invites (or forces) us to look at our challenging emotions, our grief, so that it can be released and cleared. On the other side of this grief is space to feel something else- equally as powerful. The waning cycle ahead is a request to lean closer to your own darkness and shadow. Your grief, losses and struggles. It's a call for help, a beckoning from your emotional body wisdom. Do you lean closer or do you keep resisting the pain? What needs are surfacing? What does your emotional body tell you it needs? What shifts, changes or adjustments need to be made in order to get your needs met? Need clarity for the year ahead? Wondering what direction to take? Want insights, guidance and resources to clarify your life path? Sign up for a 60 minute or 90 minute Jyotish Astrology session or a Prashna Tarot Session. I ONLY discount my sessions once a year! Get 25% off your Jyotish Session OR Prashna Tarot session with the code: InnerLight25 BOOK YOUR SESSION NOW Discount ends January 1st! For single sessions only. Sessions will be booked after JAN 1st. Session must be booked within six months of purchase to be valid. Creative RitualAnger is in fact a powerful emotion, a change agent. It reminds you that a boundary has been crossed, that something feels unfair, that you have been wronged in some way. When you experience anger, there is an opportunity to find clarity about your needs and step into your power with more purpose. Far too often though, anger becomes an unconscious reactive emotion that never gets to truly serve its purpose- to wake you up! Right now, the planet and particularly the United States, is being called into action. So many are feeling very old, deeply embedded anger and rage rise to the surface. You may be feeling anger as a result of your own personal mythology, as well as a result of the collective consciousness. Allowing your anger to move through you is potent medicine. But even more important than it's movement, is actually harvesting from this emotion. Understanding the deeper layers of your anger can help you awaken to needs, more nourishment and empowerment. What you don't want to do is suppress your anger, or use it in ways that harm yourself and others. Systemically suppressed anger can become depression- which is ultimately a result of resisting your power. Anger is in fact a resource for tapping into your power, purpose and dharma! Here Are Four Ways to Release Anger Right Now: #1: Anger is often a first response emotion. It can become an addiction to feel anger- especially if this is the way you learned how to feel and express. Anger happens to be the most socially acceptable emotion, so most people default to anger quite easily. Step number one is to get into the habit of checking in with the four levels of your being and do a self audit. This process can help you identify the experiences happening within your inner landscape so you don't disconnect from your body and emotions. Do A Self Audit #2: What are you angry about? Who are you angry at? Consider this your challenge. Now use my Challenge Creative Ritual to identify, move and transform your anger into potent awareness. #3: Move your anger safely. Release anger and rage by screaming, yelling, punching pillows, throwing things (without harming yourself or anyone/anything else) and stomping. Get the sound of your anger out in a safe, contained space. Let the emotion move out and through your body. #4: Tap and Rant. EFT is a powerful resource for moving emotions- especially anger. Tap on the heart point in the center of the chest or tap through the points as you speak your anger aloud. Don't hold back. Tapping through the points as you express your anger, will support its movement and release, without it getting stuck in your body. Need some extra support? Use my Tapping Meditation Podcast for Big Emotions. Hi Sensitive Souls!
I am on a mission to help sensitive souls (like you) clarify your inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with your purpose and leadership skills. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected]
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