The planetary transits in the coming months bring themes of disconnection and deep release. Some of this will be forced, uncomfortable and challenging. Many will be triggered by a range of emotions, mental body stories and old personal mythology rising to the surface. Read more about the challenging transits to come. How do you know if you are disempowered, disconnected from your inner source? When your breath is short, body is tight and mind is running the show, you are likely disconnected from your inner wisdom and power. This may present itself through emotional body reactions, mental stories that seem to be on repeat in your head, and physical body responses that constrict you, leaving you closed off to possibility, options, new choices.. Old patterns and behaviors that keep you locked in disempowerment or self sabotage are ways that you may be repeatedly disconnecting from your power. This can in fact be an addiction. Allowing yourself to repeatedly get sucked into old behaviors and patterns are likely the root of much of your disconnection and disempowerment. Can you catch yourself in the act? Deeper inner listening and self tracking are both essential for bringing your unconscious actions and choices to the surface, to your conscious awareness. This is where your power is. In the present moment. When you can intercept an old thought, behavior or spiral of thoughts and emotions, then you can make a different choice. Your power is firmly rooted in making choices. Choices that nourish and align with your highest intentions, rather than old, outworn and negative patterns and behaviors that lead to behaviors that don't really honor or serve you. Recently I had a very conscious interception of old thought patterns, and finally put my foot down. After days of self loathing and feeling like I had made some very poor choices- choices that resulted in deep heart break and sadness (again)- I realized this was a very old addiction for me. The addiction of beating myself up mentally for making a "bad" choice and then further spiraling down into "See, I've done it again" and even "I deserve this pain because of this bad choice." The addiction to these old stories has cost me much happiness and self love over the years. But this week, I took my power back. I stepped towards the story rather than letting it control me. I tapped it out. I danced it out. I painted it out and got it moving, rather than stuck inside of me. And then I said "NO". After closer investigation, I realized that this old pattern of spiraling down and down and down in self deprecation could actually be stopped- if I chose to stop it. So I did. I realized I could take my power back from these old thoughts, these old stories, and the behaviors that come with them. I took my power back. The reality is that I learned a lot from my recent painful choices and the grief that emerged through the heartbreak. They have made me wiser, more careful, and even expanded my compassion towards myself and others. That part feels good and should be celebrated. But staying stuck in the self inflicted pain is a choice. And because I became aware of my thoughts and emotions, I could also say "No more". I chose to reconnect, realign and re-establish my connection to my truth, my source, my inner knowing- my power. What does it feel like to be connected, empowered and aligned with your inner source? You've no doubt had these moments- often fleeting- yet memorable. Compelling enough that they inspire you to find ways to re-connect again and again. The body is the point of reconnection, the point of aligning with the NOW. Your body holds infinite wisdom and connects you to your source, Spirit and your inner knowing. When you are connected and aligned with your inner wisdom, your power, it often feels light, simple, easy and nourishing. Some feel joy, happiness and heart expansion swelling and opening the body, breath and feeling level. The dance of disconnection and reconnection is the epic journey of coming home- over and over again. It is the story of embodiment and establishing greater grounding, roots and resiliency- in order to ride the undulating waves and tumultuous storms of life. Reconnecting within body, mind, emotions and spirit are all essential for greater power, purpose and clarity with your being and your life! What do you do in the face of disconnection from your inner power? How do you find your way back to inner trust and certainty? What resources are your go-to tools for reconnection? Here are five ways to establish deeper, sustainable connection with your Self and your inner power. 5 Ways to Step Into Your Power Right now: 1) The point of power is in the now, this moment right now. You won't truly know the power of this moment without establishing a deeper sense of Self awareness. What is arriving right now within your inner landscape? What do you need right now in order to deepen your sense of reconnection? Do a Self audit. Self track every day. 2) Loosen the grip of triggers and painful stories. Move the mind and emotions and don't let them get stuck in your unconscious mind. Use my Tapping Meditation below to take back your power, get embodied and hear the wisdom of your inner knowing. 3) Track the planets and know what's impacting you right now. A deeper Self awareness comes from understanding the influences upon you. Then you can properly resource yourself. Knowing how the planets are impacting your mind, body and emotions, is a powerful step in bringing light (jyoti) to your conscious awareness. Jyotish prevents unnecessary suffering and helps you align with right action and choices. Track the planets daily, weekly, and monthly. 4) Study the layers of your inner wisdom. Know thyself. Your jyotish chart is the most potent resource of identification and self exploration you will ever receive. It is the map of your soul, shows you your life purpose, your reason for being alive. The short cut to understanding who you are and why you are alive, can be found through studying your jyotish chart. All the wisdom you need for greater, clarity and ease is written within your cosmic map. Deepen your jyotish studies and awaken your inner knowing with this. 5) Commit to your self growth and say yes to new resources and guidance. Consistent guidance and support makes the difference between success and failure in this life. You can't get new results when you continue to do the same thing and make the same choices. Lasting sustainable change comes when you start changing old patterns and stop repeating old behaviors. Big life changes occur when you get ongoing guidance and support, new resources and tools for success. Words I've been sharing with myself and clients recently: Take Your Power Back! 🐅✨ I love myself way too much to let your words hurt me. I love myself way too much to allow your own ignorance to touch me. I love myself way too much to allow your inability to self refer to impact me. I love myself too much and honor my inner wisdom so much, I can't allow your fear, your hate and your inner violence to penetrate my sacred center. It's unacceptable to me- to allow your ignorance to shame me, rip me down, make me feel insignificant and subordinate. No more. I take my power back. I take my power back because I can. I take my power back because my wisdom and inner knowing are valuable. I have my own genius, as everyone does. I honor my uniqueness and I honor my gifts. So I take my power back. I take my power back because this world needs women who can trust themselves, women who can affirm themselves, and women who can honor themselves- even when others try to rip them down. I take my power back so that I can help empower others. This world needs more of that. So you can take your shame, your blame, your dominance based ego elsewhere. I can see through all of that and it's not welcome here. I love myself and so I take my power back. (BONUS: Use the tapping points below and tap through these words of empowerment!) Tapping Meditation ~ Take Your Power Back! Tapping Meditation for More Power Use this Tapping Meditation when you feel stuck, afraid or resistant to change. When you get triggered by someone else or find yourself frozen in old patterns and behaviors. Remember that we always start with "truth tapping" by expressing feelings and experiences that feel challenging. This is a vital part of the process and paves the way for transformation and healing. In the podcast below, I share a tapping (EFT) sequence with you that will guide you through transforming and releasing the old stories and invite in more receptivity. Remember, we start with identifying the challenges, then moving into possibility and desires in order to transform our shadow into light. Use this podcast as you tap through these points: Karate chop point (side of the hand). Crown of the head. Eyebrow point (above the eye). Side of the eye. Under the eye. Under the nose. Chin point (crease of the chin). Throat point (collar bone/throat chakra). Heart point (center of chest). Stomach point (above the navel). Side body (nipple line at side of chest). Tap six to ten times on each point and just keep cycling through the points. Repeat the phrases I use aloud. Notice any thoughts, stories, memories or emotions that emerge as you tap. These are important pieces to return to, do more tapping on, as a way to clear blockages. As always, if the words I use don't work for you, change them to support your process more fully. Share your experiences below! What emerged for you in this process? Excited to hear from you! I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! Every week I offer two *free* dharma coaching sessions to action takers who are ready for deep life change. Is this you?! Send me a message to see if I have any openings: [email protected]
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