What is Goal Trauma and how does it rob you of success? Listen to my short podcast and discover how to use your Goal Trauma as a resource for up-leveling your life and purpose! Last chance to join my life-changing Dharma Foundations Course. Only 24 hours left!! When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go? What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support.
Until you know how to transform this one thing, you will be stuck in repeated cycles of failure again and again with no way out! Listen to my video to find out what is sabotaging your success- even when you know you deserve more and you work really hard to succeed!! Ready to change and transform your old patterns, challenges and losses, into lasting gains, success and thriving? Join Dharma Foundations 2017! Only a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support! When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go?
What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support. Well, Oops! I did it again! I just F*d up! Are you doing this too??! Listen to my video to avoid this landmine. How does fight, flight and freeze sabotage your success, momentum and progress??! Fight: anger, retaliation, resistance Flight: avoid, cut and paste over, refuse to feel Freeze: inaction, numbing out, complete disconnection None of these responses will get you the results you desire. None are receptive, awake, or connected to your body wisdom. Need some extra support re-connecting and aligning with your truth? Use my Tapping Meditation for Dharmic Empowerment below! It's getting down to the final moments of my Dharma Foundations Course. Only a few more days left to register. Space is limited and filling quickly! Guarantee Your Spot! Last Chance to get a *free* Clarity Session! Register by Feb 6th!! REGISTER NOW Tapping Meditation for Dharmic Empowerment Use this Tapping Meditation when you feel stuck, afraid or resistant to change. When you get triggered by someone else or find yourself frozen in old patterns and behaviors. Remember that we always start with "truth tapping" by expressing feelings and experiences that feel challenging. This is a vital part of the process and paves the way for transformation and healing. In the podcast below, I share a tapping (EFT) sequence with you that will guide you through transforming and releasing the old stories and invite in more receptivity. Remember, we start with identifying the challenges, then moving into possibility and desires in order to transform our shadow into light. Use this podcast as you tap through these points: Karate chop point (side of the hand). Crown of the head. Eyebrow point (above the eye). Side of the eye. Under the eye. Under the nose. Chin point (crease of the chin). Throat point (collar bone/throat chakra). Heart point (center of chest). Stomach point (above the navel). Side body (nipple line at side of chest). Tap six to ten times on each point and just keep cycling through the points. Repeat the phrases I use aloud. Notice any thoughts, stories, memories or emotions that emerge as you tap. These are important pieces to return to, do more tapping on, as a way to clear blockages. As always, if the words I use don't work for you, change them to support your process more fully. Share your experiences below! What emerged for you in this process? Excited to hear from you! Ready to fully step into your power in 2017?! Join my Dharma Foundations Course NOW! Space is limited and the course is filling quickly. If this is your year to rise and shine, let's walk together! JOIN Dharma Foundations NOW! I wish to live a life that causes my soul to dance inside my body. ~ Dele Olanubi You’ve heard my story. My struggles with sensitivity. The challenges I’ve faced moving forward in my life because my health and body need extra care. The extreme sadness, confusion and desperation of not knowing my life purpose, my reason for being alive. If you've been following my work, you’ve heard me share how challenging my path has been. How confused and lost I’ve been most of my life. All the lack of clarity I’ve had about my dharma, my life purpose. I literally wondered why I was alive everyday and simply had no clear direction for my life’s work. Severe depression and sadness overwhelmed me, paralyzed me from moving forward with my life. It seemed like answers weren’t coming and nothing was helping me. Not even the many jyotishis I went to could help me figure out what my purpose was! They all said different things. It wasn’t until I committed myself to studying my own jyotish chart that everything began to change. Yes, I was meditating. Yes, I was eating a special diet and caring for my sensitive body needs. Yes, I was doing yoga. But the joy was missing still. My strong anger, sadness and grief were still ruling my daily life. The overwhelming confusion was keeping me from being able to see my own truth. And I still had no clear purpose. Studying my jyotish chart, started my dharmic awakening. A deepening trust in who I was born to become and what I was here to do. It wasn’t coming from others, it was coming from myself and peeling back the layers of my own karmic map. That’s how I discovered the power of jyotish. But the biggest shift occurred when I realized that art, dance, music and my need to be creative was the missing link for my sense of thriving! Once I started working with the power of embodiment, somatic awareness and using expressive art therapy in my daily life, the biggest life changes began for me. I suddenly felt possibility, hope, desire and passion. I had a new willingness to move forward with my life. To learn from my body wisdom. To grow and expand my creative potential. To honor sensations and emotional messages. My intuition strengthened. My inner trust solidified. I was able to listen to the vital resources within me in very powerful ways. This is the gift of using the expressive arts intentionally- as a healing modality. Now I see it all so clearly! The many excruciating obstacles have truly been the biggest resources for change and transformation in my life. They ultimately led me straight to my dharma! We are infinitely creative beings. That’s our purpose in this life. To create and re-create ourselves over and over again. To dream our dreams and to bring these visions into existence in the material realms. The power that creativity has on us- the arts, the body, and cultivating deep listening- is immensely powerful. This is perhaps the most valuable and direct tool of regeneration available to humans. It’s a direct link to our shakti- our spark of life. I use the tools of jyotish, embodiment, the arts- as resources for deep healing and transformation. They have changed my life, helped me embrace my dharma and continue to be powerful agents of inner and outer change- for myself and clients. I am passionate about guiding you towards your greatest gifts- to help you remove the veils of illusion that are holding you back. One of my gifts is helping others look more intentionally at their shadows- where they may be missing important messages for transformation. I can help you turn your shadows into light. This work is not for everyone! And I know the bold and courageous path of dharma is not for everyone! It is for those committed to inner growth and those that want to help heal and transform the world. Those who truly wish to awaken their creative gifts and make them tangible in this world. Those who want to transform their challenges into assets, rather than stay lost, forlorn and miserable in darkness, struggle and mediocrity. My work is for the artists, healers, and spiritual types. I believe we are special, gifted and our special gifts are needed more than ever on the planet right now! It's for you that I'm offering my Dharma Mentorship. The world needs you and I want to help you awaken, shine and share! ~ Swati* Are You the Right fit for My Dharma Mentorship?! Do you feel like you're on the edge of big change, but not sure what it is? Are you ready to leap into your powerful life, but not sure how to do this? Do you feel like you have a special offering for the world, but not sure exactly what it is or how to offer it? Are you wasting time, energy and joy doing work that doesn't feel meaningful or nourishing? Do you feel like your inner creativity is screaming to come out but gets lost somehow? Are you sensitive and spiritual, but wonder how you can use these assets for meaningful life work? Do You need personal support and guidance for your journey? Now is the time for your ultimate transformation!! Register Now Here's what you will receive in my Dharma Awakening Mentorship: - Two full months of my personal guidance and support. - Three 30 minute clarity sessions with me- beginning, during and at the end of the Mentorship. - My six module Dharma Foundations Course which leads you through everything you need to awaken and transform your Dharma. - Weekly live classes (seven classes total) with me to ask your questions, get my support and work through obstacles, plus recordings of these classes. - Multiple bonuses to support your journey and give you extra support. The bonuses included in the Dharma Foundations Course are yours to keep. - A special live class with me to help you formulate your money making business- The Essentials For Building Your Web Based Business and Start Making Money. - A private FaceBook group to connect and share with me and get support from your Dharma Community. - Life time access to these class resources and materials via a class web page. Register Now Do I Qualify For the Mentorship? I am only able to take on 25 students for this two month mentorship. Space is limited and on a first come basis. Preference will be given to those who are driven to do the work required during this process. You qualify for the mentorship if you have had at least one session with me or you have taken at least one class or workshop with me. *** If you have not previously worked with me, I will require a phone meeting with you prior to starting the mentorship. *** Additionally, these requirements are necessary: - You have a strong desire to dedicate the next two months to exploring and navigating your dharma and life path. - You have the necessary time to commit to this process in the coming months consistently. At least six to ten hours per week. - You are able to show up for live weekly classes and personal sessions. - You thrive on creativity, embodiment and want to know more about psycho/spiritual knowledge and wisdom. - You understand that the process of awakening your dharma is determined by the effort you put into the process. - You understand that this mentorship does not guarantee your dharma or life purpose will emerge during the course of our work. Register Now The Logistics: This mentorship officially begins on October 5th and ends on December 6th. Every Monday, a new module of my Dharma Foundations Course will be released. There are three parts to each module. You will be required to work through these materials on your own. Every week we meet for a live 90 minute Q & A call as a group. Dates/times for our live weekly classes will be clarified once everyone registers. There are Three Implementation Weeks During the Two Month Mentorship: Week of October 5th: Implementation week. You will have a 30 minute clarity session with me to start the process and formulate direction and clarity for the process. Week of November 2nd: Implementation week. You will have a 30 minute clarity session with me. Week of November 30th: Final week and last 30 minutes clarity session with. Register For the Dharma Awakening Mentorship: Fees for this two month Dharma Awakening Mentorship are $1299.00. This mentorship is worth well over $3,000 with all the personal sessions, classes and bonuses you receive. The cost of discovering your dharma is priceless! Register Now Remember that I only offer this process once a year and it won't be available again until fall 2016. Every year the cost increases. You receive all classes and bonuses for a life time fee of $1299. *** I offer three payment plan options for those who are not able to pay in full. Your first payment is required to register and hold your place. *** Payment Plan Options: Two payments of $659 each, spread out over two months. Second payment due October 25th, 2015. Three payments of $439 each, spread out over three months. Second and third payments due October 25th and November 25th 2015. Five payments of $269 each, spread out over five months. Payments due October 25th, November 25th, December 25th and January 25th. You must provide a CC# for registration with payment plan. Contact me directly for purchase with Payment plan: [email protected] or 281.782.5421. Registration closes on Friday, October 2nd, 2015!! What My Students Are Saying: "This course really planted a seed which I intend to cultivate, as I'm noticing it's very good for my psychological health....I really enjoyed the feeling of being able to feel, and not having to do anything about that, particularly after the course I noticed a powerful change in that. It felt more free." - B. P. "I felt a major breakthrough this weekend with you. You have a special talent and have found your true life's purpose!....I am grateful for all that I have learned from you and will continue to learn. You are the best connection I have made....I climbed out of a very dark hole this weekend and saw light. I know there is something waiting for me that I'm being guided towards." - S. S. "I feel really grateful and honoured to have had this opportunity. It was a special experience to just listen to my body in that way, and to receive its messages. Thank you for making it possible - for your wisdom, your openness and your ability to guide and direct in such a gentle and beautiful way." - J.D. "Deep gratitude to you, for sharing your wisdom and knowledge and enthusiasm. Your ability to teach us through bodywork and harvesting in an online class is miraculous! Many many thanks to you for bringing this to us." - B. Mercer "Swati, I cannot thank you enough for opening my mind to acknowledging my story and understanding the value of unpacking and peeling layers. As you know, I was so resistant to some pieces and was lying even to myself to perpetuate my myths. I was resisting the powerful messages. I have a long way to go and many layers to peel and I hope to continue to learn from you... I am completely in awe of the depth of your knowledge and the manner in which you express it.... I love your style, your passion, your desire to educate and help improve lives." - N. Sood "I really like how you teach and explain to the class. As a teacher (middle school), I really appreciate your gifted wisdom, teaching and inspiration." L. Janes "As a student of Jyotisha for years, I like the way you bring the healing in." - A. Olivera "The Jyotish information that you offer is excellent." -L.M. "Thank you for all the resources you have shared! I am getting so much from the classes, embodiment and art therapy. It's amazing to tap into a creative side of myself that I have always rejected. Thank you so much! The Jyotish Basics document is incredibly helpful, it is great to have as a quick reference." - C. J. "I am very impressed by your application of Vedic astrology. Your creativity, the magic you create!" -G.B. Register Now Workshop policies: I do not offer returns or refunds on products and services. I consider payment an agreement between two people that sets an intention for mutual growth. Please commit to your self development and show up for classes, use the recordings and honor your path. By showing up for classes, you are showing up for yourself. I welcome your feedback and I'm here to support your journey!
"Everything comes to us that belongs to us, if we create the capacity to receive it." ~ Rabindranath Tagore Imagine Yourself.... Waking up, excited to start your day, feeling rested, rejuvenated and grateful for another day to live your passions and share them with others. Imagine spending your time each day creating- writing, painting, dancing or teaching spiritual wisdom that transforms lives. Imagine doing what you most love to do while making money, feeling abundant and more alive at the same time! Allow yourself for a moment to visualize your ideal day. What are you doing? Who are you with? What does it feel like? Where do you feel this in your body? This is what dharma feels like. You get to share your deepest passions and gifts with others and you also get fed, nourished and deeply healed at the same time. It's truly a win/win- for you and the world. The truth is, we need MANY more people living their dharmic truth on this planet in order to change the well being of the world and its inhabitants. Yes, we need YOU to be brave enough to step courageously onto your life path, to awaken your inner gifts and rise to the challenge! Sadly, very few people will be brave enough to take the action steps required- to face their challenges and obstacles, and unwrap the precious gifts carefully hidden inside their shadows. I know this isn't you! You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have some deep desire to live a more joyful, prosperous life, while also changing the world at the same time. Whatever you do, don't let this desire fade! You may be disillusioned, overwhelmed and too tired to courageously step onto your dharmic path. You may have not even tried step #1 of my Dharma Awakening Series yet. But I know you want your life to change, to become more powerful, passionate and abundant. I know at some point you will be ready to make the changes necessary for your new, powerful, potent life. But when?! What do you need for Dharma to Awaken in you? When you will be ready? The truth is, now is your time- if you are willing to take the leap! Are you using excuses like time, money, health and fear of the unknown to keep you from taking a bold action step? Will another cycle, another year, go by before you start to awaken your unique, inner gifts? My powerful combination of modalities, resources and tools are not for everyone. But if you are sensitive and spiritual like me, if there's a desire to create, feel nourished and align with your inner wisdom, and also share your gifts with the world, my work is absolutely a great fit for you! Don't miss this chance to make lasting powerful, life changing shifts, and to create a new life for yourself! One that is aligned with your deep inner knowing, and special gifts. This is your time! Walk with me! Join me for my special life changing Dharma Leadership Training for Women. Here is my vision for you, one year from now: You have a clear dharmic map laid out in front of you with doable action steps that move you forward swiftly towards your goals, desires and aspirations. Your dharmic vision has taken root and begins to grow. You know how to use your gifts and passions to make money, to give your services to others and to help nourish the world at the same time. You feel joy, passion and excitement about your path and you're ready leap into action! You've up-leveled your life and your business, feeling more abundant and more nourished! Ready, set, go! Join me for my life changing Dharma Leadership Training Now. Are You the Right fit for My Dharma Leadership Training for Women?! Do you feel like you're on the edge of big change but not sure what it is? Are you ready to leap into your powerful life, but not sure how to do this? Do you feel like you have a special offering for the world, but not sure exactly what it is or how to offer it? Are you wasting time, energy and joy doing work that doesn't feel meaningful or nourishing? Do you feel like your inner creativity is screaming to come out, but gets lost somehow? Are you sensitive and spiritual, but wonder how you can use these assets for meaningful life work? Are you ready to heal and transform your pain from the past and use it to help others? Do You need personal support and guidance for your journey? Now is the time for your ultimate transformation! Join me for my Dharma Leadership Training for Women! "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin I hope you have been working through my previous podcasts diligently- digesting and assimilating all the resources and tools I've shared. I imagine you have been confronting your dharmic challenges and obstacles directly and bringing them to light. Hopefully, you have also found a bit more clarity about your needs, wants, and your life path. My hope is that these past few dharmic posts have provided you with some deeper listening and some greater intention, while also providing you with some transformation and change. I've been working along with you, doing my own work and deepening my process as well. Each one of these steps that I've shared with you is a part of my own personal process- regularly. These are the resources I use personally and also what I share with my students and clients. These resources can truly transform shadows into light and awaken our inner knowing in very potent ways. Our shadows hold us back and keep us in the dark, yet when we are willing to confront them, to shine some light on them, we can truly transform ourselves, our lives, and how we move forward. This process takes courage! Remember, if we are alive and in a human body, we are here to keep working with our shadows. Small or large, fast or slow. I'm passionate about working with human shadows and shining more light on them- bringing the shadows of our being into the light and loosening their grip on us. Of course this is part of my jyotish work, which is quite literally the "science of light". But the creative process, the body, and its unyielding wisdom, are also potent assets for this transforming our biggest shadows into rich harvesting. I'm passionate about helping you with this process and also changing how you work with your shadows. I want you to start awakening to the gifts hidden in your darkness! Unveiling the gifts hidden in our shadows, using the wisdom of the body and our innate creativity, provides a recipe for deep awakening, transformation and healing. It is creative life force energy that offers us the ability to re-create ourselves, our lives, over and over again. Creativity is our power!! Below, is the final step in my Dharma Awakening Series. It is a necessary and potent step for refining and clarifying your dharma. Use it to create some forward momentum. I want to encourage you to re-visit the previous steps over and over again- as our challenges and obstacles effect us in layers. When you notice the veil of illusion tempting you, pulling you back into your old stories (worries, fears, doubts, overwhelm, etc) it's time to do another round of investigation and identification. Another round of confrontation and creative clearing- for deeper awareness and harvesting. Some of you are ready to leap into your Dharma, your life purpose, right now! My life changing Dharma Leadership Training is your next step! For now, use this final offering in my Dharma Awakening Series as a way to clarify and solidify you deepest desires and knowing. Use it to refine and deepen the trust in your unique life path. Dharmic Step #5 Part 1 Every good thing that has happened in your life happened because something changed. Are you having trouble moving forward with your next dharmic steps? Are you confused, lacking motivation, feeling anxious, overwhelmed or uncertain? Maybe you are feeling a lack of hope and possibility- or that you don't know what your next action steps should be? If your path is feeling impossible, not realistic, or out of reach, then this podcast is for you! If finances, time and energy are keeping you from taking action steps towards your dreams and visions, your desires and goals, then listen up! This podcast is ideal for you. In the podcast below, I share an EFT tapping sequence to help you quiet the "noise" of your stories, old programming and limiting beliefs. Use it as a way to turn the volume down on your intense mental body stories, as well as the emotions that are invoked as a result. Before you can start creating and manifesting your potent, powerful path, you need to clear a few more cobwebs and get your feelings more aligned with hope, possibility and your deepest desires. This podcast will prepare you for the final Creative Ritual in this Dharma Awakening Series. EFT tapping sequence for creating hope and possibility: Dharmic Step # 5 Part 2 Clarifying Your Dharma. Turning Dreams into Reality. I encourage you to look over your notes, journaling and your images from the previous Dharma Awakening steps. Recall your dance, movement exploration, and what you've encountered along the way. The past few podcasts likely have helped you identify some of what is missing in your life, what you want and what you need. Likely emotions have surfaced and pieces of your dharmic struggle have emerged that seem to be holding you back. These are your shadows! Ready for you to work with them intentionally and with purpose. Remember, your shadows, obstacles and challenges are all directly pointing towards your dharma and life purpose! They are valuable resources! You can recycle the previous steps in this Dharma series multiple times (and I encourage you to do so) in order to go deeper and peel back another layer of your process. Simultaneously, I hope these steps have increased your desire, your yearning and invited in hope and possibility. Revisit your list of passions. What do you love? What stirs your heart and being? What makes you come alive? When you read your list, notice the sensations in your body and the gentle feelings of joy that might arrive. Attend gently to these moments of sensation and feelings. Even if they are small and fleeting. It's this sensation and feeling level that I want you to hold onto. To cultivate a deeper relationship with. Create with it and cultivate it tenderly. Guard it and hold it dear. Use this final Creative Ritual, to deepen and cultivate more presence with your dharma. Allow your dharmic vision to come alive! 1) Creating Your Dharma. Get out your drawing pad and craypas. Create an image of your dharma, fully realized and activated. Maybe this feels impossible, but try anyway. If you feel stuck, pick a color and just start running it across your paper. Notice carefully what begins to emerge within you. What colors, images, textures and shapes express your dharma? Let that gentle sensation that arrived from reading your passion list carry you through this activity. Keep returning to the list, adding to it if you need to, and creating an image that expresses the feelings you receive from looking at your passion list. Get into this and let yourself play, fully arriving into the reality of joy and passion. Let this image serve as your reminder, your dharmic map. Hang it up on your wall and let it inspire your action steps. Be sure to title your image. Once your image is complete, let it answer this question: If your image could speak to you, what would it say? Take 20-30 minutes for this unless you feel like extra time would serve you. 2) Activating Your Dharma. The next step requires the physical integration of this joy and passion. Moving it from the imaginal realms, and letting it become a recognized, physical sensation in the body. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Look at your image and let a certain part of your drawing attract your attention. Let a color, shape, or image draw you in. This is your starting point. Begin to move this part of your drawing with your body. Let your body move in response to the image. Develop your dance using the intention of increasing awareness, activation of your desires, and the sensation of joy and passion. This is both an activation of your desires, as well as an exploration of your body's messages and sensations. Invite in the information. Remember, you are activating your dharmic map! Let this be your intention. As your timer rings, hold the shape of your body, as though you are a statue. Let a word or phrase come to you that describes your statue. Declare this! Take at least 20 minutes for your dance. 3) Harvesting and Planting Seeds. Once you have completed your image and your movement exploration, it's time for some harvesting and further activation. Answer these baseline statements in your journal separately: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. Circle one of these baseline statements that speaks to you most loudly. Create an action step for yourself that will help you honor and activate this sensation. How does this aligns with your passion list? If your statement is "I feel joy", then affirm that you will take an action step that creates more joy for yourself, perhaps doing something on your passion list for example. Clearly identify an action step and then make a doable goal with it. Such as "I will work in my garden once a week which makes me feel joyful." Write your goal down on a piece of paper. Now, look at your image, recall your dance exploration, and read your baseline statements once again. How does your action step and goal align with the dharmic vision you have created? Remember you can recycle this process again and again, finding different options for yourself (which I encourage you to do). Keep exploring and taking these action steps. Let your passions be your focus and set an intention for at minimum, once a week (daily is best), working directly with these sensations you've uncovered in this process. Let them motivate you. Remember, these sensations are like seeds. Tend to them gently, honor and nourish them. You are well on your way to creating your dharma. Step by step! Share with me below your experiences and questions! Are you a motivated sensitive gifted women ready to boldly create the life of your dreams? If you are ready to create a potent life using your unique and precious gifts, you are ready for my Dharma Leadership Training for Women! JOIN MY EMBODIED DHARMA TRIBE- A LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR SENSITIVE GIFTED WOMEN. |
Live Your Life Purpose. Share Your Unique Gifts and Wisdom. Touch Lives in Meaningful Ways. Make More Money Doing What You Love. Book A Free Dharma Coaching Session |