Basic Grief Support {Quarterly Payments}
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Basic Grief Support {A Journey Into Heart and Spirit} $569 Three quarterly payments. You save almost $100 dollars. Your first payment enrolls you in the course. Payments are due on the 25th of every month. October 2016, January 2017 and April 2017. This first payment is also a declaration of your commitment to complete the entire course.
Refunds and Returns: I do not offer returns or refunds on products and services. I consider payment an agreement between two people that sets an intention for mutual growth. My work is offered as a resource to support your path and to help you deepen your inner awareness. By purchasing my Membership, you are saying yes to your personal growth and development. Use the resources I offer to support your process. I welcome your feedback and I'm here to support your journey in any way I can!
Refunds and Returns: I do not offer returns or refunds on products and services. I consider payment an agreement between two people that sets an intention for mutual growth. My work is offered as a resource to support your path and to help you deepen your inner awareness. By purchasing my Membership, you are saying yes to your personal growth and development. Use the resources I offer to support your process. I welcome your feedback and I'm here to support your journey in any way I can!