The week starts with a Moon that is still very full, in the first tithi of the waning cycle, and in its own sign of Cancer. This fullness will carry us through the week. Keep your focus on what you are filling your container with as the Moon empties over the coming days. Monday, January 5th Today’s Intention: Think big! If you can dream it, you can create it. Moon transits Gemini and Punarvasu Nakshatra and still is very full. It moves into the first tithi, beginning the waning process, yet is still brimming with light and a sense of wholeness. As Moon shifts into its own sign of Cancer later in the day, a new sense of wholeness is exemplified. The creativity and connectivity of Gemini transitions into an emotional body centered awareness that carries us through tomorrow. The ruling deity of Punarvasu is Aditi, who offers us expansive qualities in order to enlarge our capacity to hold wisdom and enlarge our container. Let her softness, her nurturing, and her unity consciousness offer gifts as you keep your focus on filling yourself with nourishment. With Mars newly in Aquarius, a Saturn ruled air sign, we get an intense focus on ingenuity and innovation. Let this placement help you in the coming weeks create new and improved containers of nourishment for your self. If you need something different, now is the time to dream and scheme and put your desires into action. Think outside the box, but don’t forget to implement your efforts with strong, clear action steps. Moon shifts into its own sign, Cancer, at 17:24 CST, and our focus moves from mental body to emotional body. Use this time to get heart centered as the chest and ribcase, the heart and fourth chakra, are the ultimate container of life. Moon moves into Pushya nakshatra at 23:55 CST. Tuesday, January 6th Today’s Intention: Open up your channels and direct the flow. Moon transits its own sign, Cancer, with retrograde Jupiter, while in Pushya nakshatra. Moon and Jupiter receive direct gaze (drishti) from the highly creative planets, Mercury and Venus, who are now transiting Capricorn. They also receive gaze from Ketu, the planet of illumination and restructuring. Today brings a sense of heightened pressure and intensity, and yet the underlying sense is one of comfort and support. Allow the pressure to magnify what you need on a very fundamental level. Let yourself be cracked open so that the light can enter through these cracks. This is where you can access a new sense of depth and awakening. Be creative and invite in ingenuity. This is a time of radical change and finding new options and solutions for our greatest needs. Get open to receive, though it will likely come from some inner pressure. Venus moves into Sravana nakshatra at 14:28 CST and Vishnu begins to help us with our expansion process and our dharmic alignment. It will be through creativity, however, that we can maximize this expansion process. Be intentional with your creativity, the creative flow, and your attention to your inner power. Shakti begins to flow more rapidly now, but only if your channels are open. Work with my Creative Rituals and get embodied. Wednesday, January 7th Today’s Intention: Don’t get lost in your illusions and don’t forget to look in the mirror. Moon shifts into Ashlesha nakshatra at 02:15 am CST, and becomes closely conjunct Jupiter also in Ashlesha. This is a lunar star that is ruled by Mercury and Sarpa, a small snake associated with shadows and illusions. Our focus for today should be on expansion, but at what cost? Be cognizant of over drive and over doing it. Bringing awareness to your motivation can go a long way in helping you expand consciousness around your needs. What is the underlying need with your expansion desires? What needs are not currently being met? Let these answers point the way to what types of nourishment you need to feed yourself with. Be aware that the mental body and its illusions will be running the show. Illusions or imagination? Allow the imagination to assist your creation process but don't get lost in them. As Mercury moves into Sravana today at 11:34 am CST, the themes of expansion are intensified and heightened within the mental body. Both Venus and Mercury are in Vishnu's domain now. Mercury stays in Sravana for an extended period of time as he continues to move through this nakshtra, then retrogrades on January 21st, moving in reverse, back through this lunar constellation. Even after he goes direct on February 11th, we will experience Mercury briefly jumping back into Sravana on his way back through Capricorn. This cycle brings an opportunity for us to work for our dreams, our goals, and our desires in a very strategic and constructive way. It will take effort for us to expand, but it will be worth the effort we put in. Don’t neglect the intensity level, as Rahu will be giving his gaze to Mercury all the while. We may find ourselves pushing way too hard, over working and over achieving. The trick will be to expand, while maintaining a graceful balance with our physical body needs, in order to keep the mental body and emotional bodies more balanced and harmonious. If you can do it right now, you can do it in the future. Thursday, January 8th Today’s Intention: Ask the ancestors and ye shall receive. Moon jumps into Leo and Magha nakshatra at 04:57 am CST, igniting Sun energy and the sparks of Ketu. Magha is fierce and severe and ruled by Pitr, a nakshatra that expresses itself through the ancestors, lineage matters and especially the father. This is a day ruled over by masculine energy so use the power and force diligently and consciously. Channel the energy and power of the day in a way that allows you to get the biggest bang for your buck. Maximize by channeling your actions intentionally. Clean, purify and clarify. Ask the ancestors to support your efforts. Friday, January 9th Today’s Intention: Let your shakti out! Moon moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra at 07:57 am CST, and creative fertility is unleashed. Let in the power of your creative energy today and turn up the dial so you can truly feel the effects. Working directly with my creative rituals- which bridge both art, creativity and embodiment- will help you maximize your efforts, and open your creation channels. The more open your creative channels, the more you can increase your manifestation capabilities. Very small channels, will offer very little results. The Phalguni stars are highly fertile, which allows for seeds to be planted for a very rich harvest. Work intentionally with your goals and aspirations and don’t neglect your powerful creation abilities. My Essentials of Manifestation Workshop is now available on my website, which is an ideal resource for making your 2015 truly amazing. With Mars and Saturn giving their gaze directly to the Moon in Leo over the next few days, we get a strong stop and go experience. We will feel big yes’s and big no’s. Pay attention to what is working and what is not. Wherever Saturn says “no”, you need to surrender more deeply and create a stronger container for holding. However, this Saturn Mars combination can also offer us very structured and powerful steps forward if we work with this energy effectively. Only put energy into the most vital needs right now. Don't get scattered. Saturday, January 10th Today’s Intention: Branch out and grow. Reach towards your own sweet nectar. Moon shifts into the latter half of Phalguni, Uttaraphalguni nakshatra, at 11:04 am CST. This star is ruled by Aryaman and the Sun. Sun is currently transiting a nakshatra ruled by Venus and the Water Goddess, Apas, which heightens the creativity of the Sun right now. There is an increased potency today with all things creative, all things love, and all relationship matters. Let fluidity and flow be a primary resource for you and try to keep this theme alive today in mental, emotional and physical bodies. The symbol of the Phalguni stars is a fig tree. Purvaphalguni is the young tree, while Uttaraphalguni is symbolized by an older fig tree. This symbolizes the growth, fertility and ripeness of each star at different phases of life. Figs are known for their sweetness and their aphrodisiac qualities. They nourish and balance with their inner nectar. This is the nature of the Phalguni stars. Use today for growth, sweetness, nourishment and fulfillment. Take necessary steps to create what you want to grow more of in your life. Moon jumps into Virgo at 17:51 CST, joining Rahu here and receives drishti from Ketu and Mars. Sunday, January 11th Today’s Intention: Keep on the sunny side of life. Sun shifts into UttaraAshada nakshatra at 01:03 am CST, inviting in the Vishvadevas assistance and support. They help us maintain our goodness, righteousness and keep us striving for self improvement. They keep us working towards honesty, truth and a noble character. Sun supports this process quite naturally which is why it rules over this nakshatra. We get a double dose of this illumination as Sun transits through the domain of this nakshtra in the coming weeks. Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra at 14:08 and Savitr enters with his dawning of light and awareness. Today, find ways to let the light enter. We may find it extra challenging, but remember that where the heat and intensity are, these are the places that need your diligent attention and intention. Use your a three level check in to help you identify your needs, then give yourself exactly what you need through self care nourishment. Recite Gayatri Mantra to assist you with lighting your inner lamp. Monday, January 12th Moon continues to transit Hasta nakshatra until 16:54 CST and then moves into Chitra, having crossed directly over Rahu. Work diligently with your shadows today and don’t let them get away with their mayhem. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
New Moon is Monday morning and then Moon begins its waxing cycle this week. Saturn and Mars are still in very tight conjunction, causing frustration with our stop and start energetics, confusion and agitation. These two opposing forces begin to separate later this week, helping us gain a new sense of balance.
Last chance to sign up for my Be Your Gift Workshop! Doors close for good Tuesday at midnight. Monday, August 25th Today's Intention: Empty, let go and release. Rest and relax. Find simple ways to self care. Ask the ancestors for guidance. New Moon today at 09:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. Moon is conjunct Sun (also in Magha) and Mercury, also in Leo. Magha nakshatra is ruled by Ketu, the southern lunar node responsible for restructuring and cutting attachments. The deity that presides over Magha is Pitr, who is connected to the ancestors, lineage and karma. There is authority here and sometimes ego and arrogance can arise if not checked with awareness. We are effected by seven generations before us, and we effect the seven generations to come. It is an important part of Magha, to be conscious and aware of these effects, how our ancestors and lineage play into our own life experience and what the fate of our lineage will be as a result of our own actions. Magha and Pitr are reminders to create powerful and effective karmas that leave lasting, positive results for generations to come. We may ask ourselves during Magha what our legacy is and what actions we need to take in order to create a strong legacy. This new Moon gets sparks of imagination and can fuel our desires for future actions. Let intention be a strong guiding force in the coming weeks and listen intently to your solar power, your gut instincts and your inner light. Get creative, get bold, and take strong action steps towards your desires. What are the big goals you are moving towards and what actions need to happen in order to make this happen? With Sun in its own Sign right now, we can all make some hay while the Sun shines and get some lasting results because of it. Get ambitious, think big and shine your light. Your efforts will pay off- especially if they please the ancestors. Read the New Moon Wisdom and what this new Moon offers us in the coming cycle as well as a new Moon Creative Ritual for the ancestors. Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada at 19:28 CDT, joining Mercury there. Spend the evening relaxing and enjoying simple pleasures. Tuesday, August 26th Today's Intention: Plant your seeds of desire and seek comfort in simple, satisfying actions. Connect and co-create with others. Moon transits Purvabhadrapada today, enlivening Bhaga and Venus. Moon joins Mercury in this nakshatra, so look for mental body activation as well. Bhaga is connected to enjoyment, pleasure, love and affection. His domain is sexuality and sensuality and that which sparks fun and play within our relationships. The symbol here is the back half of a bed- another association of pleasure, rest, leisure and comfort. Luck, fortune and destiny are part of Bhaga's offerings. The mind may be spinning its wheels. Desires, cravings and wants may intensify and feel overwhelming. Material pleasures and gains may feel daunting, unavailable or under nourishing. Keep the faith. Make plans. Take a symbolic action step towards your goals and desires. The Moon is still empty and dark. Plant your seeds now. Seek the support of a trusted friend for guidance and support. Self care to soothe your self with creativity. Have you done my Creative Ritual for the new Moon yet? Moon moves to Uttaraphalguni at 22:19 CDT. Last chance to sign up for my Be Your Gift Workshop! Doors close for good Tuesday at midnight. Wednesday, August 27th Today's Intention: Be sharp, one pointed and direct today. Goals are attainable if you aim and take targeted action. Moon moves to Virgo at 5:00 am CDT, joining Rahu there and receiving drishti from Ketu. Moon transits Uttaraphalguni, the latter half of the Phalguni stars ruled by Aryaman and the Sun. Aryaman is also one of the Adityas (as is Bhaga) who rules over support and sustenance on the material plane of existence. Unlike Bhaga, however, Aryaman rules lasting parts of our relationships- the parts that are time tested and long term. Prosperity is gifted from the ripening of time, not immediately. The Phalguni stars are associated with fertility, fruits, progeny, creativity, flowers and colors. Today enhances sharpness and quickness as well as sudden shifts and changes. Let sparks of imagination fly but be conscious of your shadows. Mind is poised and ready to fire. What is your target? Be very intentional with your actions. Thursday, August 28th Today's Intention: Spark something! Open windows wide and let your heart sing its truth. Tensions start to ease a bit as Saturn and Mars are now over two degrees apart. Mars is moving towards its own sign of Scorpio. Look for some resolutions, clarity and release now. Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra at 00:58 CDT, activating Savitr and its ruling planet, the Moon. Hasta invites in an ability to expand, learn and grow with wisdom, the light of knowledge and intuitive insight. Let Savitr help you invoke tools of wisdom and flourishing. Recite Gayatri Mantra to awaken magic and inspire the dawning of light within you. What new insights are enlivened for you today? Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥtát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃbhárgo devásya dhīmahidhíyo yó naḥ prachodáyāt Mercury becomes sandhi and moves to the edge of Leo. Friday, August 29th Today's Intention: Take effective action and use your creative skills. Build the life of your dreams by setting your visions into goals, your goals into actions. Prosperity comes with plans and actions. Moon moves to Chitra nakshatra at 03:19 am CDT, joining Rahu in this star. Just after Moon shifts into Chitra, Mercury jumps signs and moves into Virgo, its sign of exaltation, at 04:55 am CDT. This transit will either be expansive and worldly or wrought with confusion, mental exhaustion and shadowed intelligence. Stay out of the mental body mire and be diligent with your 3 level check ins and harvesting process. Artists, use the coming 3 weeks for creative brilliance. Business minds, expand your entrepreneurial focus and think big. This is a building phase that can leave lasting results that offer big rewards. Pay attention to opportunities, or make them your self. Right now, as Mercury moves into Virgo and adjusts, it will be sandhi through the weekend. Let the liminality of the mind provide room for dreams and visions to take root. Vishvakarma and Mars enliven and offer a sense of building, planning and plotting "next steps" and "best practices" for our efforts. Vishvakarma is the divine architect, the chief artist and architect of the gods. It is through Vishvakarma that we gain skill and then gain subsistence as a result of using our skills. The action is an important part, as is indicated in the word karma and the ruler, Mars, the chief of action. As Moon moves closer to Rahu, the tendency to be overwhelmed intensifies. Work backwards and be timely with your actions. Too many irons in the fire? Scattered and feeling ineffective? Prioritize. Circle the top five most important things on your to-do list and take action accordingly. Moon moves to Libra at 16:21 CDT, joining Mars and Saturn there. Today is Ganesha Chaturti, the celebrated birthday of the elephant god who is able to remove obstacles and offer wisdom, prosperity and good fortune to his devotees. Jai Ganesha!! Saturday, August 30th Today's Intention: Where am I detaching out of habit and where am I detaching out of necessity? How can I be more conscious of my inner and outer landscape even while in constant flux and change? Moon transits Libra with exalted Saturn and Mars, moving into Swati nakshatra at 05:16 am CDT. Thankfully Mars and Saturn are separating now and Mars inches towards the edge of Libra, toward Scorpio. With Mercury exalted in Virgo, we now have three planets exalted (Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury) and Sun in its own sign of Leo. It is another powerful and poignant moment in the cosmos. Make use of it with thoughtful actions! Swati nakshatra is ruled by Vayu, the wind god, and Rahu. Movement, change, shifts, strength and power are at our disposal today. As wind is not grounded, there is a sense of lack of attachment. This can translate within us as aloofness and an inability to express emotions. Be sure to do a 3 level check in and harvesting process today. Don't cut and paste over your felt senses. Harvest and explore your inner landscape. Get clear on what you need so that you can aim your actions accordingly. Venus moves to the edge of Cancer and becomes sandhi today. Soften and open to your creative needs, relationship needs and what your heart requests. Listen carefully. Sunday, August 31st Today's Intention: Nourish yourself well. Make an offering to the gods at your altar and ask for their blessings. Feed your self well today and let this be an offering to your god Self. Digest and transform the nutrients in your life. Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 06:41 am CDT, joining exalted Saturn and Mars in this nakshatra. Indra and Agni are the dual rulers of this star as well as the planet Jupiter. Indragni, remind us that often two are better than one. This dual god also reminds us that hierarchy is necessary at times, and that co-creation is imperative for life and well being. Indragni sit at the portal opening (the altar or the mouth) and help the offerings we make to the gods transform into nourishment for the gods. When the gods are nourished, they grant us nourishment in return. This is a metaphor for self-nourishment and feeding ourselves well. Through Indragni, our food is digested and transformed into life giving power and sustenance. Moon conjuncts Saturn exactly around 12:30 CDT. Attending to the physical body is essential today. Use somatic intelligence to navigate your inner landscape. Later in the evening, Moon conjuncts Mars exactly around 20:30 CDT. Work with your emotions, anger and frustrations consciously. Use my Saturn and Mars MP3's for assistance. And don't neglect your 3 level check in and harvesting process. Venus moves into Leo at 16:26 CDT, joining Sun there in its own sign and jumping into Magha nakshatra. Look for clues in the coming ten days about your relationship needs and how to be in relationship effectively. Make changes, recalibrate, let go. Listen to the ancestors for clues and messages. Connect with others through the internet. Short interactions will be more supported at this time. Be prepared to cut and clear and also restructure who and how you connect to others. Be bold. Need support and some extra guidance for your Path? Schedule a coaching session with me. Like this post? Please share it! Want more creative resources? Sign up for my newsletter. Moon Mind :::
2.18 Moon transits Virgo in Hasta nakshatra today. Ruled by Savitr and the Moon itself, this nakshatra has to do with "waking up" and the dawning of consciousness within. Hasta is also connected to the hands and helps us enliven the magic that courses through them, often resulting in art, creativity, healing work, and heightened intuitive awareness. Savitr is someone you want near by. Invoke him with the Gayatri Mantra. There can be a sense of urgency today that requires "getting things done". Retrograde Mercury has now re-entered Capricorn and receives drishti from Mars here. These two planets can bring a combination of agitation, overwhelm and frustration at times. Hit the pause button when you notice your breath is being cut off or held in. Pause. Breathe. Repeat. Moon Mind :::
Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th Moon transits Virgo in Hasta nakshatra where Mercury is (newly exalted). Hasta is ruled by the Moon and Savitr and is connected to the dawn, waking up, self-realization, creative expression and the healing arts, working with the hands and the gifts that come from working with the hands. Reciting Gayatri Mantra is especially helpful today- especially if you are experiencing emotional/mental issues. Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt Moon moves to Chitra nakshatra to at 21:59 CDT and stays there until 21:59 CDT tomorrow evening. Chitra is ruled by Mars (debilitated currently in Cancer) and ruled by Vishvakarma. Use tonight and the greater part of tomorrow for building, planning, strategizing, finding solutions, and for implementing creative endeavors. It is an especially good time for linking the creative arts with the emotions. If you haven't already created your New Moon Mandala from the Creative Engagement homework, now is a great time. If you have your mandala finished, why not take this into the next step? Write three action steps based on your new list of creative desires. Implement one of these steps this weekend. Find this week's CE homework here: *Technically Ganesha Chaturthi {Birthday of Ganesh} has started already here in the US at 6:19 am CDT with the sukla chaturthi (4th tithi of waxing moon). This ten day celebration will end on the 17th. I will share more in my horoscopes/updates using Monday the 9th (India time) as the start date for the festivities. Jai Ganesha* Moon Mind :::
Tuesday, 8.20 Moon spends the majority of the day in Capricorn in Dhanishta nakshatra but moves to Aquarius at 13:58 CDT. Dhanishta is ruled by Vasudeva and the planet Mars, while Moon will be transiting the 15th tithi, ruled by Saturn. Tuesday is the day of Mars. We get an energetic mix that requires care, sensitivity and patience. Watch for excessive emotion- especially anger. Be careful with cars and while driving. Be mindful of women and your relationships with them. Take time for self care. Full Moon is in Aquarius on 8.20 at 20:44 CDT and will be in Dhanishta nakshatra. Use this time to shine and be seen, but don't be surprised if it is on an introverted level. Emotions can run amok so guard your sensitivity and need for sacred space if necessary. This is a day for Vasudeva's mantra: Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya |
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