Body-centered Vedic Guidance for soul purpose clarity and business prosperity.
15 Ways to Attract New Clients ~ For Creative, Spiritual Women Who Don't Like Sales
1) Create a new opt-in This is a free list building technique that is essential for growing your newsletter list. You know what your client is struggling with and you know their challenges. You know what they are moving away from and what they are moving towards.
Create a tool that supports them with a challenge or problem they are moving away from, or solutions and outcomes they are moving towards. Get creative and have fun with this. Remember, this is an opportunity to share your gifts and tools. Don't give away too much, but keep this resource valuable. Make it look appealing and attractive. Make sure you have a solid CTA (Call To Action) in your freebie. This opt-in should move people from your list into another smaller offer, a session, or another action step that gives them results.
2) Collaboration Collaborations can be as easy as asking a cohort to teach with you, share your offerings, promote you, or interview you. Return the favor and find ways to create together. Collaborate with someone you adore, think highly of, relate to, and has a client base that is in alignment with your offerings.
Collaborations should be mutually beneficial. Remember this is a list building opportunity. Be sure you have a solid CTA and you share the next logical step with the audience so they can get further results. This could be a session with you, an opt-in, an event you are promoting. It could even be a FB group you want them to join for more resources.
3) Reach out to podcasts and ask to be interviewed Is there a podcast, radio show, or a thought leader you follow on IG or FB that inspires you? You already know what you move people away from and what you move them towards. You know the solutions and outcomes you provide. Create a short pitch that describes the topic you are excited to share and why you think it would be a good fit for their audience. Determine the right person to send it to and let go of attachments.
4) Reach out to past clients with a new offer Do you see a problem with past clients that you can help solve? Are old clients telling you that they still have the core issue they came to you with? Have past clients asked you for something specific, but you weren't ready to share it yet? These are reminders that there is a need or a challenge showing up.
Your job is to remind people what their challenges are, and how you can help them solve it. Create a new offering that solves the problem, gives relief or support, creates a positive outcome or change. Send personal emails to past clients letting them know you have this offer, these solutions, and your bold ask. "Do you still have this problem?!" Move as many people as you can into meetings and conversations to discuss their needs and provide your solution.
5) Check in with warm leads A warm lead is anyone already on a specific list or has expressed interest somehow in your offerings. These people have opted in to your list for a reason. They have showed their interest in your offerings because they want a solution. Your job is to provide that solution, result, or outcome that they want and need.
You may need to do some market research to clarify their need, but creating a new offering for these warm leads can lead to new clients. Ask your list what they need and be specific. You may want to send an email with the title "Quick Question" and then offer a poll or multiple choice so you get clear answers. Once you determine more specifically what the need is, and what they want, create a simple solution for them. You can also share personal emails with those who have expressed interest. Always move people into a meeting or conversation if you can.
6) Pitch to your newsletter list Do you have a new opt in, offer, sale, or a limited time promotion that you can share with your list? Be sure you are clearly stating what solution your offer provides. Clearly state your moving away/moving towards goal as well as up to six outcomes or solutions (transformations) you will provide. Share clearly the three part process that gives them these results. It should be clear what you are offering and how they sign up. Let your list know there are limited numbers available and have a very clear deadline when this offer will end.
7) Ask for referrals Send emails to past or current clients and ask them to send you referrals. Let them know what you are offering and that you have a certain number of spaces available right now. Give a deadline for this offer and make sure they get some gift for the referral. Offer them a free session if a referral signs up, or some discount.
8) Ask friends and family to share If your friends and family understand your gifts and offerings, reach out to them and let them know you are seeking new clients. See if they know anyone who could benefit from your offerings. Give a deadline and offer some gift to them for the referral. I do not recommend working with family or friends, but you may offer a thank you card, gift card, or perhaps treat them to a coffee or dinner as a thank you.
9) Post fliers locally Think outside the box and share your services at local brick and mortars. Create a simple yet appealing flier with proper contact information and share in places where your client might be hanging out. Be sure you are clearly stating what solution your offer provides and a small bio. Clearly state your moving away/moving towards goal as well as several outcomes or solutions (transformations) you provide.
Share your three steps that will guarantee these results. It should be clear what you are offering and how they sign up for more information. You can ask business owners for permission to share your flier and see if they will post it more prominently for you. You can use this same outline for sharing your offering on social media, FB groups, and online events as well.
10) Host a local event Create an offering that provides a solution to one of the problems that your ideal client has. Seek out a local venue to share your class, workshop, or lecture. Ask local yoga studios, cafes, dance studios, or galleries if they would offer their space to you. You may already know of a community space that is available for events. This will take some promotion both offline and online, but it can be a very personal way to connect with your local communities. Post in local FB groups and share your event regularly. You can also create a FB event and share it that way.
11) Workshop or mini course- online or offline/paid or free Similar to hosting a local event, you can create an offering that happens over the course of one day or many- depending on what best supports the results you want to provide. A one day workshop can give wonderful results, as well as a three day event, warming people up to your bigger offerings.
A mini course can also be a self-paced, pre-recorded offering that drips out content step by step. This gives people the opportunity to do the work in their own time and opt in online. Be sure you are clear on why you are offering these solutions and how you are moving someone into a paying client.
12) Put together a new offering and reach out to those who specifically need it You see someone in a FB group with a specific need or you meet someone who is asking for a solution you provide. You overhear someone at a cafe share their needs or desires. You have past clients or warm leads that have expressed their needs and desires for a specific type of support. Reach out to specific people who have very specific needs. If you know you have solution for them, create an offering just for them!
13) Post and share in public FB groups FB group are still a great way to build your list, get opt-ins, share your offerings, make specific pitches. You will need to be crafty and know the group rules before you post. You can target local FB groups or global groups. Share a catchy question and ask for responses. Private message all the likes and comments with your opt-in or offerings. These are not yet warm leads so be careful what you offer them. It needs to be something simple to get them in the door. Always make sure you are moving them onto your newsletter list. Then you can move them into a larger offering once they are warm.
14) DM people in your own group, public FB groups, or on Instagram Direct message people in your own FB group or public groups you are a part of. You can also message people who follow you on IG. Share your opt in or event- which should be a simple solution they need. Share who this is for and the solution it provides. Make sure it's easy for them to opt in. Keep your message short and to the point, as well as personable. Stay away from salesy pitches.
15) Create a 5 Day Challenge- either free or paid A challenge can be a great way to gather momentum, offer solutions, and give step by step instructions for very specific outcomes. Clarify what solution you are providing and why. Create five super simple steps that can deliver a clear result. Make sure this solution is relevant to your main offering. Remember, this is a super stripped away version of your main offering. This makes it much easier to move someone into a paying client because you can easily share benefits of a longer process and more guidance.
Free challenges are different than paid challenges so play around with both options. A free challenge may not offer super qualified leads, but may create warm leads. A paid challenge requires a minimal fee for participation. The benefit of a small fee for a five day challenge is a possibility of more qualified leads. You can advertise your challenge in FB groups, with FB events, through private messages, and of course across all your social channels.
Every single one of these options requires that your offering is clear.
You must know the solutions you provide, and the problems you solve.
You must also make a bold ask- in order to move people into conversations with you, then into your offering. This is where a new client becomes possible.
Do you notice a common theme with all of these ideas?
They require that you speak up, take bold steps, clearly communicate, express yourself, and use your voice.
If you are having challenges gathering new clients, you likely have some resistance with using your voice and communicating boldly and clearly.
Notice: Which one of these ideas above feels the easiest to you? Which one of these ideas feels the most challenging for you?
Do you tend towards passive steps or bold steps that are out of your comfort zone?
Remember that new types of action steps will yield very new and different results.
Every dharmic business (spiritual business) has challenges and struggles.
Really. You are not alone in this.
Do you know how to overcome the challenges your soul business is facing? What do you do when you encounter discouragement, uncertainty, overwhelm, anxiety, nasty clients, lack of cash flow, self doubt, burn out, fear of being more visible? Or all of the above?
Whether you are just starting your dharmic business or you are years down the road, the way you navigate the challenges on your path will determine your success or failure.
Remember the number one way to succeed is DO NOT GIVE UP!
Your dharmic business is special. You and your gifts are special. Your path and your offering are special. You must go into business with NO Plan B! Make the decision today that you will succeed no matter what. Trust your process, keep showing up, and do not give up!
One of the main reasons most small businesses fail within the first five years is that most business owners do not know how to overcome the inevitable (and countless) challenges a business will face in its lifetime. This also includes personal development work, shadow work and mindset. Remember that your dharmic business requires both- the spiritual and material.
The challenges of a dharmic business (sharing your soul purpose) are also unique and not the same challenges a regular business will face.
The Challenges Your Dharmic Business Experiences Will Likely Be In One of These Areas:
1) Self Development. When you aren't fully looking at your own shadow, shortcomings, inner blockages, or past trauma, you will keep encountering the same resistance and fears over and over again. This inevitably leads to self sabotage or creating unconscious limitations in some way.
2) Lack Of Systems Or Improper Systems. If you don't have the proper systems in place, growth will be irregular, boundaries will be leaky, sustaining your energy and offerings will be impossible. Using improper systems will trick you into thinking you have what you need, while ultimately offering little to no results.
3) Cash Flow Issues: Without a consistent and continual focus on money generating activities in your business, you will face constant ups and downs, stops and starts with cash flow. If you aren't making good money sharing your gifts and wisdom in this world, you will eventually get depleted and give up. Without making good money, sharing your gifts, wisdom and brilliance in this world won't be sustainable.
4) Resisting Support and Guidance. If you want to get better at anything you must have support. This is the biggest failure I watch dharmic businesses make. Resisting or refusing support, thinking you can figure it out on your own, will not only stunt your personal growth and will jeopardize the success of your business. It's vital to get the proper business support as well as personal development support- so the inner matches the outer in your dharmic business.
5) Lack of Clarity With Your Offering: When you don't trust yourself and your path, it will show. Your offering will be weak, unclear, unfocused. If you don't love your offering, no one else will either!
Are you facing any of these challenges in your business right now? What steps are you taking to overcome these challenges or obstacles? What is working? What isn't?
12 Strategies to Create A Thriving Six Figure Business - Even in A Pandemic and Challenging Economy
1) Do Your Inner Work and Use Your Tools. Be diligent with your fear and transform it consciously. Fear creates contraction in the body and it will not keep you creative, innovative, or inspirational. Commit to showing up for yourself and your body every day. Transform the fear and create more joy daily.
2) Get Innovative. What are the needs showing up for your clients? Focus on the needs and challenges they are facing and find the solutions that will most benefit them right now. Not sure what your clients need right now? Ask! Share a quick survey or ask people to share their needs with you via a poll.
3) Educate. Most people are feeling challenges, but they don't even know why. Your job is to help them identify their challenges and find the solutions they need to get results. This requires education. Share resources, tools, insights, guidance and information that will help them identify their challenges and transform them into solutions and results.
4) Create A New Platform for Sharing. If you do not already have an online offering, now is the time to make the shift. You are late, but you can still catch up! How can you educate, support, gather, connect, communicate, and share in new ways- using an online platform? Socials, FB groups, Zoom, and your website are all vital platforms. Why not try a new private network like Disciple or Mighty Network and branch out into new terrain? If you have brick and mortar business, get creative! What products, services, and tools can be shared through an online offering?
5) Newsletter. If you do not already have a newsletter, you don't actually have a business. Sorry, but it's true. Your newsletter is the most vital tool there is for communicating with clients and customers. Get your newsletter up and running ASAP! If you have a newsletter list already, use it. Communicate, educate, share and connect with your customers so they know what you are offering.
6) Get Creative. Now, more than ever, it's time to think outside the box and step up your creativity! Diversify your offerings, try something new, focus on solutions and the outcomes you want for your clients, and offer products that meet their needs. The needs will likely be the same as before, but more intense. This means the opportunity for people to take action and get results is even higher. Remember to educate them.
7) Strengthen Your Best Offerings. This is probably not the best time to launch a big, new offering. Wait on big launches and hold off on fresh launches of new products. However, it's a great time to focus on strengthening your most potent offering. You already know what your best product and offering is, so put your attention there and maximize it. Strengthen your education around what you know people already want and the solution that you can provide.
8) Communicate. It may seem obvious, but without effective communication, no one will hear you or notice you. Communication is always vital for your business, but right now you need to be more effective and strategic with your out reach. Use socials, your newsletter, FB groups, and your blog to communicate effectively. Focus on places your people gather and connect. Where are they getting their resources? How can you support them with their needs right now? Be consistent- which means daily outreach and connection.
9) Reconnect and Connect in New Ways. Now is the time to reach out to past clients and customers and remind them you are here. Let them know they can jump on the phone for a free chat, or that you have a gathering coming up. Ask current clients to reach out to their friends for you and share a special promotion with all of them. Create incentives, special promotions, discounts and make it easy for people to step up. Know your pricing, what you need, and don't undersell yourself!
10) Go Local. Reach out to local businesses and see what they are offering. Maybe you can collaborate or join forces somehow? Co-create and connect with others who are sharing resources your clients need and find ways to do out reach together. Maybe you can offer an online class or offering together? Share lists and share resources!
11) Focus On Solutions. Find the needs of your clients and focus on the solutions. Offer them free intro sessions with you, a free class, tool, gathering, or guidance that can introduce them to your solutions and offerings. Move them into one of your paid for offerings that will give them lasting results. Remember, having personal connection with you will always improve your sales. Focus on getting people onto the phone, into a chat, or any way that gives them personal attention with you.
12) Don't Burn Out. So often I meet healers, teachers, guides, etc who over give. It's a real problem especially when you are sharing your soul work. You are passionate about what you do and you know it helps people! That said, be mindful of your boundaries and know when you need to rest. You also need to be very clear about how much you can give for free, and how much you need to charge for your services. Giving too much for free helps no one- not even the clients you want to serve. If you are not well and thriving, no one will benefit from your offerings.
Need A Boost of Energy and Inspiration? Strengthen Your Spiritual Business With My Inspirational Podcast + Tapping Meditation
"Dearest Swati, I can’t thank you enough. I am so glad that I knew without even a breathe of hesitation to say yes to you. Through you I have truly learned what the difference is between a “meh” coach and an exceptional coach. And you Swati, are exceptional. Your commitment, devotion, care, compassion and enthusiasm to help woman unfold their gifts is without question your unique Dharmic calling. Never in my life have I truly felt like I have made an incredible shift from the scared, unconfident, anxiety ridden person I was only six months ago to the confident, gifted and wise woman that I now know that I am and for this I deeply thank you." - Wakenda Willingham, Dharma Mentorship client
"I am so grateful for all the support I received from the amazing group of women, and especially from Swati. It has been such a gift to have all the calls, prompts, checklists, templates, and guidance to keep me going and blossom into a dharma-preneur. I feel I have grown in so many ways! I've cultivated more self-kindness. Learned how to release shame. Tools to move past procrastination. Biz plan for new clients. Transforming perfectionism. Healed ptsd. Regained Self Trust. Healed psoriasis by releasing emotional inflammation. Embraced my niche (sensitive souls, emotional body). Let go of pressure to do traditional Ayurveda. More consistent daily action steps in my business to be visible and a leader. I trust I can heal and overcome any future obstacles and challenges because that is part of life." - T. H., Dharma Mentorship client
"Dear Swati, you have truly changed my life and I am sure many, many others! The work with you and our amazing tribe have helped me heal and finally find my very own path...Thank so much for being you and sharing your gifts!!!" - Andrea Böhm, Dharma Mentorship client
"Thank you for your support - every Dollar / EURO it’s worth it!" - Martha, Austria
"Things are feeling really good for me right now. I was on a national news show last week... I am definitely being called to step up and be seen right now! I am absolutely confident that the work we have done in the groups has brought this into alignment for me." - K. Grace, NZ
"Our three sessions have been the most powerful work I have done to date." - CC, USA
"Working with you has helped me to understand my sensitivities and how out of touch I have been with them. I am excited to discover what my life will look like as I start honoring my differences and leaning into the gifts they bring... feeling deep gratitude for you Swati. I have new hope for my future." - L. Mcknight, USA
"So grateful for the opportunity to work with you dear Swati! I have had so many insights but the most important has been becoming aware of my true needs, setting boundaries and gleaning key pieces of awareness by diving into the secrets of my vedic chart. Priceless." - G. Hiremath, USA
" I feel much more fulfilled by life and have my emotions in balance. I really enjoyed the tapping sessions and Vedic wisdom. I now have the ability to ask for what I need, to express my feelings and work with my dharma. I have grown immensely," - L. Satter, USA
"I definitely have felt more confident about discovering and living my true dharma. Your consistent returning to paradoxes and embracing the Shadow has opened me to these areas of my work; in yoga, Jyotish and psychology. I am more present and tuned in. You have kindled my creative spark." - S. Nix, USA
"You have been an invaluable support to me on my journey and I will cherish you in my heart always. Your teachings, wisdom and insights will continue to grow and evolve me."- J. Major, Australia
"I can not only access and accept my emotions, but am able to sit comfortably with them, even the "hard" ones, and celebrate the power of them. I recognize the beauty and benefit of having and leaning in to my emotions. I have grown in through the power of the changes that I have gone through in this time. The power of witnessing other people going through their process and the sense that I am not alone in my process. What I can learn from witnessing others. The ability to recognize emotions and needs. The ability to articulate them. I feel like I learned a lot from you about ways to access my emotional and spiritual body. I love your mirroring and insights. I feel much more confident to be strong in my emotional life and be present with my emotions. I think that the process that I am going through has been hard and would have been much harder and so much slower without your support and guidance. You display a lot of compassion and a willingness to understand that we are all starting from wherever we are. You don't display frustration when the progress is slow or we get stuck for a while. I like that you make it clear that this is hard work and not for everybody." - T. Foolery, USA
"The relationship with the challenge has entered a friendly connection, there is a great sense of acceptance and joy. Allowing the emotion, and body to speak. Being present with the experience. That in itself is a powerful and insightful tool. Listening, acceptance, being present with the emotion or feeling or part of the body... allow the wisdom to be reveal." - E. Muradian, Canada
"I’m better at observing my behaviors and triggers. And less willing to do what others want me to do if it doesn’t feel right. I Ioved the one on ones and the art therapy was very helpful and illuminating." - D, Gerrits, Canada
"Just how incredibly grateful I am for your ability to see straight into a situation or issue and find the pertinent place to plumb. Your business model — from funneling clients to automatic email responses — you've thought of every way to balance being responsive and honoring your energy needs. I'm inspired." - M. Speckler, USA
"I have come to understand and access the emotional body through the different tools and techniques shared through your supportive and nurturing work.Have the emotional break throughs as a male as this is not an easy or built in norm. But now knowing what this means as a way of navigating and blending into a life of feeling and connecting on all levels. I deeply appreciate your compassion, wisdom and clarity while being on your own tough journey. You cultivate an energy of trust and only deliver from your place of truth. Thank you for being a wonderful human being and choosing the path of a guide and healer." C. Smith, Australia
"The tools and words you shared with me are invaluable. This process and the skills to navigate the emotional body have accelerated the opening and realization of my dharmic path. Thank you Swati." - C. Pramuk, USA
"I'm much more comfortable with my needs, observing them, feeling ok with them, and speaking them. I'm also less fearful of how speaking up will be received. I'm more comfortable seeing challenges and failures as learning opportunities, or even as resources, and less fearful of making "mistakes." I appreciate our time together, and am leaving full of gratitude. I cherish the tools, skills, and lessons I've received and consider them invaluable." - I. Castro, USA
"I understand the roots, the patterns, and have experience with very powerful antidotes. I'm no longer fighting these parts of myself. I have experienced their gifts. The breakthroughs! My god, the breakthroughs. I have such a deep working relationship with jyotish, and also a therapeutic vocabulary to use with my clients as a result of being in a steady group and one-one process. I have moved through so much pain and heartache with your hand steady at my back. As a result of that clearing, as well as your guidance, I am such a better teacher. You have given me so much. I am deeply grateful for you, strongly connected to you, and I truly cherish our relationship." - S. Ramsower